This world takes place in a timeline where jinchuuriki are created in a different manner. Rather than weapons harnessing the power of a tailed beast, jinchuuriki are now fleshy prisons for the beast, as well as the host. To keep the powers of the demon at bay, the host's consciousness is shoved deep within themselves, sealed with their powers. As a result, the bijuu is the dominant personality. But with none of their terrifying powers, they are allowed to roam as they please... so long as they are law-abiding, of course.
You are one of the tailed beasts, a former mighty demon now reduced to a mere human. Carve your path in life as you wish, but first you must decide on what bijuu you are...
[] Shukaku, the One-Tailed Tanuki. A wild and lecherous creature that used to have control over the sands. Your new body has made it significantly easier for you to indulge in your vices, but losing most of you power makes you more vulnerable to law enforcement.
[] Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Cat. Often brooding and moody, with former ties to the world of spirits. Losing your connection with the afterlife has been a major shock for you, for the world of the living has many hassles for you and there is nothing for you to escape to.
[] Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle. A carefree drifter from the seas that now can no longer swim for extensive periods of time. It's taken some time to adjust, but drifting around land is just as soothing.
[] Son Goku, the Four-Tailed Monkey. With a fierce and royal attitude, being reduced to a mere human has certainly wounded your ego. Your demands are much harder to reach people that now see themselves as either your equal or above you.
[] Kokuo, the Five-Tailed Creature. With your new body, you at least can now identify as a type of creature. But your desires do not stop there. There's quite a bit of hole left to fill in your heart.
[] Saiken, the Six-Tailed Slug. Stripped of most of your might and fearsome presence, it has been much harder to collect various treasures and keep your hold on them.
[] Choumei, the Seven-Tailed Beetle. Once the queen of the skies, you are now grounded. Your constant need to be praised and pampered has gone unquenched, and this greatly perturbs you. Those dreck need to learn their place...
[] Gyuki, the Eight-Tailed Ushi-Oni. A warrior and lover of battle, you have taken being reduced to human form quite well. You are no longer easily able to defeat any opponent you face, but the concept of a challenge is a welcome addition to your life.
[] Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Bloodthirsty and vicious, with your new lack of power fueling your rage even more. The humans will pay for locking you inside one of their own. You'll find a way out of your body, even if you have to rip yourself from it.
Hello! Somewhat new here. I tried a Quest here before, but personal issues got in the way. I'm still unused to a lot of the functions on this website, but hopefully I'll learn as I go on!
[X] Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Cat. Often brooding and moody, with former ties to the world of spirits. Losing your connection with the afterlife has been a major shock for you, for the world of the living has many hassles for you and there is nothing for you to escape to.
Only because I think Yugito should've got more screentime.
[x] Saiken, the Six-Tailed Slug. Stripped of most of your might and fearsome presence, it has been much harder to collect various treasures and keep your hold on them.
This would be the Naruto Treasure Kleptomania quest that I didn't realize I needed. ^_^
In general, any of these could probably be fun. The concept is pretty neat, with the human host whispering in the tailed beasts' heads instead of the other way around.
[x] Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Cat. Often brooding and moody, with former ties to the world of spirits. Losing your connection with the afterlife has been a major shock for you, for the world of the living has many hassles for you and there is nothing for you to escape to.
[X] Son Goku, the Four-Tailed Monkey. With a fierce and royal attitude, being reduced to a mere human has certainly wounded your ego. Your demands are much harder to reach people that now see themselves as either your equal or above you.
[x] Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Bloodthirsty and vicious, with your new lack of power fueling your rage even more. The humans will pay for locking you inside one of their own. You'll find a way out of your body, even if you have to rip yourself from it.
Currently only found one fanfic where Naruto is actually Kurama from the very beginning; that Kurama regained his memories at the Sealing Scroll event.
[X] Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle. A carefree drifter from the seas that now can no longer swim for extensive periods of time. It's taken some time to adjust, but drifting around land is just as soothing.
[x] Saiken, the Six-Tailed Slug. Stripped of most of your might and fearsome presence, it has been much harder to collect various treasures and keep your hold on them.
