Crystalwatcher's Base Commander Quest (CMGQ Spinoff)

The thing I find with the battle system is that when you see it in use, it's like "Bam!", you instantly understand what is going on.
It's when you try to explain it via text or words that people go "Wot?". At least from my experience.
The system will probably be a lot easier to understand here than in the main quest though, because the combatants are likely to be way less complicated, and the system can't be less complicated than the combatants involved.
Moving on.

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Crystalwatcher on Apr 25, 2017 at 2:46 PM, finished with 60 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] plan hcv
    [X] plan hcv
    [X] A Squad of Infantry ($2,500) X10
    [X] Legit Barracks ($75,000)
    [X] Motorpool ($250,000)
    [X] A Proper Communications Array ($55,000)
    [X] Tech Research Division ($175,000)
    -[X] Stand guard
    [X] Try and get in touch with the local Valkyr commander.
    [X]Plan Setting up V2
    -[X] A Squad of Infantry ($2,500)x4
    -[X] Legit Barracks ($75,000)
    -[X] Motorpool ($250,000)
    -[X] Research Barracks (A.K.A. The Wizard House) ($125,000)
    -[X] A Proper Communications Array ($55,000)
    -[X] Scout the area
    -[X] Try and get in touch with the local Valkyr commander.
    [X] Plan Rookie Tripwire
    -[X] A Squad of Infantry ($2,500) X20
    -[X] Legit Barracks ($75,000)
    -[X] Motorpool ($250,000)
    -[X] Research Barracks (A.K.A. The Wizard House) ($125,000)
    [X] [JENOVA] Scout the area
    [X] [Personal] Call Rogue.
    [X]Plan Setting up V2
    [X] [JENOVA] Scout the area
    [X] [Personal] Try and get in touch with the local Valkyr commander.
    [X] Plan Rookie Tripwire
    [X] [JENOVA] Scout the area
    [X] [Personal] Try and get in touch with the local Valkyr commander.
    [X]Plan Setting up V2
    [X] [JENOVA] Stand Guard
    [X] [Personal] Try and get in touch with the local Valkyr commander.
    [X] Plan Rookie Tripwire
    [x] Plan Rookie Tripwire
    [x] [JENOVA] Stand guard
    [x] [Personal] Try and get in touch with the local Valkyr commander.
    [X]Plan Setting up V2
Plan HCV wins, and it looks like JENOVA is scouting while you get in touch with your local counterpart.
Right, so ideally this should lead to us getting both a lay of the land and a general appraisal of the local situation. A good starting point. And we're probably set for grunts for the foreseeable future as well. Hopefully there's some easily capped mooks we can abuse for extra funding nearby...

Due to having a grand fucking deathmatch with my phone jst now the update is stuck on hold since in all the god damned fucking confusion i had to restart my browser for a computer scan and what i had is now gone.

Welcome to Valhalla
"Zachary, I need you to take your team and scout out the area. We'll need the lay of the land if we're going to start building any kind of defenses.I'll see about spending a bit of what we have on getting some help."

"What, no hoofing it alone for us? Sad days."

"Get going before I finally make good on that promise of shooting you."

"Yessir." And with that the cheeky bastard takes off.

After that though it's to the… "communications room". Which was a fancy name for a small radio setup in an empty janitor's closet. The damn thing itself was almost twenty years out of date, and had the stupidest dial up tone one could put on the damn things. Actually getting a hold of someone in order to get the construction teams actually necessary to build things was a lot simpler to do than initially anticipated: even though you were konked over the head and kidnapped by your own men on orders, none of your clearances or authority was revoked. Meaning the standing network you had worked out at your last posting for getting supplies was still available.

What you didn't expect though, was how young the Valkyr commander would sound.

Valkyr Bell has been in charge of the Valhallan defense line for close to five hundred years: when Humanity was still beating on each other over who was king of Britannia, she was leading the Valkyrie legions against the Unified Darkness.

It still didn't help the fact she sounded (and looks, you've seen the picture) young enough to be your granddaughter. Which really didn't help the fact you actually have a granddaughter. Wasn't Rogue's kid though, damn boy was a prude if there ever was one.

"Hello? ...Am I using this thing right?"

"Commander Bell? This is Commander Free Mason of Pinnacle Station. The new human base to your west. I was calling in order to confirm some things with you."

"Umm… Hello Mr. Mason. It's good to know that you'll be here to help. Please have your men take care. What would you like to know?"

"Thank you Bell. And feel free to call me Free." Heh, "I'm very interested in confirming the rumors surrounding Valhalla's healing field. So I know what to expect while sending soldiers out into the field."

"Oh that? It's actually rather simple. It heals wounds, and restores stamina.So long as the attack doesn't kill you outright, it's possible to recover from any injury you sustain. It doesn't work as well on demons though, so you don't have to worry about them getting back up after you slice their stomachs open." You blink for a moment at the sudden non-sequitur. Human tended to put a lot more gravity into killing something than her… chipper voice.

(Valhallan Battlefield Effect Confirmed: Your forces will not suffer from fatigue. Each combat turn they will regain 1% of their maximum Health. If incapacitated, they will be combat ready within three turns. A soldier will only die if killed in direct combat.)

