To Matter (Superpowers Quest)

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…And Overnight, the World Nothing Changed

We've grown up hearing about it you...
...And Overnight-


…And Overnight, the World Nothing Changed
We've grown up hearing about it you know? 'The Day the World Changed' always in big capital letters, the chapter everyone looked forward to in history classes. Books and blogs and articles on it talking about this and that and blah blah blah. The important thing? Superpowers were fucking real. One morning twenty years ago everyone just woke up with motherfucking superpowers. And sure there was a whole lot of posturing between nations and scientists pulling their hair out, but in the end, what did it amount to? A big fucking disappointment. Nothing changed. Anarchy didn't happen, because turns out countries still have the most guns, even if some of those guns now happened to be people. And sure, there are supervillains and you always hear about those crazy super powered warlords in Africa or whatever on the news, but nothing changed. People tried to be superheroes, but mostly they just got themselves hurt, arrested, or joined the police or military like people did before.

It's just… It can't have supposed to have been like this, right? There has to be a reason we all have these powers. Something new and- and fucking worthwhile. Not just the same old shit where the people with the money are in charge and everyone less fortunate can go get fucked. And sure, now you get two rolls of the dice at your birth, because maybe your superpower is worth something, but if it isn't? Then tough shit, you're out of luck same as you were before.

Fuck it. I'm done. I'm done with all of this bullshit. All of this sitting around and being a good girl going to school and applying to fucking college like I'm supposed to. Like it means anything. I know there's something out there. Something true and real and meaningful and it isn't this.
-Excerpt from Ashley Weaver's College Application, believed to have been written shortly before her initial bank robbery and subsequent crime spree

The idea of a 'smart city' is one that has been bandied about time and time again. In my early years in college, I myself was somewhat derisive of the idea, as many of the things people tried to use to define the idea of a smart city seemed already commonplace. However, with the Eden project and now finally with construction of New Eden City beginning, I think a truly smart city is finally within our grasp. Many people laugh at the idea of a city being built made to purpose, but soon their doubts will be silenced. Efficient uses of space, consideration for the environment, free public services and comprehensive public transportation- not to mention a prime location on the west coast. The Eden project is the answer to overcrowding, to pollution, even to poverty. This is a city where everyone will have a job, have a place, have a purpose. This is the way of the future, this is a New Eden- as close to an earthly paradise as we can grasp.
-Lead Architect of the Eden Project, Malcolm Fairlight

Ahahahah. A good question, yes. One I get quite often in fact. I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh. It's really a very serious matter. It's just that the question of 'should vigilantism be allowed'- which of course is what you're really asking Henry, is laughable. I understand where it comes from; all those old comic books from before people having such abilities were real. The fact of the matter is, ordinary civilians cannot be allowed to go out on the streets with no training and potentially get themselves or others very seriously hurt. Not to mention what happens with the 'successful' ones. Sure, they beat up some mobster or drug dealer and drop them off in front of the police station. Great. What are we supposed to do with that? Most of the time, we either know exactly who these people are already and haven't arrested them because we're building a case to convict, or very occasionally we have no idea at all and then what are we supposed to do? We can't very well hold these people. Often, we end up driving them to the hospital and taking a statement about the vigilante who assaulted them. This is best case we're talking about here. Much more commonly, it's poor dumb kids going out on the streets after dark and getting shot because they've seen too many movies and forgotten that most of them aren't immune to bullets.
-Police Chief Charles Gower on The Midnight Show, responding to a question about 'superheroes'

The Transmission
The crackle of a snowy screen, out of place on modern technology, appears on every display in the entire world.

Flashes of imagery. A crown. A sword. A band of gold and silver. Gems. The Earth as viewed from space. A blank screen filled with golden light. Words follow in bold white text.

They will appear.
Perfection incarnate.
Power beyond imagining.
All will be revealed.
End Transmission

Rest assured that this 'Transmission' is being looked into to the best of our ability. Panic is not the answer. This is just another person or group of people using their abilities to cause unrest and push their own agenda. We as a nation need to stand firm against such threats!
-Excerpt from Whitehouse Statement on 'The Transmission'

Tonight, our main story is again the criminal Ashley Weaver having once more broken through police and National Guard blockades before the army could assemble a team capable of apprehending her. In a break from her usual pattern, her target last night was not a bank or museum, but the small town of Charlesville, Nevada. It is unclear what her motives were or why she chose to reappear, but our sources say that she appeared to be looking for something. Up in a moment, an eyewitness statement.
-SNN Broadcast

And tonight we have an expert on to discuss the latest in the crime wave of class 5 and above ability users in New Eden city. Professor Arthur Morn, if you would?

