What do you guys think of the text message thing? Cool? Stupid? Too gimmicky? It does have a couple limitations; no pics, no group texts. Also, I don't know how to fake timestamps, but I think timestamps and dates could fall under willing suspension of disbelief. If it bugs people, I won't do it again.
Interesting to see the style used for it, but probably better to just use the text rather than more images going forward - large images are unkind to mobile users, especially if they have limited data plans. I'd recommend putting the image and a text version in separate spoilers for this one, even.

Where does Rukia call you two?
[] The park again.
Nah, already been there.

[] The riverbank.
[] The graveyard.
These two I'm torn between. Anyone have particular arguments for or against?
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I can see it just fine. I prefer a text only though, my phone's screen size made the image awkward to look at.

[X] The riverbank.
Oh man, I hadn't thought of this crossover before!

...Actually... huh. You know, a new generation Persona user fits right fucking into the Bleachverse.

Their powers work fundamentally the same as literally everyone but the Quincies.

A physical manifestation of power as an object of power, within which exists an alternate personality that grants the user supernatural power.

Just as a Hollow's mask contains their human memories
as a Shinigami contains a Zanpakuto spirit
as a Fullbringer wields their energies
as a Bount calls upon their dolls

Not sure exactly where the Metaverse fits all into this, but I have to wonder if a Shinigami's inner world if such the same as a Metaverse world space.

...This requires additional thought.
Nnnnnn no-

-wiggles hands and tries to restrain self-

That's not how it wooooo

Read the update, loved Morgana holding the mask. The chat was a neat touch too. There is an actual app in the same style as the P5 chat app too. Did you use that to make it?
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Nnnnnn no-

-wiggles hands and tries to restrain self-

That's not how it woooo
I can only speak for myself, but I wouldn't mind a deeper explanation. I've read a couple of Persona fics but never played the games, and stalled out on following Bleach sometime around Butterflaizen's defeat with most of what I know about the later material again coming from quests and fic and the occasional wiki plot summary on a character page.
I can only speak for myself, but I wouldn't mind a deeper explanation. I've read a couple of Persona fics but never played the games, and stalled out on following Bleach sometime around Butterflaizen's defeat with most of what I know about the later material again coming from quests and fic and the occasional wiki plot summary on a character page.
Persona summoning is nothing like a Fullbring. The events that allow you to summon a persona all usually happen because reality is being fucked with and thus the collective conscious of all life on earth is in some way merging with the real world. There is also Narly and Philemon but that's even more complicated and not totally vital to the explanation.

Using P3 for the most part here, rarely can anyone actually have the potential to HAVE a persona. And it's even rarer to awaken it. The Kijiro group can hardly even make reliable robots with the express purpose of having a persona. And that's without considering all the human and child experiments that got them to the point they were at in Three. And even then, SEES needs Envokers to summon. They need to feel like they're really going to die and mimic shooting themselves in the head just to summon, and that's just during the dark hour. Trinity Soul... has persona summoning irl but I can't remember much. Drugs were involved and a lot of people fucking died right off the bat from trying to summon their persona. Onto more drug!

We see Personas rebelling against their hosts, killing them, and thus requiring persona suppressing drugs that also kill you. Only the artificial implanted ones that Kijiro Group shoved into a bunch of kids. And by bunch I mean one hundred. Like, three or so lived. Personas that aren't awakened naturally can and will go and attack anything randomly. So congrats you're double dying after undergoing horrible experiments. Also try not to turn into a Shadow because of your beserker psyche beast.

Meanwhile in the later two games you never summon your persona in the real world. Unless it's fully merged with the Metaverse.

It's really nothing like any of the powers in Bleach.

I see a lot of people that call Personas Stands too, and while they aren't wrong they really are not right either.
What do you guys think of the text message thing? Cool? Stupid? Too gimmicky? It does have a couple limitations; no pics, no group texts. Also, I don't know how to fake timestamps, but I think timestamps and dates could fall under willing suspension of disbelief. If it bugs people, I won't do it again.

Weirdly enough, my phone actually coped better with it than my computer did, at least in terms of sizing. However, there was some distinct slowdown on mobile, alongside my phone slowly but surely climbing towards its dream of undergoing fusion, but it does that at the drop of a hat anyway.

As far as the actual options are concerned... ok, look, I'll be honest, I still would have been in single digits if I was reading Bleach at any point, maybe ten years old at a stretch, so, I remember nothing about these places if they're at all important.

However, the Graveyard sounds... bad. I distinctly remember the Graveyard being a Bad Thing, the more I think about it. The riverbank, god knows, and the park could be... I vaguely remember something about a bird?

