[X] The Fool. (A cross for you to bear.)
[X] They're leaving. Follow them both, question them now.

I kinda want to go with mask as Ichigo already has a quincy on his team but cross is fine too.
Having Answers for Lunch
I'm going to have to ask for a little trust on the perceived incompatibility between Bleach's and Persona's metaphysics, because I have a plan, I really do, but right now we're at the stage of the story where if you mentioned a Shikai in front of Ichigo he'd think you sneezed. Right now, we're not dealing with the lynchpin of the world, or Nyx, or anything like that. Right now we have a bored, sort-of spiritually active Akira, and Ichigo is currently wondering why he has to do Rukia's job for her. We are in chapter two of the manga.

Just... have a little faith. Please. I'll try not to disappoint you guys.

Which is totally Sae Makoto/Queen. Plz, Futaba is sister material/best support, Makoto is best girl.
I mean if you wanna be wrong I can't stop you. :sour:

[] The Fool.
[] Follow them!

The transfer student grabs Ichigo's soul and drags him away from his unconscious body at breakneck speeds, off towards the front gate of the campus. You could call it civic duty, curiosity, or even concern for a younger student if anyone asked you why you took off after them, slinging your lunchbox back in your bag and tearing down the stairs, relying on your Third Eye to follow their footprints off campus after them, but in truth, you just wanted something interesting to happen. You really, really just didn't know how to deal with just being a student anymore.

Makoto would probably call it unhealthy. But then, Makoto was always the most well-adjusted seeming of all of you. Seeming being the keyword, but she was definitely more responsible than any two of the rest of the Phantom Thieves put together, except maybe Haru. Futaba would probably shoot you a thumbs up and follow along as support if she were here, so that's the mental construct of a friend that you listen to as you sprint down the sidewalks after the ghost of your kouhai and the stranger-by-the-minute transfer student. You're breathing hard by the time you catch up, but only just; all that track practice with Ryuji was good for something after all. You round the corner to see Kurosaki looking very cross with the transfer student, neither one speaking to the other. The transfer looks like she's waiting for something. Kurosaki just looks ready to slug something but you've heard that's his default expression. You've also heard he's a violent delinquent but you're not exactly too trusting of your cohort with rumors of that nature.

They say that about you, too, after all, and the only violence you do is directed at Shadows. Was directed at Shadows, rather.

That thought in mind, you take a deep breath, straighten your uniform, fix your glasses, and walk up to your wayward kouhai with a disarming smile on your fake. You make sure to keep enough of your focus on your Third Eye to see Kurosaki, even if holding a conversation with it on is slightly difficult. You'll manage. "Hello, Kurosaki-kouhai. I'm sorry, miss, but I don't know your name. Could you please explain why you've separated Mr. Kurosaki from his body and just left that body in the middle of the courtyard?"

The carrot-top rounds on the shorter girl. "You just left my body there? WHY?"

For her part, the transfer student looks abashed for a fraction of a second, just before a veneer of... aristocracy is the only way you can describe it, slides across her face like a mask. "Managing your body is not my job, Ichigo. You should have hidden it before we left."

"You grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me away before I could even think about my body!"

"That's not my fault, you ignorant fool!"

Well, not that this isn't entertaining, but you cough your way into their argument before it can escalate further. "Now, I know you two lovebirds are in the middle of a spat right now, but I would still like an explanation. And your name, miss." Ah, sarcasm, your oldest friend. How you've missed having truly great setups come your way. Predictably, you succeed in unsettling both of them.

"We're not lovebirds!" Ichigo denies vehemently, echoed by the transfer student almost in tandem. "And that's Rukia Kuchiki, the bite sized pain in my ass," he continues, much to Kuchiki's frustration. "Now who the heck are you?" He manages to turn a question on you before Kuchiki kicks him viciously in the shin and levels a glare that would put Kurosaki in the ground, if looks could kill.

"I am not short," she growls menacingly. Napoleon complex. You file that tidbit away for later, most likely to be referenced to avoid future shin-kickings like the one Kurosaki just endured.

