Initially, I thought the maintenance on it would be completely insane, dealing with the water damage and salt corossion, then I realised they probably don't do any maintenance because it's also a coral reef.
10. The world of TLM is made up entirely of republics but there is a single ceremonial title of "Comintern Princess" that was bestowed to terminally ill 6 year old Ayanna Ramlal as part of her wish.
Unrelated but out of curiosity I want to ask readers which of the regions they would like to live in the most vs the one they woul hate living in the most (excluding Freedonia).
By most anarchists do you mean most anarchists in total, most anarchists per capita or most anarchist entities because each of these has a different answer.
Damn i didn't know there were so many options. I would travel before probably settling somewhere warm & decentralised. If not that then I'd like to help with the herritage railway movement in the isles getting it going again.
Damn i didn't know there were so many options. I would travel before probably settling somewhere warm & decentralised. If not that then I'd like to help with the herritage railway movement in the isles getting it going again.
In case you were curious, most anarchist polities is Eurasia, most anarchists in total is technically the USASR and most Anarchists per capita is the Uruguay region of the PAU.
I would prefer if this were a world merge with an AU where the Reich leadership wasn't blown up.As that way the International isn't too powerful.
Still good start.
I would prefer if this were a world merge with an AU where the Reich leadership wasn't blown up.As that way the International isn't too powerful.
Still good start.
I mean, I would assume everyone just sings it in their native language, since that's like, the whole thing with the Internationale IRL, that there's a version of it in every language.
ਪਾਣੀ ਦੀ ਮੁੜ ਸੁਰਜੀਤੀ (PdPJ (Punjabi)), जल का पुनर्जीवन (JkP (Hindi)), Rejuvenation of Water Project (RoWP) : mainly a water conservation group originally founded in 2007 by rural Balotrans attempting to improve water availability and quality. After the first phase of collecting data on the Lavanavari's hydrology the group decided to tackle the issue of water availability holistically. There were many ideas ranging from community in ground rainwater cisterns, to massive earthen works built to slow the flow of rain water in order to allow the water to soak into the soil. RoWP then consulted various communities along the Lavanavari and its tributaries in order to find stakeholders who were willing to volunteer their land and time in order to fufill the various projects the RoWP had in mind.
Major Projects:
Partial damming of the Lavanavari in order to increase the amount of meandering turns it makes
Planting of several key native, and (noninvasive) nonnative tree species that elephants rely on in the dry season within new and current floodplains
Built several rainwater cisterns for various villages
Dug water retention ponds in more mountainous areas to raise the water table
Form anti poaching brigade (Green Community Flock (GCF(English)), हरा समुदाय झुंड(HSJ(Hindi)), ਹਰੇ ਭਾਈਚਾਰੇ ਦੇ ਝੁੰਡ(HBdJ(Punjabi))) for the various woodlands/wetlands they end up creating
Create an online tracker for elephant herd sightings around Bharat
Minor Projects:
Help local farming communities build up seed banks
Work with locals to safely deter pest birds without killing them or poisoning them
Petition in and outside of Balotra for various clean water programs to decrease the salinity of the runoff
"World-Systems by their very nature cannot tolerate each other, inevitably one will seek conflict and emerge triumphant wether by the pen, the gold or the sword."—Anwar Aboulezz, former head of the Comintern Office of Intelligence.
January 1st of 2016 would be the single most pivotal day in human history, or histories it would be more accurate to say as the unthinkable happened and through means unknown two worlds became inexorably linked with one another through the mysterious so-called "glide" phenomenon.
One was a world that had seen the minions of Hitler stampede uninhibited throughout the world and unleash all manner of human monsters and horrors in their wake, only for the swastika to be broken and its legacy drowned in a red flood that soon saw the rising sun and the American eagle both also being swept aside as the red banner flew over almost the entire globe and ushered in a new wonderful weird age for mankind, marking the true beginning of history with the name worthy international at the helm.
In another world, the rolls of the dice would instead see the Axis broken, and the world divided between a self-crippled socialist world and a rejuvenated liberal one with the latter eventually triumphant and striding free across a globe wholly chained to the so-called free market and its tyranny all while the contagion of fascism gestated within its already rotting body, all with the stagnant but still very much powerful United States acting as the lynchpin.
Two worlds, two ideologies, and two new orders bound to clash with one another in every aspect of existence as the status quo of both sides was inevitably smashed and remolded by the reality of a new Cold War on a scale unprecedented.
A few fringe voices on both worlds may have held hope that peace or at least an understanding would emerge, but once the initial misunderstandings, existentialist crises, arrests, and standoffs were cleared it quickly became apparent that the worlds of Dewey Denied and Long March were simply too incompatible with one another.