Oh yes. Thank you for the opportunity. This crime spree is actually incredibly fascinating- it isn't robbery or assault or any of the other crimes commonly associated with the use of high powered abilities, at least not in the way we're used to thinking of them. The lure of these… objects seems to have caught up a number of people who otherwise have no reason to engage in criminal activity. Unfortunately, there's little to be done about the problem socially; we cannot stop these objects from existing, and now that people have seen their incredible power, it is unlikely that battles over them and between factions searching for them will cease. That is why I have been working with the Eden project to put together a proper task force capable of apprehending and deterring these criminals. The Excalibur Initiative is what we're calling it, and we hope to see a great deal of success with it in the coming weeks.
-Soundbite from an Eden News Network Broadcast


Character Creation
You are
[] Write in name
[] Write in Gender
and you are going to matter. That's what you've decided. And now that you're going to college in New Eden it's the perfect opportunity. You want one of these fabled artifacts for yourself. Of course, only someone who has a strong ability already is going to be able to get their hands on one. What is yours?

[] Control Over (Write in). You have dominion over Water/Air/Fire/Earth/Thing common to a city.
[] Teleportation
[] Super Strength and Toughness
[] Super Speed
[] Forcefields
[] Energy Blasts
[] Write-in cool power. (Subject to GM Approval.)

Of course to say what your power is is one thing. It's strength is another entirely. The scale is usually 1-10, with 1 being a harmless effect and 10 being power capable of threatening the whole city. 5 (Dangerous to a house sized building) is reported to be the average amount of power thrown around in battles in New Eden. The true movers and shakers tend to be an 8 or higher on the scale, and a few even break the scale entirely. The Excalibur Initiative, which has only deployed a small number of times as of yet, seems to be able to easily handle 5s, but they have yet to engage anyone higher than a 7.

A power level of 5 is free. You can spend points of your power level to buy traits below and accept flaws to increase it. You may not take more than two flaws and may not increase your power level above 8 or decrease it below 1.

[] Martial Arts (-2 points) You know your way around a fight and can throw a mean punch. Against people who don't know what they're doing, this can be an overwhelming advantage.
[] Hacker (-3 points) You're a movie-tier hacker, and can easily gain access to most security systems and electronic devices in the high-tech city of New Eden. Opens up many new options and makes you valauble for more than just your raw power in a fight.
[] Connections (-2 points) You have a friend or two in New Eden, people who know the area and will make sure you aren't going to walk into things entirely blind.
[] A Winning Personality (-3 points) You're friendly and get along with people. You'll do significantly better at most social interactions.
[] Well read (-2 points) You did a lot studying before coming here and have a working understanding of the powers of a lot of the common players in New Eden.
[] Wealthy (-3 points) Your family is kind of rich. You have a very nice apartment in New Eden in a much better location than the college's dorms. Having a lot of money on demand can be a superpower in and of itself.
[] Weaponry (-3 points) You can get your hands on a lot of illegal weapons, up to and including experimental Excalibur Initiative toys, though at that high end, using them will call a lot of attention to you.
[] Just a Face in the Crowd (-3 points) You're good at staying unremarkable and good at getting out of hairy situations given the slightest opportunity. Within the realm of plausibility, people won't recognize you if you don't want them to.

[] Uncontrollable Power (+3 points) Your power is strong- maybe too strong. It can easily get away from you and end up doing something you don't like or not quite doing what you want.
[] EX Series (+4 points) You got your hands on an Excalibur Initiative power amplifier. It's crazy strong, but very bulky and very noticeable. Not to mention that if anyone sees you with it, they'll probably want it for themselves. Besides which, the Excalibur Initiative definitely wants it back and will likely pursue you hotly.
[] A Mysterious offer (+3 points) You were offered a vial of something by an unknown figure. Desperate to become more powerful, you accepted and it seems to have worked. Definitely no downsides whatsoever that will ever come up.
[] Stubborn Resolve (+3 points) You don't back down, not ever, and often you've got the power to back that up. Sometimes though, it can get you in a whole lot of trouble.
[] A Caring Heart (+5 points) You've dreamed of power and fame idly, but when it comes down to it, you can't bring yourself to cause others harm in pursuit of that dream. The idea of hurting someone for your selfish wishes... You can't abide it. (Note that this flaw is very all encompassing, though is mitigated depending on the kind of of power you choose.)
[] A Weakness of Body (+4 points) Your power might be overwhelming, but your physique leaves something to be desired. Your are both chronically ill and somewhat out of shape. On your best day, you're still a bit slower and weaker than average, and on your worst even leaving your bed is something you find difficult.