[X] Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Bloodthirsty and vicious, with your new lack of power fueling your rage even more. The humans will pay for locking you inside one of their own. You'll find a way out of your body, even if you have to rip yourself from it.
Fire Release: Tiny Fireball:
The user spits out a tiny, nigh harmless fireball at the opponent.
Chakra Use: Minimal.
Now to get more in depth.
The stat system is merely the canon stat system, except doubled. So a 5 in their system would be a 10 in mine. Rather skilled people can earn a 10+, showing great skill or natural talent in a stat. More rarely, someone can earn the highest stat possible, a 10++. This means a person excels in the stat or is an extreme prodigy.
Now to explain the eight stats!
Ninjutsu: How skilled, strong, and knowledgeable you are in using Ninjutsu techniques.
Taijutsu: How skilled and knowledgeable you are in hand to hand and weaponry skills.
Genjutsu: How skilled, strong, and knowledgeable you are in using and recognizing Genjutsu techniques.
Intelligence: A more passive stat, this is how smart, cunning, and aware you are in all situations.
Strength: How physically strong you are. It also doubles as your durability stat.
Speed: How physically fast you are. Also includes general agility an dexterity.
Stamina: This is how much energy, both physical and chakra wise, you have.
Hand Seals: How quick you can fire out jutsu. It also doubles as your chakra control stat.
Chakra Costs:
To use most cool techniques, you need chakra to use them. These are the various levels of chakra costs, from highest to lowest.
Now, I have no set correlation to these costs and the stamina stat. I'll generally just eyeball them and scope out how a character is doing stamina wise by feel. But in general, a man with 10 stamina could probably spam more high cost jutsu than a man with 5 stamina.
Game Overs:
Should the event arises where you guys get killed, do not worry! For each arc, you will be afforded 3 lives. You spend one life and restart from the place you died at. However, should you continue to die after the 3 lives are up, then you'll restart from where you died, but now with permanent consequences. Too many deaths could put you in a truly unwinnable situation in the plot and shunt you towards a bad ending! However, your lives refresh at the start of every new arc.
Also, should you be fighting with an ally and they get killed, I will give you the chance to use one of your lives to make sure they survive. Any fatal or reasonably dangerous moment will be met with a Critical Moment! tag.
Simple enough, each character will be listed under a good, evil, or neutral tag with the, lawful, chaotic, and neutral listing. However, there is one more thing added to this, the Honorable, Quasihonorable, and Dishonorable tag. These simply mean if character is generally trustworthy, a wild card, or untrustworthy respectively.
Relationships go from -10 to 10, with 0 meaning neutral. Easy enough to understand! While it differs between characters, generally you need a 6 or 7 to initiate a romance, and getting below a -7 means archenemy territory.
That should be it! Anything else that comes up will be added here!
Water Release: Liquid Bullet:
The user converts their chakra into water and spits it out in the form of a condensed ball. The balls move at high enough speeds to have the power of a bullet upon impact. The technique can be used with natural water for less chakra, but the speed and power of the balls will be less. The user can also pump additional chakra into the balls after they have left their body to increase their size.
Chakra Use: Medium/High.
Water Release: Shocking Burst:
The user focuses their chakra on nearby water and makes it burst with surprising force. This jutsu can be used as a surprise attack as its rather quick.
Chakra Use: Low.
Water Release: Tearing Torrent:
This technique creates water that spirals in the user's hand and fires at a highspeed burst at the enemy. The overall amount of water formed is large enough to help extinguish even large-scale fire release techniques.
Chakra Use: Medium.
Water Release: Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death:
This jutsu uses water from the surrounding area to form a thousand long and sharp needles made of the liquid. The needles approach from all directions except from above, and they do so at high speeds.
Chakra Use: Medium.
Water Release: Violent Water Wave:
Water gushes out from the mouth like a waterfall and washes away the enemy. One can freely control the power of this technique with the amount chakra one releases. Having many variations, this is a basic Water Release technique.
Chakra Use: Low.