"Thank you Bell. That's more or less all I wanted to know on that front. Asides though, I also need to learn what kind of help you need the most. That way I can figure out what to focus on first."

"Well… they like to send Hellbeasts through in waves, but we can handle them easy enough on our own: we're better fighters than they are in the sky. If anything, we need long range support against their foot soldiers more than anything. Artillerny I think it's called? Mage support."

"It's pronounced 'artillery'. And I understand what you're getting at."

Valkyries, the Valkyr, are a special breed, even among angels. Where most Angels were born from the wishes made by the masses, Valkyr specifically, are made from wishes by soldiers. This lead to them being far more violent than other Angels, but also far more capable in combat than even War Angels. They were an elite breed, to the point that they could hold Valhalla alone with little to no support from the rest of the Unified Light at all.

A feat they've done since before the fall of the Roman Empire. To fight one, one-on-one, is a suicidal disposition. Which is likely why she's asking for artillery and mage support first: they were likely facing off against anywhere from 10 to 100-1 odds on their battle line.

"Once I have a proper artillery position set up, I'll let you know so we can start coordinating strikes."

"Thank you, Free. Also, may I ask one more thing?"


"My Sisters have rarely left the Valhallan line since Humanity joined the Unified Light. So I was wondering if it would be alright if I rotated some of them through your command, so they can get some experience working with human soldiers in."

"I see no reason to decline that. What's the catch?"

"I'll only be able to spare a single squad each week, and after the week is up, I'll need them back… Sorry?"

"It's alright. I'll make sure to factor that into any plans I make."

"Thank you, Free. The first group will be over tomorrow."

"Understood Bell. If nothing else…?"

"Nope, that should be all. You take care of yourself." And with that she hangs up without giving you a chance to give your own goodbyes. Meh, could have been worse.

(Valkyr Combat Squads: Once a week, Bell will send a Valkyrie Team to work at Pinnacle Station. After the week is over, the squad shall be recalled, and replaced with a new one. Some squads might come with special abilities the others don't have.)

The beauty of magic was more than just it's combat applications.

It made everything else easier as well. Complex machines could be mass-produced. Buildings that once took months to build, or ships that once took years, could be built in days. When this had first been discovered, the economies of first-world countries had almost collapsed. One of the many reasons for the Third World War.

People didn't like to admit it, but Humanity is teetering on the very edge of anarchy. If it wasn't for the Eternal War, the makeshift United Earth Government would have collapsed years ago. But they've been working on it. Streamlining where they could, but also replacing sections wholesale where necessary.

But none of that currently affects you. What does affect you is the ease of construction that Magic has given the children of Gaia. Instead of spending three months in order to modify Pinnacle Station with your requests, it takes them less than a day to install an actual barracks. The motor pool will be done within the next two days, and the Comm. tower is already functional. The Tech building is nearly done as well, and your new soldiers have all arrived with the sun on your second day.

"Damn, doesn't feel like we were out all night."

"There's an actual reason for this." You pass Zack a copy of your report on the Valhallan Field. You've already sent the actual document to your superiors.

"Nice. The boys are going to like it here if this is accurate."

"As accurate as can be without testing it ourselves. But I don't want to shoot one of my men unless I have to."

"Does that mean I'm off the hook?"

"Your deployment isn't necessary."

"... Shutting up now."

"Good boy."

(Please Vote by Plan)
Pinnacle Station's Current Budget: $170,070

Recruit Soldiers
[] A Squad of Infantry ($2,500)
[] A Mage Team (7,500) (Requires Research Barracks)
[] A Platoon of Tanks ($50,000) (Requires Motorpool)
[] A Line of Artillery ($50,000) (Requires Motorpool)
[] A Magical Girl! (Weak) ($15,000) (Requires Research Barracks, MG Quarters)
[] A Magical Girl! (Middling) ($30,000) (Requires Research Barracks, MG Quarters, Assault Scanner)
[] A Magical Girl! (Strong) ($45,000) (Requires Research Barracks, MG Quarters, Assault Scanner, C&C)

Recruit a Navy
[] A Patrol Boat ($10,000)

(Get a Dock)

Recruit an Airforce
[] A Flight of Helicopters ($45,000)
[] A Jet ($750,000)

(Get an Airfield)

Improve Pinnacle Station
[] MQ Quarters (Need a Research Barracks)
[] Motorpool (Available Next Turn)
[] Dock ($350,000)
[] Airfield ($350,000)
[] Research Barracks (A.K.A. The Wizard House) ($125,000)
[] Radar Tower ($60,000)
[] Tech Research Division (Available Next Turn)

Build Some Defenses
[] Dig a few Trenches (Needs three Infantry Teams, write in who is doing it)
[] Set up some Artillery ($30,000)
[] Guard Towers? ($20,000)
[] Get some walls on the mainland ($20,000)

You Got Dudes, What Should They Do?
[] Scout
-Write In Teams

[] Guard
-Write in Teams

[] Off Duty
-Write in Teams

What should you do? (Choose 1)
[] Ring up your bosses on the radio and "complain".
[] Visit Zack when he's not busy.
[] Call Rogue.
[] Call Bell up for a chat.

