Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

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You've never really cared about anything in life. At least, that's what the popular consensus...
1. An End to Ennui


The Wicked God
You've never really cared about anything in life. At least, that's what the popular consensus is.

Your parents certainly agreed. They despaired at your lack of attention in school. They hated how you never seemed to be able to buckle down and apply yourself at anything. You can't count the number of times you sat through a speech about the importance of buckling down and focusing on Math and Social Studies.

Your friends definitely agreed. But in their case, it was good thing. That 'lack of caring' is all that really held your small circle together. None of you really wanted to do anything in particular in life. You were content just going along with the flow and seeing what came next.

That was what you did your entire life. You sat down and went with the flow. You earned straight B's in high school- which would certainly have been higher if you applied yourself, your mother said- and continued on with your inertia as you went to the community college your parents picked for you.

When you were there, you made more friends that didn't care. You dabbled around with a little bit of everything, never settling your feet on one path and moving forward. You came out of the school nothing more than a two-year degree in 'general studies' and an undying hatred for the registrar's office.

Finally though, you couldn't take it anymore. You couldn't take not caring for one moment more. So when you visited home, you sat down on the couch and told your parents the truth. The truth you'd been holding in for over half of your twenty-two year old life.

It's not that you didn't care. It's that you cared too much about one specific thing.

It's not that you never figured out what you wanted to be when you grew up. It's that that thing is so implausible and so unlikely that you might as well want to learn to fly.

You want to be a Professional Wrestler.

You've wanted it ever since you were old enough to turn on the TV and see 'Kingpin' Jasper Coinflip steal a title out from under the nose of 'Big Titan' Terry Tremendous. Ever since you saw The Sacrifice Kid launch himself from the top of a thirty-foot tall steel cage to the roar of the crowd.

Ever since you, the strange awkward kid in the superhero T-shirt and the too-large glasses, saw men and women bigger than life stand in the middle of a twenty-by-twenty square of canvas and command the adulation of thousands with nothing more than a simple gesture, you knew you wanted to be a Professional Wrestler. It all spills out of you as you talk to your parents, unload it off of your chest.

And fuck it. You're following your dream.

It's not like you're unprepared, you explain. Community College didn't do much, but it gave you access to some decent drama classes. You've never been a bodybuilder, but you've never really been not in shape. You can run for hours as long as you don't have to sprint, and you've got some muscle definition. And you've been putting aside money since you got your job watching the desk at a twenty-four hour storage place even if you never let yourself admit what it was for.

You're doing this. And you'll do this whether or not you have their blessing.

Silence rules the room for minutes after you finish. You're surprised to find that you're breathing heavily. That may be the longest you've ever talked about anything without interruption; for sure it's the most passionate you've ever been.

You've almost given up when your Dad rises to his feet and embraces you. Mom is only seconds behind him. Both of them have tears in their eyes, and to your surprise, so do you.

And then the three of you talk. For the first time maybe ever, you have a frank exchange of ideas without fear of judgement. You get the sense that they're not entirely pleased with what you've decided, but they respect your right to pick.

As Dad put it, "I don't want you to be one of those guys who look back at this moment in twenty years and wonder what could have happened."

From the wistful tone in his voice, you get the sense that he knows what he's talking about.

That's not going to be you.

Soon, you embark on your journey. The start of your mission, your quest, to be a professional wrestler.

But one key thing has to be decided first.

Where are you going to train?

[] Chamberlain's Court- A small school just created in the Pacific Northwest, Chamberlain's Court is headed up by Rex Chamberlain, a former WPW jobber known for his solid fundamentals and incredible mat-wrestling. His schools is fairly new, with only one graduating class and no real big names coming from it, but hell, it's cheap.

[] Horizon Academy- You almost wrote this one off when you were doing your research. Daybreak may have been a great women's wrestler, but do you really want to learn from her? But when you were going over the curriculum, you realized that no one else has had such a rich history of success in churning out great characters with phenomenal promo skills.

[] Jester's Keep- There are many better people you could learn from than Derek Jester. As a wrestler and trainer, you hear he's alright. As a promo, he's ok. He was never really a standout in any way, save one; he made friends with a lot of the right people. Jester's still got their ear, and the grapevine says that Jester still goes golfing with Kevin McCrusher, the current Head of Talent Acquisition at WPW.

[] The Junkyard- Years ago, there was a wrestling promotion that has faded into legend: Extreme Pro Combat. It was revolutionary at the time, with everyone raving about it's incredible shows and phenomenal wrestlers. But soon all of those wrestlers left, leaving only those who made a name by hurting themselves in dramatic fashion. EPC closed soon after, but their training school remains. While it might not be the most technical place, it's perhaps the best place to go if you want to learn how to get hit with a fire extinguisher and not go down.

[] The Lion's Den- While it looks like nothing more than a warehouse in suburban Austin, the Lion's Den is already getting a reputation for putting out great high-fliers who can do anything without fear. No surprise really; it's run by El Guerrero Dorada, a legendary luchadore revered throughout Mexico and the southwest United States.

[] The School of Hard Knocks- To no one's surprise, there are about twelve of these all over the USA, none with any connection to the others. The one you're interested in is over in Detroit, and is run by the Purgatory Punishers, an enormous musclebound tag-team who had a tremendous run in the Midwest. They're not the best when it comes to the very fine points, according to reviews, but they'll train your body up until it can take anything.

[] The Three-Count Enclave- There are no schools with a better pedigree than the Three-Count Enclave. Based in Minneapolis, it's the home of 'Shooter' Steven DuPoint, a legendary wrestler and trainer. At least, he was in his younger years. Now there are whispers about his unsettling training techniques, and some say he's retreated into the bottle in between stretching out his poor, helpless trainees. But could it be worth the risk?

And when you send in your application, what name is going on it? (No real names, please)

[] Write-In
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I. What is this?
What is this?!

Hello, all. For this particular quest I decided to go with something a little out of the ordinary. Perhaps I read and loved CampaignQuest too much. But this one will take place in a setting even more cutthroat and terrifying than presidential politics, more horrifying than the Blue Seas of One Piece and AMDND, something even more unbelievable than the Bhaalspawn-shaped Westeros in Murder and Iron.

That's right. We're going to have a quest in the big wide world of Pro Wrestling.

First thing's first: I can't do what other QMs do and use real life people as characters. Never quite saw the appeal, and honestly celebrity fan fiction squicks me out. So there will be no actual wrestlers or people you recognize in this quest. Will there be a shitton inspired by actual people? Yes. But the actual people themselves? No.

Second: Mechanics. They are in the post below.

Third: Sadly, this is not my priority. It's just something I'm doing because the bug hit me. Updates will be rather sporadic, as my other projects are my main focus.

Fourth: Really not sure what fourth is. But if there's anything else, any other big bulletins or updates, they will go here.

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the ride!
II. Mechanics
Ten Pounds of Gold
The Mechanics

Subject to frequent updates as needed

The primary rule is pretty straightforward: if a task's outcome is in doubt at all, whether it be from your actions or the actions of another character, a Difficulty Check (DC) will be set and a d100 will be rolled. The DC can be anything from 10 (obscenely easy) to 100 (nearly impossible) to even higher (cannot succeed without absurd luck and skill). If the d100 roll is higher than the DC, the action succeeds.

Pretty straightforward, right? But it's not that simple. It would be boring if everything were left to luck. No, the kind of character the PC develops into has a lot to do with it as well. The dice roll can be effected by the following:

A skill is something the PC has put effort into learning, or something they've picked up along the way. If a skill is applicable to the roll at hand, its bonus or penalty comes into play.

Skills are either consciously trained through actions, or developed in the ring. Each training session applies XP to a skill, with diminishing returns the more times a specific action is chosen. For best results, make sure to vary your routine!

The skill ranks are as follows:


What each skill entails is explained in the Skill Glossary:
In-Ring Styles
Brawling: The ancient and complicated art of punching. Brawling is used in any spot that involves fisticuffs above all else.

Comedy: Any spot that is designed to make the crowd laugh. Comedy is used for any type of pratfall, hilarious accident, or flat out bizarre spot that wouldn't look out of place in a comic book.

Hardcore: Are you using a weapon of any sort? Yes? Then you're using the hardcore skill. Hardcore governs chair shots, weapons of any sort, or even blading (cutting yourself with a razor blade to make the match more dramatic).

Mat Wrestling: Technical grappling. Mat wrestling is all about positioning, leverage, and slick counters. If it looks like it belongs on an amateur wrestling mat, it uses the mat wrestling skill.

Submission Wrestling: Pain is the name of the game in submission wrestling. If the goal of the spot is to lock your opponent in a vicious hold then this is the skill.

Aerial: High flying in any of it's many varied forms. Moves that Aerial govern includes anything off the top rope, springboards, and most things that involve your feet leaving the mat.

Showmanship: The broadest of the in-ring styles, Showmanship includes anything that puts style above substance. An elbow drop with theatrics, a chop that has a dance move in front of it, a series of dramatic poses before a cutter. As long as the spot is more about the show then the move itself, it is Showmanship.


Basics: The things that make up the basic foundation of a wrestling match. Running the ropes, taking corners, knowing how far away from the side of the ring you are at any given time. All these things are the basics.

Psychology: One of the most important skills in wrestling, Psychology is the art of putting the match together. A guy with high aerial may know how to do a flip, but a guy with high psychology knows exactly when to do the flip to guarantee the best reaction.

Safety: Not hurting your opponent, and not getting hurt by your opponent. A key skill.

Selling: Selling is not just acting like you're hurt. Anyone can do that by clutching their ankle and screaming. Selling is about acting like you're hurt, broadcasting it to everyone watching, and making it look believable.


Athleticism: Body control, plain and simple. A worker with high Athleticism has control over their body and can make it go faster, jump higher, and contort in interesting fashions.

Power: Strength. The higher your power is, the more you can display it in the ring.

