A Test
You decide to ask a teacher if you could borrow a planet. So you look around for one and find one of the magic teachers for students of q higher year than you.

"Um, Mr. Rine, may I ask a favor of you?" You ask him nervously, unsure on how he'll react to you since you've never met him. Though his students say that he is very nice and kind to everyone.

"Hm? What is it, um..." He says, going to ask what you want before realizing he doesn't know your name.

"Sakeli." You say embarrassed, introducing yourself.

His brown eyes shine with recognition behind his glasses. "Ah, yes, I've heard of you before. The abnormally strong girl. This is your third year hear, yes?" He asks with a kind smile.

You nod with a big smile. "Yep! And it's been so much fun!" You say cheerfully.

"So, what did you want Miss Sakeli?" He asks, absentmindedly putting some of his brown hair behind his ear.

You blink as you remember what you wanted to ask for. "Oh right! I wanted to know if you could lend me a planet for my studies. I'm going to study what happens when you infuse plant life with magic!" You explain cheerfully.

Rine smiles at you and taps his chin. "Well, I have already given most of the plants I can lend out to my other students. I only have one left. But there is a problem." He tells you.

Eager to gain a planet you ask, "What's the problem with it?"

"Oh it's nothing major. Just a minor demon infestation. Weak ones they are. I could easily handle them, but I just don't have the time." He tells you. Then he smiles. "But, if you clear it up for me, I'll let you have the planet. Think of it as a test to see if you are worthy of it." He says with a kind smile.

"I'll do it!" You say eagerly, wanting to ensure your chances of being able to borrow it. But it may be challenging to you. After all, you don't even know how to fight. But since you are perhaps the strongest Kai in the castle and Mr. Rine says he could handle it easily you should be able to do it.

[] Do it now so that no one else gets a chance of borrowing it before you


[] Wait a few weeks while getting fighting lessons in that time frame
[X] Do it now so that no one else gets a chance of borrowing it before you

I don't trust the teachers' opinions, but this will be an excellent test for ourselves.
[X] Do it now so that no one else gets a chance of borrowing it before you

Do it! Do it with the fury of a thousand sunflowers!
[X] Do it now so that no one else gets a chance of borrowing it before you
[X] Wait a few weeks while getting fighting lessons in that time frame

EDIT: Vote changed because irontony makes a good point.
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One hour and twenty minutes until voting is closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Jul 11, 2017 at 7:40 PM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.
[X] Wait a few weeks while getting fighting lessons in that time frame

If this is a test to see if we are responsible enough we should make sure we are up for the task.
Voting is now closed!

Also, I want you all to guess the future plot line.

Edit: Oh. I didn't notice there was a tie. Someone be a dear and roll a six sided die for me!
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Jul 11, 2017 at 9:00 PM, finished with 12 posts and 8 votes.
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Damn it I mised voting period. (Damn you sleep!)

I hoped we wold wate and train we do not know how to fight, but alas dice has no mercy.

By the way:
"given most of the
plants " ---> planets
You had a small mistake.
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Before the dice roll happened, I decided odd = training and even = charging in head first. So no training for us!
I kinda want to make those demons our minions.

Hey, we need someone to look after the plants when we are gone and we are a lot better at social fu than kung fu!
When Things Go Wrong
"Alright, I shall cast a magic spell on you that will send you to that planet for twenty four hours." He tells you smiling.

You smile in return and nod, certain that you will be able to handle this. You then feel magical power envelop you and see the area around you disappear and a forest replaces it.

"Hey, who the hell is that?" An unfamiliar voice says from behind you. You jump and turn around, seeing a bunch of gray and blue demons.

"Who cares. Just kill them!" Says a blue demon that is seven feet tall. At that order the hoarde of demons come charging at you.

You dodge them while hitting some with your full strength, caving in their chests and skulls, killing them instantly. But they have numbers on their side, so you feel yourself getting hit from behind. You are then combo from the side and get recieve a punch in the stomach, sending you flying through the air and through a few trees.

You get up, feeling your whole body aching. You then see a golden ball of energy come flying towards you, which you dodge and take to the skies flying.

You then propel yourself towards the demon hoarde, which have gotten angry that you had killed some of their members. They fire more Ki blasts at you which you have to dodge. You eventually reach them again and start punching holes through them. Outside of your notice, a few of the demons retreat.

After a few hours of fighting, and getting hit yourself, you managed to kill them all. Though you are quite bruised and feel exaughsted. You hope that's the last of them before your Ki sense goes wild. A huge power is coming towards your way. A power stronger than you currently are after fighting for so long.

Landing from across of you is a giant green demon that stands at twelve feet tall, radiating immense power. He snears at you. "So, you killed my soldiers. I'll make sure your death is painful." He tells you before disappearing and reappearing behind you and kicking you, causing a loud snapping noise and you screaming in pain as you are sent flying into multiple trees. You float up after landing, breathing being difficult as you feel a few broken ribs. Tears flow from your eyes, you never felt so pained before.

The demon laughs. "Maybe I'll have a bit of fun with you before I kill you." He says with a malicious grin, causing you to scream and fly away.

"Where do you think your going?" He asks mockingly as he begins to fly after you.

You notice he is quickly gaining on you. You remember the demons firing Ki blasts at you but you don't know how to do it. But trying is your only way out. Or else you'll be killed.

[] Throw out a hand and seperate your Ki, pushing a portion of it out


[] Throw out both your hands and push out all your energy from them screaming
[X] Throw out both your hands and push out all your energy from them screaming

We have no chance in drawn out fight. We need to hit him fast and hard hoping this takes care of him.
[X] Throw out both your hands and push out all your energy from them screaming

We have no chance in drawn out fight. We need to hit him fast and hard hoping this takes care of him.
[X] Throw out both your hands and push out all your energy from them screaming

And hit him hard we will! One specifys ki other says just energy. So we shall give him glorius 300k magic units! (Lets hope we don't explode the planet!)