Originally I was just going to write this as a story, but then I started thinking about how I wanted to run a quest again soooo. Here we are.
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[X] Plan: I care and I AM
[X] Isabelle Yoman
[X] Female
[X] Belief invulnerability: as long as you are certain of your goal you cannot be harmed by almost any means and gain greatly increased strength and speed.
[X] Well read (-2 points) You did a lot studying before coming here and have a working understanding of the powers of a lot of the common players in New Eden.
[X] A Winning Personality (-3 points) You're friendly and get along with people. You'll do significantly better at most social interactions.
-[X] Stubborn Resolve (+3 points) You don't back down, not ever, and often you've got the power to back that up. Sometimes though, it can get you in a whole lot of trouble.
[X] A Caring Heart (+5 points) You've dreamed of power and fame idly, but when it comes down to it, you can't bring yourself to cause others harm in pursuit of that dream. The idea of hurting someone for your selfish wishes... You can't abide it. (Note that this flaw is very all encompassing, though is mitigated depending on the kind of of power you choose.)

@Wander write in, tried to balance what could be op with a downside that is very easy to exploit, good, bad, ugly?
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[X] Alyssa Gabriel Torres
[X] Female
[X] Control Over Dirt
[X] Just a Face in the Crowd (-3 points) You're good at staying unremarkable and good at getting out of hairy situations given the slightest opportunity. Within the realm of plausibility, people won't recognize you if you don't want them to.
[X] Weaponry (-3 points) You can get your hands on a lot of illegal weapons, up to and including experimental Excalibur Initiative toys, though at that high end, using them will call a lot of attention to you.
[X] Uncontrollable Power (+3 points) Your power is strong- maybe too strong. It can easily get away from you and end up doing something you don't like or not quite doing what you want.
[X] EX Series (+4 points) You got your hands on an Excalibur Initiative power amplifier. It's crazy strong, but very bulky and very noticeable. Not to mention that if anyone sees you with it, they'll probably want it for themselves. Besides which, the Excalibur Initiative definitely wants it back and will likely pursue you hotly.

Had to get a hold of that thing somehow.
Can't stop myself from that pun.
[X] Plan Crazy death cultist
-[X] Yama Hades
-[X] Male
-[X] Salvation: With a touch you accelerate time's effect on the body.
-[X] Power level 8
-[X] Martial Arts (-2 points) You know your way around a fight and can throw a mean punch. Against people who don't know what they're doing, this can be an overwhelming advantage.
-[X] A Caring Heart (+5 points) You've dreamed of power and fame idly, but when it comes down to it, you can't bring yourself to cause others harm in pursuit of that dream. The idea of hurting someone for your selfish wishes... You can't abide it. (Note that this flaw is very all encompassing, though is mitigated depending on the kind of of power you choose.)

The concept for this character is to make a person who see themselvs as compassionate and helpfull, while ruining peoples lives from other perspectives.
The name could be up for change if people have a better one, but I can't resist making it super obvious.

I think the power won't be to overpowered, because it's touch based.
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[X] Plan: I made it Softer!
-[X] Trish Domino
-[X] Female
-[X] Write in Power: Softening: You are able to soften anything you come in contact with. The thing in question gains the constancy of putty.
-[X] Just a Face in the Crowd (-3 points) You're good at staying unremarkable and good at getting out of hairy situations given the slightest opportunity. Within the realm of plausibility, people won't recognize you if you don't want them to.
-[X] Stubborn Resolve (+3 points) You don't back down, not ever, and often you've got the power to back that up. Sometimes though, it can get you in a whole lot of trouble.
-[X] Uncontrollable Power (+3 points) Your power is strong- maybe too strong. It can easily get away from you and end up doing something you don't like or not quite doing what you want.