Cardio: Your endurance. The higher your cardio is, the faster you can wrestle, and the longer you can keep it up between rest spots.

Toughness: How well you can take a beating. Without toughness, it doesn't matter how high your safety is. You will get hurt.

Resilience: How fast you can bounce back from an injury.

Out of Ring

Microphone: Your skill on the stick. Microphone governs how well you can cut a promo and talk people into the building. The higher it is, the better you are at running your mouth.

Charisma: Your raw, physical presence. Anyone can talk, but not everyone can emote with their body. Charisma is an intangible that comes into play during promos and matches alike.

Acting: If you have a microphone, you use Microphone. But if the booker is calling for a backstage vignette with you doing something besides just cutting a promo, you use Acting.

Announcing: Calling a match as the play by play guy. It's much harder than it looks.

Color Commentary: Calling a match as the color guy. It's much harder than it looks.

Refereeing: This skill governs the art of being the third man in the ring. Referees are responsible for a lot of difficult things in the middle of a match; not only do they make the counts, they also convey spots between workers, keep time, and serve as a link between the booker and the worker in the middle of the match.


Babyface: Working as a good guy in a match.

Heel: Working as a dastardly villain in a match.

Cool: A gimmick that is supposed to overwhelm the audience with how cool he is. Example gimmicks include Rock Stars, Surfers, Mysterious Badasses, and Rappers.

Cocky: A gimmick that is all about how arrogant the wrestler is. Example gimmicks include 'Chosen Ones', billionaires, raving prima donnas, and stuck up punks.

Crazy: A gimmick that overflows with pure insanity. Example gimmicks include psychotic killers, mad scientists, and uncivilized jungle savages.

Legitimate: A gimmick that is more realistic than most of the others. Example gimmicks include good amateur wrestler, MMA Bad Ass, and street brawler.

Weasel: A gimmick that is almost exclusively heel, and is specializes in avoiding fights. Example gimmicks include creepy guys, troublemakers, and internet trolls.

Brute: A gimmick that is made to display physical power, usually without a lot of talking. Example gimmicks include silent but deadly bodyguard, hired mercenary, and Man Monster.

Weird: A gimmick that's just plain bizarre. Example gimmicks include Cult Leader, Pyromaniac, and Split Personality.

Wholesome: A gimmick that is almost exclusively babyface, is fun for the whole family and as offensive as apple pie. Example gimmicks include Comic Book Hero, Beach Bunny, and Old School Babyface.

Skills are not the only thing to effect your performances. There are also traits.

Where skills grow and are trainable, traits are not. Traits are the PCs character. They will occur over the course of the quest as choices are made and actions performed. To earn a trait, act consistently. To strengthen it, continue acting that way. To lose it, do the opposite.

Traits can be earned in a variety of ways. A character who goes to work out everyday might earn the trait Gym Rat, giving him a bonus in all future workout XP rolls. Or someone who wrestles under a mask could get the Body Language trait, making him more physically expressive, or the Under the Hood trait, making him more comfortable when he's restricted. There are as many traits are you can imagine!

But traits can be a double-edged sword. Go along with your trait and get a bonus. Go opposite the PC's nature and take a penalty instead.

There are three degrees of traits.

Minor Traits are little things to the PC. They give a +5 bonus when they go with it, and a -5 when going against it.
Major Traits are bigger deals to the PC, and are far more important. They give a +15 bonus and a -15 penalty.
Core Traits are the principles which the PC lives his life. Go against them at your own peril. They give a +25 Bonus and a -25 Penalty.

Match Mechanics

Match Mechanics
By far the most complex part of this quest
The Background
When you're in the ring, the person across the ring from you isn't your opponent. Your goal is not hurt them. Your goal is not to do anything as pedestrian as winning. If you wanted to do that, you'd have gone into boxing.

No, when you're in the ring your gal is to, together with your opponent, entertain the crowd. The two of you are there to put on a show and to make sure your audience gets their money's worth. It doesn't matter if you're wrestling in front of five people or fifty thousand- these people paid to see you put on a show and by god you're going to give it to them.

Together, you and all the other men and women in the ring will combine your skills and give the crowd the best show you possibly can. Succeed, and be the center of attention for a worshipful audience. Fail, and be prepared to dodge.

Pre-Match Info
When Tommy arrives to the arena for his show, he'll be given his pre-match information. This includes, but is not limited to, how long the match is supposed to go, who your opponent is, the finish, and any particular notes the booker wants you to hit. All of these things are important.

Length: The length of the match determines how many spots a match is made up of. See Spots, below.

Opponent: Your in-ring opponent, and your partner in the match coming up. It takes at least two wrestlers to put on a show after all. Tommy will receive a brief description of the opponent when it becomes time to plan his match, including what they think their greatest strengths and weaknesses are. Tommy can get more exact information by either scouting his opponent or having worked with them multiple times.

The Finish: How the booker wants the match to end. Usually this includes who is winning the match that night and how they're doing it, whether it be by cheating or by hitting a finishing move and getting the pin.

Other Notes: A match is usually more than an exchange of moves followed by a pinfall. If the show you're on is any good, and you have any goal other than to entertain the crowd, there is going to be a story to your match. The other notes talk about what kind of story it is. It could be the story of a babyface valiantly making a comeback against an overpowering foe, or of a hero beaten down and taking the easy way, or a couple having relationship problems, or a time-displaced pirate fascinated by modern technology; it all depends on the booker.

How're You Gonna Call It?
Once you have the pre-match info, Tommy'll go and meet up with his opponent, and sometimes a third party who's been assigned to help you put together the match. After some discussion, it will be time to actually plan the match out. There are three different ways to plot the match:

Script It: You and your opponent will sit down and plot the entire match out in excruciating detail, move for move. And then once you get into the ring, you will perform your script. The script give you confidence; it frees you up so that part of you doesn't always have to be thinking about what's coming next, and it gives you an addition dice bonus to all rolls in this match.

The other benefit of scripting is that you don't have to worry about missing any notes or leaving anything out. When you're in the heat of the moment you might not be able to work that story the booker wanted, and both you and your opponent will know exactly what to do. At least, until something goes wrong. If any roll is failed, you are now off script, and suffer a -1 dice penalty to all rolls instead of a bonus as you scramble to keep it together.

In gameplay, when you script a match, you will write a plan that covers every moment of the match.

Call It In The Ring: The exact opposite of scripting a match. You and your opponent will go out to the ring with nothing planned by who's winning, and you'll rely on your natural skills to put on a good show. Every single thing you do will be come up with on the fly, dictated by the way the crowd is feeling and what seems to be right thing at the time.

The drawback of that is that if you're calling a match in the ring, it's easy to forget some spots. You might have an idea and go for it, only to forget that you wanted to work in a certain move, or that the booker wanted you to lose a specific way.

Calling it in the ring frees you up to improvise and work the crowd. You gain a bonus dependant on the average psychology skill of all wrestlers involved in the match on all rolls, and that continues even if you fail any checks.

Psychology Bonuses:
Untrained: -4 dice
Horrendous: -3 dice
Disappointing: -2 Dice
Mediocre: 1 Dice
Average: 0 Dice
Impressive: +1 Dice
Elite: +2 Dice
Legendary: +3 Dice
Mythical: +4 Dice

In game play, when you call a match in the ring, it's represented by the QM (That's me!) planning the match behind the scenes. If anything goes awry, the players rolling in the rolz room will have a chance to dictate how Tommy is going to act next.

Plan Some Spots: The usual way a match is planned for, planning some spots involves scripting out a few ideas in advance and calling the rest in the ring. It's a healthy middle between scripting the entire match and calling it in the ring. It gives the flexibility of Calling it in the Ring (CiitR), but without the risk of missing any spots.

The downside is that there is no bonus for this method, as it lacks the complete spontaneity of CiitR and the security of scripting the match.

In game play, when you choose to Plan Some Spots, you will plot out those spots in a plan, including when you'd like them to happen in a match. Those will be rolled by the DM. Everything else will be determined by the QM, as per Call it In the Ring.

The Crowd
You have your match planned out. You know how you're going to call it. Everything is well within your skills. What could possibly go wrong?

The crowd. The crowd can go wrong. Your entire goal is to entertain the crowd. They're both your best friend, your worst enemy, and your biggest opponent.

Before every show, the crowd is assigned a certain number of successes needed per star (referred from here on out as a Star Factor). The Star Factor will determine how a match is scored (see Scoring the Match, below)

Skills and Dice
10PG uses a success based system. To determine if Tommy succeeds at any given moment, he must roll a d10 (sometimes more). Whether he passes or fails depends entirely on his skill level. The following is a list of the levels of skill, what the XP bar is in order to attain it, how many dice tommy gets to roll, and what number counts as a success.

Untrained/0/1 Dice, 10 Succeeds
Horrendous/1/1 Dice, 9-10 Succeeds
Disappointing/50/1 Dice, 8-10 Succeeds
Mediocre/100/2 Dice, 8-10 Succeeds
Average/250/2 Dice, 7-10 Succeeds
Impressive/500/3 Dice, 7-10 Succeeds
Elite/1500/3 Dice, 6-10 Succeeds
Legendary/2500/4 Dice, 6-10 Succeeds
Mythical/5000/5 Dice, 6-10 Succeeds

If Tommy rolls a natural 10, he may count that as a success and also roll that dice again. Please note that any passes, failures, or natural ones on this bonus dice still count as normal.

Tommy's skill rolls are also affected by his traits. Minor traits provide +/- 1 Dice, Major traits provide +/- 2 Dice, Core traits provide +/- 3 Dice.

If a match is a song, spots are the notes. A spot is any one moment in the match, and can be any single thing. Whether it be a scintillating aerial move, a series of mat based maneuvers, a pose off, or simply standing and staring at your opponent, these are all things a match is made of. When you're scripting a match, you make a number of spots equal to the number of minutes in a match.

