[X] Pull out a 4 sided die out of your ass and roll it in order of the chairs listed on the vote

[JK/PLS] Pull a bottle out of nowhere and spin it. Sit at the desk nearest where it ends up pointing.
Oooooh, nice so far dude! Good to see a new Fate quest! Still sad no one makes any with Broskandar though.

[X] Sit by Shinji
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on Aug 11, 2017 at 12:34 PM, finished with 25 posts and 15 votes.
Cousin bonding! (Sorta) - 5
[X] Sit by Rin

While it would be amusing to sit by Shinji and give Rin a heart attack or go steal Shirou's seat and give Rin an even bigger heart attack. I wasn't that heartless. I decided it would be best if I sat next to Rin. "Hey Rinny! Looks like I'll be sitting next to you."

She made a choking sound. "Rinny?!" The sounds of snickering and whispers spread across the room.

I gave a confused look as I sat in the seat next to her. "What? Don't like the nickname? How bout Twin Tail?"

She looking at me with a hard glare.

"Little Miss High Socks?"

She hitting me with a harder glare.

"Fine I'll stop and here I was thinking we get to have a happy cousin to cousin bonding," I said, crossing my arms as I do a cute pout.

The sounds of whispering increases. Rin sent me a mental message. "If you embarrass me any further I'll use a command seal on you."

I sent a message back. "Fine..."

The teacher coughed out loud to grab everyone's attention. "Okay class. Now that we got that out of the way, we will now be continue our previous lessons and learn the exploits of the infamous Oda Nobunaga..." His voice seems to phase out of my mind as I thought to myself. Man, it's strange that I'm taking all of this in great strive. I barely remember anything from my own past minus bits and pieces of Medea's own history. I wonder... if I can even take a life.


It was now lunch time. Stretching my arms, I got out of my chair lifting my backpack around my shoulder as I walked beside Rin out of the room. "Hey Rin, wanna go eat on the roof? I kinda want to try something."

"Sure, I can do that."

"By the way."


"A lot of the students here are gawking at me." I pointing a hand at the doorway, where some students were peaking from until they realized that we noticed them and immediately retreated, except Issei, he's glaring at the both of us. It took Shirou forcibly getting him out to let other students past through.

"I wonder why..." Rin said with a straight tone.

Sooner and later we found ourselves on the rooftops. Rin was eating a bento box. Me? I'm a servant, I don't need food. Instead I was doing something else. Looking through my book, I found a certain spell that would help me out. "Master please know that I'm about to use a spell."

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Assassin, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to scan the school for any rituals, servants and the like. Don't worry, it's the quiet type, no one will sense it."

"Well, if no one can sense it then go ahead. We'll need all the information we can get to win this war."

I nodded. Looking at the page one more time, I silently spoke a chant and a magical impulse burst forth from my body before almost instantly returning to me. My brain was flooded with a wealth of information as I stagger back on the bench holding my temple in pain.

"Assassin?! Are you okay?" She looks concerned.

"Oh? It's nothing, it's just my brain is being loaded with a bunch of information and all that stuff. Not every spell is perfect."

"Okay, but don't go blow your own brains out or something. I still need you to win this war."

"Awww.... and here I thought you had a heart."

"I don't need a heart, I'm a magus. I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to win this war and gain honor for my family line." Somehow it feels like she's lying a bit, that and it feels kinda forced.

"Next time master. Lie better." I gave a smug smile. She maintains a poker face.

Rolling my eyes I looked through the information I gained as it's slowly being sorted... "Huh... interesting..."

"What's interesting?"

"It seems like there are two servant here," along with the fact that I can't seem to sense Blood Fort Andromeda anywhere. In fact I can't seem to sense Rider anywhere.

"Two?! Where?!" She's on high alert now.

"One is an Archer who's on their own and who I believe is currently in the library for some odd reason. The other..." I stood up and over to the railings as I pointed out to the forest. "There's a Saber over there. Somewhere in the forest? I dunno, the spell trades 100% clear info in favor of secrecy."

"Hmmm..." Rin was thinking to herself as she looked out into the deep forest. "I think it's best if we only engage one of them with peaceful intent. I'm sorry Assassin but... you're not really all that great of an assassin if what I remember about your legend is correct. Plus I want to get as much information as possible before we engage them."

"Sounds good."

[] Check out Saber

[] Check out Archer
[X] Check out Saber.

Archer, classic, is five thousand times more likely to screw us over in who knows how many ways. Archer, un-classic, is a complete unknown. Archer of the Last War is the last thing we should go near. Saber, who is almost certainty classic, has a decent chance of being on Shirou's non-lethal leash, and not actully blowing us up in plain-ish sight due to morals. Plus, we can outrun swords better than arrows or swords shot like arrows.

... We should still be able to hit up Shinji. Unless this is AU to the point that Zouken's already dead, there will be a Matou participant. If it's Sakura... things will get interesting. But I can't see Zouken letting her run around with a Servant because that's a very easy way to get her killed.

But Saber already being summoned... Ilya maybe? Why she would be in the forest though...
Between the two who do we have the best chances at surviving? Just in case. My theory is that the archer is merely looking in the library to see how well their legend survived current day. But it's shaky since we haven't even met them yet.

[X] Check out Archer
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Between the two who do we have the best chances at surviving? Just in case. My theory is that the archer is merely looking in the library to see how well their legend survived current day. But it's shaky since we haven't even met them yet.

A Saber class Servant is Meada's counter. We can't do shit against high Magic Resistance and will get ROFL stomped so hard in a real fight it isn't funny. Archer really depends on who they are.

I'm tentatively assuming that Archer is Sakura/Shinji's and Saber is Artoria under Shirou because of Avalon. So can anyone think of an Archer Sakura is likely to summon?
A Saber class Servant is Meada's counter. We can't do shit against high Magic Resistance and will get ROFL stomped so hard in a real fight it isn't funny. Archer really depends on who they are.

I'm tentatively assuming that Archer is Sakura/Shinji's and Saber is Artoria under Shirou because of Avalon. So can anyone think of an Archer Sakura is likely to summon?
The most fucked up one possible in one way or another, in all honesty. Archers don't get the same rep as swordsmen, but... who's the nastiest person acquainted with a bow you can think of?
A Saber class Servant is Meada's counter. We can't do shit against high Magic Resistance and will get ROFL stomped so hard in a real fight it isn't funny. Archer really depends on who they are.

I'm tentatively assuming that Archer is Sakura/Shinji's and Saber is Artoria under Shirou because of Avalon. So can anyone think of an Archer Sakura is likely to summon?

Depends on if in this timeline it is just about roles being shuffled or we see entirely new Heroic Spirits?

Medusa as Archer would be a terrifying adversary.

Hercules as Saber? Lolstompage!
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You guys got about a day and a half to think this over. (beach time remember?) Update will be on Sunday. The hint's in the update itself.
Oh boy...

That Saber probably isn't Artoria. She was at Shirou's house all the time.

Unless it's Nero, they probably can shrug off our magic.

And Archers usually have little scruples, so even if they're not doing anything, Rin or us might still get shot on sight.
What if the Saber is Mordred? She's no pushover, but she can only use her full power against Arturia.