This seems to be good description for the situation.

So who or what would you guy's like to see in this from the side content. (aka filler, games, movies and more!)

Personally I would love for us to unlock Yamchas potential I remember in one game where you could take him to namek the power increase was huge!
This seems to be good description for the situation.

So who or what would you guy's like to see in this from the side content. (aka filler, games, movies and more!)

Personally I would love for us to unlock Yamchas potential I remember in one game where you could take him to namek the power increase was huge!
Mmm... Hard to choose there is some neat stuff out there, I would like to visit Angels of Hell after Friezas death to unknowingly add to his suffering and Chief Moginaian he looked badass transforned and who knows we could be frends and training buddy's.
This seems to be good description for the Situation.

So who or what would you guy's like to see in this from the side content. (aka filler, games, movies and more!)

Personally I would love for us to unlock Yamchas potential I remember in one game where you could take him to namek the power increase was huge!

Personally? I'd like to find out more about the Demon Realm, i'd like to find a cool and powerful character we can permanently fuse with using the earrings, and i'd also like to find out whether there is a Kai equivalent to the Demon God form. The leaders of the Demon Race and the Supreme Kai seem to mirror each other to the point where one can turn into the other, so there should also be a form that allows Kai to use godly Ki.
Personally? I'd like to find out more about the Demon Realm, i'd like to find a cool and powerful character we can permanently fuse with using the earrings, and i'd also like to find out whether there is a Kai equivalent to the Demon God form. The leaders of the Demon Race and the Supreme Kai seem to mirror each other to the point where one can turn into the other, so there should also be a form that allows Kai to use godly Ki.
Would like to know about the Demon god form conterpart too.
Personally? I'd like to find out more about the Demon Realm, i'd like to find a cool and powerful character we can permanently fuse with using the earrings, and i'd also like to find out whether there is a Kai equivalent to the Demon God form. The leaders of the Demon Race and the Supreme Kai seem to mirror each other to the point where one can turn into the other, so there should also be a form that allows Kai to use godly Ki.
What is the Demon God form and I do not think we will have fusion earings for a long time.
What is the Demon God form and I do not think we will have fusion earings for a long time.

Demon God

I am not entirely sure how canonical this is because it seems to turn up almost exclusively in the Xenoverse and Heroes, but the basics are this:

Extremely powerful members of the Demon Race (Dabura is a canonical example) can achieve a form that seems to be comparable to the Super Saiyan God form. We know that at least one Xenoverse Demon Race member who achieved this form, Demigra, used to be a wizard working with the Supreme Kai of Time in the Heavenly Realm before he was banished for his crimes.

This, combined with him looking a lot like a Kai back then, makes it likely that the Demon Race is in some way connected to the Kai. This could mean that there is a Kai equivalent of the Demon God form out there.
[X] Throw out both your hands and push out all your energy from them screaming

Screaming and throwing out all your energy ends up one of two ways in Dragon Ball.

1) You defeat your opponent and pass out exhausted.
2) You fail and end up dying.

Plus side? If we die, at least we might have the chance of keeping our body and training with someone after death! Kais are inherently good by nature of being, well, Kais, and only good people get to keep their bodies after death.
Personally? I'd like to find out more about the Demon Realm, i'd like to find a cool and powerful character we can permanently fuse with using the earrings, and i'd also like to find out whether there is a Kai equivalent to the Demon God form. The leaders of the Demon Race and the Supreme Kai seem to mirror each other to the point where one can turn into the other, so there should also be a form that allows Kai to use godly Ki.
The leaders of the Demon Realm race are the same race as the Kai's. Kai's are born from the fruit of a magical tree, regular kai's from normal fruit, Kaioshins from golden fruit(though lesser Kai's can get promoted to kaioshin status). However every so often you get a kai that's born naturally evil, in which case they get thrown into the Demon Realm.

The Shinjin are born from magical fruits that grow off of the Kaiju. The average Shinjin possesses special abilities that far surpass that of any sort of un-trained normal being. Shinjin live leisurely lives, studying various things at a school-like castle. The Shinjin lifespan is roughly 75,000 years, however those born from golden magical fruits can live for several millions of years.

Whenever one of the Kai on the Kai planets passes away, the Shinjin draw lots among themselves to choose who will take the Kai's place and become a new Kai. The Supreme Kais, however, are chosen only from among Shinjin born from a special golden fruit that is particularly rare. However it is possible for a Kai to attain the position of Supreme Kai as shown by Chronoa who became Supreme Kai of Time after she raised Tokitoki into a adult.

Additionally, Gowasu was originally training Zamasu to become a Supreme Kai and briefly made him a temporary Supreme Kai so he could use a Time Ring they could travel 1000 years into the future to observe how the Babarian had progressed as a species.

Most Supreme Kai have the same general appearance: tall and thin with white mohawks and sharply pointed ears, generally only differing in skin color and other minor details, though there are exceptions, particularly in the case of Universe Seven.

Occasionally, there are Shinjin who are born evil. Those delinquent Shinjin are cast into the Demon Realm ruled by the Makaioshin, where they live with the Makaio and are secluded from civilizations.

