Starcraft Quest

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You are a low ranking Executor of a Protoss faction stranded on a new planet. Your carrier crash...
United States

You are a low ranking Executor of a Protoss faction stranded on a new planet. Your carrier crash landed after Zerg forces broke through the shield and damaged it, though your scouts distracted them at the cost of their lives. With few resources and no longer in imminent danger, you open up your ships logs to look at what you know...


Your faction?
[] Daelaam
[] Tal'Darim
[] Write in

Name the planet:
[] Write in
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Name: Khux
Planet: Nova Cain

8805 Minerals
220 Vespene Gas
186/280 Supply
This increases the armor level of shields from 0 to 1.
This increases the attack value of ground weapons by 1.
This allows Gateways to transform into a Warp Gate, which allows them to instantly produce a unit anywhere with power, with a cool down. 1 turn left of research.

Large Plateau Base:
Damaged Carrier (0/2 Supply)
Nexus (0/10 Supply) (120 minerals per Probe, 39 probes)
Assimilator (80 vespene per Probe per turn, 3 probe)
Nexus (0/10 Supply) (120 minerals per Probe, 20 probes)
19 Pylon (0/152 Supply)
10 Gateway
1 Stargate
3 Forge
6 Photon Cannons
1 Cybernetics Core
60 Probes (60 Supply)
15 Zealot (30 Supply)

Southwest Plateau Base:
Nexus (0/10 Supply) (100 minerals per Probe per turn, 11 probes)
Assimilator (100 vespene per Probe per turn, 1 probe)
12 Probes (8 Supply)
5 Pylon (0/40 Supply)

Northern Hill Base:
Nexus (0/10 Supply) (120 minerals per Probe per turn, 2 probes)
2 Pylon (0/16 Supply)
2 Probes (2 Supply)

Pylon Outpost Base:
Pylon (0/8 Supply)
5 Photon Cannons
2 Shield Batteries
25 Zealots (50 Supply)
- 2 are slightly damaged.
- 2 are very damaged.
8 Stalkers (16 Supply)
- 1 is slightly damaged.

SE Doublestep Plateau:
1 Zealot (2 Supply)

Main River Bridge:
4 Pylon (0/32 Supply)
4 Zealot (8 Supply)

A unit can go through a number of sections equal to its movement speed rounded to the nearest integer. This has the speeds of all the units. Scouting units go slower as they are checking out the area.

Very Large Blue is carrier
Medium Blue is Cybernetics Core
Large yellow is Nexus
Medium yellow is Forge
Small yellow is pylon
Medium green is Gateway
Small green is photon cannon
Small red is Shield Battery
Medium Red is Stargate
Teal is mineral cluster
Green is Vespene
- Blue in center is Assimilator
Darker brown is higher, lighter brown is darker.
Two parallel lines is ramp.
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Question, from what time would the factions come from?

Like if they come from before LoV, then the Golden will still have the Khala while the Black will still worship Amon.
[X] Daelaam
[X] Nova Cain

Yes, you are a Executor serving the Daelaam Hierarchy on a research expedition. You have only recently recovered from loosing the Khala, so you arranged this expedition to try to have something else to focus on. As you have discovered this planet, you have decided to name it Nova Cain in honor of a nova you saw on your travels here.

You see that you have landed on a plateau with a large ramp to your North-West. There are mineral clusters to your North-East and South-East, and Vespene Geyser to your South-east. You start using your probes to gather minerals from the South-West mineral cluster, and gain 400 minerals. You know you will need more minerals in the future, as well as vespene to power Psi-Related machinery. You now have a choice of what to build. You can pick options twice, this is plan voting.

Votes: This is plan voting, so for example:
[X] All the pylons!
[X] Pylon
[X] Pylon
[X] Pylon
[X] Pylon

[] Nexus, 400 each
[] Pylon, 100 each
[] Assimilator, 75 each
[] Probe, 50 each
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The buildings do the same thing as in game. Nexus receives resources and can build a probe. It will also allow you to build a gateway. Pylon will let you build buildings near it. Assimilator will allow you to harvest vespene.
[x]Start at the very beginning.
[x] 1 Nexus, 400

You decide to warp in a Nexus by the Eastern mineral cluster, as it is a good starting point. Exhos, one of your lieutenants, speaks up "it is good that you are building that Nexus, Executor. We will be able to build a Gateway now to start warping in warriors to defend ourselves. Of course, we could also use it to build more probes to get a stronger economy."

Although you use all your minerals on the Nexus, your probes regain those 400 minerals. After a few hours, the Nexus warps in and you input your name to register it under your control...

[] Khux
[] Datul
[] Write in (Must be suitably Protoss-y)

You redirect all the probes to harvest at the Nexus, increasing the minerals-per-turn of each to 120 from 80. You can now build a Gateway and a Forge, the former letting you warp in combat units, and the latter letting you upgrade your units and letting you build Photon Cannons. You now must decide what to do...

OOC: I think I'm working out how the building part is going to work now, so it's a bit more sophisticated now. With the build times, for example, a Nexus could make 4 probes in 1 turn. The build times do not apply to what you've already built.
Plan Voting:
[] Nexus, 400 minerals, provides 10 supply. Takes 2 turns to build.
[] Pylon, 100 minerals, provides 8 supply. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Assimilator, 75 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Probe, 50 minerals, 1 supply. Takes 1/4s turns to build.
[] Gateway, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Forge, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Send a probe to scout north.
[] Send a probe to scout west.
[] Send a probe to scout east.
[] Send a probe to scout south. (Takes 2 turns round trip)
[] Broadcast a request of help. (Note: This will not reach Aiur, and Terrans may intercept it.)
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[X] Wesatul
[X] Probe, 50 minerals, 1 supply. Takes 1/4s turns to build. X3
[X] Pylon, 100 minerals, provides 8 supply. Takes 1 turn to build.
[X] Gateway, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[X] Khux

[X] Pylon, 100 minerals, provides 8 supply. Takes 1 turn to build.
[X] Assimilator, 75 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[X] Probe, 50 minerals, 1 supply. Takes 1/4s turns to build.
[X] Gateway, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[X] Khux

[X] Pylon, 100 minerals, provides 8 supply. Takes 1 turn to build.
[X] Assimilator, 75 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[X] Probe, 50 minerals, 1 supply. Takes 1/4s turns to build.
[X] Gateway, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.

You decide on what to build, leaving you with 25 minerals remaining. Your 6 probes harvesting gather 690 minerals, leaving you with 715 minerals, as your 6th probe only harvested 90 minerals. When your assimilator is built you assign your newly built probe to start harvesting it now.

With the gateway built, you can now produce combat units. You currently have 5 probes harvesting minerals at 120 per turn each, and 1 harvesting gas at 80 per turn. So, you must decide on what to do next...

Plan Voting:
[] Nexus, 400 minerals, provides 10 supply. Takes 2 turns to build.
[] Pylon, 100 minerals, provides 8 supply. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Assimilator, 75 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Gateway, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Forge, 150 minerals. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Cybernetics Core, 150 minerals. Takes 2 turns to build.
[] Probe, 50 minerals, 1 supply. Takes 1/4 turns to build.
[] Zealot, 100 minerals, 2 supply. Takes 1 turn to build.
[] Send a probe to scout north.
[] Send a probe to scout west.
[] Send a probe to scout east.
[] Send a probe to scout south. (Takes 2 turns round trip)
[] Broadcast a request of help. (Note: This will not reach Aiur, and Terrans may intercept it.)
[] Write in
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