To plan a spot, describe what you're going to do, and choose the skill you're using. A top rope move would require an Aerial skill, while taking your opponent's offense would be Selling, for example. Then, during the match, when it's time for a spot, a skill check is rolled for that skill, while your opponent rolls the relevant skill for his own check. If you were dealing offense, he would roll his selling for example.

If you roll a success, then congratulations! You've succeeded at that spot and can add a success to the match's total at the end. If you fail, don't worry- the spot's still pulled off, it just doesn't look very good. But if you roll a natural one, it's time to worry. You've botched the spot! Subtract one success from your total, and if the circumstances call for it, it might be time to roll a safety check to see if you're going to be hurt.

Scoring the Match
At the end of the match, tally up the number of successes you and your opponents have scored during this match and divide it by the crowd's Star Factor. Your result will determine how the match was received:

A Negative Number: ...how? You've not only failed, you've failed hard. If you and your opponent can still walk, it's unlikely you'll ever work in this town again.
0: You've had a shitty match. A dud in every sense of the word. Slink to the back in shame and hope someone else screws up more than you.
1: You've had a barely tolerable match. The crowd will only remember it because of how mediocre it is.
2: The crowd remembers liking it, but doesn't remember anything about it.
3: The crowd likes the match! It was damn good!
4: The crowd loves this match! On most cards, it'll be the match of the night!
5: The crowd can barely speak from how much they loved this match! And when they do, it sounds like this: OhmygodwhatishappeningIcan'tevenbestthingallmylife

If you botch a physical spot by rolling a natural one, you will immediately have to pass a safety check. Whoever is delivering the move must pass the check.

If the Safety check fails, the person taking the move must immediately pass a toughness check. If you pass, everything's fine. No one is seriously hurt. If you fail, then the person taking the move is hurt, and will receive an injury depending on the type of both and the level you fail at.

NOTE: The person giving and taking the move is the same when it comes to Aerial moves, though the opponent may choose to roll safety to attempt to catch them.

Whether you're a face, a heel, or something in between, your alignment is vitally important to you in a match. It lets the crowd know who to cheer and who to boo, and helps tell the story of the match. Before a match, roll a skill check with your chosen alignment. Pass and everything goes well. Fail, and the crowd doesn't see you in your chosen roll. They either want to cheer the villain, hate the hero, or just don't want to see you. Treat every skill roll as if you were one level weaker than you actually are.

A crowd can be won over during the match. If at any time you roll multiple successes for anything, the crowd is too caught up in how cool your move was to notice alignment any more. They'll go along with your match.

Signature Moves and Finishers
It's a proven fact that fans like moves they've seen before and react larger to them. Signature Moves are the ultimate embodiment of that. If one is successfully pulled off during a match, it's results (both successes and failures) count double. Finishers are the same, only they count triple.

But before a signature or a finisher can be used, it must be established. To establish a signature move is simple: you just have to use the same move in most of your matches. A finisher is harder, but goes along the same principle- only you have to use it to finish a match.

Once a move is suitably established (up to GM's discretion), the restrictions are relaxed. Finishers will remain established for a long time, and signatures will no longer have to be used every match.

Note: It might be tempting to over rely on signature moves, build up a stable of them, and just use them every match to the exclusion of everything else. That might work for a match or two, but the crowds will swiftly catch on and quickly get bored. If a player uses signature spots for more than half of their match, then next match, the crowd's Star Factor will double from it's usual level.


(To Come)

In wrestling, injuries are just a fact of life. As long as you pursue this mad dream you are going to wind up hurt. Whether it's a minor sprain, a breakage, something career threatening, or even something life threatening, it's going to happen.

In a match, if there is a botch, you have one chance to save yourself: a toughness check against the botch's severity. If you fail, then you roll to see how bad, with a DC based on the type of move taken.

Injuries function essentially as traits. They are assigned the same categories, but provide only negatives. Minor Injuries will heal overtime with successful resilience checks, Major Injuries will require surgery or some kind of treatment to become Minor Injuries, and Core Injuries can cripple or permanently damage Tommy.

(More to Come as required)


Like any good QM, I enjoy a good bout of bribery. And if people are excited enough for this quest that they want to take part in good old-fashioned bribery, then feel free. This can consist of fanwork (both omakes, art, and pretty much everything else), particularly insightful posts, solid discussion, or pretty much anything that deepens my enjoyment of this quest.

For everything that I deem worthy of a payout, I will be giving you a reward, and I'll keep track of them in one of the following posts. The payout comes in the following format:

Small Reward:
Can get a +10 to any roll. Can only be redeemed before the roll itself takes place. Can also be used to take one of the QM's alternate rolls instead of the player's roll. Four small rewards can be traded in for one medium reward.
Medium Reward: Can get a +20 to any roll, or can be used to force one reroll. Alternatively, can be used to purchase one minor trait (Subject to QM's approval). Can also be used to take some of the QM's alternate rolls instead of the player's rolls. Can be redeemed at any time, including after a roll has taken place, as long as the next update has not yet been written. Three medium rewards can be traded in for one major reward.
Major Reward: Can get a +40 to any roll, or can be used to force rerolls for an entire session, picking and choosing what they want to reroll. Alternatively, can be used to purchase one major trait (Subject to QM's approval). Can also be used to take some of the QM's alternate rolls instead of the player's rolls. Can be redeemed at any time, including after a roll has taken place, as long as the next update has not yet been written.
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III. Character Sheet & Dramatis Personae
Character Sheet
Personal Information

Name: Thomas 'Tommy' Martin
Age: 23
Current Status: Independent Professional Wrestler signed to several small companies

'The Aerial Assassin' Tommy Corsair: A confident, borderline arrogant high flyer and brawler who is damn good and knows it. (Face: Cool. Heel: Cocky) (Primary)
'Wildcard' Tommy Martin: A loose canon that does what he wants, when he wants, with no motivations other then his own enjoyment. (Cool)
'Playboy' Tom Martin: A cocky rogue who enjoys nothing more then the company of women and bragging about his own Superiority. (Cocky)

The Hole Card: A diving missile dropkick off the top rope, where Tommy spins in midair as he descends. (Aerial) (Status: Established.)

The Straight Flush: A Springboard Superman Punch. (Aerial) (Status: Established)
Full House: A three-stage combination attack made up of a punch to the gut, an uppercut-palm strike to the chin, and then a jumping, clinching knee strike (Brawling) (Status: Established)
Moonsault Knee Drop: A standing moonsault that ends with a double knee drop to the opponent's stomach (Aerial) (Status: Established)
Forward Roll into Handspring Mule Kick: Exactly what it sounds like (Athleticism) (Status: Established)
The G.D.O: A reverse hurricanrana with taunts and theatics. (Aerial) (Status: Established)
Contracts and Working Agreements

North America
New England
N.E.W: New England Wrestling
Booker/Owner: Hector Martinez
Current Contract: 1 show every month. Pay is 1 expense per show. Travel is reimbursed.
Effective Dates: Month 2 (December) to Month 13 (December)
Future Contract: 1 show every month. Pay is 2 expenses per show.
Effective Dates: Month 14 (January) to Month 25 (December). Travel is reimbursed.
K.W.K: Keystone Wrestling Kingdom
Booker/Owner: Barry Chalmers
Current Contract: 1 show every month. Pay is 1 expense per show. Travel is reimbursed. K.W.K will take 50% of merch sales for items created by them, and 25% of items created by you and sold at their shows. K.W.K gains right of refusal for all your PA bookings.
Effective Dates: Month 7 (June) to Month 18 (May)
Future Contract: N/A
ADC: All-Delaware Connection
Booker: Samuel Jones
Current Contract: 3 shows every month (one for ADC, two for ADC subordinate promotions). Pay is 2 expenses per show. Travel is reimbursed. ADC has priority over Tommy's dates except in case of conflicts with NEW and 100SW. Travel is reimbursed. 100SW does not allow you to sell your own merchandise on their shows but will manufacture it for you. You gain a 25% cut of all merch featuring Tommy Corsair primarily, a 12.5% cut of all merch highlighting your tag team with Aaron 'Ghost' Verespy, and a 5% cut of all merch featuring your heel faction.
Effective Dates: Month 11 (October) to Month 34 (September)
Future Contract: N/A
Mid Atlantic
100SW: Hundred Strong Wrestling
Booker/Owner: Stan Plantain
Current Contract: 1 show every month. Pay is 1 expense per show. 100SW guarantees you a spot at the merchandise table.
Effective Dates: Month 6 (May) to Month 17 (April)
Future Contract: N/A
Duncan's Danger
Booker/Owner: Duncan Smallwood
Current Contract: N/A
Effective Dates: N/A
Future Contract: N/A
Horizon Wrestling
Booker: Lucy McCarthy
Owner: Hector Martinez
Current Contract: 1 show every month (3 per quarter). Pay is 1 expense per show. Daybreak gives you cash for travel.
Effective Dates: Year Two, Quarter One
Future Contract: N/A
S.W.F: Supreme Wrestling Federation
Booker/Owner: Mark Jefferson
Current Contract: N/A
Effective Dates: N/A
Future Contract: N/A
Booker/Owner: The Krew
Current Contract: N/A
Effective Dates: N/A
Future Contract: N/A

