This took a long ass time - 3
[X] Spend 6 hours reading a fucking book tome
-[X] Be sure to find a decent Disguise spell, always useful for an assassin.
-[X] Memorize its fucking contents.

Taking a seat on the rebuilt couch. I opened my tome and started reading it. After ten minutes I was already bored. "Oh my Zeus this is boring. It's like reading a textbook!" I slap myself. "Stupid me! This is for my own survival... I just need to... bear this..."

[2:00 AM]

"Huh... so that's how you make a wand out of a dead corpse..."

[2:30 AM]

"So the spell for blast is έκρηξη? Fuck how am I going to remember that?"

[3:00 AM]

"Holy shit, I found doodles."

[3:10 AM]

"Huh, it seems like all of Jason's doodle faces have been brutally crossed out."

[3:30 AM]

"Holy crud, is this Greek fire?! SWEET!"

[3:50 AM]

"So that's how Caster enchanted Kuzuki's arms and legs without turning them to steel. Maybe I can try that on Rin. She'll be the mighty servant while I'll be the cowardly master." I gave a giggle.

[4:10 AM]

"Hey this is more fun then I thought."

[4:11 AM]

"Wait, does that mean I'm a boring nerd?"

[4:12 AM]


[4:50 AM]

"Oh hey there's the disguise section... Huh, looks like there's a bunch of different types of disguise spells and potions..." I looked through the list and a wide smile formed on my face when I found the perfect one.

[6:10 AM]

Activating my Presence Concealment (because that skill was more instinctual then the other). I Entered Rin's room and silently passed by her. Man she's so adorable when she's sleeping, especially the part where she fell off partway off the bed with drool coming out of her mouth. Shaking my head, I looked around until I found it, a hairbrush on top of an old looking makeup table. Picking it up I saw that it had plenty of of Rin's hair. GOOD.

[6:15 AM]

I'm in Rin's kitcehn, cooking something in one of her pots. "Okay, lets see what the recipes says again."

Complete Body Blood Transformation

This is a spell that will alt allow one to adopt the form and blood of another person permanently. Depending on the ingredients used in the potion the transformation will be either be a complete copy of the other person or someone who shares similar characteristics of that person. For the potion that would reverse this, please look up 'Reversal Potions and their applications.'

Ingredients needed:
A modest sized gem charged with magic (Any)
Pig Blood (50 grams)
Salt (grams varies)
Water (600 grams)
Anything born from the body of the person you want to take form of (hair, blood, teeth, etc)
Wine (drape grape, 80 grams, any age)

Step 1: Boil the water in a pot. Place a piece of your desired person in the pot.
Step 2: Grab a bowl and pour pig blood and wine in it, stir touroughly.
Step 3: Depending on the amount of salt, it will control the skin tone/colder colour of the end transformation

Salt guide:
0 grams, pale white
5 grams, beige
10 grams, light brown
15 grams, brown
20 grams, dark brown

This is a completely optional ingredient, however if you chose to add it to the potion, remember to pour it into the pig blood/wine mixture first, not the boiling water. Mix it thoroughly.

Step 4: The gem will be one thing that will determine the colour of chair hair, it will also dictate how thorough the transformation would be as it depends on how much prana was placed into the gem. First ground it into a fine power and pour it into the boiling water, leave it allow for ten minutes then stir.

Step 5: Pour the pig blood/wine mixture into the pot and stir for 5 minutes. Stir thoroughly.
Step 6: Take the pot out of the fire. While it's still hot draw a circle of your own blood around it and speak these words.

Αλλαγή αίματος.
Αλλαγή προσώπου.
Αλλαγή μορφής.

Step 7: After it stops glowing, it's now safe to drink.

"Doesn't seem too hard," I said to myself as I held up one of Rin's gems that I 'borrowed.' It was a citrine, a sort of clear yellow gem. "This should do the trick." I followed the steps as best I could. For the skin tone, I went for 10 grams. "Oh this is going to be awesome. Can't wait to see Rin's face when she sees the new me." The rest of the ingredients, including the wine and pig blood were easy enough for me to find in Rin's house, after a thorough search of course.