Or Orihime's brother.

... Fuck it.

[X] The graveyard.

I like graveyards. I wanna know what it is about this one that I don't like.
Adhoc vote count started by Prok on Oct 7, 2017 at 10:18 AM, finished with 40 posts and 14 votes.

  • [x] Try to explain what's going on to the person in question: Ichigo Kurosaki.
    [X] The riverbank.
    [X] The park again.
    [X] Call someone and commiserate about the mess that is your life.
    - [X] Futaba. It is your duty as her key item to inform her when things are going to hell in a handbasket, so she can laugh and/or comfort you.
    [X] The graveyard.

Adhoc vote count started by Prok on Oct 7, 2017 at 10:18 AM, finished with 14 posts and 8 votes.
[X] The park again.

The riverbank and graveyard sound a little too iffy (if that makes any sense), so I'm going with the safest sounding option.
[X] The graveyard.

I liked the texting image you used. It added a bit more of a 'personal' touch. Also, the strawberry for Ichigo's contact photo was funny.
Persona summoning is nothing like a Fullbring. The events that allow you to summon a persona all usually happen because reality is being fucked with and thus the collective conscious of all life on earth is in some way merging with the real world. There is also Narly and Philemon but that's even more complicated and not totally vital to the explanation.

Using P3 for the most part here, rarely can anyone actually have the potential to HAVE a persona. And it's even rarer to awaken it. The Kijiro group can hardly even make reliable robots with the express purpose of having a persona. And that's without considering all the human and child experiments that got them to the point they were at in Three. And even then, SEES needs Envokers to summon. They need to feel like they're really going to die and mimic shooting themselves in the head just to summon, and that's just during the dark hour. Trinity Soul... has persona summoning irl but I can't remember much. Drugs were involved and a lot of people fucking died right off the bat from trying to summon their persona. Onto more drug!

We see Personas rebelling against their hosts, killing them, and thus requiring persona suppressing drugs that also kill you. Only the artificial implanted ones that Kijiro Group shoved into a bunch of kids. And by bunch I mean one hundred. Like, three or so lived. Personas that aren't awakened naturally can and will go and attack anything randomly. So congrats you're double dying after undergoing horrible experiments. Also try not to turn into a Shadow because of your beserker psyche beast.

Meanwhile in the later two games you never summon your persona in the real world. Unless it's fully merged with the Metaverse.

It's really nothing like any of the powers in Bleach.

I see a lot of people that call Personas Stands too, and while they aren't wrong they really are not right either.
I was sort of simplifying it for the point I was trying to make, but at the same time, I don't completely agree with your statements here.

Yes, you are correct about SEES and the Envokers and the shooting themselves in the head... They stand out as a bit of an anomaly when it comes to the other persona users. But that can for the most part be explained by the fact that they don't actually manifest or awaken their persona in the regular way.

Honestly, I would say that there method of doing so is actually more effective, given how easily Mitsuru and Akihiko were able to then summon their personas within the TV world. During the story mode, they both note that they accidentally summoned their personas by simply thinking of them. Which means that the persona is a whole lot closer to the surface for them than it is for the other four generations.

The thing is that the idea that not everyone has a persona has been pretty much disproven by both Persona 4, Dancing All Night, and Persona 5.

Everyone (who is emotionally and mentally mature enough) has a shadow, and interacting with those shadows has the capability to call forth a persona.

Mind you, the reasons that Personas aren't more widespread is the difficulties with finding a place where you can interact with your shadow. Then with the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, none of them actually interacted with their shadows, but they were placed either in a position of dying, or a position where they would have had to give up on the ideals that make them who they are.

Not counting Futaba, who directly interacted with her shadow, and upon accepting the part of herself that she had been denying (The fact that she didn't want to die) said Shadow evolved into a Persona.

As for STREGA and their stupidity. The one individual who we explicitly see her persona attacking her, is Chidori and her persona Medea. Mind you, given the mythological implications of Medea, it is entirely possible that the trying to kill someone close to her is just an innate part of the persona, but I don't personally think so.

Chidori has a persona that has telepathic abilities, the power to heal others, and the capacity to detect the lifeforce of those around her. Her power is constantly reaching out, trying to form some kind of connection to the people around her. Something that Chidori doesn't do.

She's terrified of connecting to people, but given that a Persona is the Shadow, it is the True self, it can be easily be extrapolated that her Persona attacking her is just another type of self-harm that she inflicts on herself, just like the fact that she is a cutter, and Junpei had to have the doctors remove all sharp objects from her hospital room.

