Would you be willing to switch to Ebon Lord? While it's not your first option, we'd still be in an excellent position to shape our faction to our tastes.
Nah. A bit too cliched for my tastes. I chose the captain because I wanted to command a bunch of Stormtroopers on suicide missions for the evulz.

I suppose there is no big leap from there to another hilariously incompetent group...

[X] Lackey D of the secret organisation RX Group
  1. [X] Lackey D of the secret organisation RX Group
    Number of voters: 25
    Fabled Ranger, Crow, Crazy7s1, Glint, Troglodyte,bluefur87, veekie, saskakachi, the swarm,Theaxofwar, Marlin, overlord62, Anar Bael,butchock, edboy49, Ghazkull, karmaoa, zamin,The mvp, Night_stalker, hcvquizibo, Walkin' Man,Nevill, Cjdavis103, Blackunknown
  2. [x] Ebon Lord of the Black Kingdom
    Number of voters: 22
    mcclay, Artemis1992, Robotninja, bryanfran36,ebolasos, Kingofbooks, Derkan, Derek58,Redhead222, Erudite Hobo, Ignis, Raptor580,Zaratustra, Shadow-86, Dylan Bailey, flakon,Vanestus, Tel Janin Aman, Void Stalker,Ct613hulu, openbookworm, krahe
Okay, just woke up. I'll leave the vote open for about 2 hour more since I need brunch, coffee and do some other stuff.
And votes are now closed.
Our winner is [X] Lackey D of the secret organisation RX Group.

Welp, time to get to work!
Chargen - Boons and Complications
Character Generation Part 2

You are Lackey D of the Secret Organisation RX Group. Despite RX Group's plans for world domination, lack of funds, manpower and competence has made accomplishing such plans quite difficult. Nevertheless, you are a loyal minion of RX Group and it is up to you to help bring those plans to fruition. You have to, it's pretty much all you've got going for you.

[Trait Gained: Comedic Minion Immortality: Will survive absolutely anything short of conceptual destruction and fully recover from all injuries by the next turn with no penalty.]

[Trait gained: Keen: +1 to all stats]

[Trait gained: RX Budgeting: +1 to Stewardship

Well, not quite.

Due to your potential, you have been given the chance to be granted a Boon. Unfortunately, since you're a minion, you're gonna have to pay a price for that boon.

[In order to acquire a Boon, you must take up a Complication that will serve to hinder your progress. You may take up to 2 Complications to acquire 2 Boons.]


[ ] Superpowered Minion - You have superpowers! Actually superpowers like the Boss and all those other heroes that are actually quite strong and usable in combat. Plus all the other more mundane ways you can use it. You're not just some regular lackey, you're an elite lackey! Promotion to Elite Lackey. Superpower will be chosen next update. (Can be taken twice)

[ ] Xenotech Cyborg - Some kind of alien technology somehow merged with you and saved your life when you were caught in a fatal accident. You've learnt how to scan and interface with all kinds of technology...half the time. It has also made interacting with people a bit more difficult as well. +5 Learning. -2 Diplomacy. +10 to Learning actions.

[ ] Ex-Ninja - You used to be a member of a secretive ninja clan. One day you decided to leave your clan and set out on your own. You still hold within you the stealth training and knowledge of the more esoteric ninja techniques. +5 Intrigue. +10 to intrigue actions.

[ ] Former Kaijin - You were once a member of the now defunct Evil Organisation known as Black Lotus and you were one of their monsteroids. Along with a superhuman body, you could transform into an even more powerful monstrous form. Unfortunately, being both a monsteroid and from black Lotus has made getting along with other people harder. +5 to martial.+10 to martial actions. -2 Intrigue. -2 Diplomacy.

Complications: (All complications may be removed as the quest progresses)

[ ] Black Kingdom's Most Wanted - You've somehow pissed off the Black Kingdom, the oldest and most infamous evil group out there in the world. They would love nothing more than to have you at their mercy. Thankfully, they don't know where you are or what you actually look like. But if they were to ever find out who you are...

