Can we please let the vote stand? I fully understand the context, but still want to get the plot rolling. I'm sure others do as well.
From what I've been able to gather of the comic, Vivio apparently doesn't know what fear is.
Close reread indicates she does know fear, but it takes a LOT of shit to be able to compare to the first crisis she can remember(being kidnapped and used to power an apocalyptic weapon).

She, with completely good justification, believes that her friends and family can solve anything that happens. She IS however, worried for making more work for them, so that's what she fears, losing friends and stressing out her family. Personal safety...well anything that would be a serious danger beyond broken limbs would also be apocalyptic anyway.
Since apparently nobody caught the last round of invisitext, I'm going to be very blunt: the plot is dependent upon the Destined Encounter, and can't trigger until you get it.
As someone who has started to read the manga, I must admit that I very much want to see Miss Stratos being adorable as soon as possible, HOWEVER; I also get the impression that Einheart appearing with a vote could get very strange or very awkward if we avoid it long enough. The other thing to think about is whether or not Einheart will be transformed when we first meet her. Einheart and Vivio can remain in adult form for an indefinite amount of time but cannot do so forever
Update 4
You take a moment to double-check the time. Since you have a good five or ten more minutes to play around with, you turn to Rio with a grin. "You want to try out that new move, right?"

Rio offers a grin of her own, showing off teeth. "Yep! You'd better get ready to use your Adult Mode, 'cause otherwise I'll mop the floor with ya!"

Even ignoring the way Rio said that, you have to admit you're pretty excited to see what your best friend has in store for you!

In but a moment, you've transformed into your Adult Mode.

A scant second later, you hear Rio's device announce a spell. [Powered-System: Set Up.]

...huh. Well, it's not really a proper Adult Mode, is it? More like a Teenager Mode. Rio wears it well, though, and she slides into her Spring Sunlight-style stance.

Almost before you're ready, a smirking teen-Rio charges at you, and wow~! She's definitely a lot faster than you were expecting! Stronger, too, if the change in air pressure caused the movement of her fist as you barely keep it out of your face means anything. think you might have chopped up your mental grammar a little bit, ther-

Ah! She almost got you! Rio really wasn't kidding -- if not for your own Adult Mode, she really could mop the floor with you like this. And even with it, it's still taking a lot of effort to keep from getting hit!

.......too bad for Rio, though, you just saw -- "AN OPENING!"

A light palm to the torso, and a clean hit ends the spar. "Aww, man! I can't believe you got me again!"

You stifle a giggle, and since you're still taller than she is in your current forms, teasingly pat Rio on top of her head. "I'm really impressed that you made a transformation spell like that all on your own, though! I just... kind of.... knew mine by instinct, because of my ancestor's genes..."

A second later, you hear a squeal of delight, as a pretty lady with brown hair styled into a ponytail and wearing glasses comes up to the pair of you with a star-struck kind of expression on her face. "Wow, the two of you simply looked amazing! My employer's hosting a martial arts tournament in a few weeks on his private Unadministrated World, and I'd say the two of you look qualified enough to merit an invitation! Please please please please PLEEEEEAAAAAAAAASE come and join?!"

You and Rio glance at each other, taken aback by the woman's earnestness. "Well-"

"Oh, of course you can't make up your mind yet," the woman says while slapping herself in the forehead, "silly me, I haven't even told you about the prize yet! The semifinalists get a giant wad of cash, the runner-up gets a private interdimensional shuttle, and the champ gets an all-expenses paid week-long vacation to wherever they want!"

...........come to think of it, isn't Uncle Chrono's birthday coming up in a month or two? It might be nice to get him something other than a necktie this time......

[]Take the pretty lady up on her offer. What's the worst that could possibly happen?
[]Explain that you're actually just ten years old, and that you'd have to ask your parents for permission before you could do something like that.
[]Something about the pretty lady gives you a really bad feeling. Take Rio and make a run for it!
[x]Explain that you're actually just ten years old, and that you'd have to ask your parents for permission before you could do something like that.

I see your invisitext. Running away from bad feelings is not always the best idea.
[X] Explain that you're actually just ten years old, and that you'd have to ask your parents for permission before you could do something like that.
[x]Explain that you're actually just ten years old, and that you'd have to ask your parents for permission before you could do something like that.
[X]Something about the pretty lady gives you a really bad feeling. Take Rio and make a run for it!

[x]Explain that you're actually just ten years old, and that you'd have to ask your parents for permission before you could do something like that.
[x]Explain that you're actually just ten years old, and that you'd have to ask your parents for permission before you could do something like that.
[x]Explain that you're actually just ten years old, and that you'd have to ask your parents for permission before you could do something like that.
[x]Explain that you're actually just ten years old, and that you'd have to ask your parents for permission before you could do something like that.
[X]Explain that you're actually just ten years old, and that you'd have to ask your parents for permission before you could do something like that.
[X]Explain that you're actually just ten years old, and that you'd have to ask your parents for permission before you could do something like that.

Does Vivio carry a safety whistle?
[x]Explain that you're actually just ten years old, and that you'd have to ask your parents for permission before you could do something like that.