On the summoning Aspect, and only being able to call on their personas when shit is going down, the first two generations of Persona users were, and are able to summon their personas where ever they are, since their games took place for the most part in the real world.
[X] The graveyard.
What do you guys think of the text message thing? Cool? Stupid? Too gimmicky? It does have a couple limitations; no pics, no group texts. Also, I don't know how to fake timestamps, but I think timestamps and dates could fall under willing suspension of disbelief. If it bugs people, I won't do it again.
I LOVE it!
There is an actual app in the same style as the P5 chat app too.

Yep. Currently on the go, but this one stuck out to me: I love that app and the nanosecond AlfredBulbasaur adds in images and groups it's going to be my default app.
Adhoc vote count started by z3r0gamer on Oct 7, 2017 at 6:41 PM, finished with 21 posts and 12 votes.
Yep. Currently on the go, but this one stuck out to me: I love that app and the nanosecond AlfredBulbasaur adds in images and groups it's going to be my default app.
Oh, I had that app. But it kept bugging me to make it the default, and like you said, no images or groups... Sad day when I deleted it.
I was sort of simplifying it for the point I was trying to make, but at the same time, I don't completely agree with your statements here.

Yes, you are correct about SEES and the Envokers and the shooting themselves in the head... They stand out as a bit of an anomaly when it comes to the other persona users. But that can for the most part be explained by the fact that they don't actually manifest or awaken their persona in the regular way.

Honestly, I would say that there method of doing so is actually more effective, given how easily Mitsuru and Akihiko were able to then summon their personas within the TV world. During the story mode, they both note that they accidentally summoned their personas by simply thinking of them. Which means that the persona is a whole lot closer to the surface for them than it is for the other four generations.

The thing is that the idea that not everyone has a persona has been pretty much disproven by both Persona 4, Dancing All Night, and Persona 5.

Everyone (who is emotionally and mentally mature enough) has a shadow, and interacting with those shadows has the capability to call forth a persona.

Mind you, the reasons that Personas aren't more widespread is the difficulties with finding a place where you can interact with your shadow. Then with the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, none of them actually interacted with their shadows, but they were placed either in a position of dying, or a position where they would have had to give up on the ideals that make them who they are.

Not counting Futaba, who directly interacted with her shadow, and upon accepting the part of herself that she had been denying (The fact that she didn't want to die) said Shadow evolved into a Persona.

As for STREGA and their stupidity. The one individual who we explicitly see her persona attacking her, is Chidori and her persona Medea. Mind you, given the mythological implications of Medea, it is entirely possible that the trying to kill someone close to her is just an innate part of the persona, but I don't personally think so.

Chidori has a persona that has telepathic abilities, the power to heal others, and the capacity to detect the lifeforce of those around her. Her power is constantly reaching out, trying to form some kind of connection to the people around her. Something that Chidori doesn't do.

She's terrified of connecting to people, but given that a Persona is the Shadow, it is the True self, it can be easily be extrapolated that her Persona attacking her is just another type of self-harm that she inflicts on herself, just like the fact that she is a cutter, and Junpei had to have the doctors remove all sharp objects from her hospital room.

On the summoning Aspect, and only being able to call on their personas when shit is going down, the first two generations of Persona users were, and are able to summon their personas where ever they are, since their games took place for the most part in the real world.
I just woke up so I'm kinda blargh, but I was mainly using the mechanics of p3, which sets up Persona potential as rare- and it is. Despite everyone having a shadow and thus a theoretical Persona, only a precious few can leave their coffins during the dark hour. Later games have the characters being put special circumstances like you said.

As for Strega, that's wrong. We absolutely see other Personas besides Chidori's act unruly. That's... kind of why Ken' s mom is dead you know? Tall Cold and Dying, aka that party member who takes Persona Suppression drugs, had an incident during a mission where his Persona went crazy and killed Ken's mother. Trinity Soul has even more people that take the pills in order to control their Persona. It's an absolutely real phenomenon not exclusive to Chidori.

P1 and P2 do not invalidate what I said about reality needing to be effed up in order to summon. They also received their Persona abilities straight from Philemon. Narly was screwing about. Shit, you fight resurrected Hitler.

Uh... Oh, the tv world isn't the same as tarterus. It works differently. And stuff. I'm going to go get coffee.
What do you guys think of the text message thing? Cool? Stupid? Too gimmicky? It does have a couple limitations; no pics, no group texts. Also, I don't know how to fake timestamps, but I think timestamps and dates could fall under willing suspension of disbelief. If it bugs people, I won't do it again.
I liked it, but you probably want to make a separate spoiler with the chat in text form so that mobile-users and anyone else who has a problem with the images can still read it.

[X] The graveyard.
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