At the end I took the pot off and placed it on a counter. Taking a small knife from my robe (it's not Rule Breaker, just something for making items and stuff), I took off my glove and made a slice on my index finger. "Fuck, that shit stings."

Drawing a circle around the pot, I closed my eyes and and spoke the chant.

"Αλλαγή αίματος.
Αλλαγή προσώπου.
Αλλαγή μορφής."

The circle of blood glowed brightly as the colour of my concoction changes from it blood red colour to a strange yellow one. After it stopped glowing, I took a cup and poured the contents of the pot into the cup. Bringing it it up to my face, I sniffed it before recoiling back. "Man this stuff stinks, but then again a good chunk of medicine is like that so, whatever."

I drank it, it taste disgusting. Like raw rotten eggs mixed with stale blood of a road killed raccoon rotting for 2/3rds of a month after someone pulled a simultaneous diarrhea and constipation on its dead corpse but not before a bunch of people pissed on it after they ate-

I didn't finish that thought as I dropped the cup. I held my body as my face contorts in unbelievable pain. I felt my entire bone structure break itself, my muscles rearranging, my hair falling out. I can't even scream, my vocal cords are too busy being rearrange for that. I squirmed on the ground, too much pain to think. I can't think. Ican't fioa=kkkoggkpoipmgrijmiksrgmorbnnimimiMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

The pain stopped abruptly, but not completely. I still felt sore. Getting off the ground I noticed that I a bit shorter. "Mirror, I need a mirror." That wasn't my voice, it was more like Rin's.

Going down to the basement I look around the dusty old place and found a nice mirror to look into. Taking off my hood (shit it's filled with hair clumps, better take it all off) I look into the mirror and saw a Rin with blond hair all let down and light tanned skin looking back. "Disguise successful! Painful though, ouch." Looking closer I saw that still had my weird elf ears but that gave the look a certain charm. "Now... how will I break this to Rin?"

[] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.
-[] "I got a new look, might as well get a new dress"
--[] Write in

[] "Well it's about 6:56 AM, might as well wake her up now and show her the new me."

[] Write in
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[x] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[x] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.

Lets consolidate?
Salt guide:
0 kg, pale white
5 kg, beige
10 kg, light brown
15 kg, brown
20 kg, dark brown
that's wayyyy too many salt.

[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.

would've gone for the dress option if the end result was complete copy of Rin rather than the "with some alteration" there.
[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.
--[X] See if you can find some sort of Sympathy spell/ritual especially. If you want to kill Zouken, you need to kill all of his worms at once. Hopefully you have something.
[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] "I got a new look, might as well get a new dress"
--[X] Loot her wardrobe for anything interesting
that's wayyyy too many salt.

[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.

would've gone for the dress option if the end result was complete copy of Rin rather than the "with some alteration" there.
Yet another thing I fucked up.
[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.
--[X] See if you can find some sort of Sympathy spell/ritual especially. If you want to kill Zouken, you need to kill all of his worms at once. Hopefully you have something.
---[X] On that note, also look for things that could help Sakura survive. Her body is full of those worms, even if you kill Zouken instantly, she might die.

That's also important.
getting into shenanigans as the extra version of rin is fine too. hopefully won't end up as an internationally wanted terrorist tho :V
[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.
--[X] See if you can find some sort of Sympathy spell/ritual especially. If you want to kill Zouken, you need to kill all of his worms at once. Hopefully you have something.
---[X] On that note, also look for things that could help Sakura survive. Her body is full of those worms, even if you kill Zouken instantly, she might die.

That's also important.
Quick question tho. What's a sympathy spell?
[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] "I got a new look, might as well get a new dress"
--[X] Loot her wardrobe for anything interesting

ZR time!
Quick question tho. What's a sympathy spell?

Generally something that shares the effect from the target to others that share a similarity. Hit one worm and the rest take the same effect, even the ones nowhere nearby. They need something linking them together though, in this case it would be Zouken.

