As Black As Fate: A Mormegil Quest (ASOIAF/LOTR)

[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
[X] Free him, and sneak out of the Stoney Sept with him. It will be difficult for him and his to accept you after you turned Gurthang against them short hours ago, but your conscience weighs to heavily to stand alongside these men.

Oh, and could somebody warn me if it looks like the option other than cut him free won? I'll switch my vote to whichever freeing Stark would.
[X] Abandon them all. Leave Stark to his prison and Connington to his plans. This war and this King do not concern you. You know enough to navigate this war-torn land, and that is all you need.
[X] Cut him free. Toss your cloak over him and sneak him out through the throng. You will not ally yourself with him, but neither can you leave him to the predations of House Targaryen. You will return to Connington's camp afterwards.

Hmm, i don't want the war to end.

Let's give Eddard Stark his chance.
Adhoc vote count started by VNodosaurus on Jul 6, 2017 at 5:39 AM, finished with 38 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Cut him free. Toss your cloak over him and sneak him out through the throng. You will not ally yourself with him, but neither can you leave him to the predations of House Targaryen. You will return to Connington's camp afterwards.
    [X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
    [X] Free him, and sneak out of the Stoney Sept with him. It will be difficult for him and his to accept you after you turned Gurthang against them short hours ago, but your conscience weighs too heavily to stand alongside these men.
    [X] Free him, and sneak out of the Stoney Sept with him. It will be difficult for him and his to accept you after you turned Gurthang against them short hours ago, but your conscience weighs to heavily to stand alongside these men.
    [X] Return to Connington and argue leniency on Stark's behalf. Connington is a reasonable man, and should see sense.
    [X] Abandon them all. Leave Stark to his prison and Connington to his plans. This war and this King do not concern you. You know enough to navigate this war-torn land, and that is all you need.
[X] Abandon them all. Leave Stark to his prison and Connington to his plans. This war and this King do not concern you. You know enough to navigate this war-torn land, and that is all you need.
Yeah, nope. I'm not throwing away the efforts of all the previous posts just so people can suck up to a Stark.

[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.

This shouldn't even be a vote. We made our bed, so let's lie in it.
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.

This is not the time to pull off a daring rescue.
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.

Both sides are biased and ultimately wrong in the war. We have to remember that Lyanna may not have been kidnapped rather perhaps instigated the running away and Brandon was cocky enough to threat the King's son in the Kings domain despite how bad an idea that is since if a Northern Lord did that to the Warden of the Norths son a similar consequence of death could happen.

My hope is to help Connington to stop the war which if the guy is smart will not bring Lord Stark anywhere near Aerys to be killed since the Targaryeans need to humble the rebels not wipe them out or else that simple create new problems or worse fuel the war further. The ideal is getting Rhaegar onto the throne where he can then reassert the Crowns power through reasonable punishments like hostages/taxes while also giving something in return for appeasement since the Targaryeans did wrong the Starks ultimately.
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
[X] Abandon them all. Leave Stark to his prison and Connington to his plans. This war and this King do not concern you. You know enough to navigate this war-torn land, and that is all you need.
[X] Cut him free. Toss your cloak over him and sneak him out through the throng. You will not ally yourself with him, but neither can you leave him to the predations of House Targaryen. You will return to Connington's camp afterwards.
[x] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
[X] Cut him free. Toss your cloak over him and sneak him out through the throng. You will not ally yourself with him, but neither can you leave him to the predations of House Targaryen. You will return to Connington's camp afterwards.
[X] (Write in) Confirm the story. Stark's account is troubling. If the Royal Family is truly so depraved, this kingdom is in dire straights indeed. Find out if it is indeed so bad as he says.

No chance to win, of course, but damn the choosing of the legend of the Mormegil, I'm still voting for the goody-goody option everytime.
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[X] Free him, and sneak out of the Stoney Sept with him. It will be difficult for him and his to accept you after you turned Gurthang against them short hours ago, but your conscience weighs too heavily to stand alongside these men.

No chance to win, of course, but damn the choosing of the legend of the Mormegil, I'm still voting for the goody-goody option everytime.

Freeing a rebel leader who has repeatedly expressed his fervent and zealous desire to keep fighting the bloody, violent civil war which has claimed thousands of lives and left thousands more in ruins until his political opponents are all dead =/= goody-goody.

May I remind you that Robert's Rebellion is the bloodiest war Westeros has seen since the Dance? The very act of allowing it to continue pushes your actions firmly into the grey.

I strive to remain impartial and aloof as ever, but do take note that this is Westeros. Very few options will ever be truly good, and those that are come with a heavy price.
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Freeing a rebel leader who has repeatedly expressed his fervent and zealous desire to keep fighting the bloody, violent civil war which has claimed thousands of lives and left thousands more in ruins until his political opponents are all dead =/= goody-goody.

May I remind you that Robert's Rebellion is the bloodiest war Westeros has seen since the Dance? The very act of allowing it to continue pushes your actions firmly into the grey.

I strive to remain impartial and aloof as ever, but do take note that this is Westeros. Very few options will ever be truly good, and those that are come with a heavy price.

You're assuming then that I care for a moral PoV aside from my own. :V :sour:

EDIT: All jokes aside though, shades of grey etc. etc.
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[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
I hope people realize that as one of the leaders of the rebellion, Aerys is probably going to execute Ned in an incredibly cruel and fucked up manner.
[X] (Write in) Confirm the story. Stark's account is troubling. If the Royal Family is truly so depraved, this kingdom is in dire straights indeed. Find out if it is indeed so bad as he says.

Changed my mind :p

[] Cut him free. Toss your cloak over him and sneak him out through the throng. You will not ally yourself with him, but neither can you leave him to the predations of House Targaryen, your conscience weighs too heavily to stand alongside these men. Then, abandon them all. This war and this King do not concern you. You know enough to navigate this war-torn land, and that is all you need.
You will return to Connington's camp afterwards.
Gee, it's not like we were the last to visit Ned. Unless it happens after dark.
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