How Would You Prefer To Handle Unit Design?

  • Just let the QM do it.

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • Just choose which techs to use.

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • Choose which techs and extra features to use limited by size, cost, and upkeep.

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • Choose individual (fictional) systems to equip units with. Limited by size, cost, upkeep, etc.

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • None of these.

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Yeah, defaulting is a dick move and dumb in the long run. We should just try to pay off our debts steadily while improving our civil infrastructure in both efficiency and durability so that our population will be more able to pursue the technological developments that should, ideally, form our tax base.

I.e. I want us to pursue housing.
Do we need to pay off the entirety of the debt, or just get it to a more normal level? Because in the entirety of its existence the US has been debt free for about one year.
I'm fine with not voiding foreign debt, but I'd rather do that than declare bankruptcy. We'll cross that bridge when we get there, but for now we don't have to.

Do we need to pay off the entirety of the debt, or just get it to a more normal level? Because in the entirety of its existence the US has been debt free for about one year.

We just have to make sure it can't rise to the point where we can't pay the interest. Which in of itself doesn't cause a game over, but it leads to us eventually growing the debt to the point that it exceeds our GDP which is either game over, or a very shitty forced Bankruptcy.
Do we need to pay off the entirety of the debt, or just get it to a more normal level? Because in the entirety of its existence the US has been debt free for about one year.
We need to get it to at most 300% level, better yet 200%. Otherwise we would be hard pressed to pay interest.
Do we need to pay off the entirety of the debt, or just get it to a more normal level? Because in the entirety of its existence the US has been debt free for about one year.
What Blonddude said, basically.
Debt is a normal and kind of healthy trait - to some degree a high amount of debt (if balanced by relatively high military power) is self-protective. No one is going to try to beat up someone who they invested a ton in. And no one is going to try to beat money out of someone who a) has a decent military, b) has a bunch of other debtors they'd be competing for capital seizure w/, and c) has been steadily paying out.

It's just that interest is undesirable unless it's getting us more taxes or reducing our expenditures.
We're doing good-ish. Just keep building up, keep things raising, keep prepping, cause events are bound to happen soon we don't like.

If we can get space mining going...
I would say we should improve production better factories mean more money and faster expansion of our forces.
So, next turn we'll have
-Two unrestricted actions
-One military action
-One financial action
-One R&D action

Assuming that all of our actions are the same (unlikely), I'd like to do the following:
[Unrestricted] XCOM Research Agreement (Double Down)
[Unrestricted] XCOM Training Agreement or Advanced Housing
-Start working on getting XCOM integrated, while also getting some of their bonuses. On a side note: I'd prefer not to use multi-turn diplo actions in the unrestricted slots.

[MIlitary] Conscription
[Financial] Postpone Debt Payments
[R&D] Advanced Production Or Orbitals or Advanced Housing
-Depends on whether Orbitals and Advanced Housing require additional research, or are unlocked actions in their own right.
So, next turn we'll have
-Two unrestricted actions
-One military action
-One financial action
-One R&D action

Assuming that all of our actions are the same (unlikely), I'd like to do the following:
[Unrestricted] XCOM Research Agreement (Double Down)
[Unrestricted] XCOM Training Agreement or Advanced Housing
-Start working on getting XCOM integrated, while also getting some of their bonuses. On a side note: I'd prefer not to use multi-turn diplo actions in the unrestricted slots.

[MIlitary] Conscription
[Financial] Postpone Debt Payments
[R&D] Advanced Production Or Orbitals or Advanced Housing
-Depends on whether Orbitals and Advanced Housing require additional research, or are unlocked actions in their own right.
orbitals, housing, etc all require additional research.
More territory huh? Very well. The only way to pay off this debt is to conquer to world! We can take over places we owe high debt to and pay off other countries that are not as bad. Win-Win in my book.