You walk over to the nearest bench and take a seat, leaning against the tree behind it. "Akira Kurusu, at your service."

"Kurusu?" Ichigo asks. "Aren't you that delinquent who beat up Masayoshi Shido the summer before last?"

"Aren't you the delinquent who hospitalizes gangs of older students for fun?"

Ichigo opens his mouth, probably to object, then realizes what you're getting at. "Fair. The rumor mill isn't exactly the best source of information. But why are you here? How can you see me?"

"I'm here because I can see you, and I can see you because I'm looking at you. With my eyes. That is typically how people see things, you know."

"Cute," Ichigo deadpans.

Rukia cuts in before your witty repartee can truly begin, which is just a shame. "That's not how things work, though. Nobody in Ichigo's class had enough spiritual energy to see Shinigami."

"Well," you counter, "I'm not in Ichigo's class. I'm two years above you two. But what do you mean, spiritual energy? Is that what's coming off of Kurosaki in waves? That weird blue stuff?"

Rukia looks at you askance. "He does leak reiatsu like a sieve, but it's not in the visible spectrum right now."

You shrug artfully. Third Eye presents a lot of non-visual stimuli as visual already; footsteps, auras, that kind of thing. This reiatsu stuff is just one more thing to add to the list. "Back to the point, though. Why are you two here? We only have," you check your watch, "ten more minutes of lunch break."

Rukia pulls out her phone and shows the message on it to both you and Ichigo. "This. This is why we're here."

((Physical dice roll because they're handy. 45+15 PER+7 INT=67 vs DC55))

You only get a glimpse at it. It seems to be coded, but again, you're looking a bit harder than most people. You know a little about cryptography, hazards of dating a hacker, so you can make out a simple, actually somewhat archaic, code for a time and location. "OK, so within 20 minutes of 1200 hours, and here, but what's 'Hollow' code for?"

Rukia looks a little surprised that she doesn't have to explain the message's contents, and an ungodly sounding roar punctuates your question, cutting off her reply. You immediately stand and turn, hand going for your gun, when everything grinds to a standstill, and a voice you never thought you'd hear again rings in your ear; Lavenza's voice.

I am thou. Thou are I.
Thou has acquired a new vow.
It shall be the wings of rebellion
that breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of The Fool Persona
I have obtained the winds of blessing
That shall lead to freedom and new power.

You're already moving when your perception of time returns to normal, the Velvet Room attendant's proclamation ringing in your ears as the monster attacks the child. Kuchiki and Ichigo are arguing about something, but you don't care what. Some part of you notes that there's a chain on the child's chest, over his shirt, but it's not important right now. Angles and trajectories are what matters now. You reach back for your gun, into a coat that you've forgotten isn't there, and somehow, you manage to produce the weapon anyway, accompanied by a ring of blue flame encircling your wrist. A weapon, rather; the gun you're holding looks like it's made of some kind of blue energy, but you only take note of this after you've begun firing in a familiar, half-forgotten pattern. That Shinya kid really knew his stuff when it came to manipulating opponents. People, Shadows, whatever this thing is, none of them want to get hit. You fire shot after shot, herding it away from the kid.

Rukia's voice cuts into your attack pattern, sounding like she's realized something awful. "Kurusu, don't! Ichigo, make your decision, now!" You ignore her; she's two years younger than you and that's a helpless kid in there. You stop firing when Ichigo rushes forward, gigantic sword drawn. You've set things up nicely, and Ichigo splits the monster in two with gravity's assistance.

Ichigo monologues like Ryuji, probably continuing the conversation they were having earlier. You still don't follow, but you're all running late and someone's probably found the unconscious Ichigo by now. "Look," you say, as your gun shrinks into... a silver pentacle on a wristband? You loop the item over your wrist and slide it into your shirt sleeve, not willing to just lose it without an explanation. "That was freaky, and I really want to know what was up with your reaction to me helping that kid." You glare at Rukia, who's not endeared yourself to you. "Can we meet after school and talk? I'm pretty sure we need to get Sleeping Beauty over here back into his body before someone calls an ambulance for him, but I need some answers."

