[X] "Am I Kawaii, Rin-chan?"

I had a cute smile as I said. "Am I cute, Rin?" Turns out since I'm already speaking Japanese my brain automatically defaults to translating it to English in my mind. Explains why I never heard a single -kun, -san, -chan, sempai, etc. Though technically it's still would have the same meaning either way.

The raven haired girl in front of me simply looked down as she went into deep thought. "I guess," she answered with a shrug. Suddenly I felt extremely offended.

"You guess?" I had aneurysm appear on my forehead as my sheer magical energy radiated so hard that my makeshift ice pack fell off. "YOU GUESS!?" I rushed up to her leg and started to childishly tug on it. "How could you?! How can you say I'm average?!"

Rin didn't seem to care. "Meh. I dunno. I don't particularly like cute things but I don't outright hate them so... just meh." She gave a shrug. Stand there, I simply stared at this girl I call a master I went into a full on tantrum and I beat my hands against her legs (not too hard though I don't want my master to be a cripple even in the midst of my tantrum).

"Stupid Rin and your stupid dumb taste! At least say I'm more adorable than others!" She was looking away looking at the clock before seemingly only noticing me now.

"Oh? You said something? Sorry I was too busy checking the time." I was almost crying at this point until the raven haired let out a snicker before breaking out in a laugh. I stood there flabbergasted.

"Rin you big meanie. How could you?!"

After a while she stopped laughing and look down at me with a small smile. "At this point I'm starting to get used to your antics. Besides," she picked me off the ground as she starts cuddling me, much to my embarrassment if my blush is anything to go by. "I was lying. You really are cute now. Even though you look exactly like that bloodthirsty Einzbern girl now."

"Hey! Easy on my cheek!" I said as she started pitching them. "Damn you Rin! I'll have my revenge!"

"Sure, sure whatever." She looked over the clothes I was making and gave a nod. "You're really good at sewing huh?"

"Of course I am! Item Construction B is nothing to laugh at."

She gave a nod. "Of course." Shifting me to her back, she walked into the kitchen as she started cooking. Looking around I've started to notice that the only high tech thing in the kitchen that could be considered high tech was the refrigerator which looked like it was made 20 years ago despite its looking quite well maintained. She cooked the rice the old fashion way, by soaking it for 15-20 minutes and then boiling it in a pot for another 15-20 minutes or so. No rice cookers needed. I didn't bring this up as to avoid suspicious.

As she finished setting up the table for her sunny side up runny eggs with her imported German sausage and rice. A phone rang from the hallway and with a grumble she went and walked over to a house phone as she turns it on to speaker mode. "Hello, this is issei Ryuudou. I'm currently helping the guidance counselor and the principal make phone calls so I'll make this brief. There has been an accident over here at Homurahara High School and the police are currently investigating it. The school will now be postponed for the week in order for the police to have the best investigation conditions possible, make some repairs to the school and for the protection of the students. This does not mean your academic studies will be postponed however. We'll be sending you homework via mail and we expect you to complete them by the end of the week if things go well here. Issei signing off."

"Huh, at least I won't have to worry about school for a while."

"We did make a big mess huh?"

"They made a big mess. Not us." She pointed out before continuing. "Besides Kirei will sort things out. Bet they're gonna explain the bullet holes as gas based mini explosions or something." She gave a small chuckle.

"Or maybe they'll say that a drunk kid went in and shot up with place machines guns and grenades." I replied.

"You know I kinda wonder how people did not noticed the explosion and and gun shots last night."

I gave a shrug. "Mortals, they'll sleep through anything I guess."

"I guess, I heard this one story-" she stopped as she held her right one. The red glow in response to another master. "DAMN IT! I HAVEN'T EATEN MY BREAKFAST YET!"

I looked around in a haste as I got off Rin's back. "I feel a magical source coming from..." I looked down the hall. "From the front door..."

There was a knock. We froze in place. "Trap?" Rin finally spoke up.

"You never know..."

[] Fast and quick. Go on the offensive and blow up the front.

[] Slow and stead wins the race. Go check from a safe vantage and report to Rin.

[] "Wait, isn't it morning? We should be safe right?" Go and open the door.