As for God Ki, while there's some ambiguity about whether lesser Kai's like King Kai have God Ki, kaioshins like Shin, Kibito and Elder Kai do. But having God Ki does no make you invincible or mean that a mortal with sufficient amounts of mortal ki cant overpower them. Gods of Destruction like Beerus aren't strong just because they have God Ki but because they are that strong. God Ki pound for pound is better then normal ki but that just means in a battle between god and mortal its Quality vs Quantity.
That...isn't true. I'm positive that at some point in the series, Goku used Instant Transmission to get to either Shin, Kibito, or Elder Kai. If they had God ki, he wouldn't have been able to do that because mortals can't even sense God ki, and Goku needs to lock onto a ki signature to IT to a person.

Not to mention if they DID have god ki, someone would have pointed out how they can't sense them.

...Though looking into it more, apparently the Supreme Kai DOES possess it. a headscratcher all its own. Back in Z, Piccolo could obviously sense his ki prior to their match with each other, so...retcon, I guess.
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That...isn't true. I'm positive that at some point in the series, Goku used Instant Transmission to get to either Shin, Kibito, or Elder Kai. If they had God ki, he wouldn't have been able to do that because mortals can't even sense God ki, and Goku needs to lock onto a ki signature to IT to a person.

Not to mention if they DID have god ki, someone would have pointed out how they can't sense them.

...Though looking into it more, apparently the Supreme Kai DOES possess it. a headscratcher all its own. Back in Z, Piccolo could obviously sense his ki prior to their match with each other, so...retcon, I guess.
Probably they where not planing for Super when writing Z.
That...isn't true. I'm positive that at some point in the series, Goku used Instant Transmission to get to either Shin, Kibito, or Elder Kai. If they had God ki, he wouldn't have been able to do that because mortals can't even sense God ki, and Goku needs to lock onto a ki signature to IT to a person.

Not to mention if they DID have god ki, someone would have pointed out how they can't sense them.

...Though looking into it more, apparently the Supreme Kai DOES possess it. a headscratcher all its own. Back in Z, Piccolo could obviously sense his ki prior to their match with each other, so...retcon, I guess.
Goku sensed Gohan's ki, not the Supreme Kai's. As for Piccolo,

Dende was able to sense Beerus's power, showing that the position of Guardian of the planet does carry with it some perks like learning how to sense god ki, something Piccolo apparently inherited from Kami since he was the only one who could sense the Supreme Kai's power.
Goku sensed Gohan's ki, not the Supreme Kai's. As for Piccolo,

Dende was able to sense Beerus's power, showing that the position of Guardian of the planet does carry with it some perks like learning how to sense god ki, something Piccolo apparently inherited from Kami since he was the only one who could sense the Supreme Kai's power.

Well I'd be damned divine ki was a thing even back then.
It is still strange that the Demon Gods are so much more powerful than the Kaioshin.
Kind of true they generally apear weaker probably because Berus usally destroyed big bads of demon realm usally, but then he went asleep so no big bad god of destruction there to destroy your enemys. Or atleast that would bee my theory if he was not so... Berus.
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Well I'd be damned divine ki was a thing even back then.
Kibito even mentions that Babadi can't use his and the supreme Kai's energy to revive majin Buu.

It is still strange that the Demon Gods are so much more powerful than the Kaioshin.
Zamasu, the South Supreme Kai, and the Hero kaioshins all show that supreme Kai's can be just as powerful. It's just that direct combat isn't a normal part of their job so most don't really train for it were as their demon opposites are a fair bit more violent in behavior.

Even then it's not like they are weak. Shin is probably somewhere around 16 to super vegeta level which is very respectable for a none combatant.
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Screaming, you push your hands towards the hulking demon flying towards you and unleash all your Ki into his general direction, causing a giant white beam of power to come from you.

The demon's eyes widen in fear. "OH SHIIIIIII-----" He screams before getting incinerated from the beam, unable to even finish his curse.

You crash into the ground and roll a bit. Once you stop the adrenalin slowly starts to wane away, causing you to feel the pain your body was blocking out.

You let out one last scream before blacking out from no energy and pain.

-Scene Break-

You slowly wake up to find yourself in the school hospital again. You breath heavily and with pain, obviously due to your broken ribs.

"Ah, so you are awake." A familiar voice says gently. You turn your head to find Mr. Rine next to your bed.

"I apologize. I did not know that the demons were so strong." He says to you, a regretful look on his face. "To make it up to you though, I shall give you the planet for you to keep." He tells you smiling. You aren't sure if it's because of the pain or not, but it looks a bit strained.

You do feel ecstatic though. You have your own planet to do whatever you wish with! "Thank you!" You say gleefully with a wide grin.

Mr. Rine chuckles at your enthusiasm. "Well, I believe I should go to let you rest." He says before leaving without giving you a chance to say anything.

You reflect on now having your own planet.

[] Now you can grow whatever you want! You can't wait to be able to start your studying!


[] You almost died! Maybe you should get a bit stronger physically and learn how to fight before you continue your studies.
[X] You almost died! Maybe you should get a bit stronger physically and learn how to fight before you continue your studies.
[X] You almost died! Maybe you should get a bit stronger physically and learn how to fight before you continue your studies.

We need this badly! Not mising this vote this time.
[X] You almost died! Maybe you should get a bit stronger physically and learn how to fight before you continue your studies.

Shin claimed a Supreme Kai can defeat Freeza with a single blow, time to get on that.