Rukia and Ichigo both nod, and the three of you sprint back to the school and shove Ichigo's soul back into his body just before the end of lunch. The rest of the day seems to drag on even worse than before, now that you have something to look forward to. You'll need to swing by your house after school real quick and pick up Morgana, too. He's gonna want to hear about this.

For now, though, you've got an important task. You need to think of the right questions.

New Mechanic: Recalled Blood Oaths. By reawakening your soul to a struggle, you've recalled the very literal strength you drew from your bonds, and begun to form new ones. The first time you're in a situation where one of your blood oaths would help you, you will automatically draw from that bond and gain a perk.
Blood Oath Recalled: The Tower (Shinya Oda). Benefit: Advanced Combat (Firearms): You're highly accurate, but more than that, you know how to make people (and monsters) dance to your bullets, cowing them instinctively even without striking them. +5 to Gun Attacks, Down Shot Unlocked.
Blood Oath Recalled: The Chariot (Ryuji Sakamoto). Benefit: Combat Instincts: Some people think in a fight. You know the value of movement; so long as you do something, immediately, you're doing one thing right, and you've practiced enough that action is your reaction. +5 to rolls that rely on quick, decisive action. Uncanny Dodge Unlocked.

New Vow: The Fool (???): You've formed a bond with another mysterious entity who can speak through Lavenza. It might be Igor. You know for damn sure it's not Yaldabaoth. Whatever it is gave you the ability to save that child, so you'll deal with the consequences later.

New Item: Pentacle Bracelet: This thing forms the core of the weird blue energy gun that you used to save that kid. Keep it safe.

New Perk: ???: You've awakened to a Power. You're not sure what it is, but you'll figure it out tonight.
New Perk: Down Shot: Instead of shooting to wound, you can shoot to manipulate someone into a corner. Works best in teams, setting up opponents for combination attacks. Works better on some foes than others.
New Perk: Uncanny Dodge: Never be caught flat-footed at the start of an encounter, at the expense of not being able to make a battle plan until after the first round if you would be flat-footed.

[] What questions do you ask of Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki? Write in up to six. Less questions mean more detailed answers. More questions cover a greater breadth of topics at the expense of depth.
[X] So how are you dragging Ichigo's soul around anyways?
[X] Whats the monster?
[X] Why is the kid chained?
[X] Where did that giant sword come from?
[X] Why did you tell me to stop?
[X] So how are you dragging Ichigo's soul around anyways?
[X] Whats the monster?
[X] Why is the kid chained?
[X] Where did that giant sword come from?
[X] Why did you tell me to stop?

I almost want to ask if they know about personay stuff... I'll try to pimp up the questions when I wake up. I'm too tired.

And earlier I was clearly way too ahead of myself. I blame Zerban, he wrote a love confession for otp and my heart is still palpitating oddly. The hype is real and woke me up more than coffee and a close call with car collisions.
[X] So how are you dragging Ichigo's soul around anyways?
[X] Whats the monster?
[X] Why is the kid chained?
[X] Where did that giant sword come from?
[X] Why did you tell me to stop?
[X] So how are you dragging Ichigo's soul around anyways?
[X] Whats the monster?
[X] Why is the kid chained?
[X] Where did that giant sword come from?
[X] Why did you tell me to stop?
[X] So how are you dragging Ichigo's soul around anyways?
[X] Whats the monster?
[X] Why is the kid chained?
[X] Where did that giant sword come from?
[X] Why did you tell me to stop?
Yeah, this looks good.
[X] So how are you dragging Ichigo's soul around anyways?
[X] Whats the monster?
[X] Why is the kid chained?
[X] Where did that giant sword come from?
[X] Why did you tell me to stop?
[X] So how are you dragging Ichigo's soul around anyways?
[X] Whats the monster?
[X] Why is the kid chained?
[X] Where did that giant sword come from?
[X] Why did you tell me to stop?

