As Black As Fate: A Mormegil Quest (ASOIAF/LOTR)

[x] Return to Connington and argue leniency on Stark's behalf. Connington is a reasonable man, and should see sense.

I'm not quite sure what to vote for.

OOC, I really want to side with Stark. But IC, it's a bit muddled. How much does he actually know for sure now?

Then again, acting on an honorable but maybe-short-sighted impulse feels quite IC.
[X] Abandon them all. Leave Stark to his prison and Connington to his plans. This war and this King do not concern you. You know enough to navigate this war-torn land, and that is all you need.

Screw the Empire and the Stormcloaks; focus on the main quest!

Also, there are enough Stark stories, so I'd like to dodge that.

Glad to see this back again!
[x] Free him, and sneak out of the Stoney Sept with him. It will be difficult for him and his to accept you after you turned Gurthang against them short hours ago, but your conscience weighs too heavily to stand alongside these men.
[] Cut him free. Toss your cloak over him and sneak him out through the throng. You will not ally yourself with him, but neither can you leave him to the predations of House Targaryen. You will return to Connington's camp afterwards.

Edit: Changing my vote. Half-measures will do no good.

[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
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[X] Cut him free. Toss your cloak over him and sneak him out through the throng. You will not ally yourself with him, but neither can you leave him to the predations of House Targaryen. You will return to Connington's camp afterwards.
Since we've already interfered, if we don't free Stark and Denys the war is over.

The vote looks like it's going to be freeing him. I fully expect some negative consequence for doing so. We'll be turncloaks. If you didn't want this to happen, then you shouldnt have picked the Loyalist side in the first place.
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[x] Return to Connington and argue leniency on Stark's behalf. Connington is a reasonable man, and should see sense.

I'm not quite sure what to vote for.

OOC, I really want to side with Stark. But IC, it's a bit muddled. How much does he actually know for sure now?

Then again, acting on an honorable but maybe-short-sighted impulse feels quite IC.

You know the basics of the situation. You are in a land called Westeros with Seven Kingdoms. Several of these Kingdoms have risen up against their overlord, Aerys Targaryen, and his son Rhaegar. According to the Loyalists (Read: The statements of the supreme commander of the armies of the Targaryen King who is also the best friend of the Targaryen Prince), the rebels wish to tear the kingdom apart and destroy the Targaryen dynasty. According to the rebels (Read: The impassioned plea of the second-in command of the rebel army and the foster son of the most powerful rebel lord), the Targaryens are monsters, rapists, and murderers, and their supporters little better. While you've gotten a run-down of both sides of the issue, specifics are going to have to wait.

You're also very aware that Ned's story, no matter how wrenching, is incredibly biased, and though it paints a clearer picture than the "Treasonous rebels" view of things, it's not exactly a stable foundation to risk life and limb on.
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Since we've already interfered, if we don't free Stark and Deny the war is over.

The vote looks like it's going to be freeing him. I fully expect some negative consequence for doing so. We'll be turncloaks. If you didn't want this to happen, then you shouldnt have picked the Loyalist side in the first place.
Eh, it makes an interesting story and seems IC.

[X] Cut him free. Toss your cloak over him and sneak him out through the throng. You will not ally yourself with him, but neither can you leave him to the predations of House Targaryen. You will return to Connington's camp afterwards.
Since we've already interfered, if we don't free Stark and Deny the war is over.

The vote looks like it's going to be freeing him. I fully expect some negative consequence for doing so. We'll be turncloaks. If you didn't want this to happen, then you shouldnt have picked the Loyalist side in the first place.

Agreed. OOC we already knew all of this stuff when we originally made the decision to side with Connington and the Loyalists rather than Robert and the Rebels. All we will do by freeing him is shoot ourselves in the foot, and lose all of the goodwill we have gained with Connington at the drop of a freaking hat, making all of our endeavors in the future harder because no one trusts us. I doubt Connington is going to be all too pleased with what the voters are choosing to do, and he will likely sic his troops on us or face us himself, making it so we will have killed troops from both sides, earning the trust of neither side, and making our mission all the more difficult because we decided to change our minds out of nowhere, at least that is how everyone else will see it. How exactly will we gain the trust of anyone if no one knows what we are going to do, if we seem liable to betray them at the drop of the hat, rather than say go over and have a reasoned discussion with them?