[ ] Yandere Ghost Stalker - You've somehow attracted the attention of a ghost - a ghost that has fallen in love with you and refuses to leave you alone. You see them in the corner of your eyes when you aren't distracted. They keep taking your stuff and they often try to mess up your attempts to make new friends. They are also powerful enough that a regular exorcist could do nothing. [Random action each turn gets a penalty to roll.]

[ ] Reality Ensues - Something's wrong. Despite you being in a comedy where comedic violence happens all the time with little consequences, you find yourself hurting far more than other people. Injuries don't mysteriously vanish without reason. Getting caught in an explosion results in horrifying injuries that require the most advanced medical techniques to recover from plus months of rehabilitations. Where your fellow minions are effectively immortal, you're not. [Lose Trait: Comedic Minion Immortality]

[ ] Chosen One - Someone upstairs messed up big time. Apparently you're the Chosen One of the factions that fight for the forces of good. The thing is, you don't want to be the Chosen One since according to this prophecy, you'll die to defeat some other evil faction. You're certain that if it was to ever get out that you're this Chosen One, then the forces of evil will be upon you like a pack of rabid dogs. It doesn't help that something out there is trying to force you back into the side of good.

Alternatively, you can just go with what you have and take no Boon or Complications at all.

[ ] No Boons/Complications

Please vote by plan.

[X] Plan name
-[X] Choices
-[X] Choices.
Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 18, 2017 at 2:26 AM, finished with 85 posts and 52 votes.

  • [x] Ebon Lord of the Black Kingdom
    [X] Lackey D of the secret organisation RX Group
    [X] Plan: Blocking The Call 2: Yandere Boogaloo
    -[X] Superpowered Minion x2
    [X] Chosen One
    [X] Yandere Ghost Stalker
    [X] Plan Ninja/Ghost
    - [X] Ex-Ninja - You used to be a member of a secretive ninja clan. One day you decided to leave your clan and set out on your own. You still hold within you the stealth training and knowledge of the more esoteric ninja techniques. +5 Intrigue. +10 to intrigue actions.
    - [X] Yandere Ghost Stalker - You've somehow attracted the attention of a ghost - a ghost that has fallen in love with you and refuses to leave you alone. You see them in the corner of your eyes when you aren't distracted. They keep taking yourstuff and they often try to mess up your attempts to make new friends. They arealso powerful enough that a regularexorcist could do nothing. [Random actioneach turn gets a penalty to roll.]
    [X]Plan Blocking The Call
    -[X] Superpowered Minion - You have superpowers! Actually superpowers like the Boss and all those other heroes that are actually quite strong and usable in combat. Plus all the other more mundane ways you can use it. You're not just some regular lackey, you're an elite lackey! Promotion to Elite Lackey. Superpower will be chosen next update.
    -[X] Chosen One - Someone upstairs messed up big time. Apparently you're the Chosen One of the factions that fight for the forces of good. The thing is, you don't want to be the Chosen One since according to this prophecy, you'll die to defeat some other evil faction. You're certain that if it was to ever get out that you're this Chosen One, then the forces of evil will be upon you like a pack of rabid dogs. It doesn't help that something out there is trying to force you back into the side of good.
    [X] Plan name
    -[X] Choices
    [X] Superpowered Minion
    [X] Ex-Ninja
    [X] Yandere Ghost Stalker
    [X] Chosen One
    [X] Plan A Real Ninja
    [X] Ex-Ninja
    -[X] Reality Ensues
    [X] No Boons/Complications
    [X] Plan Chaos Mode
    [X] Superpowered Minion
    [X] Ex-Ninja
    -[X] Black Kingdom's Most Wanted
    [X] Chosen One
    [X] Plan Fantasy vs Reality
    -[X] Superpowered Minion - You have superpowers! Actually superpowers like the Boss and all those other heroes that are actually quite strong and usable in combat. Plus all the other more mundane ways you can use it. You're not just some regular lackey, you're an elite lackey! Promotion to Elite Lackey. Superpower will be chosen next update.
    -[X] Reality Ensues - Something's wrong. Despite you being in a comedy where comedic violence happens all the time with little consequences, you find yourself hurting far more than other people. Injuries don't mysteriously vanish without reason. Getting caught in an explosion results in horrifying injuries that require the most advanced medical techniques to recover from plus months of rehabilitations. Where your fellow minions are effectively immortal, you're not. [Lose Trait: Comedic Minion Immortality]
    [X] Chaos Mode
    [X] i could not think of a name
    -[X] Xenotech Cyborg - Some kind of alien technology somehow merged with you and saved your life when you were caught in a fatal accident. You've learnt how to scan and interface with all kinds of technology...half the time. It has also made interacting with people a bit more difficult as well. +5 Learning. -2 Diplomacy. +10 to Learning actions.
    -[X] Superpowered Minion - You have superpowers! Actually superpowers like the Boss and all those other heroes that are actually quite strong and usable in combat. Plus all the other more mundane ways you can use it. You're not just some regular lackey, you're an elite lackey! Promotion to Elite Lackey. Superpower will be chosen next update.
    - [X] Yandere Ghost Stalker - You've somehow attracted the attention of a ghost - a ghost that has fallen in love with you and refuses to leave you alone. You see them in the corner of your eyes when you aren't distracted. They keep taking yourstuff and they often try to mess up your attempts to make new friends. They arealso powerful enough that a regularexorcist could do nothing. [Random actioneach turn gets a penalty to roll.]
    -[X] Black Kingdom's Most Wanted - You've somehow pissed off the Black Kingdom, the oldest and most infamous evil group out there in the world. They would love nothing more than to have you at their mercy. Thankfully, they don't know where you are or what you actually look like. But if they were to ever find out who you are...