[] Write in
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[X] Slow and stead wins the race. Go check from a safe vantage and report to Rin.
[X] "I could guess, but no, I have no idea"

Tempted to blow things up, bUT that would be precipitous
[X] Ghost Modo, then jump up and stick your face out of a second story wall.
-[X] Motion for Rin to move towards the back of her house while you check.

No difference from slow and steady, except I got to say Ghost Modo.
[X] Ghost Modo, then jump up and stick your face out of a second story wall.
-[X] Motion for Rin to move towards the back of her house while you check.
[X] Slow and stead wins the race. Go check from a safe vantage and report to Rin.

If it's one then it's probably Shirou.
Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on Aug 28, 2017 at 9:06 PM, finished with 9 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Slow and stead wins the race. Go check from a safe vantage and report to Rin.
    [X] Ghost Modo, then jump up and stick your face out of a second story wall.
    -[X] Motion for Rin to move towards the back of her house while you check.
    [X] "I could guess, but no, I have no idea"
    [X] "Wait, isn't it morning? We should be safe right?" Go and open the door.
[X] *visibly think* "Rin, your harem protagonist powers are so strong they're proactively calling future waifus to you! Wow! Amazing!"
-[X] Then Astralize and check it out
[X] "Wait, isn't it morning? We should be safe right?" Go and open the door.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on Aug 29, 2017 at 12:59 PM, finished with 14 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Slow and stead wins the race. Go check from a safe vantage and report to Rin.
    [X] Ghost Modo, then jump up and stick your face out of a second story wall.
    -[X] Motion for Rin to move towards the back of her house while you check.
    [X] "Wait, isn't it morning? We should be safe right?" Go and open the door.
    [X] "I could guess, but no, I have no idea"
    [X] *visibly think* "Rin, your harem protagonist powers are so strong they're proactively calling future waifus to you! Wow! Amazing!"
    -[X] Then Astralize and check it out
Lancer - 16
[X] Slow and steady wins the race. Go check from a safe vantage and report to Rin.

"Wait here master, I'll go check it out while you grab some gems and prepare yourself." I said as I dematerialize and pass through the second floor and through the rooftop. Rematerializing on the roof, I activated Presence Concealment as I carefully walk towards the edge of the roof. Looking down I see Shirou and boy does he looks beat up with a bandage over his head and a broken arm with a makeshift arm sling. Bedside him was unmistakably a servant though it seems to be in spirit form at the moment.

Rin, I think your friend Shirou just got a servant...



Let him in.

With a mental shrug I enter back into spirit mode and floated down to the front door. Making myself solid again, I pull the hood over my head as to not surprise Shirou too much. Jumping a few times, I managed to unlock the door and open it slightly as I peek my head through. Looking up, I saw Shirou look confused as to who opened the door until he looked down and gave an even more confused look at me. "Hello Shirou, like my new look?"

"You... you look quite small... what's with the hood though?"

"So you wouldn't be too surprised." I said shrugging as I opened the door all the way as I let Shirou and his servant in.

Hey Rin, where are you?


Okay, so what do you-

Bring them here.


"Follow me down this hallway please." I said as we all walked silently. There in the kitchen was Rin, calmly eating her breakfast. When she noticed us, she slowly layed down her utensil and gave a nice happy smile on her face which just so happened to contrast with the dark aura around her.

"Emiya." She said sweetly.

Looking towards Shirou he looks like he's sweating a waterfall. "Hey Tohsaka... heheh..." He's rubbing the back of his head with his good hand nervously.

"Emiya. Do you know what you got yourself into?"

"I... accidentally summoned a servant?"




"Tohsaka please just let me explain and-"

"Well you better because-"

"Stop." A feminine voice, distorted as if it was spoken through a rebreather. We all froze as a sudden feeling of dread press down on our bodies as the air around us seems to choke our lungs, I felt the source was coming from behind Shirou. I was too scared to look but I force myself to look anyways as I press my own hand against my cheek to simply turn my head. What found a striking but other worldly beauty that was only a bit shorter then Shirou but that did nothing to hinder her oppressive aura.

By my best estimations she's about 150 cm tall, long purple hair with red streaks that nearly reaches the ground and a well developed body. Her skin is deathly pale but lacks any blemishes. Her outfit consists of a sleeveless black dress with a pleated skirt that only reaches her knees. Her armor was sleek, darker than the night itself but only consist of a breastplate and a set of greaves and gauntlets. Her face was covered by what looks like a streamlined fencing mask made of dark steel and glass. Her facial features allude me except a set of glowing purple eyes. At the moment she's currently weaponless but that really doesn't matter as she simply stands there like a statue whose eye always follow the closest moving thing. It's almost like she came right out of a horror story off the pages and into the flesh of real life.