Core Traits
Natural Aerialist: In addition to the standard bonuses (see mechanics) Tommy gets an additional 75% XP every time he makes a gain in his Aerial Stat.
Major Traits
Exotic Tastes and High Standards:
In work, in love, in play, in life, Tommy has high standards and exotic tastes. He will not settle for the mundane or the everyday. He looks for exotic partners, likes strange and interesting meals, and studies obscure moves and styles.
Timing is Key: Tommy knows that in a match, timing is absolutely everything. He gains a major bonus to both Psychology and Basics.
Heavenly Pillar: You're not quite as muscular or thick as most proper "hoss" wrestlers are, but you can work with a surprising level of snugness compared to your frame and take a surprising amount of hurt in response.
Creative Outlet Unleashed: It's no surprise that Tommy was full of wrestling ideas as a child, always scribbling out short stories or doodling poses in book margins. And now that he's living his dream, he's always searching for a new way to bring his childhood plans to life. Tommy gains a major bonus on creative rolls (merch design, entrances, etc.) and a minor bonus to Showmanship.
Business Acumen: As the son of a barman, Tommy knows his way around a drink or two. But his dad also taught him evaluation and finances, which is why he's the bane of any two-bit shyster on the East Coast or any low-down carpet-bagger come down South. He gains a major bonus to any financial negotiation, appraising products, and contract comprehension
These Are The Voyages: Tommy has discovered the wonders of trying new things with new people. Every month, he gains 1 extra point when making the monthly schedule that must be spent on a social or weird action that he has not taken within the last three months. If this point is not spent, lose one point from the normal monthly planning due to Tommy going stir-crazy.
Working the Marks: Tommy has spent so much time on the internet messing with people to stir up business that it's become a second nature to him. The first use of an internet based action every month costs no AP.
Three's a Party: You know what makes hanging out with someone better? Hanging out with a couple someones! Tommy will almost always add another person to any social outing. When Tommy selects a social action, if there is another party that could conceivably be included, there is a GM determined chance of them being included.
Break the Walls Down: Tommy doesn't take being second best lightly- hell, he doesn't take it at all. If he looks like he's failing at picking up a new skill it will only make him work harder at it. Tommy rerolls any XP roll that is 5 or less. If the new roll is still less then 5, the second roll stands.
Post Concussion Symptoms: Tommy's head isn't exactly in the greatest shape right now. He'll recover- with time. Until then, Tommy's success threshold for any move is one higher than it normally is. In addition, for every action taken, there will be a 1d10 roll. On a roll of 1, during that action, Tommy will experience heavy post concussion symptoms, changing his behavior and mood.
Minor Traits
A Little Ink: Tommy has his first tattoo, with all that it entails. He gains a minor bonus to cool gimmicks, with a minor penalty to wholesome. This trait will grow and change the more artwork Tommy has on his body.
Crouching Wrestler, Hidden Yogi: With all the time Tommy has spent at yoga class, researching yoga, and talking about yoga, it's not surprising that it's rubbed off on his subconscious. Tommy will go into basic poses during his usual warm-up, cool down, relaxation, and just because he can- when he's not thinking about it. Additionally, Tommy gains minor trait bonuses to Selling when his opponent is using Mat Wrestling or Submission Wrestling.
Quality Gear: Tommy's invested in himself, and invested in his gear. His stuff doesn't look like it was pulled out of a bargain catalogue anymore, and the fans respect that. Tommy gains a minor bonus to entrances and character work when he's wearing his bomber jacket and current gear.

Wordplay Wonder
Goal: Raise Microphone to Elite and either Charisma or Acting to Average by the start of Year Three.
On Success: Gain Major Trait "Never Stop Running Your Mouth"
On Failure: Gain Major Trait "The Silent One".

The Shredder
Goal: Raise Power to Elite and gain a trait related to exercise and being in shape by Year 3, Month 4.
On Success: Gain Trait 'Natural Metabolism'
On Failure: Gain Trait 'Gym? What's a Gym?'

Down in the Trenches
Goal: Raise Mat Wrestling to Impressive by Year 2, Month 6
Completed during update 148 (The Reel o' Failure)!
On Success: Lose Trait 'My Name's Not Matt!', gain trait 'Break The Walls Down'
On Failure: Lose Trait 'My Name's Not Matt!', gain trait 'Processing Error'

In-Ring Styles
Brawling: Impressive 955/1500
Comedy: Average 259/500
Hardcore: Disappointing 99/100
Mat Wrestling: Impressive 564/1500
Submission Wrestling: Mediocre 176/250
Aerial: Elite 2043/2500
Showmanship: Average 357/500
Basics: Impressive 963/1500
Psychology: Impressive 787/1500
Safety: Impressive 662/1500
Selling: Elite 1714/2500
Athleticism: Impressive 653/1500
Power: Impressive 910/1500
Cardio: Impressive 994/1500
Toughness: Impressive 758/1500
Resilience: Impressive 755/1500
Out of Ring
Microphone: Impressive 1164/1500
Charisma: Impressive 514/1500
Acting: Disappointing 78/100
Announcing: Untrained 0/1
Color Commentary: Untrained 0/1
Refereeing: Untrained 0/1
Babyface: Impressive 691/1500
Heel: Impressive 628/1500
Cool: Impressive 809/1500
Cocky: Average 333/500
Crazy: Untrained 0/1
Legitimate: Untrained 0/1
Weasel: Untrained 0/1
Brute: Horrendous 2/50
Weird: Untrained 0/1
Wholesome: Horrendous 5/50
Living Situation

Location: Apartment 3C of the Coventry Suites. (Rent: 6 Expenses a month)
Landlord: Crazy Phil
Roommates: Jack Silvia and Allie Gray

Current Cash On Hand: 22 Expenses (As of Month 11 & 12. All monthly expenses removed and guaranteed payment added)

Employment: UR Storage
Boss: Archie Ivanov
Pay: 5 Expenses per Month

Furniture (No Slots Remaining)
Bed: Boosts 'Veg and Relax' bonus from 1d20 to 1d50
Widescreen TV: Boosts 'Watch Tape' bonus from 1d20 to 1d50
Couch with a Foldout: Boosts 'Veg and Relax' bonus from 1d50 to 1d100. Gives space for one additional person.
Chest o' Loot: Reduces merchandise roll penalties.

Wild Smile T-Shirt: 33 left. Expense gained every 20 shirts sold (15 until next expense). Restock is 1 Expense per 100 shirts. Sales Roll: 1d20-3 (plus modifiers)
Wildcard Playing Cards: 13 left. Expense gained every 25 packs sold (5 until next expense). Restock is 1 Expense every 150 packs. Sales Roll: 1d30-8 (plus modifiers)
Wild Smile Bandana: 0 left. Expense gained every 20 bandanas sold. Restock is 1 expense ever 60 bandanas. Sales Roll: 1d20-1 (plus modifiers) SOLD OUT
Corsair Skull T-Shirt: 89 left. Expense gained every 20 shirts sold (14 until next expense). Restock is 1 Expense per 100 shirts. Sales Roll: 1d20-5 (plus modifiers)
Autographed 8x10s: Infinite Stock. Expense gained every 40 pictures sold (8 until next expense). Restock is automatic. Sales Roll: 1d20-10
License to Thrill T-Shirt: 76 left. Expense gained every 20 shirts sold (16 until next expense). Restock is 1 Expense per 100 shirts. Sales Roll: 1d20-8 (plus modifiers)
Full House T-Shirt: 67 left. Expense gained every 20 shirts sold (9 until next expense). Restock is 1 Expense per 100 shirts. Sales Roll: 1d20-3 (plus modifiers)
Match History