It may have been awhile since this has been updated for most of us, but doing what it seems people want to do now is just a half-measure. Sure we freed Ned Stark, but by not joining him it will seem as if we are still on the side of the loyalists. But by freeing Ned Stark, to Connington it will make us look as if we are not to be trusted, which we really shouldn't since in his mind all it took was one freaking conversation with one man to change our god damn mind and free a politically valuable hostage. In the end all this does is make it so that neither side trusts us completely as what we have done so far has been contradictory in the extreme. We may be a powerhouse in battle, but we can't exactly fulfill our missions if we have no one to turn to and help us achieve them, especially when IC we cannot use any of our OOC knowledge to help us make some of the decisions needed to complete said mission because we do not understand the context of things. When we chose to side with Connington, one of the main arguments for siding with them, aside from not rehashing canon, was so that we could help influence the Targaryens to be better than they were beforehand. If we do what people have so far been voting to do, we are going to throw all of that away.
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.

That entire segment was biased, however it just so happens that it appears to have resonated with some of you regardless of it's veracity. I mean, just look at that phrase, I will not bow while any Targaryan lives. Or how he conveniently forgot to mention that Brandon went there and threatened to kill the Prince, of which it is a crime that can get him executed. Or frankly how this war is actually being persecuted, by both sides.

Regardless of that, OOC, I can't see the benefit of this vote really. It's already been had and we threw our lot in with the Targaryan cause; if we wanted to join the Rebellion the best chance has already passed, to free him now just pisses of the Targaryan's and doesn't give the benefit of siding with the Rebels that the original option gave.
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.

The Stark boy can still be freed by a daring raid of his allies. No need to go turncloak just like that imo. I would rather cut down the Mad King later on. The Kingslayer title will be ours!

I guess people changed their minds in this quest's six-month hiatus, right?
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
[X] Free him, and sneak out of the Stoney Sept with him. It will be difficult for him and his to accept you after you turned Gurthang against them short hours ago, but your conscience weighs too heavily to stand alongside these men.
Why are people voting to free him when we sided with the other side earlier, gain nothing from this and only have one side of the story.
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
[X] Free him, and sneak out of the Stoney Sept with him. It will be difficult for him and his to accept you after you turned Gurthang against them short hours ago, but your conscience weighs too heavily to stand alongside these men.
[X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
Adhoc vote count started by VNodosaurus on Jul 6, 2017 at 5:39 AM, finished with 38 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Cut him free. Toss your cloak over him and sneak him out through the throng. You will not ally yourself with him, but neither can you leave him to the predations of House Targaryen. You will return to Connington's camp afterwards.
    [X] Do nothing. He has told you all he knows, and it is obviously the truth he believes, but you will not free a prisoner of war on a simple impassioned speech from his own point of view. You are best served now by returning to Connington and attempting to figure out the identity of the Little Lion.
    [X] Free him, and sneak out of the Stoney Sept with him. It will be difficult for him and his to accept you after you turned Gurthang against them short hours ago, but your conscience weighs too heavily to stand alongside these men.
    [X] Free him, and sneak out of the Stoney Sept with him. It will be difficult for him and his to accept you after you turned Gurthang against them short hours ago, but your conscience weighs to heavily to stand alongside these men.
    [X] Return to Connington and argue leniency on Stark's behalf. Connington is a reasonable man, and should see sense.
    [X] Abandon them all. Leave Stark to his prison and Connington to his plans. This war and this King do not concern you. You know enough to navigate this war-torn land, and that is all you need.
[X] Abandon them all. Leave Stark to his prison and Connington to his plans. This war and this King do not concern you. You know enough to navigate this war-torn land, and that is all you need.