Adhoc vote count started by shibosho on May 18, 2017 at 2:26 AM, finished with 24 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Blocking The Call 2: Yandere Boogaloo
    -[X] Superpowered Minion x2
    [X] Chosen One
    [X] Yandere Ghost Stalker
    [X] Plan Ninja/Ghost
    - [X] Ex-Ninja - You used to be a member of a secretive ninja clan. One day you decided to leave your clan and set out on your own. You still hold within you the stealth training and knowledge of the more esoteric ninja techniques. +5 Intrigue. +10 to intrigue actions.
    - [X] Yandere Ghost Stalker - You've somehow attracted the attention of a ghost - a ghost that has fallen in love with you and refuses to leave you alone. You see them in the corner of your eyes when you aren't distracted. They keep taking yourstuff and they often try to mess up your attempts to make new friends. They arealso powerful enough that a regularexorcist could do nothing. [Random actioneach turn gets a penalty to roll.]
    [X]Plan Blocking The Call
    -[X] Superpowered Minion - You have superpowers! Actually superpowers like the Boss and all those other heroes that are actually quite strong and usable in combat. Plus all the other more mundane ways you can use it. You're not just some regular lackey, you're an elite lackey! Promotion to Elite Lackey. Superpower will be chosen next update.
    -[X] Chosen One - Someone upstairs messed up big time. Apparently you're the Chosen One of the factions that fight for the forces of good. The thing is, you don't want to be the Chosen One since according to this prophecy, you'll die to defeat some other evil faction. You're certain that if it was to ever get out that you're this Chosen One, then the forces of evil will be upon you like a pack of rabid dogs. It doesn't help that something out there is trying to force you back into the side of good.
    [X] Plan name
    -[X] Choices
    [X] Superpowered Minion
    [X] Ex-Ninja
    [X] Yandere Ghost Stalker
    [X] Chosen One
    [X] Plan A Real Ninja
    [X] Ex-Ninja
    -[X] Reality Ensues
    [X] No Boons/Complications
    [X] Plan Chaos Mode
    [X] Superpowered Minion
    [X] Ex-Ninja
    -[X] Black Kingdom's Most Wanted
    [X] Chosen One
    [X] Plan Fantasy vs Reality
    -[X] Superpowered Minion - You have superpowers! Actually superpowers like the Boss and all those other heroes that are actually quite strong and usable in combat. Plus all the other more mundane ways you can use it. You're not just some regular lackey, you're an elite lackey! Promotion to Elite Lackey. Superpower will be chosen next update.
    -[X] Reality Ensues - Something's wrong. Despite you being in a comedy where comedic violence happens all the time with little consequences, you find yourself hurting far more than other people. Injuries don't mysteriously vanish without reason. Getting caught in an explosion results in horrifying injuries that require the most advanced medical techniques to recover from plus months of rehabilitations. Where your fellow minions are effectively immortal, you're not. [Lose Trait: Comedic Minion Immortality]
    [X] Chaos Mode
    [X] i could not think of a name
    -[X] Xenotech Cyborg - Some kind of alien technology somehow merged with you and saved your life when you were caught in a fatal accident. You've learnt how to scan and interface with all kinds of technology...half the time. It has also made interacting with people a bit more difficult as well. +5 Learning. -2 Diplomacy. +10 to Learning actions.
    -[X] Superpowered Minion - You have superpowers! Actually superpowers like the Boss and all those other heroes that are actually quite strong and usable in combat. Plus all the other more mundane ways you can use it. You're not just some regular lackey, you're an elite lackey! Promotion to Elite Lackey. Superpower will be chosen next update.
    - [X] Yandere Ghost Stalker - You've somehow attracted the attention of a ghost - a ghost that has fallen in love with you and refuses to leave you alone. You see them in the corner of your eyes when you aren't distracted. They keep taking yourstuff and they often try to mess up your attempts to make new friends. They arealso powerful enough that a regularexorcist could do nothing. [Random actioneach turn gets a penalty to roll.]
    -[X] Black Kingdom's Most Wanted - You've somehow pissed off the Black Kingdom, the oldest and most infamous evil group out there in the world. They would love nothing more than to have you at their mercy. Thankfully, they don't know where you are or what you actually look like. But if they were to ever find out who you are...
Last edited:
[X] Plan Ninja/Ghost