Record: 29-25-0
1. The Chaos Connection (Bloodsong, Sammy Screwdriver, and Carly Chaos) def. Allison Gray, Jack Silvia, and Thomas Martin (S.W.F: Daybreak)
2. Daybreak def. 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin (Horizon Academy Graduation)
3. Joker's Wild (Allie Sky, 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin, and Jack Salvation) def. The Birds of a Feather (Luscious Leonard and Gloria Gorgeous) and Kenny Corruption (Duncan's Danger 2)
4. Tech Support (Betamax, Liquid Cool, and the Trojan) def. Joker's Wild (Allie Sky, 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin, and Jack Salvation) (THUNDERPUNCH: IN UR GYM)
5. Fractured Fairy Tale (Leah Red Riding Hood and the Woodsman) def. Joker's Wild (Allie Sky and 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin) (Leif Greenwood's Ninth Birthday Party)
6. 'Boston Strangler' Howard Lecter def. 'Smoking Gun' El Bandito, The Cod God, Neo Cubist, Nightman, Rubix, 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin, Freddy Steel, and Kringus the Mauler in a gauntlet match (N.E.W Year's Eve)
7. Joker's Wild (Allie Sky, 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin, and Jack Salvation) def. The Birds of a Feather (Luscious Leonard and Gloria Gorgeous) and 'Outlaw' Skyler Sheriff (S.W.F: Hardline)
8. 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin def. Nightman (N.E.W Freshly Tailored)
9. 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin def. Jack Salvation (Fireside Wrestling)
10. Joker's Wild (Allie Sky, 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin, and Jack Salvation) def. Conner 'The Land Shark' Free, 'Knuckles' Tyler, and Silent Steel (Duncan's Danger III)
11. 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin def. Bloodsong (S.W.F: Corruption)
12. 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin def. Copperhead (N.E.W Pinning Combination)
13. The Warparty ('Warchief' Naomi Brave, Raging Ox, and Leah Shadow) def. Joker's Wild (Allie Sky, 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin, and Jack Salvation) (The Ruckus at Rittenhouse)
14. 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin def. Jerome Wilkinson (S.W.F: Rising Sun)
15. The Beasts of Destruction (Charlie Zardon and Louis Giamatti) w/Trainer Orange def. Tom Martin and Jack Silva (THUNDERPUNCH TV Taping)
16. 'Boston Strangler' Howard Lecter def. 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin (N.E.W Destrucity) (N.E.W Men's Championship Shot)
17. King Bagheera w/Safari Cool def. 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin (THUNDERPUNCH TV Taping)
18. Code of Honor (Silent Steel and Hidden Iron) def. 'Playboy' Tom Martin w/Allison and Lele Poe (THUNDERPUNCH TV Taping)
19. 'Sky Scientist' Hugo Incision def. 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin (100SW First Airborn)
20. Scorpion Rain def. 'Playboy' Tom Martin (THUNDERPUNCH TV Taping)
21. Copperhead def. 'Wildcard' Tommy Martin (N.E.W Dawn of Destiny)
22. The Dracolich def. 'Playboy' Tom Martin w/Lele Poe (THUNDERPUNCH TV Taping)
23. Tommy Corsair def. T.S Gethit (100SW War Cry)
24. Kennedy Cole and Tommy Corsair def. Jack Salvation and Allison Sky (K.W.K Stronghold)
25. Hans Whatsthatyousay def. 'Playboy' Tom Martin w/Lele Poe (THUNDERPUNCH TV Taping)
26. Copperhead def. Tommy Corsair (N.E.W Showdown in Scarborough)
27. Tommy Corsair def. Mutiny (100SW War Cry)
28. Tommy Corsair (w/Lele Danger) def. Bon Appetit (Duncan's Danger 6)
29. King Bagheera (w/Safari Cool) def. Tommy Corsair (w/Lele Danger) (Fireside Wrestling)
30. Tommy Corsair (w/The Transit Authority) def. 'Gentleman' Noble Bronson (Sigma Kappa Omega Goodbye Party)
31. Ahren Edge def. Tommy Corsair (w/Mary Jane Poe) (Insanely Tough Wrestling)
32. Tommy Corsair def. Demand (K.W.K Key to the Kingdom)
33. Allison Sky def. Tommy Corsair (w/Lele Danger) and Jack Salvation in a three-way dance (Horizon Wrestling Dawn)
34. Dane 'the Train' Payne def. Tommy Corsair (w/LeLe Danger) (A.D.C Stage Two Start)
35. 'Outlaw' Skyler Sheriff def. Tommy Corsair (w/LeLe Danger) (S.W.F Chasing the Champion)
36. Tommy Corsair (w/LeLe Danger) and 'Sky Scientist' Hugo Incision def. Calvin 'Prince' Connors and 'Doomsday' Bart Inferno (100SW Screaming Terror)
37. Tommy Corsair def. Taint (K.W.K Lowering the Gate)
38. Tommy Corsair def. Copperhead (N.E.W Desti-knee)
39. Tommy Corsair (w/LeLe Danger) def. The Greek (S.W.F Superiority)
40. The Dracolich wins a 10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royale, last eliminating 'Playboy' Tommy Martin (w/LeLe Poe) (THUNDERPUNCH TV taping)
41. Silent Steel def. 'Playboy' Tommy Martin (w/LeLe Poe) (THUNDERPUNCH TV taping)
42. Tommy Corsair (w/LeLe Danger) def. 'Popular' Derrick Stevens (Horizon Wrestling: Constellation)
43. Rey Carmesi def. Tommy Corsair (K.W.K Breakthrough)
44. 'Sky Scientist' Hugo Incision and Tommy Corsair (w/LeLe Danger) def. Ricky Styx and the Rebel Son (100SW The Hounds of War)
45. Tommy Corsair def. 'Sky Scientist' Hugo Incision (A.D.C Tournament Rules)
46. Tommy Corsair def. The Cod God (N.E.W Pump the Breaks)
47. Tommy Corsair (w/LeLe Danger) def. Amodeus (Horizon Wrestling: New Day)
48. Tommy Corsair def. Jack Salvation (w/Allison Sky) via DQ (K.W.K: Valhalla Victory)
49. Tommy Corsair def. Kringus the Mauler (N.E.W Kiss of the Cobra)
50. Aaron 'Ghost' Verespy and Tommy Corsair (w/LeLe Danger) def. 'Stuntman' Bobby Crane and Stone Justice (A.D.C Semifinal Showdown)
51. The Dukes of Blades (Maximilian Dukes and Keiji Katana) def. Tommy Corsair (w/LeLe Danger) and Hugo Incision (100SW Pirate's Flag) (100SW Tag Team Championship Shot)
52. Tommy Corsair def. Allison Sky (w/Jack Salvation) (K.W.K Smashmouth)
53. Tommy Corsair (w/LeLe Danger) and Aaron 'Ghost' Verespy def. The Satin Confessional (Keith Oberhaus and Nightmove) (Seaborn Wrestling)
54. Tommy Corsair (w/LeLe Danger) and Aaron 'Ghost' Verespy def. The Agenda (Libragay and Conservahick) (Tri-State Wrestling)

Dramatis Personae
Allie Gray
Name: Allison 'Allie' Gray
Current Gimmick Name: Allie Sky
Age: 20
Gender: F
Description: Allie is five feet six inches tall on a good day, and looks shorter because of her shortly buzzed hair. One of her arms, part of her back, and a few parts of her front are covered in tattoos. Her hair, in addition to being buzzed, is dyed with purple tips. All of the alternative attire and punk sensibilities distracts from the fact that under all the frills, Allie is classically beautiful.
Status: Unemployed Independent Wrestler
Relationship: Ally
History: The second friend in wrestling Tommy made, the two of them first met at Horizon Academy. Allie excelled at the physical part of training but struggled at the character work. She and Tommy traded tips and became close. Their bond deepened when Tommy took to the aerial lessons she was giving with a will, becoming the second best flier in class.
In-Ring Styles
Brawling: Average
Comedy: Average
Hardcore: Horrendous
Mat Wrestling: Average
Submission Wrestling: Mediocre
Aerial: Elite
Showmanship: Elite
Basics: Impressive
Psychology: Average
Safety: Impressive
Selling: Impressive
Athleticism: Elite
Power: Mediocre
Cardio: Impressive
Toughness: Average
Resilience: Average
Out of Ring
Microphone: Mediocre
Charisma: Impressive
Acting: Disappointing
Announcing: Untrained
Color Commentary: Untrained
Refereeing: Untrained
Babyface: Impressive
Heel: Impressive
Cool: Untrained
Cocky: Mediocre
Crazy: Impressive
Legitimate: Mediocre
Weasel: Untrained
Brute: Untrained
Weird: Disappointing
Wholesome: Untrained
Core Traits
Natural Aerialist: In addition to the standard bonuses (see mechanics) Allie gets an additional 75% XP every time she makes a gain in her Aerial Stat.
Inked Reality: The first thing anyone ever notices about Allie is her tattoos, and that's the way she likes it. What's the point in getting ink if people aren't going to notice it? Allie gains a core bonus to Cool gimmicks, but is incapable of using Wholesome gimmicks.

Major Traits
In The Face!: Allie has discovered a real talent for punching people in the face. What she's not discovered is how to pull her punches. She gets a major bonus to Brawling, but any 2s rolled count as 1s for the purpose of determining injury.
Iron Liver: Out of everyone she knows, Allie is by far the best drinker. She can hold her liquor like no one else and is usually able to keep going till the bar is closed and everyone else is curled up on the floor.

Minor Traits
Delilah McCarthy
Name: Delilah McCarthy
Age: 9
Gender: F
Description: Delilah is the spitting image of her mother. Standing a little over four feet tall, Delilah has brown hair and eyes, and a helluva lot of freckles.
Status: Grade School Student
Relationship: Ally
History: At Horizon Academy, Tommy found himself being watched by Daybreak's daughter during his promo lessons. After he failed to keep down the volume, Delilah joined the sessions to mock and laugh at his efforts. Despite her harsh words she knew what she was talking about and helped heckle Tommy to a better promo. They bonded further when Tommy saved her from hicks, and even more when they ran from the cops together.
In-Ring Styles
Brawling: Untrained
Comedy: Untrained
Hardcore: Untrained
Mat Wrestling: Untrained
Submission Wrestling: Untrained
Aerial: Untrained
Showmanship: Untrained
Basics: Untrained
Psychology: Untrained
Safety: Untrained
Selling: Untrained
Athleticism: Disappointing
Power: Horrendous
Cardio: Average
Toughness: Horrendous
Resilience: Disappointing
Out of Ring
Microphone: Untrained
Charisma: Untrained
Acting: Untrained
Announcing: Untrained
Color Commentary: Disappointing
Refereeing: Untrained
Babyface: Untrained
Heel: Untrained
Cool: Untrained
Cocky: Untrained
Crazy: Untrained
Legitimate: Untrained
Weasel: Untrained
Brute: Untrained
Weird: Untrained
Wholesome: Untrained
Lucy McCarthy
Name: Lucy McCarthy
Current Gimmick Name: Daybreak
Age: 49
Gender: F
Description: Standing at five feet eight inches tall, Daybreak looks like any soccer mom who's lived life. She has shoulder length brown hair, dark brown eyes, hard features and a mouth that's almost permanently twisted in a sarcastic smile.
Status: Retired Wrestler/Trainer
Relationship: Ally
History: When Tommy was choosing what school to go to for his wrestling training, he selected Horizon Academy, run by Daybreak herself. Daybreak proved to be a strict taskmaster and she knew her business- Tommy got a good grounding in wrestling. After Tommy showed himself to be conscious of the safety of his fellow wrestlers and defended her daughter from hicks, Daybreak took him more fully under her wing. She regards him as a good student and hopes he'll be successful.
In-Ring Styles
Brawling: Impressive
Comedy: Impressive
Hardcore: Mediocre
Mat Wrestling: Mediocre
Submission Wrestling: Average
Aerial: Disappointing
Showmanship: Legendary
Basics: Impressive
Psychology: Elite
Safety: Elite
Selling: Elite
Athleticism: Average
Power: Average
Cardio: Impressive
Toughness: Elite
Resilience: Disappointing
Out of Ring
Microphone: Elite
Charisma: Elite
Acting: Elite
Announcing: Impressive
Color Commentary: Elite
Refereeing: Disappointing
Babyface: Impressive
Heel: Elite
Cool: Mediocre
Cocky: Mediocre
Crazy: Elite
Legitimate: Untrained
Weasel: Untrained
Brute: Average
Weird: Legendary
Wholesome: Untrained
Jack Silvia
Name: Jack Silvia
Current Gimmick Name: 'The Symptom of Decay' Jack Salvation
Age: 24
Gender: M
Description: Around Five Feet Nine Inches Tall, Jack has long blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Though he began with a physique close Tommy's, constant training has given him muscles that Tommy wasn't sure existed.
Status: Unemployed Independent Wrestler
Relationship: Ally
History: The first friend in wrestling Tommy ever made, the two met when getting on the bus to go to Horizon Academy. They stuck together and bonded through a love of the business and insane amounts of training.
In-Ring Styles
Brawling: Impressive
Comedy: Average
Hardcore: Disappointing
Mat Wrestling: Elite
Submission Wrestling: Average
Aerial: Mediocre
Showmanship: Impressive
Basics: Elite
Psychology: Elite
Safety: Averagfe
Selling: Impressive
Athleticism: Disappointing
Power: Elite
Cardio: Impressive
Toughness: Impressive
Resilience: Mediocre
Out of Ring
Microphone: Average
Charisma: Mediocre
Acting: Mediocre
Announcing: Untrained
Color Commentary: Untrained
Refereeing: Untrained
Babyface: Mediocre
Heel: Impressive
Cool: Untrained
Cocky: Untrained
Crazy: Disappointing
Legitimate: Untrained
Weasel: Untrained
Brute: Mediocre
Weird: Impressive
Wholesome: Untrained
Core Traits
Needs More Power: From a young age, Jack has always known what it would take to be a wrestler; namely, a killer physique and the ability to bench press a dump truck.
Natural Technician: In addition to the standard bonuses (see mechanics) Jack gets an additional 75% XP every time he makes a gain in his Mat Wrestling Stat.