Seems good, covers the basis. Honestly we'd be great for supporting Ichigo early Manga, we pin em he finishes em.
I'm going to start the update now. Could take a bit since I'm relegated to my phone for a bit, but I'm starting it.
Adhoc vote count started by z3r0gamer on Oct 3, 2017 at 2:59 PM, finished with 9 posts and 7 votes.
Question Time
You make arrangements with Ichigo and Rukia to meet back in the park after you've all had a chance to change clothes, and then you go home to grab a more comfortable outfit than the Karakura uniform. Say what you will about Shujin and their goofy plaid pants but at least they were comfortable. Still, changing pants would be pointless. You do throw the dress shirt into the laundry hamper in the corner and hang up your jacket, opting for a T shirt and your Shujin blazer. Lastly, you snag your headphones off the charging dock and rouse your feline companion. "Morgana, c'mon. Something strange is going on here, and I need your help to figure it out."

The cat stretched with an all-encompassing yawn, shaking his head back and forth to rid his mind of the last vestiges of sleep. "Hm? Akira? Something's finally happening?" At your nod, the cat fairly leaps into your bag with a yell of excitement. "Finally! I thought I was going to die of boredom in this town! Nobody can hear me except you, and there's never anything going on here, and you can't even sneak me into school anymore!"

You shake your head and sling your now cat-laden bag over your shoulder, setting out for the park as you break down the situation, both for your benefit and Morgana's. "Alright, so there's a new transfer student today named Rukia Kuchiki," you begin, laying out the details in a brisk, businesslike tone like it's a Phantom Thief meeting. "She's two years younger than me, and transferred into a class with that Kurosaki kid, the orange-haired one that gets into fights a lot." Morgana leans over your shoulder and nods to show he's following along, so you continue. "She used this glove thing to shove Kurosaki's soul out of his body, and then dragged him off to hunt down a monster that was going to attack some kid with a chain in his chest." Morgana looks lost now, and you nod in agreement. "Yep. Confusing as hell. Gets weirder, too. I followed them, and when the monster attacked the kid, I reacted like I was still Joker, went for my gun. I felt a bond form with someone else, but I don't know who or how, and this thing appeared on my wrist." You show the cat your pentacle bracelet, now hanging freely on your wrist since you're not in school anymore. "And it let me summon some kind of pistol made of energy. Rukia acted like she knew more about it, and everything else, so we're meeting her and Kurosaki, and I need you to help me make sure I don't miss anything."

You and Morgana spend the rest of the trip to the park, short as it is, bouncing questions off each other, eventually coming up with five that seem most likely to yield the answers you need most. A rude male voice cuts through your dialogue as you approach. "You talk to your cat?"

Immediately, you shoot back with "He's a better conversationalist than you, Kurosaki-kouhai." You subtly emphasize the 'kouhai' to drive the point home that he should be more respectful, but you can already tell that's a lost cause. Kurosaki isn't the kind of person to assign someone an honorific because he's 'supposed' to. It doesn't really bug you; you never even considered calling Makoto 'senpai' after she joined the Phantom Thieves, after all, so you'd be a hypocrite to insist on it, and anyway, Kurosaki isn't talkative, at least not with you. But you can still unsettle him a bit, so that makes it worth saying. Thank you, debate lessons from Tora. "Is Kuchiki-kouhai here yet?"

The transfer student in question shoves her way into the conversation with all the finesse of a bullet train. "Right here," she says from a picnic table just a short ways off. You set your bag on the table, prompting Morgana to hop out and sit on the end, and take a seat across from Rukia. Ichigo sits on the same side as the transfer student, but on the opposite end of the bench. Clearly not on your side, but also not more than slightly aligned with her. "So," the raven-haired girl prompts. "You're the one who asked us here. What did you want to ask me?"

-Speech Skill Check: 20CHA+15PER+5 Blood Oath = 40, DC40-

You look at Morgana and the two of you nod at each other before you fall back on your debate training and begin to speak. "Alright, first off, Kurosaki's soul. How are you ripping it out of him and dragging it around without his body?"