- [X] Ex-Ninja - You used to be a member of a secretive ninja clan. One day you decided to leave your clan and set out on your own. You still hold within you the stealth training and knowledge of the more esoteric ninja techniques. +5 Intrigue. +10 to intrigue actions.

- [X] Yandere Ghost Stalker - You've somehow attracted the attention of a ghost - a ghost that has fallen in love with you and refuses to leave you alone. You see them in the corner of your eyes when you aren't distracted. They keep taking yourstuff and they often try to mess up your attempts to make new friends. They arealso powerful enough that a regularexorcist could do nothing. [Random actioneach turn gets a penalty to roll.]

For some reason a ninja mook/yandere ghost romance amuses me, so why the heck not?
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[X] Plan Vanestus
-[X] Xenotech Cyborg - Some kind of alien technology somehow merged with you and saved your life when you were caught in a fatal accident. You've learnt how to scan and interface with all kinds of technology...half the time. It has also made interacting with people a bit more difficult as well. +5 Learning. -2 Diplomacy. +10 to Learning actions.

Didn't have much of an opinion on this part so I just went with the one I liked the most.

-[X] Reality Ensues - Something's wrong. Despite you being in a comedy where comedic violence happens all the time with little consequences, you find yourself hurting far more than other people. Injuries don't mysteriously vanish without reason. Getting caught in an explosion results in horrifying injuries that require the most advanced medical techniques to recover from plus months of rehabilitations. Where your fellow minions are effectively immortal, you're not. [Lose Trait: Comedic Minion Immortality]

Gets rid of one of the things I hate about this character.
Last edited:
So, we voting by plan? Can we do a [] No Boon and [] No Second Boon vote?