"Miss Tohsaka..." She seems to be carefully choosing her words. "We only came here with peaceful intentions. If you'll just calm down then we can actually explain our circumstances and our reasons as to why we came to here. Besides..." She leans slightly closer to Rin. "...Is that how you should treat your guests?"

Rin took a gulp as she slowly nodded her head. "Good." The choking dread around us ceased. Rin and I let out a deep breath that we were both holding in. "Oh... Almost forgot to introduce myself..." She said to herself as she gave a polite bow. "My name is Lancer, pleased to meet you..."

Primary Class: Lancer
True Name: ???
Master: Shirou Emiya
Gender: Female
Alignment: ???
Armament: ???

Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Prana: B++
Luck: E

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: C
Cancels spells with with a chant that consist of 2 chants or less. Cannot defend from High Thaumaturgy or Great Rituals.

Personal Skills:

Fear Inducement: A
A skill that can be toggled on and off. Induces the feeling of dread and mortality to all living beings within a range of a 15 meter radius. Against heroic spirits, this skill encourages them to falter more often and make more mistakes in the midst of battle. Can be negated by Magic Resistance B or skills that negate mental interference that are at sufficient rank. Perhaps a skill made to emphasize the importance of fear in Lancer's legend?




Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???

"Lancer!" We all turned to the exasperated voice of one Shirou Emiya, a guy we kinda forgot about for a moment. "What did you have to do that for!? You didn't have scare them like that."

"B-B-B-But Shirou I only meant to stop her from shouting at you and-" We were dumbstruck yet again as the terrifyingly dreadful Lancer suddenly became that flustered shy love interest from those poorly made rom coms as both Shirou and Lancer get into a argument filled with split second misunderstanding and confusion. "I-I'm sorry Shirou..." She said in a low muffled voice as she twiddles her fingers. Oh crud I can imagine the blush from underneath thatm ask of hers.

"I understand that you want to protect me." He was rubbing forehead with his good hand. "But I can handle these kinds of things on my own... besides..." He pointed at Rin and I. "They're the ones who need your apology. Not me." He gave a smile.

"Oh... uh..." She slowly turned towards us before with quick motion bowed her head. "I'm sorry for disrupting you with my aura of blood curdling fear."

"Uh... apology accepted?" This was not the morning Rin expected."Can... can I talk with Emiya for a bit? In private?" In that moment, Lancer snapped back into her neutral pose as she looked towards her master.

"Uh... sure Tohsaka..." She lead the both of them out of the room as the sounds of feet climbing the stairs reach my ears before they slowly fade with distance. Looking towards Lancer, I saw that she was deep in thought as she looked at the food Rin made.

"Ah..." She said at last. "Shirou forgot to eat breakfast." With efficient movement she opened one of the drawers and took out a well maintained white apron before placing it on as she turned on the stove and soaked a large bowl of rice in water. For a moment however she stopped and looked at me. "You're Assassin right?"

"Yes." I simply said.

"Would you like some food too?" She looks towards me, those purple eyes of hers having ceased their glowing leaving a blank dark mask.

"Uh... sure..."

She nodded, resuming to her cooking which I assume by the ingredients being used is a western style meal. From above I thought I heard the sounds of someone beating their head against something, Rin by my best guess. For a while we were both silent. After a full 20 minutes I got bored and decided to go check on Rin until a voice interrupted me as I almost passed through the door. "You're quite an anomaly you know that?"

It was a good thing this hood was great in helping to hide my expression as my eyes were as wide as the eggs she's currently holding. Eyes still wide though still hidden I turn my head towards Lancer as I tried to think of a retort.

[] "What do you mean by that?"

[] "I don't know what you mean."

[] "..."

[] Ignore her and resume back to checking on Rin and Shirou

[] Write in
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[X] Is it because of your pep? Your striking personality?
-[X] Yeah, you can agree in a general sense, but you'd rather she elaborate. What if she just thinks you're breaking some kind of Assassin Cheeriness quota? Shirou was bound to have told her about the-- about what happened when you saved him.