This will be like a War Economy! Like Metal Gear 4! What could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:

either that or we sell/rent territory/stuff, considering the amount of presence the US had in the world before the war and the amount of stuff we had abroad that almost certainly got 'confinscated' by the locals we have a fair argument to demand compensations in that situation. the other thing would be international trade, infact that might be our best bet since our infrastructure, i.e. our production, is more intact than anyone else's putting us in the position of dominance in that regard. the only problem is that without a military nothing stops aggressors from just taking that. the pan continent pact should help immensely as a deterent. another really big thing is our space infrastructure is intact, meaning we are the only ones that can reliably repace the worlds lost space assests, and get paid to do it. here is a good long term plan

1. secure continent alliance, protects us from foriegn invasion etc.

2. recontact japan, japans position as being the best at electronics is critical since space tech needs/benifits the most from it and they raw resources we can provide them, win-win .

3. establish economic space dominance- enough said

4. continue contacting powers
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More territory huh? Very well. The only way to pay off this debt is to conquer to world! We can take over places we owe high debt to and pay off other countries that are not as bad. Win-Win in my book.

This will be like a War Economy! Like Metal Gear 4! What could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:
The thing is this has historical precedence of nations either forcing other nations to pay their debts through war or a war forcing a nation to give up its debts in the attacking or defending nation.

Overall we should, later on, go out and kick Chinese ass after developing a super powerful defence against nuclear attack for any potential nuclear weapons that were not taken out by the alien invasion, get rid of our debts to them, and divide them into various nations we can economically dominate and keep in line through a period of military occupation, (like japan post world war 2 for a while) and maybe even take a few territories like hong kong.

More importantly, we could take our North Korea while we are at it and boost up a united Korea and japan into our post war block of allies.
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Planning 2035
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic
Canada: Military, Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union
Mexico: Military, Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union
Tax Base: 11000 (40%) [10000@110%]
Income: 4400
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 921% [101300]
Interest: 1% (6 turns till 2%) [1013]
Morale: Good
Number: Good
Growth: Intact
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Militia)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent
Electrical: Intact
Water: Intact
Communications: Intact
Housing: Intact
Agriculture: Good
Officer Schools: Decent
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent
-Armour: Mediocre
-Consumer: Decent
-Electronics: Mediocre
-Industrial: Mediocre
Alien Alloy: 1000
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Unrestricted Actions:
Military Actions:
Industrial Actions:
[Improve Utilities] (1)
Financial Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
[North American Partial Military Union] (7)
Research and Development Actions:

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
80%, 1000(+20%), 2
Military <- Recruits(Large, Green).

Look for Volunteers:
With the military beginning to regain its feet we can resume recruit of volunteers to serve as grunts.
100%, 500(+20%), 1
Military <- Recruits(Medium, Green).

Officer Corps:
We have established the bare bones of our new military's chain of command. However, we will need many more officers to staff an expanding military.
95%, 250(+20%), 2
Military <- Officers(Small, Trained).

Boot Camps:
Running our recruits through a short but rigorous training program will increase
80%, 500(+20%), 2
Recruits start at Trained.

Liquidate Remaining Assets:
While the United States military is defunct, its assets still remain. By liquidating what remains we can reduce our debt by as much as 5%!
100%, -2500(-25%), 1
Improve Utilities:
While American utilities are functional, more than many countries can say in these dark days, they are not particularly good. It is time to solve that problem.
90%, 500(+20%), 2
Tax Base +5%, Water, Electrical, Communications -> Good

Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
80%, 1000(+20%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???
Postpone Debt Payments:
With most of the world recovering from the extraterrestrial threat, we may be able to obtain a 1 year stay on debt payments.
Chance: 75%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
-1% interest for 1 turn.

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???

Eliminate Welfare:
With the current level of debt, we have no choice but to eliminate numerous welfare programs. This will ease integration with Mexico at the cost of integration with Canada.
Chance: 85%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 1
Expenses -> 500, Population.Morale -> Decent
XCOM Research Agreement:
XCOM's technology is the most advanced on the planet. With their aid we could accelerate our research massively.
Chance: 60%, Cost: 500(+20%), Time: 1
Massive boosts to research.