Major Traits
The Bizarre Faithful: From a young age, Jack dreamed of being the Symptom of Decay. Now that he's living out his fantasy, he won't let anything stop him from being the best diseased preacher he can be!
The Smartest Artist: Jack has a gift with a pencil and paper, and an eye for design. If there was ever some born to make wrestling merchandise, it's him.

Minor Traits
Selina Tyler

Name: Selina Tyler
Age: 26
Gender: F
Description: Selina is a smaller woman, standing at just five feet six inches. She has dark skin from her combined African and Saudi Arabian heritage, and her similarly dark hair is usually worn at shoulder length and kept in a ponytail. She is normally found in comfortable yet cute clothing, and especially enjoys knit caps and fluffy jackets. Her features are a mixed blend from her parents, giving her a unique and alluring look. Selina keeps herself in exceptional shape and is supremely flexible from her career decisions.
Status: Self-Employed Yoga Instructor/Tommy Martin's Girlfriend
Relationship: Ally
History: Back when Tommy was first settling into the Coventry Suites in Baltimore, he was looking for something interesting to do. He and Allie ended up deciding to take a yoga class. There, he met Selina, the instructor. A student teacher relationship became a friendship, a friendship became casual dating, and casual dating has become something stronger that involves the two of them texting at odd hours of the night and making dates to watch strange anime that she enjoys.
In-Ring Styles
Brawling: Untrained
Comedy: Untrained
Hardcore: Untrained
Mat Wrestling: Untrained
Submission Wrestling: Untrained
Aerial: Untrained
Showmanship: Untrained
Basics: Untrained
Psychology: Untrained
Safety: Untrained
Selling: Untrained
Athleticism: Legendary
Power: Mediocre
Cardio: Elite
Toughness: Horrendous
Resilience: Average
Out of Ring
Microphone: Untrained
Charisma: Untrained
Acting: Disappointing
Announcing: Untrained
Color Commentary: Untrained
Refereeing: Untrained
Babyface: Untrained
Heel: Untrained
Cool: Untrained
Cocky: Untrained
Crazy: Untrained
Legitimate: Untrained
Weasel: Untrained
Brute: Untrained
Weird: Untrained
Wholesome: Untrained
Core Traits
NERRRRRRD!: Selina has interests that fall outside of the norm. Where other people would talk about the local sports team or maybe speak about the weather, she can perform an impromptu thirty minute speech about the positives and negatives of classical animation and how it compares to modern work. She tends to keep fairly quiet about it unless she knows you, but if you show interest, prepare to learn more then you ever dreamed.
Yoga Supremacy: Selina has been practicing and teaching Yoga from a very young age. Not only can she exercise and bend in ways people don't think is possible, she's skilled in passing on and teaching others her knowledge as well.

Major Traits
The Caffination Sensation: Selina likes coffee. No, scratch that, she loves coffee. She's never found without a cup or a mug or a latte or something with the bean in it on her her person.

Minor Traits
Try Anything Once: Selina is very open minded and willing to have new experiences. She'll try anything once, and maybe even twice, just to give anything it's fair shot.
Leah Wolfe

Name: Leah Wolfe
Current Gimmick: Leah Red Riding Hood
Age: 18
Gender: F
Description: Petite beyond what one would expect from a wrestler, Leah is five foot two inches tall, five four if you measure her when her hair is up. She tends to wear her neck length black hair up in a ponytail, with one lock left hanging free to draw attention to her eyes.
Status: Unemployed Independent Wrestler
Relationship: Ally
History: Originally one of Tommy's classmates at Horizon Academy, Leah and Tommy never really saw that much of each other. Tommy fell in with Allie and Jack very quickly, while Leah latched onto Caleb, and the two formed a relationship. It was only on the Baltimore Indies that Tommy and Leah would click. A chance meeting at a show would turn into another, and then them hanging out with and without other people. Now Leah is Tommy's personal trainer, manager, and chief supplier of adorable cat pictures- much the annoyance of Leah's boyfriend.
In-Ring Styles
Brawling: Mediocre
Comedy: Impressive
Hardcore: Horrendous
Mat Wrestling: Disappointing
Submission Wrestling: Disappointing
Aerial: Mediocre
Showmanship: Impressive
Basics: Average
Psychology: Impressive
Safety: Average
Selling: Mediocre
Athleticism: Mediocre
Power: Elite
Cardio: Impressive
Toughness: Disappointing
Resilience: Average
Out of Ring
Microphone: Average
Charisma: Impressive
Acting: Mediocre
Announcing: Disappointing
Color Commentary: Untrained
Refereeing: Untrained
Babyface: Mediocre
Heel: Mediocre
Cool: Untrained
Cocky: Mediocre
Crazy: Untrained
Legitimate: Untrained
Weasel: Untrained
Brute: Untrained
Weird: Average
Wholesome: Average
Core Traits
Creative Mind:
Leah has a brain that was made for wild ideas that somehow work. Whether it be brainstorming merch design, coming up with the perfect entrance music, or working out the perfect silly spot mid match, Leah can do it. Leah gets a Core bonus to all non-performing parts of wrestling.
Natural Showman: In addition to the standard bonuses (see mechanics) Leah gets an additional 75% XP every time she makes a gain in her Showmanship Stat.

Major Traits
Never Been Kissed
: Leah is just out of high school, and while she's inhumanly mature in some ways, in others, she's very naive.
50% Pain: From a young age, Leah learned never to put off till tomorrow what you can get done today. Leah gets 2 bonus action points every month.
Push It Real Good: Leah's never had any problems putting mind over matter and forcing herself through strenuous physical activity, and she doesn't see why other people should either.

Minor Traits
Minor Players and Their Relationships to the Protagonist

The list of minor characters has grown so large that the only thing that can contain them is it's own spreadsheet.
Last edited:
The World of 10PG
The World of 10PG

Famous Wrestlers
Sorted by last name

Donny Brooke: 'The King of Broadway' Donny Brooke is a legend in England. A star in Sporting World, he was known for never letting his matches end with more then sixty seconds remaining on the time clock. A mat technician without peer, Donny still wrestles to this day, even after his sixty-fifth birthday.

Rex Chamberlain: One of the many British wrestlers to come to America after the British Invasion of the seventies, Rex Chamberlain got started in the dying days of Sporting World. He parlayed that minor exposure into a successful run throughout the American Territories as a foppish European heel. That success led him to signing with W.P.W, but unfortunately his lack of physique and personal issues gave him a very low ceiling there. He served as a jobber for the better part of a decade, and then another eight years in a similar role with U.W.C, before retiring to the Pacific Northwest and opening a wrestling school.

'Memphis Stretcher' Drake Croft: When Drake Croft first showed up at the Memphis Sports Center, he was laughed out of the building by hundreds of fans. After he tied their heroes in knots and practically ripped the arm off of the Swamp Man, they weren't laughing anymore. Drake Croft's run through Tennessee is regarded as one of the highlights of the territory, and it was a run through. No one was unconquered by the technical marvel, and he rarely tasted defeat. When he was eventually dethroned by Franky Germaine, it shook the Sports Center so thoroughly that it shook loose a weak column and literally tore the building down. Though he's long retired, Croft occasionally pops up at various Indy shows, watching new talent. If he's particularly inspired he might even don the silver and red tights once more and challenge them to a match.

Daybreak: See 'Lucy McCarthy' in Dramatis Personae.

El Guerrero Dorado: The Golden Warrior of Mexico City, El Guerrero Dorado is one of the three kings of Lucha Libre. A household name in Mexico, the only thing that kept him from being the same in America was an overpowering ego. Still, his name carries a lot of weight in the U.S. Southwest. Not long after his attempt at an American career faltered, Dorado surprised the world by announcing his retirement despite still being in phenomenal shape. Nowadays it seems that he is attempting to conquer the world of wrestling through his students.

'Shooter' Steven DuPoint: The eldest member of the DuPoint wrestling brothers, Steven never got the acclaim that his younger brothers did. He's always been bitter about that, but that didn't stop him from trading off their name to get work in the Canadian Indies. Stories follow Steven around about promising that his brothers would be at conventions with him and pocketing fees that they knew nothing about, and starting companies in their name that they wanted nothing to do with. Nowadays, with his last scams destroyed, he's revived the old Three-Count Enclave in Minneapolis, and is promising all kinds of newcomers that they too can be as great as a DuPoint.