Water Release: Water Clone Technique:
The user creates clones out of nearby water that have one-tenth of the user's power. The clones are similar to shadow clones, but much less potent and not as risky to use. They are not able to travel very far from the original. The clones will revert back into water upon being struck.
Chakra Use: Low.
Water Release: Water Shield:
The user manipulates a preexisting source of water to make a flowing, frontal barrier of water to protect from attacks.
Chakra Use: Low.
Water Release: Water Trumpet:
The user launches a large jet of water from their mouth through their hand. This gives the appearance of playing a trumpet, hence the name.
Chakra Use: Low.
Water Release: Water Shuriken:
The user creates multiple shuriken made out of water that float around them. The user can throw these shuriken by hand, or send them all at once. Despite their shape, these water shuriken cannot cut a foe, but only cause concussive damage.
Chakra Use: Low.
Adamantine Sealing Chains:
The Adamantine Sealing Chains is a sealing jutsu used by members of the Uzumaki Clan. This technique molds the user's chakra into extremely durable chains which can be used for various purposes, such as directly combating or physically restraining their targets. These chains can also be used to bind the chakra of a target, completely neutralizing them.
Chakra Use: High, but requires upkeep.
Fire Release: Great Fireball:
A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire, and expelled from the mouth in a massive orb of roaring flame. The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater on the ground's surface. This technique apparently requires more than average chakra reserves and most genin should not be able to do this technique.
Chakra Use: Medium.
Space/Time: Flight:
Using his gravity chakra, Kotei makes himself extremely light and constantly emits gravity underneath himself to propel himself upwards, granting him the power of flight. To move, Kotei merely manipulates the direction of gravity wherever he pleases. Kotei is very skilled with this technique, allowing himself to move as he wishes without manual thought.
Chakra Use: Minimal, but requires upkeep.
[x] Saiken, the Six-Tailed Slug. Stripped of most of your might and fearsome presence, it has been much harder to collect various treasures and keep your hold on them.
[X] Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Cat. Often brooding and moody, with former ties to the world of spirits. Losing your connection with the afterlife has been a major shock for you, for the world of the living has many hassles for you and there is nothing for you to escape to.
[X] Gyuki, the Eight-Tailed Ushi-Oni. A warrior and lover of battle, you have taken being reduced to human form quite well. You are no longer easily able to defeat any opponent you face, but the concept of a challenge is a welcome addition to your life.
[X] Son Goku, the Four-Tailed Monkey. With a fierce and royal attitude, being reduced to a mere human has certainly wounded your ego. Your demands are much harder to reach people that now see themselves as either your equal or above you.
[x] Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Bloodthirsty and vicious, with your new lack of power fueling your rage even more. The humans will pay for locking you inside one of their own. You'll find a way out of your body, even if you have to rip yourself from it.
[x] Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Bloodthirsty and vicious, with your new lack of power fueling your rage even more. The humans will pay for locking you inside one of their own. You'll find a way out of your body, even if you have to rip yourself from it.
[X] Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Cat. Often brooding and moody, with former ties to the world of spirits. Losing your connection with the afterlife has been a major shock for you, for the world of the living has many hassles for you and there is nothing for you to escape to.
[X] Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle. A carefree drifter from the seas that now can no longer swim for extensive periods of time. It's taken some time to adjust, but drifting around land is just as soothing.
[X] Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle. A carefree drifter from the seas that now can no longer swim for extensive periods of time. It's taken some time to adjust, but drifting around land is just as soothing.
[X] Matatabi, the Two-Tailed Cat. Often brooding and moody, with former ties to the world of spirits. Losing your connection with the afterlife has been a major shock for you, for the world of the living has many hassles for you and there is nothing for you to escape to.
[X] Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle. A carefree drifter from the seas that now can no longer swim for extensive periods of time. It's taken some time to adjust, but drifting around land is just as soothing.
[X] Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Bloodthirsty and vicious, with your new lack of power fueling your rage even more. The humans will pay for locking you inside one of their own. You'll find a way out of your body, even if you have to rip yourself from it.
Cliche but I really want this option. That or Isobu.