For one thing, the former quite simply had no answer to the Communist International, a truly transnational entity that was de facto and in many parts de Jure acting as a global government with actual authority and power in its own right, a far cry from the largely toothless and ceremonial United Nations that existed and functioned solely on the whim of its world's great powers.
The very existence of the International itself was akin to taking a sledgehammer to the Westphalian nationalist basis of the DD world, to say nothing of the sociopolitical headaches that were the entities not yet fully absorbed into the Iskandarian framework, from the Abaylan and Eurasian patchworks to the post-capitalist juggernauts akin to Bharat, the PUC or PAU, and all this before one delved into the economic and human aspects of it all (assuming one wasn't one of the rabid anti-communists busy screaming their heart out at the very idea of a socialist dominated world).
From the side of the long marchers, the shock was somewhat more muted, as they were familiar with some elements of the Dewey Denied world that convergently evolved in their own, but the sheer scale of liberal-capitalist (and some would even say fascist) ideological penetration into every level of society and every corner of the globe was something that aroused excitement only in Comintern sociologists and utter dread in everyone else.
However ideological enmities would have to take a backseat for the moment, as both worlds needed to take stock and plan their next move, each already devising and planning ways to subvert and destroy the other, and this paradoxically meant that both global systems would need to agree to a framework that allowed for them to exist side by side without immediately descending into all-out war and chaos.
The Hanoi conference would be the result of this line of reasoning, as the leaders of both worlds under the aegis of the UN and COMINTERN came together for the first (and for a long time, last) time to hammer out an arrangement regarding the still poorly misunderstood nature of the glide, although by now it was becoming clear that the phenomena not only allowed for this interdenominational travel in unclaimed lands and water but also between nations and areas on both sides of the divide that were ideologically aligned.
Despite this seeming common ground, the stark differences between both worlds was immediately apparent from just the physical appearances of the rulers and delegates present, with the sensible and spartan business suits of the capitalist world worn by mainly old men contrasting with the outre, dandyish and peculiar attires of their far more youthful Comintern counterparts, a disparity perfectly encapsulated by the most powerful figures on both sides.
At the head of one bloc was one President Barack Obama, the man who made history by becoming America's first black president had aged and lost much of the vigor and youthful progressive spirit that defined his earlier years, but had made a point to appear at his best for the occasion if for no other reason than to project an image of power even as America's actual power was in slow but noticeable decline, fitting for someone who represented an America of optimism and dynamism that was slowly fading and giving way to something new that yearned to be old again.
Standing on the other side and towering both metaphorically and physically at a height of 6'7 was the newly elected chairwoman of the Comintern Jiya Fainu, whose mixed Jewish, Bharati, Korean, and Polynesian ancestry combined with her openly bisexual and polyamorous sexuality seemed tailor-made to make a lot of Dewey Deniers descend into hateful conspiratorial madness but perfectly encapsulated the demographic zeitgeist of her world's youthful and cosmopolitan global society, and that's without getting into her rather curious politics.
Symbolism aside however, the Hanoi conference would amount to little other than formalizing the few established international "glide-points" as regulated points of travel between both worlds and hammering out agreements on how they are to be used, in every other aspect it had proven to be something of a disappointment, even if it was an entirely predictable disappointment for anyone familiar with the politics of either world; the free trade politics and sanctions regimes of the "Teal" timeline were never going to be accepted by those in the "Crimson" timeline, and conversely even normally "apolitical" matters such as environmental standards proved to be utterly controversial and bewildering when it became clear that the long marchers had a very different conception of what ecological preservation and maritime laws entailed.
These were merely civil disagreements, as it didn't take too long for the socialist ambassadors and delegates to start raising concerns about imperialism, neocolonialism, and the various ongoing conflicts and man-made crises that no one seemed to care about, or as their Teal counterparts would put it were either "resolved" or "being resolved". The ensuing deadlock and disagreements all but ensured that the conference ended soon after the initial glide agreements.
Even nominally socialist nations would find themselves quickly out of their depth dealing with their far more radical and faithful counterparts, with the sole exception of Cuba which would take the opportunity to announce that it would be requesting membership in the International, a request that was bound to be fast-tracked by an Iskandaria eager any footholds in the world, and it didn't take long after the conference for American CIA agents to get in contact with their Pacific and Freedonian counterparts.
Obama wants to build the framework for an "American united front", and will quickly realise that while both sides are open to working with America, neither wants to work with the other because Freedonia sees the PDIS as [slur], [slur] and [slur] while the Pacificans see the Freedonians as paedophilic wastes of oxygen who only deserve diplomacy via nukes.