Is this power okay @Wander?
[X] Plan: I care and I AM
[X] Isabelle Yoman
[X] Female
[X] Write in Power: I AM ME: A power that works on who self confidence, when you are confident there is nothing you cannot achieve, based upon yourself image all wounds will heal and all problems will become solvable, but fate is whimsical, and should your confidence be shaken even for a second, your powers will evaporate.
[X] Well read (-2 points) You did a lot studying before coming here and have a working understanding of the powers of a lot of the common players in New Eden.
[X] A Caring Heart (+5 points) You've dreamed of power and fame idly, but when it comes down to it, you can't bring yourself to cause others harm in pursuit of that dream. The idea of hurting someone for your selfish wishes... You can't abide it. (Note that this flaw is very all encompassing, though is mitigated depending on the kind of of power you choose.)

@Wander write in, tried to balance what could be op with a downside that is very easy to exploit, good, bad, ugly?
The core idea of having a self image and restoring yourself to that is totally fine, though the speed and completeness of the effect would scale heavily based on power level. "All problems becoming solvable" is the kind of broad bullshit only people with artifacts get, and even then is on the upper scale, so that part isn't acceptable.

I think the power won't be to overpowered, because it's touch based.
That power is much too vague.
Totally fine power!
The core idea of having a self image and restoring yourself to that is totally fine, though the speed and completeness of the effect would scale heavily based on power level. "All problems becoming solvable" is the kind of broad bullshit only people with artifacts get, and even then is on the upper scale, so that part isn't acceptable.
Already removed it... before you posted surprisingly.

Anyway the power I think is at 8.
[X] Belief invulnerability: as long as you are certain of your goal you cannot be harmed by any means and gain greatly increased strength and speed.
Already removed it... before you posted surprisingly.

Anyway the power I think is at 8.
Much more acceptable, with the caveat that 'by any means' would more accurately be 'by almost any means'. At a power level of 8, the Excalibur Initiative would need to break out its very biggest guns and all but a few of the most powerful individuals in the city would have trouble hurting you.
Much more acceptable, with the caveat that 'by any means' would more accurately be 'by almost any means'. At a power level of 8, the Excalibur Initiative would need to break out its very biggest guns and all but a few of the most powerful individuals in the city would have trouble hurting you.
And changed once again.
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[X] Plan: I care and I AM
[X] Isabelle Yoman
[X] Female
[X] Belief invulnerability: as long as you are certain of your goal you cannot be harmed by almost any means and gain greatly increased strength and speed.
[X] Well read (-2 points) You did a lot studying before coming here and have a working understanding of the powers of a lot of the common players in New Eden.
[X] A Winning Personality (-3 points) You're friendly and get along with people. You'll do significantly better at most social interactions.
-[X] Stubborn Resolve (+3 points) You don't back down, not ever, and often you've got the power to back that up. Sometimes though, it can get you in a whole lot of trouble.
[X] A Caring Heart (+5 points) You've dreamed of power and fame idly, but when it comes down to it, you can't bring yourself to cause others harm in pursuit of that dream. The idea of hurting someone for your selfish wishes... You can't abide it. (Note that this flaw is very all encompassing, though is mitigated depending on the kind of of power you choose.)

Me like...

And got to go again, will see how this develops when I can get back.
[X]Plan: Open the Gate

[X] Henrich Steintur


[X] Creation of wormholes, can be made in any shape or size and can 'Ignore' stuff if wanted.
Example: The wormhole A. only exists to light and me, you can see it but anything that is not me is ignored and does not pass to the other side.

[X] EX Series (+4 points) You got your hands on an Excalibur Initiative power amplifier. It's crazy strong, but very bulky and very noticeable. Not to mention that if anyone sees you with it, they'll probably want it for themselves. Besides which, the Excalibur Initiative definitely wants it back and will likely pursue you hotly.
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[x] Plan Speedster (Because I've been binge watching The Flash lately)
[x] Name: Rocco "Rocky" Rhode
- [x] Gender: Male
- [x] Super Speed (possibly with an added Healing Factor, allowing us to heal from wounds if we eat enough later)
- [x] Stubborn Resolve (+3 points) You don't back down, not ever, and often you've got the power to back that up. Sometimes though, it can get you in a whole lot of trouble.

[x] Connections (-2 points) You have a friend or two in New Eden, people who know the area and will make sure you aren't going to walk into things entirely blind.
[x] Martial Arts (-2 points) You know your way around a fight and can throw a mean punch. Against people who don't know what they're doing, this can be an overwhelming advantage.
[x] EX Series (+4 points) You got your hands on an Excalibur Initiative power amplifier. It's crazy strong, but very bulky and very noticeable. Not to mention that if anyone sees you with it, they'll probably want it for themselves. Besides which, the Excalibur Initiative definitely wants it back and will likely pursue you hotly.