Rukia pulls out the glove from earlier. Up close, you can examine the design, and get a good look at it under your Third Eye. It doesn't have as much power as Ichigo, but what energy there is about it is delicately woven into the fabric towards an unknown purpose. You're not entirely sure if it would separate you from your body, too, or if it'd shove out a Persona, or do nothing. In fact, you can't really discern anything about this device's function just by looking; you only know it removes souls because you saw it in action. "This is a Soul Apprehension Gauntlet. It lets me remove souls from bodies, which usually isn't safe for humans. Ichigo is an exception."

"Feels weird, too," Ichigo chimes in. "I'm not sure what it feels like, but it's unpleasant and I wish she'd stop doing it without warning me."

Rukia ignores that subtle hint, which is no more than it deserves if he's not willing to man up and just tell her to stop surprising him with it, in your opinion. "Alright, second one. That kid who was chained. He's a spirit, too, I'm guessing, but Kurosaki doesn't have a chain. What was it?"

"That chain is the reason it's not safe to remove most people's souls from their bodies. It's called a Chain of Fate. It ties the spirit to the body, and when it breaks, the person dies. Some spirits get stuck here, in the world of the living, and they still have their chains. Ichigo doesn't because he's a Shinigami, temporarily, at least. It's the job of a Shinigami to escort those souls to the next life."

"Alright," you say. "That makes sense. But what was that monster? And where did Ichigo get that sword?"

"The sword is part of a Shinigami's soul, and it's what we use to perform Soul Burial on pure spirits, like that child, and purify the unclean Hollows, like the monster from yesterday. Hollows are monsters that eat human souls because they were stranded in the world of the living too long, allowing their Chain of Fate to erode and dissolving their heart."

It doesn't look like anyone's told Ichigo this, judging by the open shock on his face. "Wait, so those things used to be people? I've been killing people's spirits?"

"No, you fool. You purify Hollows with your Zanpakuto. Their souls are sent on to the next life just like the child you performed a Soul Burial on."

"OK," you interject. "What about me? I don't have a sword, and you tried to stop me from shooting it. Why?"

"You don't have a sword because you aren't a Shinigami. I'm not sure what you are, actually, but I doubt you could purify a Hollow without making some kind of effort, and I'm not sure how to teach you. It's instinctive for all Shinigami, just like Konso; our spiritual energy just knows the right patterns automatically. But that's not why I tried to stop you. That was because Ichigo needed to make his decision."

You and Ichigo both look at Rukia with perfectly flat expressions, before responding to that point in unison; "No." You meet his eyes; he looks as surprised as you feel that you agreed on something that strenuously, but still. "You don't get to tell me not to save a child because you're trying to force Kurosaki into a decision, Kuchiki-kouhai." There's a flash of irritation as you use the form of address for a younger student; you might've missed it if you hadn't been looking for any sort of cues by Kuchiki. "Hm? You're not used to being called 'kouhai,'" you call her on her flinch, and, to her credit, she doesn't wince, but she lets you build momentum in the conversation anyway. "That means you're older than me, doesn't it? Older than school age, and significantly, if you're not used to anyone calling you 'kouhai' anymore."

Her suppressed reaction tells you you've hit the nail on the head, but she's no pushover in a debate either. "It's rude to ask a lady her age, you know, but yes. I'm far older than either you or Ichigo. You should be the one respecting me."

"Except that you endangered the life... afterlife of a small child to try to prove a point," you counter smoothly. "But you've been very helpful, right, Morgana?"

To the cat's credit, he catches on quickly, responding instantly. "Indeed. Your assistance is greatly appreciated."

Neither Rukia nor Ichigo seem to react to the cat's speech, which leads you to guess they can't understand him or are playing dumb, one of the two. You're inclined to believe the former, if only because you're very good at spotting the latter. An offhanded comment about pancakes had unmasked Goro Akechi to your razor wit, after all. If anything, they look concerned that you're talking to your cat like he's a person. Little do they know...

