A Gate of Flesh

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You felt it as it tore through time and space, and in an instant you and all your...


May or may not stare back.
The Depths of the Eternal Abyss

You felt it as it tore through time and space, and in an instant you and all your brothers scattered in the domain of the zerg felt it as well. The Overmind was slain. You shifted the vast zerg armies under your control made you want to return to help your brothers forge the Overmind anew, but the vast distance and the massive Dyson sphere of the Xel'naga that you have been ordered to protect makes you hesitate.

Years pass and slowly your brothers are hunted down and slaughtered you have pulled yourself from the fleet in orbit and try to hide in the tunnels of the artifact. This it seems will be the end of you, the worst way for a mighty ceribrate to die cowering hiding from a human conversion. You slowly sent your fleet out, and it seemed that she didn't know your location, you were not forced to hide like you did. Slowly you built up a massive force many hives covering the sphere. Then one day a drone hit something while mining and the Xel'naga construct began to fall inwards millions of zerg died as there was no ground. But an overlord was able to pick you up, and others saved many more zerg.

But as they attempted to go up they found they where falling into the pulsing star below. Hundreds died in the death throws of the star, and just before your overlord fell into the cronia the star fell away and so did reality, only a few other overlord remain with you as you find yourselves in a new system no Xel'naga ruins in sight.

A cast aried world stood in the distance and you had your overlords about it. Their was several places of interest.

An abandon mine while in the open it is full of minerals that should be easy for the drones to mine.
A strange metal gate and table, more importantly a human village in the mountains.
Very far to the south is a chain of islands with heavy volcanic activity the perfect place for vespine.

You think for a moment. You could also go else where but the planet wasn't optimal so you could just leave and warp til you found another, which would be very unlikely.

You decided to go with...
[]The Volcanic Islands
[]The populated mountains
[]The rich Plains
[]Leave the planet.
Primary Brood:
Overlord x103
Ceribrate (Unique)
Zergling x20

Primary Hive:
Hatchery x5
Creep Colony x30
Spawning Pool x1
Evolution Master (Unique)
Evolution Pit x1
Vespine Slug x4
Drone x135

Secondary Hive
Hatcheries x5
Creep Colonies x30
Spawning Pool x1
Drone ×100

Trinary Hive
Hatcheries x5
Creep Colonies x30
Spawning Pool x1
Drone ×100

Swarm Income:
From HC 1
Minerals Level 10
Vespine Level 3
From HC 2
Minerals Level 10
Vespine Level 1
From HC 3
Minerals Level 10
Vespine Level 1
Minerals Level 12
Vespine Level 5
Minerals Level 4
Vespine Level 4
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Known Planets
Known Planets...
An arid world covered in tall mountains and vast plains the world is dominated by a signal massive continent that wraps around the equator, this leads to poor heat circulation and wildly different tempetures.
Inhabited by Humans.
Owned by ???
Somewhat wealthy.
An adaptive hiveminded race that can control their own genetic structure and evolve rapidly.
marrive Zerg entities that while weak in combat is vastly more intelligent then the rest of the zerg and great at strategy, each one represents a significant amount of the swarm' s resources.
Tech Tree
Tech tree progression.
THe nature ability of the zerg. Defeating things grant free research in their natural abilities.
The most basic claws of the zerg able to cut steel.
one of the surprisingly advanced facets of the Zerg is the naturally occurring Antigravity organ present in both drones and overlords. It allows the organism enough control to hover or in the case of overlords float.
an innate ability of the Zerg psionics allow a vast array of abilities. Though the most common use of it is the control of lesser Zerg bioforms.
By using psionics overlords and similar spacefaring organisms of the Zerg can Traverse warp space to get from point to point.

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Setting Up
While the other options have their own benefits, the volcanically active region is important for you to take early on because it is the most likely source of Vespine gas on this world. You have the over lords land and quickly turn one of the drones you have carted into the beginnings of a hive. The others start to explore the nearby caves for minerals or Vespine vents.

You explore some of the island with zerglings while the hive starts up. It is teaming with colorful life and tall broad leaf trees. You don't find anything immediately useful in the local essence but you are not well designed to shift through essence.

The Hatchery finishes and begins to spread creep on to the island you let the overlords ever producing the creep that you were standing on stop their task and Float a little higher up giving you a better view of the island. Now you have to get ready, you doubt you could have put enough room between you and the Queen and you have to be ready for her return.

Actions Pick two...
[]Scout world
Sending out your overlords you'll get a better idea of the world itself you might also find rich places to start a secondary Hive or possible threats to your primary hive.
While the local fauna won't provide any nutrients it's possible that there might be some unique properties in them that you cannot see just by looking. Of course it will be difficult for you to find anything useful without a Evolution master or pit.
[]Deep Mining
The caves are coming up without major minerals you can have your drone start digging holes and collecting the minerals for their underground.
[]Expanding Mining
The caves are coming up without major minerals, however there is a lot of them and if you produce more drones you'll be able to collect that more easily.
[]The Swarm Part One
You need to create a spawning pool in order to replenish the zerglings.
[]Production Bonus
In order to make spawning more effective you should probably create another Hatchery

Primary Hive
Hatcheries one
Overlord x3
Ceribrate (Unique)
Drone x5
Zergling x10
[x]Deep Mining
The caves are coming up without major minerals you can have your drone start digging holes and collecting the minerals for their underground.
[x]Expanding Mining
The caves are coming up without major minerals, however there is a lot of them and if you produce more drones you'll be able to collect that more easily.
Eco is king zerglings can wait.
Adhoc vote count started by SpeckofStardust on Jun 19, 2017 at 3:11 AM, finished with 28 posts and 8 votes.
[x]Deep Mining
The caves are coming up without major minerals you can have your drone start digging holes and collecting the minerals for their underground.
[x]Expanding Mining
[X]Scout world
Sending out your overlords you'll get a better idea of the world itself you might also find rich places to start a secondary Hive or possible threats to your primary hive.
[x]Deep Mining

second hive is king full mining can wait
Does the zergling have speed :V

Im guessing we start with litteraly no upgrades?