XCOM Training Agreement:
XCOM boasts some of the most experienced soldiers in the world. Their expertise would be invaluable in the formation of our own military.
Chance: 80%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Training of entire military, including future units, increased by one degree.

XCOM Psionics:
XCOM literally has magic mind powers. You have absolutely no idea how to develop them yourself, but perhaps XCOM would be willing to help?
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock Psionics Tech Category

XCOM GeneMods:
XCOM has the most advanced genetic engineering in the world. Even a small amount of shared research would be a great boon.
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock GeneMods Tech Category

XCOM's MECs have a great deal of potential as ultra-heavy infantry. Unfortunately, you don't have the cybernetics technology required. Perhaps XCOM would help get you started?
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock Cybernetics Tech Category

North American Partial Military Union:
Our armed forces skeletal status may be of severe detriment. However, it also provides some benefits. We may use the current state of affairs to integrate allied military operations from the ground up. Of course, the citizenry would not accept a truly continental military prior to a truly continental government.
Chance: 80%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 10
Partial Military Union with Canada, Mexico.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion of their own.
Chance: 40%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.

North American Diplomatic Union:
We have been mostly ignoring three quarters of the globe for over a decade, and will likely continue to do so until our current crisis is resolved. When we resume proactive worldwide diplomatic activity, we shall do so in tandem with our neighbors.
Chance: 60%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 5
Diplomatic Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
75%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
75%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
75%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
75%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Advanced Weaponry:
Improved weapons technology.
100%, 400(+25%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Materials:
Improved material science.
100%, 400(+25%), 1
Unlock New Materials Techs
Advanced Hardware:
Improved electronic hardware.
75%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Advanced Software:
Improved electronic hardware.
75%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Software Techs
Advanced Production:
Improved industrial production techniques.
85%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Production Techs

Improved Fortifications:
Conventional fortifications simply weren't made to handle Xenotech. Walls are less effective when the enemy can land an assault carrier on your heads. Artillery isn't designed to combat orbital targets. These problems and more must be solved if your defenses are to be effective in the coming decades.
85%, 500(+15%), 1
Unlock Minor Planetary Fortifications

Improved Housing:
There simply isn't enough land for everyone to have their own house and yard, at least not in the cities. What if we could solve that problem? It will be difficult, and implementation expensive, but our researchers think we can find a way to stack fields vertically. This would greatly improve the potential density of both residential and agricultural areas.
65%, 500(+15%), 3
Unlock Housing and Agricultural Infrastructure Projects

Orbital Construction:
Space had a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
10%, 1000(+10%), 5
Unlock Orbital Construction
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
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[X] Plan In search of more cash
-[X] [Unrestricted] Improve Utilities
-[X] [Unrestricted] XCOM Research Agreement (double)
-[X] [Military] Look for Volunteers
-[X] [Financial] Postpone Debt Payments
-[X] [R&D] Advanced Production

Why postpone debt payments? I don't want us to get rid of the welfare. As for R&D, looking for the tech which would give us potential for more cash.
(Get The Army Back In Shape)

Unrestricted Actions:
[X] Look for Volunteers
[X] XCOM Training Agreement
Military Actions:
[X] Officer Corps
Industrial Actions:
[Improve Utilities] (1)
Financial Actions:
[] None interest me ATM
Diplomatic Actions:
[North American Partial Military Union] (7)
Research and Development Actions:
[X] Advanced Body Armour
Plan: Rise
Unrestricted Actions:
[X] Advanced Materials
[X] XCOM Research Agreement
Military Actions:
[X] Officer Corps
Industrial Actions:
[Improve Utilities] (1)
Financial Actions:
[X] Eliminate Welfare
Diplomatic Actions:
[North American Partial Military Union] (7)
Research and Development Actions:
[X] Advanced Production
[X] Plan: Rise
While cutting welfare is kind of bad we need to cut some expenses for a while. Once our production and infrastructure our raised high we could afford to reinstate welfare. We should try to build more factories in a turn or two.
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