"Alright, then. " You mentally note that they don't seem to be Persona users even as you pull out a notecard from your blazer pocket, tearing it in half and jotting down your name and phone number on each half. "Contact information. I'm not sure what this power is, but I can't afford to let it stagnate. I'm a bit of a trouble magnet as is. Call me when you're going after Hollows, and I'll try to join you."

Both of the other students accept your number. Two texts later, and you've added "Rukia Kuchiki" and "Kurosaki Ichigo" to your phone, and created a group chat labelled "Monster Hunters Anonymous", which makes Ichigo snort ever so slightly. So someone pays attention during English class. Nice. You part ways, and the rest of your day passes uneventfully, until you fall asleep.

The smooth voice of the true Igor greets you the second consciousness slips away. "Welcome to the Velvet Room."

I am evil and like cliffies.

But seriously, this just seemed like a good stopping point. I've got a second infodump to write from Igor and Lavenza, including, among other things, the proper name of your power and the Fool confidant. I just wanted to post something. No vote this time, because you really don't have any options. Just being a captive audience to Igor and Lavenza.

Recalled Blood Oath: The Sun (Toranosuke Yoshida): Benefit: +5 to any social roll involving a back-and-forth dialogue (as opposed to a monologue or speech), +10 to any social roll involving a speech, and +15 to any social roll involving a negotiation. These modifiers do not stack.
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You know, the -kouhai thing just sounds weird. I've never seen it used as a honorific ending, not even in persona. I'd figure Akira would use -kun or -chan before that, or just straight up calling the both of them his kouhai(s?)

EDIT: Just checked- it is apparently not a honorific.
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Wonder how ninja cat reacts
You know, the -kouhai thing just sounds weird. I've never seen it used as a honorific ending, not even in persona. I'd figure Akira would use -kun or -chan before that, or just straight up calling the both of them his kouhai(s?)
Its not used because seniors can always use casual form to juniors without being outright rude
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I had a nice if comment written out about how hilariously sad it would be if Morgana met cat Yoruichi and Yoruichi doesn't understand him. And then I wrote some stuff about the characterization being on point, possible Akechi foreshadowing, and finished with bemoaning the lack of closure on that shit from Atlus.

Keyword had, because it vanished when I had to refresh. =/
Huh, and here I thought Rukia told MC to stop shooting because he's doing it with Quincy powers, and killing a Hollow with that means their soul (and any people they've eaten) are destroyed and removed from the cycle of reincarnation, eating away at the balance of the worlds. I guess that info is more obscure, and I just don't remember when it was revealed? Not that it ever stopped anyone from inviting Ishida to the fights or even got a mention again afterward...
Huh, and here I thought Rukia told MC to stop shooting because he's doing it with Quincy powers, and killing a Hollow with that means their soul (and any people they've eaten) are destroyed and removed from the cycle of reincarnation, eating away at the balance of the worlds. I guess that info is more obscure, and I just don't remember when it was revealed? Not that it ever stopped anyone from inviting Ishida to the fights or even got a mention again afterward...
It certainly did in the Quincy arc... I think.
Its not used because seniors can always use casual form to juniors without being outright rude

Did a bit more research, and as far as I can extrapolate, you really can't use it as a honorific suffix. It's pretty grammatically incorrect.


Opposite of senpai, the kouhai is a junior. The use of kouhai is a little more tricky than senpai. You can easily call your senior "Satou senpai" or "senpai" but a junior is called with the suffix "kun" as in "Satou kun".
Source: Cotoacademy.com - What are san, sama, kun, and chan? The Japanese honorific titles!
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Well shit. I don't speak Japanese, so thanks.