Kalyan 'Canyon' Evans: Not every wrestler has a big gimmick. In fact, Kalyan Evans hated nicknames and showmanship of all kinds and made it his duty to clean that kind of flashiness out of Pro Wrestling. His anti-fun crusade attracted the attention of the big leagues and he was signed by U.W.C in the early 2000s. A five year stint there- highlighted by a turn into an unlikely American hero against Xerxes Attar- ended without fanfare, and he was picked up by W.P.W where he almost immediately captured their United States Championship. He's still there today, mixing it up in the midcard.

Jaeger Master: If a worker steps into the ring drunk, it causes a huge controversy. But if Jaeger Master ever worked sober, it would be headlines across the world. After all, it was alcohol that made him a star. Jaeger Master never wanted to be a wrestler; he just went to an E.P.C show and got drunk off of his ass. The crowd loved the angry man who tried to fight the wrestlers with an empty bottle so much that E.P.C paid for his training and signed him within weeks. With E.P.C closed, Jaeger Master once more fell off the edge of the earth. Presumably he's in a bar somewhere.

Derek Jester: Jester is a case for being in the right place at the right time. When he was first breaking in, he had the good fortune of making friends with the man would would become Kevin McCrusher. McCrusher carried him to a long career in W.P.W as a tag team partner, occasional foe, and all around hanger-on. He would still be with W.P.W in some capacity to this day had he not met his wife and settled down. Now he runs a school in Florida, though he still sees his old friend every couple weeks.

Kevin McCrusher: Shrew politician, musclebound hulk, surprisingly funny. All these things can be used to describe Kevin McCrusher. McCrusher was signed by W.P.W early in his career because of his great size, but it was his personality and his backstage acumen that kept him around. He dominated W.P.W both in front of the camera and behind in a way few have ever done, winning the W.P.W Title on three occasions and being the center point of the show even when he didn't wear gold. His crushing days are behind him though, and now he works as the head of Talent Acquisition for his old company.

Manmonster: When you're eight feet tall and jacked to the gills, you don't need talent to be a star in wrestling. Such is the case with Manmonster, who got try and try again with every notable company in North America. After showing no wrestling ability, he vanished from the scene only to show up in Japan as a gaijin killer. His time overseas taught him competent brawling, a skill he would bring back to his final U.W.C run. Sadly, he passed away in 2008 from an enlarged heart.

Punisher Siren: One half of the legendary Purgatory Punishers, Punisher Siren is the straight man of the pair. He's small, wiry, and serious at all times, a great contrast with the bombastic Wolf. Siren is the brains of the pair; without him, they wouldn't have lasted for two years let alone the three decades plus they've been around. Nowadays Siren is responsible for the School of Hard Knocks in Detroit, Michigan, and he takes his responsibilities training the next generation very seriously.

Punisher Wolf: One half of the legendary Purgatory Punishers, Punisher Wolf is the wild man of the pair. Known for his insane promos and his diabolical cackle as much as his downright crazy lifestyle, Wolf has been the pick of choice for Wrestling Deadpools since the mid nineties. But he laughs at all those who bet on his death and has sworn that all the pills have given him immortality. Considering that he looks almost identical to how he did in the eighties, he might be on to something.

The Sacrifice Kid: The original high flyer to a young generation of wrestling fans, the Sacrifice Kid had the good fortune of being the smallest guy on U.W.C television in the late nineties. Rather then let his size hold him back, he made it his asset, becoming the underdog story to end all underdog stories. It didn't hurt that in the ring, no one could match the dives and high flying that he could do. It was during a ladder match that he earned his name after he sacrificed his own well being to drop from the arena rafters, climbing down the narrow cable that held the title belt he was fighting for aloft. But his style didn't leave him capable of having a long career. Now he works as an agent for a new wave of high flyers in U.W.C.

Tim 'Tack' Sharp: Tim Sharp was a hapless jobber destined to flame out on the independents before stumbled across E.P.C. There he decided to see how far a man could go if he had a thimbleful of talent, buckets of blood with a willingness to spill it, and unmatched dedication. He spent seven years in E.P.C, losing in the very first match they ever put on and main eventing their final show. He almost never won but still managed to get over as the ultimate underdog. So it was fitting that the final E.P.C show ever ended with Tim Sharp finally getting the biggest win of his career and walking out of Philly as the last ever E.P.C Champion. It was all down hill in wrestling for him from there. Nowadays, he lives in the suburbs and teaches elementary school of all things. His Parent-Teacher conferences are the stuff of legends.

Slick Willy: William Walker had two things going for him: he had an insanely high pain tolerance and he had the willingness to use it. It served him well, getting him a roll in E.P.C. He jumped ship shortly after winning the title, sensing that E.P.C was on it's way down. Landing in U.W.C, the newly christened Slick Willy captured the U.W.C Television Title shortly after arriving and defended it for over a year with his kickboxing-inspired style. Eventually his star faded and he quit the business.
Wrestling Promotions

United States: New England

NEW: New England Wrestling- Currently active. NEW thrives for one reason and one reason alone: its no-nonsense presentation of female wrestling. There's very little of the glamor shots and barely trained models that appear in other women's leagues. Booker Hector Hernandez has very little patience for that, having grown up an enormous Daybreak fanboy. Men are barely featured on NEW cards; instead, they are relegated to the battle royals and 'cool down' matches that women normally are forced to work.
United States: Tri-State

AHP: All Harlem Promotions- Currently active. A minor league indy in Harlem, New York, AHP was created to give the youth of the neighborhood an outlet through combat sports. AHP not only presents wrestling, but also MMA, amateur wrestling, and boxing, and is seen as a stepping stone for athletes of all interests. All shows it runs are free, and any name wrestlers that work here are doing so out of the goodness of their own heart.

EPC: Extreme Pro Combat- Active from the mid-90s to the early 2000s. EPC managed to survive for over a decade by sheer force of will. Boating a strong division of technical wrestlers and the first US exposure for high-fliers, EPC was the starting point for a lot of huge names later on. Sadly, it couldn't survive forever when stuck between the UWC and the WPW. It was picked dry of almost all of it's big names, leaving only the ones who survived on hardcore wrestling alone. It went out of business in 2004.

EPW: Experience Pro Wrestling- Currently active. One of the upstart indies that has declared itself the best wrestling in Pennsylvania. EPW prides itself on it's realistic style and strict sport-like presentation.

KWK: Keystone Wrestling Kingdom- Currently active. One of the upstart indies that has declared itself the best wrestling in Pennsylvania. KWK doesn't have the greatest in-ring product, but make up for it with elaborate, intricate story lines.

SKYLINE- Currently active. SKYLINE is an independent promotion that has no desire to be anything else. Almost none of it's shows make any money, and nearly all of the wrestlers work there for cheap. They do so because SKYLINE is the home for something completely unique; a fully realized comic-book style universe in a wrestling ring. It's a novelty, but it's devout fan base swears by it.

Ultimatum- Currently active. One of the upstart indies that has declared itself the best wrestling in Pennsylvania. Ultimatum has made it's name with bloody, hardcore matches and mind-bending alternate reality storylines that do their best to capture fan participation.
United States: Mid-Atlantic

100SW: 100 Strong Wrestling- Currently active. 100SW embodies the phrase 'not here for a long time, just a good time'. Their shows resemble giant parties more often then not, with fans and wrestlers alike stopping mid match to tap a keg.

ADC: All Delaware Connection- Currently active. The ADC isn't one company on it's own. Instead it's a confederacy of half a dozen miniature to small independents in Delaware, all pooling their talent and booking to put on super shows. Only time will tell if this business model is sustainable.

Destruction Wrestling- Currently active. A small company that is making a play for something bigger. It has a tried and true booking format, with talented locals working the undercard and big name stars drawing outside fans.

PCW: Potomac Championship Wrestling- Currently active. A small company with no ambitions of ever being anything greater. PCW was created to give owner Robert Henshaw another steady stream of revenue and advertise his bustling pawn show business. It's done both, the latter with more success then the former. Still, it turns a small profit, which is more then enough for Henshaw to keep it in play.

SUPERIOR: Superior Professional Athletics- Currently active. Superior Pro was founded a decade ago on one simple principle: tag team wrestling is amazing. They have almost entirely eschewed singles matches in exchange for a tag-centric product that is unlike anything else on the market. Running weekly weekend shots and having local television, Superior Pro is the holy grail for most who work in the Mid Atlantic Indy scene.

SWF: Supreme Wrestling Federation- Currently active. The very definition of an ego project, the SWF was created to let owner Mark Hunter live out his dreams of wrestling stardom. They mainly draw friends and family of the wrestlers, but those who show up tend to enjoy a solid product, even if it always comes back to the man in charge.

THUNDERPUNCH- Currently active. Founded two years ago, THUNDERPUNCH was created by a small group of devoted backyard fans who wanted to try out what they saw on television. To everyone's surprise, they all lived. What's more, they decided to start putting on actual shows. Though they have very humble beginnings, THUNDERPUNCH is starting make noises of further growth.
United States: South East

BCW: Big Cat Wrestling- Currently active. Founded in 1998 by 'Big Cat' Georgia Stevens, BCW is regarded as a novelty in the American wrestling scene. It is, in almost all regards, an old school territory that's managed to thrive in this modern day. Touring on a loop through the Carolina's, BCW focuses heavily on their live events and almost none at all on the internet or TV. Though it will never grow any larger at this rate, it's strongholds in North and South Carolina where it's perception as the premier brand of wrestling keeps it strong enough to carry on.

UWC: Universal Wrestling Council- Currently active. One of the big two promotions in north american wrestling, UWC has it's roots in old school southern 'wrastlin. It's been around for decades, and though it nearly fell to pieces under bad ownership and inept booking, it was bought for a pittance in 2005 and turned around into a strong, influential promotion once again.
United States: Great Lakes

3W: Wrecked: World Wrestling- Currently active. A large independent company founded on the principle of putting the pro wrestling genie back in the bottle. 3W maintains strict Kayfabe at all times, including weight divisions, time limits, heels and faces forbidden from associating with each other, and tournaments to crown champions every year.