Basically, going with a pretty simple and straightforward power with lots of potential. We're fast. We heal fast. We might not have powers as flashy as other superpowered people, but we can do anything a normal person can... but faster. We may not have any major traits, but our only flaw is our own stubbornness.

My other idea was a write-in... but then I figured I would try sticking with one of the default/classic powers to make things simpler. I think the power to act as if everyone else is just standing still is a pretty good power to have.

Hydrokinesis - The power to telekinetically move and adjust the temperature of water, ice and steam. We could pull water out of a lake, freeze it into blocks of ice to form barriers, or turn it to vapor to create areas of fog or clouds. It's much easier to manipulate pure water than impure, making it harder (but not impossible) to manipulate the water inside of living things or the salt water in the ocean. We can easily extract pure water from impure sources through distillation, making water on the surface evaporate and then store it as floating water, or ice cubes. Basically, we're like a mini Leviathan from Worm or a water bender,

Basic idea is that we can control water, but can also freeze/evaporate it into stuff. Kind of like being a spellcaster, except in this case our 'mana pool' is directly limited by how much water we have nearby. If we've got a plentiful source of water, we can do stuff like form ice into stairways or walls, impare our enemie's vision with fog, etc. However, if we have limited water nearby then we could be limited to things like firing off bullets made of ice or things like that.
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[x] Plan Speedster (Because I've been binge watching The Flash lately)
[x] Name: Rocco "Rocky" Rhode
- [x] Gender: Male
- [x] Super Speed (possibly with an added Healing Factor, allowing us to heal from wounds if we eat enough later)
- [x] Stubborn Resolve (+3 points) You don't back down, not ever, and often you've got the power to back that up. Sometimes though, it can get you in a whole lot of trouble.

Basically, going with a pretty simple and straightforward power with lots of potential. We're fast. We heal fast. We might not have powers as flashy as other superpowered people, but we can do anything a normal person can... but faster. We may not have any major traits, but our only flaw is our own stubbornness.

My other idea was a write-in... but then I figured I would try sticking with one of the default/classic powers to make things simpler. I think the power to act as if everyone else is just standing still is a pretty good power to have.

Hydrokinesis - The power to telekinetically move and adjust the temperature of water, ice and steam. We could pull water out of a lake, freeze it into blocks of ice to form barriers, or turn it to vapor to create areas of fog or clouds. It's much easier to manipulate pure water than impure, making it harder (but not impossible) to manipulate the water inside of living things or the salt water in the ocean. We can easily extract pure water from impure sources through distillation, making water on the surface evaporate and then store it as floating water, or ice cubes. Basically, we're like a mini Leviathan from Worm or a water bender,

Basic idea is that we can control water, but can also freeze/evaporate it into stuff. Kind of like being a spellcaster, except in this case our 'mana pool' is directly limited by how much water we have nearby. If we've got a plentiful source of water, we can do stuff like form ice into stairways or walls, impare our enemie's vision with fog, etc. However, if we have limited water nearby then we could be limited to things like firing off bullets made of ice or things like that.
For the record, your write-in is perfectly acceptable. Also, don't be afraid of flaws! They're there to enforce a certain level of 'interestingness' to characters and provide plot hooks.
[x] Name: Wilmer Smith
[x] Male
[x] The power to temporarily increase all of your physical and mental capabilities to superhuman levels.
-[x] Power Level 6
[x] Hacker (-3 points) You're a movie-tier hacker, and can easily gain access to most security systems and electronic devices in the high-tech city of New Eden. Opens up many new options and makes you valauble for more than just your raw power in a fight.
[x] Weaponry (-3 points) You can get your hands on a lot of illegal weapons, up to and including experimental Excalibur Initiative toys, though at that high end, using them will call a lot of attention to you.
[x] EX Series (+4 points) You got your hands on an Excalibur Initiative power amplifier. It's crazy strong, but very bulky and very noticeable. Not to mention that if anyone sees you with it, they'll probably want it for themselves. Besides which, the Excalibur Initiative definitely wants it back and will likely pursue you hotly.
[x] Uncontrollable Power (+3 points) Your power is strong- maybe too strong. It can easily get away from you and end up doing something you don't like or not quite doing what you want.
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