Edit: Also, from what I can tell, Rukia (and most people) don't know about the Quincy unless they were around for the purge, 200 years ago. Rukia had to go to Urahara for information about Ishida. Which is why she wasn't the one to infodump about the Quincy.
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Welcome Back
The real Igor's voice sets your mind at ease almost immediately, a stark contrast to Yaldabaoth's harsh tones. Now that you've met the true keeper of the Velvet Room, you don't think you could get fooled again; Igor doesn't just occupy a desk in the center of the Velvet Room. Igor is the center of the Velvet Room, in a way that you'd be able to recognize even if you were blind, even if you can't explain it any better than that. The long-nosed man radiates stability. Of course, even if you did doubt his identity, Lavenza's presence at the side of the desk sets your mind at rest. The Room itself is just as you left it; a ring of open jail cells surrounding Igor's desk, the guillotine for Fusion still conspicuously absent until called upon. There is one difference, though; one of the cells is closed again. It's not yours, thank goodness, but there is someone in it. A tall, dark-haired man with sunglasses straight out of an anime and a billowing black coat. "I've called you here because of a strange disturbance in your spirit." Igor states. "Normally, after achieving their final Persona, a guest's time in the Velvet Room is done and you are free to live the rest of your life without further interference on my part, but you still remain bound by the contract. Your Persona does not vanish, and should you ever be in a cognitive realm where it can manifest, it would respond to your call, but you would normally have no further need of this room to do so."

You nod, folllowing along so far, and Igor takes that as a cue to continue. "You seem to have found an entirely different sort of power, however. Your bond with Kurosaki Ichigo has attached a second Power to your soul. Normally, this still would not be an issue, however, this power is sentient, and attempted to attack the Velvet Room through its connection to your heart." Igor gestures with one hand to the locked cell, with the serene-looking old man staring out at you through his sunglasses. "While, normally, any attack on the Velvet Room like this could easily be crushed by my attendants, this power attached itself to your soul and your contract. While it is not a threat, it is an... annoyance." You look at the cloaked man, who meets your gaze impassively. "Thus, I would like you to get it to agree to stop harassing us. This should have the added benefit of allowing you to understand your new power a little more, as well."

"Sure," you respond without hesitation. "I could use some answers, for one thing." You walk up to the bars of the man's cell, recoiling when a blade that most assuredly was not there before stabs out at you through the bars. Your reflexes save you a nasty wound there, but you're still very surprised, as is Lavenza if her face as you spin out of the way of the attack is anything to judge by. "What the hell?" You curse, feeling that narrow escapes from stab wounds inflicted by giant cleavers deserve some kind of strong language.

You hear a muttered "I know I took that away from him." ​from behind you, but you can't spare the attention to reassure Lavenza that it isn't her fault.

The man speaks for the first time, which you think he really ought to have done before he tried to skewer you. "You are not my master. None of this power is his proper strength. I might not be able to rid him of that Shinigami's powers, but I will not allow a fourth power to take up residence in his soul. Return me to him and sever whatever link you've created or I will kill you and solve this problem that way."


That was... aggressive. Slightly informative, in that you're pretty sure Ichigo's soul is three flavors of messed up, but mostly extremely aggressive. Still, you know exactly how you're going to respond to his demands. "No. I couldn't break the Vow if I wanted to, and you really don't know what you're dealing with." At most, your Vow would stagnate, which wouldn't undo whatever's already been done. And you're fairly certain that if Yaldabaoth was afraid of you and Igor working together enough that it went to the lengths it did, the Velvet Room, attended by its true master and aided by a Trickster, is in fact something worthy of respect. "You're in the Velvet Room now. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter." You sense Igor nodding approvingly behind you, and you can almost feel his grin widen just a tad at the impression. "And more importantly, you're here because of my contract, so tell me, why is it that you think Kurosaki shouldn't be connected to this room through me?"

At first, an eerily composed glare, which is strange coming from someone who threatened to turn you into an Akira-kebab a couple seconds ago, is your only reply. You keep up the staring contest from just outside sword's reach, and the man relents. "I am Ichigo Kurosaki's Quincy powers. I refuse to allow him to continue to rely on Shinigami abilities, and whatever this Velvet Room is can hardly be any better when it has separated me from his soul and forced me to lend you my strength."

"Quincy?" You question, holding up your right hand. "Does that have anything to do with this bracelet? And that gun earlier?"

The man sighs, answering reluctantly. "Yes. Traditionally, a Quincy uses a focus like that to summon a spiritual weapon from the energy of the world around them. I suppose that, lacking one, you used your own strength to spontaneously create it at need, much like Ichigo created that sword when the Shinigami infected his soul with her powers."