(Barracks Completed.
Communications Array Completed.
Motor Pool will complete next turn.
Tech Research Division will complete next turn.
10 Squads of soldiers have arrived will be settled in next turn and are settled in.

Local Area Scouted:
-Pinnacle Station is located two miles east of the main Valkyr battlelines along the coast. Half a mile of open plains lie between Pinnacle Station's access bridge and any significant cover.
--A single demonic scouting party contracted a severe case of Zachary Mustang. (+$70)
---No other hostile presence detected.

Character Sheet Unlocked! Valkyr Commander Bell, Level 1!
Character Sheet Unlocked! Valkyr Warrior, Max!)
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Can we budget motorpool unit purchases this turn, or do we need to wait until the construction is complete?

Edit: Also, Bell asked for Artillery, but also mentioned mages; did she just conflate the two due to not being familiar with technology? Or is she literally requesting both?
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i'm kind of leaning towards saving up our money for artillery once the motor pool finishes. From what I can tell the local angels can do most actual front line fighting, but could really use fire support.
[X] Plan Defense

Build Some Defenses
[X] Dig a few Trenches (Needs three Infantry Teams, write in who is doing it) x2
Infantry LOVE to dig, right? ...right?
[X] Set up some Artillery ($30,000)
Can we do this when we don't have a motorpool yet? I'm assuming these are non-mobile assets, while the motorpool artillery are mobile.

You Got Dudes, What Should They Do?
[X] Scout

[X] Guard

[X] Off Duty

What should you do? (Choose 1)
[X] Ring up your bosses on the radio and "complain".
- [X] I'd have volunteered, you assholes! Who won the betting pool?
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huh, so looking through our allies, and uh, well two things stand out to me.

Glory of Valhalla
Level 16
-Bell heals 3,200 health each turn. Every five turns, her Base Damage doubles.

this means that bell has a base damage of 145,9200 after 40 rounds of combat. Pretty much not going to happen in a small scale fight, but in a massive battle that could go for hours? assuming each round is about 6 seconds she's going to be punching like a low-end divinity inside 10 minutes. That's not even counting her boost spell, wich probably adds another doubling to it. Her minions are going to be about 5 rounds behind her since they have a bit less than half her base damage. Either there is a soft cap in play here, or a Valkyrie that stays stuck in for an hour or so could kill a planet or mid-sized god by punching it.

Presence of Light
Level 5
-Heals all Allies for 500 Health per turn. Damage all Enemies for 500 per turn.

we've known about this one, but the fact that hell bothers with foot soldiers implies there is some limit or counter on the strategic scale we haven't seen. Hells typical grunt has 100 resistance (while using their self-boost spell) and 750 HP. Which means two war angels in the same battle would be enough to cause every last one of them to instantly die. Hells limiting factor in most fights is how many troops they can transport, so if 100,000 of their foot soldiers could be killed by two angles holding hands and frolicking in their general direction hell would not be bothering to waste transport capacity on them.

basically, they are abilities that work on a tactical scale, but on a strategic scale are overpowered to the point of overshadowing a lot of super abilities.
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Our money situation looks bad. We should send some dudes to scout and find things to kill, and keep a few back to actually kill the things that give bounties.

I think boats would be better at keeping things out of our water, but helicopters might work for hitting seaborne threats and can do a number of other things.
Edit: Also, Bell asked for Artillery, but also mentioned mages; did she just conflate the two due to not being familiar with technology? Or is she literally requesting both?
Probably conflating, but I don't think she'ld complain either way, as long as demons begin spontaneously exploding in horrific ways. She'd probably get a giggle from it.

...Aaaand I only just got that our main character is "Free Mason". I don't suppose he's a member of any particularly selective social clubs? :p

[] Set up some Artillery ($30,000)
These are fixed assets right? I'm presuming that they don't have the range to reach the current battle lines, but I figured I should check, just to be sure.
this means that bell has a base damage of 145,9200 after 40 rounds of combat. Pretty much not going to happen in a small scale fight, but in a massive battle that could go for hours? assuming each round is about 6 seconds she's going to be punching like a low-end divinity inside 10 minutes. That's not even counting her boost spell, wich probably adds another doubling to it. Her minions are going to be about 5 rounds behind her since they have a bit less than half her base damage. Either there is a soft cap in play here, or a Valkyrie that stays stuck in for an hour or so could kill a planet or mid-sized god by punching it.
I believe a round is 10 seconds.
we've known about this one, but the fact that hell bothers with foot soldiers implies there is some limit or counter on the strategic scale we haven't seen. Hells typical grunt has 100 resistance (while using their self-boost spell) and 750 HP. Which means two war angels in the same battle would be enough to cause every last one of them to instantly die. Hells limiting factor in most fights is how many troops they can transport, so if 100,000 of them could be killed by two angles holding hands and frolicking in their general direction hell would not be bothering to waste transport capacity on them.
Range limitations: while they're dealing with groups 1 to 500, groups 501 to 5000 are rampaging freely, while stealth teams 1 to 100 are digging in.