Cause otherwise it's going to be very annoying to figure out who voted for only one complication and one boon, unless you plan for us to just default to two complications and two boons.
So, we voting by plan? Can we do a [] No Boon and [] No Second Boon vote?

Cause otherwise it's going to be very annoying to figure out who voted for only one complication and one boon, unless you plan for us to just default to two complications and two boons.

Vote by plan. And Yeah, just updates the post to reflect that.
Plan is probably the way to go, to be honest. And with that in mind...

[X]Plan Blocking The Call
-[X] Superpowered Minion - You have superpowers! Actually superpowers like the Boss and all those other heroes that are actually quite strong and usable in combat. Plus all the other more mundane ways you can use it. You're not just some regular lackey, you're an elite lackey! Promotion to Elite Lackey. Superpower will be chosen next update.
-[X] Chosen One - Someone upstairs messed up big time. Apparently you're the Chosen One of the factions that fight for the forces of good. The thing is, you don't want to be the Chosen One since according to this prophecy, you'll die to defeat some other evil faction. You're certain that if it was to ever get out that you're this Chosen One, then the forces of evil will be upon you like a pack of rabid dogs. It doesn't help that something out there is trying to force you back into the side of good.

We may be the chosen one, but we've got this figured out. Nobody will think of looking for the Chosen One in the most dead-end evil organization with no hope of actually accomplishing anything ever! Our invulnerability is because we're a minion, and definitely not because we're actually a hero, really! Nobody can possibly see through this.
[X] Plan Ninja/Ghost

[X] Ex-Ninja - You used to be a member of a secretive ninja clan. One day you decided to leave your clan and set out on your own. You still hold within you the stealth training and knowledge of the more esoteric ninja techniques. +5 Intrigue. +10 to intrigue actions.

[X] Yandere Ghost Stalker - You've somehow attracted the attention of a ghost - a ghost that has fallen in love with you and refuses to leave you alone. You see them in the corner of your eyes when you aren't distracted. They keep taking yourstuff and they often try to mess up your attempts to make new friends. They arealso powerful enough that a regularexorcist could do nothing. [Random actioneach turn gets a penalty to roll.]
Is this right?
[X] Plan A Real Ninja
-[X] Ex-Ninja
-[X] Reality Ensues

I'll go with this for now, see what's popular tomorrow morning. I would like to keep our mook 'relatively' normal.
[X] Plan Chaos Mode
-[X] Superpowered Minion
-[X] Ex-Ninja
-[X] Black Kingdom's Most Wanted
-[X] Chosen One

Hope Black Kingdom is the Enemy for Chosen One because it'll give us an excuse to do Hero stuff. xD The Two Birds One Stone Deal.
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[X] Plan Fantasy vs Reality
-[X] Superpowered Minion - You have superpowers! Actually superpowers like the Boss and all those other heroes that are actually quite strong and usable in combat. Plus all the other more mundane ways you can use it. You're not just some regular lackey, you're an elite lackey! Promotion to Elite Lackey. Superpower will be chosen next update.
-[X] Reality Ensues - Something's wrong. Despite you being in a comedy where comedic violence happens all the time with little consequences, you find yourself hurting far more than other people. Injuries don't mysteriously vanish without reason. Getting caught in an explosion results in horrifying injuries that require the most advanced medical techniques to recover from plus months of rehabilitations. Where your fellow minions are effectively immortal, you're not. [Lose Trait: Comedic Minion Immortality]
[X] Plan Blocking The Call

This is perfect. We're the chosen one but fuck dying just to fight some dudes, so we'll just slum it with our childhood friend pretending to be an evil minion because at least that gives us contractual immortality as long as it's funny.

Thus begins our slice of life romcom, "The Organization's Lackey is the Legendary Hero"

Yandere Ghost Stalker is also something I want for more comedy value, but I don't want any of the other Boons, could we just double-up on superpowers or take a Complication without a matching Boon?
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