"That's a strange choice of words," you leap on a potential clue with all the ferocity of a trained debater, "Infected. Are you not a foreign entity to Kurosaki? Where did you come from?"

"I have always been with him," the Quincy answers. "Until now, anyway. Will you release me, now?"

You look back at Lavenza and Igor. "I don't think I can let him go, actually. Can I?"

Igor shakes his head gravely. "No, that is not an option. For one, he is bound to you through the Contract now; so long as Ichigo Kurosaki lives and is one of your confidants, he will remain a part of your soul. For another, there are events in the real world that will involve you, and it is best that you have a way to defend yourself. Kurosaki, on the other hand, is still a Shinigami, and from what I gather was not even aware of this entity's existence in his soul. Perhaps developing your relationship with him will provide some sort of compromise, as your vow grows in strength, and Kurosaki will be able to be reunited with this facet of himself."

You turn back to the man in the cell. "Well, you heard him. Apologies, Quincy, but I think we're stuck together for the future." A continued glare is your only response from the strange spirit.

Igor speaks to fill the silence once again. "Very well. Our time together draws to a close. The Velvet Room is open to you once again, should you need to converse with this new part of yourself in the future. You know the way, Trickster."

The buzzing of your alarm rouses you from the dream that is not a dream, and you sit up, stretching. Today is Saturday. One more day of school before your day off. You get up and dress for school, securing the pentacle bracelet inside your sleeve. Jewelry might be frowned upon by the dress code, especially featuring symbols like pentacles, but damned if you're leaving your only real weapon behind when there are monsters about. After a brief discussion, you also agree to try to smuggle Morgana into school in your bag again. It's actually important, now, and with a bit of careful rearrangement of books and gym clothes you manage to create a little nook big enough for the feline to hide in. Now it's all down to him being quiet.

The Fool (Ichigo Kurosaki) Rank 1: Quincy Spirit: Gained Perk: Quincy (Beginner): Allows the formation of a spiritual weapon from ambient energy, used to combat Hollows. This is that "???" perk from earlier.

Ichigo has, unknowingly and to the great chagrin of the spirit in question, apparently somehow lent you one of multiple entities that reside in his soul. You get the feeling trying to understand the metaphysics of Ichigo Kurosaki will be the source of many headaches in the future. Igor has hinted that strengthening your vow with Ichigo will allow you to use the abilities of the spirit without that spirit's presence, which is a good thing because it doesn't... like you.

So, with that in mind, what do you do for the day?

[] Go about your business as usual. Maybe visit that candy shop and pick up something sweet on the way home.
[] Try to explain what's going on to the person in question: Ichigo Kurosaki.
[] Call someone and commiserate about the mess that is your life.
- [] Futaba. It is your duty as her key item to inform her when things are going to hell in a handbasket, so she can laugh and/or comfort you.
- [] Ryuji. He won't really help you figure anything out, but being confused with Ryuji is comfortable. He doesn't throw stones.
- [] Morgana. Granted, you're not calling him, he lives with you. But talking to the cat might help you figure things out.
[] Corner Rukia Kuchiki about this mess. This is all her fault somehow and you know it.

Yes, I know, the protagonist is the fool, you've all made that point already. Except the Fool is the start of a journey, and you're not the one who's just beginning his journey right now, are you?
[X] Call someone and commiserate about the mess that is your life.
- [X] Futaba. It is your duty as her key item to inform her when things are going to hell in a handbasket, so she can laugh and/or comfort you.
[x] Try to explain what's going on to the person in question: Ichigo Kurosaki.

I almost went with calling Futaba, but we should get MC much more confused before reaching out to his other friends for best effect, and bringing Berry-tan in on this will get him interested in trying to untangle the crazy knot of his heritage for optimum confusion and wut-face. Also, OOC, Ishida is in his class, and if we've got some approximation of Quincy powers we should at least learn to use them properly, though hopefully without obliterating too many souls if we're fighting beside Ichigo and can let him have the killing blows.