[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.
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Generally something that shares the effect from the target to others that share a similarity. Hit one worm and the rest take the same effect, even the ones nowhere nearby. They need something linking them together though, in this case it would be Zouken.

[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.

Oh. So kinda like the same thing in Prisma Illya?
Oh. So kinda like the same thing in Prisma Illya?
Don't know what you're talking about. But it's the same basic idea as voodoo dolls, you get a straw doll as an effigy of a person and then something belonging to that person, usually a piece of them or something explicitly connected to them, and then what you do to the doll has a knockoff effect on the person.

Depending on power and skill it could be anything from whatever happens to the doll actually happens to them to something like only feeling phantom touches/pains.

Considering we're mother-fucking Medea, planning on, using one of the actual Worms Zouken inhabits/is connected to? It's gonna be nasty.

We could shove Sakura into an isolation field right before we do it as well. Nothing going on outside the spell circle can affect anything going on inside. That's like... the basics of the basics with spell circles honestly. That is separating the outside from the inside.

Or possibly just make a circle to support her while the worms die. Magical Medical Coma.
Oh. So kinda like the same thing in Prisma Illya?

I've never see Prisma Illya, so I have no clue.

Voodoo Dolls are the traditional example that come to mind. It's a bit different from that concept, but it should be possible considering that this is Meada. It wouldn't supprise me if Zouken has taken countermeasures or will have some way to counter it, he's centuries old and should know most ways people are going to try and kill him by now, but it's worth a try.
Don't know what you're talking about. But it's the same basic idea as voodoo dolls, you get a straw doll as an effigy of a person and then something belonging to that person, usually a piece of them or something explicitly connected to them, and then what you do to the doll has a knockoff effect on the person.

Depending on power and skill it could be anything from whatever happens to the doll actually happens to them to something like only feeling phantom touches/pains.

Considering we're mother-fucking Medea, planning on, using one of the actual Worms Zouken inhabits/is connected to? It's gonna be nasty.

We could shove Sakura into an isolation field right before we do it as well. Nothing going on outside the spell circle can affect anything going on inside. That's like... the basics of the basics with spell circles honestly. That is separating the outside from the inside.

Or possibly just make a circle to support her while the worms die. Magical Medical Coma.

Isn't Sakura absolutely infested with the things? And predominantly the one wrapped around her heart. That isn't fanon is it?
Isn't Sakura absolutely infested with the things? And predominantly the one wrapped around her heart. That isn't fanon is it?
No it isn't, but that's the thing. They're in her, but they aren't actually doing anything, as far as I know of anyway, so we should be able to remove them like this. The one in her heart needs to go at least, since that one is carrying a very substantial chunk of Zouken's soul though.

Medical Coma should stop any shock from hurting her anyway. And if we can whip up a homunculus then we can obviously whip up something to replace any damaged sections of her. And, well, Item Creation Rank B is kinda bullshit. It's no Rank A, or especially EX, but it's still bullshit.
Yeah, the most important part of Zouken is the one on Sakura's heart. If we try anything recklessly, he can instantly kill her. We need to find out as much as we can of our abilities if we want to kill the worms and prepare it early so SEKAI DE ICHIBAN TSUYOI DAKARA and the AUO don't get in the way.
Yeah, the most important part of Zouken is the one on Sakura's heart. If we try anything recklessly, he can instantly kill her. We need to find out as much as we can of our abilities if we want to kill the worms and prepare it early so SEKAI DE ICHIBAN TSUYOI DAKARA and the AUO don't get in the way.
He's not going to kill her unless he's being vindictive, he kind of still needs her. Which he shouldn't get a chance to be cause Sympathy magic (hopefully). Which should be basically instantaneous just due to it's nature and how powerful we'd make it.

That, and again, Magical Medical Coma and Item Creation Rank B means we could keep her stable and shove a new heart into her anyway.

Iffy on the MMC, but the latter we should definitely be able to do at least.
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