GLW: Great Lakes Wrestling- Currently active. GLW is only the latest promotion attempting to recreate the glory days of EPC. Their investors are secretive, but it's been leaked that they have no history in the wrestling business themselves. Member of the GWA.
United States: Midwest

WPW: World Pro Wrestling- Currently active. One of the big two promotions in north american wrestling, WPW essentially runs the business north of the Dakotas. Promoted by the McGuinness Family for as long as anyone can remember, it specializes more in huge personalities and dramatic storytelling than actual in ring action. It's caught up in a seemingly never-ending war with UWC, a struggle which may never end.
United States: Mid-South

ARC Fight- Currently active. In modern times, when people think about independent wrestling, they think small guys doing a lot of flips. Not so in Oklahoma, where ARC Fight presents an old-school throwback product of heavyweights just hitting each other as hard as they possibly can.
United States: South West

NLW: No Limit Wrestling- Currently active. NLW is a glorified independent promotion at best. While it has seen a who's who of world-class talent go through it's doors, that same talent never sticks around. Still, it's managed to become the place to watch if you want to see huge stars before they were stars.

SUP: Super Ultimate Punishment- Currently active. SUP is a vanity project plain and simple. Financed and run out of the home of rock star Kyle Killer, SUP exists not to draw crowds or to make money, but to entertain its owner. It still draws crowds, but not consistently; the booking tends to change depending on Killer's moods, which is not very helpful in long term storytelling.
United States: North West

United States: Hawaii and Island Territories

CSW: Caribbean Sun Wrestling- Currently Active. CSW is the king of wrestling in the Caribbean. It has existed since the late sixties, when the Caribbean Crusher terrorized North America. He then saved his money and brought wrestling to Puerto Rico. Though the Crusher is long since retired, his granddaughter still holds the reigns, and so has power over all wrestling in the Caribbean Sea.
United Kingdom: Scotland

4LW: 4 Lions Wrestling- Currently active. 4LW is an attempt by wealthy UK investors to take the North American style of wrestling and give it a British twist. 4LW wouldn't look out of place on the American Independents if it weren't for their lounge-in-cheek humor about the whole thing and the highly patriotic characters.
United Kingdom: Northern Kingdom

Sporting World- Active from the 70s to the 90s. Sporting World is not a promotion so much as it is a channel on British Television. Sporting World is where most big named british wrestlers got their start, and gave birth to their unique mat-based style. As cable boomed though, Sporting World eventually went off the air.
United Kingdom: Midlands

EWC: Excalibur Wrestling Company- Currently active. EWC is an old-school, throwback type of wrestling company. It presents a hard hitting product and high flying of any kind is shunned.
United Kingdom: Southern Kingdom

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IV. Generic Matches
Generic Matches
Over his career, Tommy will wrestle dozens, maybe hundreds of matches, and they can't all be completely unique. So as he goes on, he'll construct a repertoire of generic matches that can be altered to fit whatever situation he needs. Below are a list of the matches he's come up with so far.

To add new matches to this list, you will have to do one of two things. Either Tommy can let his opponent call the match, which will allow him to sit down and take notes, or he can experiment and try new things himself. To do the former, vote 'Let <Opponent's Name> Call It' on match planning choices. To do the later, plan your own match, either through scripting or calling it in the ring.

Generic Matches count as scripted for statistical purposes.

Generic Matches So Far
Basic Match
Overview: A match that could not possibly be more simple. It begins with some basic wrestling. The babyface proves himself the better wrestler, but the heel cheats to cut him off. The heel gets some heat, the babyface makes his comeback, and then the finish happens.
Breakdown: 30% Basic, 30% Selling (Babyface)/Brawling or Submission (Heel), 30% Best Skill (Babyface)/Selling (Heel), 10% Other.
Cardio: Minimal
Overview: A match that is nothing but action-action-action! This match doesn't care for pacing or for telling a slow story. It's all about doing the best moves you can as quickly as you can so you can leave the crowd gasping in awe.
Breakdown: 95% Best In-Ring Skill, 5% Other. No selling under any circumstances.
Cardio: Intensive
Comedy Match
Overview: Why make them cheer when you can make them laugh and cheer. Though a comedy match may start as a basic match, it quickly evolves into something full of pratfalls, pranks, and jokes.
Breakdown: 15% Basics, 60% Comedy, 10% Selling (Babyface)/Brawling or Submission (Heel), 10% Best In-Ring Skill (Babyface)/10% Selling (Heel), 5% Other.
Cardio: Minimal
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Reward Tracker

Small Reward
Hangwind: 1 2 3 4
liujuin: 1
Novus Ordo Mundi: 1
Redhawk: 1 2 3 4 5
KaintukeeBob: 1 2 3 4
Bakkasama: 1 2
Polemarch: 1 2
HastyGaming: 1
Stealthy: 1
Deathvon: 1

Medium Reward
Cteatus: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jean Danjou: 1
liujuin: 1 2 3 4
Iandude0: 1
Zerohour: 1

Major Reward
Droman: 1 2 3
liujuin: 1
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[X] The Lion's Den- While it looks like nothing more than a warehouse in suburban Austin, the Lion's Den is already getting a reputation for putting out great high-fliers who can do anything without fear. No surprise really; it's run by El Guerrero Dorada, a legendary luchadore revered throughout Mexico and the southwest United States.
Where are you going to train?
[X] Horizon Academy- You almost wrote this one off when you were doing your research. Daybreak may have been a great women's wrestler, but do you really want to learn from her? But when you were going over the curriculum, you realized that no one else has had such a rich history of success in churning out great characters with phenomenal promo skills.

And when you send in your application, what name is going on it? (No real names, please)
[X] Damon Hill

The thing you have to understand about making it big in wrestling is that if you suck on the mike it doesn't matter how good you are in the ring you won't ever make it to the Main Event in the big leagues. But good mike skill's will carry you insanely far. We can worry about our style later once we start traveling the independents and picking up stuff like most highly skilled wrestler's do but as long as we start out with really good mike skill's were golden.
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[X] Chamberlain's Court- A small school just created in the Pacific Northwest, Chamberlain's Court is headed up by Rex Chamberlain, a former WPW jobber known for his solid fundamentals and incredible mat-wrestling. His schools is fairly new, with only one graduating class and no real big names coming from it, but hell, it's cheap.

[X] Damon Hill

Let's build up a Kurt Angle type of wrestler.
You do this and you don't even tag me? You fucking little shit. Also:

[X] Horizon Academy- You almost wrote this one off when you were doing your research. Daybreak may have been a great women's wrestler, but do you really want to learn from her? But when you were going over the curriculum, you realized that no one else has had such a rich history of success in churning out great characters with phenomenal promo skills.

[x] Name: Sean Saban

If this world doesn't have a super-successful NWA equivalent while the WWF-equivalent is dead and buried I'm gonna be super-mad, bro. I want my southern rasslin'.
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[X] Horizon Academy- You almost wrote this one off when you were doing your research. Daybreak may have been a great women's wrestler, but do you really want to learn from her? But when you were going over the curriculum, you realized that no one else has had such a rich history of success in churning out great characters with phenomenal promo skills.

Lets try and start off as a gimicky manager and work our way up.
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[] The Lion's Den- While it looks like nothing more than a warehouse in suburban Austin, the Lion's Den is already getting a reputation for putting out great high-fliers who can do anything without fear. No surprise really; it's run by El Guerrero Dorada, a legendary luchadore revered throughout Mexico and the southwest United States.

Just because there's no Japanese Pro Wrestling option.

This would actually be a pretty rad stage name actually, if it matches our gimmick.

and is run by the Purgatory Punishers, an enormous musclebound tag-team who had a tremendous run in the Midwest. They're not the best when it comes to the very fine points, according to reviews, but they'll train your body up until it can take anything.

Ummm, YES.

[X] The School of Hard Knocks

[X] Name: Sean Saban
[X] Horizon Academy- You almost wrote this one off when you were doing your research. Daybreak may have been a great women's wrestler, but do you really want to learn from her? But when you were going over the curriculum, you realized that no one else has had such a rich history of success in churning out great characters with phenomenal promo skills.

[x] Name: Sean Saban

Droman is the best way
[X] Horizon Academy- You almost wrote this one off when you were doing your research. Daybreak may have been a great women's wrestler, but do you really want to learn from her? But when you were going over the curriculum, you realized that no one else has had such a rich history of success in churning out great characters with phenomenal promo skills.

[X] Name: Tommy Martin
[] Name: Salsa Booke
[] Name: Chad Gerlbangur
[] Name: D. Roman
[] Name: Aaron the Ill Prepared
[] Name: Marcellus Lancaster
[] Name: Percival Spencer Jr.
[] Name: The Human Spider
[] Name: Bruce Campbell
[] Name: J.J.J. Smith
[] Name: Dubs Chekum
[] Name: Hogarth 'Ho' Dorian

Fight me irl Droman I'll never let you get away with naming us something like Sean
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[X] The Lion's Den- While it looks like nothing more than a warehouse in suburban Austin, the Lion's Den is already getting a reputation for putting out great high-fliers who can do anything without fear. No surprise really; it's run by El Guerrero Dorada, a legendary luchadore revered throughout Mexico and the southwest United States.
People love the high fliers after all
[X] Name: Tommy Martin
So Vesvius does this make you Vince.
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Everyone vote Tommy Martin for our name, so Tommy Martian can be our in ring name.














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[X] Name: Tommy Martin
[x] The Lion's Den- While it looks like nothing more than a warehouse in suburban Austin, the Lion's Den is already getting a reputation for putting out great high-fliers who can do anything without fear. No surprise really; it's run by El Guerrero Dorada, a legendary luchadore revered throughout Mexico and the southwest United States.

Because I like Charcolt's name, but I prefer LUUUUUUUCHHHHHAAAAAAAARAAAAAAAANNNNN!!!