Ghosts of the Ancestors. (A Cultivation Riot Quest).

[X] Buy a body reforging elixir (2x progress to the first body refining action to the turn) for 2 contribution points.

[X] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [42/100]. Advance to QC 2 high.
-[X] use Water Qi
jj1111fg33 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Water Dantian Total: 8
4 4 4 4
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[X] Teach Guang Li
-[X] Knowledge Of Qi [67/100]. Unlock advanced Qi actions.
[X] Buy a body reforging elixir (2x progress to the first body refining action to the turn) for 2 contribution points.
The Meddler threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Advanced Qi Total: 7
5 5 2 2
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He rolls 3d10+4 and then doubles his result because he's using fire Qi.
Huh , with that kind of roll we might be able to hit the 2nd blood refinment this turn.
Anyone have any suggestions on what a Qi ghost should be doing?
you could cultivate since we have a bunch of qi right now, gathering yin qi is always good, or if you feel lucky you use that last fire qi to try and reach the 2nd blood refinement since thats apprently the key for more blood qi for the wrath ghosts.
[X] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [42/100]. Advance to QC 2 high.
-[X] use Water Qi

Gotta keep going, get to the next level!
Guest99 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Level Up! Total: 3
1 1 2 2
[X] Seek knowledge from the collective.
-[X] Knowledge of refining [12/50]. Unlock refining actions.
Uhtread threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 9
4 4 5 5
[X] The life line- with some work and adaptation the wrath ghost can crave a path into Guang Li lifeline making drawing the power of blood for his body far easier, by necessity they would go slow as to not hurt him [71/300]. Reduce the needed progress for the cut away life by 5.

Slowly, steadily. This is how a life(line) is taken improved.
HammeredApple threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 5
2 2 3 3
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Re: the caves, I'd rather save up to enter a hall, then save for one of those pills that lets us go from high to peak. That way we don't have to spend 3 qi an action.
Re: the caves, I'd rather save up to enter a hall, then save for one of those pills that lets us go from high to peak. That way we don't have to spend 3 qi an action.
Math wise we probably cant get the necessary CC to buy our way into the secret realm this turn.
As for the pill, wed probably be better off making one , between the amount of Herbs we got saved and the passive gathering, we should be able to just make it with just a few wisdom ghost actions to gather the rare herbs.
What's the difference of refining Guang's body using different Qi types? Is there a bonus if we use the same Qi for everything?
Some kinds of qi literally give double the bonus. Worth noting that the cost increase for next refinement is the same regardless. Making sure that you refine with the right kind of qi is actually really important.

Also, as a grumpy old man alchemist ghost, I know my place here.

[x] Teach Guang Li.
-[x] alchemy [57/100]. Raise the alchemy skill to 2.

edit: nice.
Sirrocco threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: alchemy! Total: 10
4 4 6 6
[X] Look to the stars for hidden knowledge of the future [16/500]. Reveal the event in the event track permanently.
AltF4152 threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 6
1 1 5 5
Is it possible to roll less dice than we are able to? Asking because we might want yin meridians and it seems like the best play for that is to try pure qi meridians with one dice a few times so that the dc is more reasonable.

I don't want to have to bug knowledge or wrath ghosts to help on a qi action.
[X] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[X] water Qi [0/10].
CedeTheBees threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: water qi Total: 5
3 3 2 2
Is it possible to roll less dice than we are able to? Asking because we might want yin meridians and it seems like the best play for that is to try pure qi meridians with one dice a few times so that the dc is more reasonable.
If you want to take an action and fail, you can take an auto-fail and just don't roll (but do mention that you're talking the auto fail).
[X] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[X] Yin Qi [10/17]
[X] Buy a body reforging elixir (2x progress to the first body refining action to the turn) for 2 contribution points.

Let's keep the Yin train rolling!

A perfectly average result that gets us at least 1 Yin Qi this turn. Zero complaints here.
TheNotoriousSMP threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Gather Yin Qi Total: 7
3 3 4 4
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[X] Clear a meridian acupoint. Cost 5 Qi per attempt DC 12 (15/18/21) [2/670 Cleared]. +1 open meridian. (note: 1 failure's so far).
-[x] auto fail

Trying to get the dc for the next meridian low enough that we can use Yin for it safely. After this fail I believe the effective dc is 10.
[X] Seek knowledge from the collective.
-[X] knowledge of internal alchemy [7/100] unlock internal alchemy.
Toboe threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: internal alchemy Total: 8
2 2 6 6
[X] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [42/100]. Advance to QC 2 high.
-[X] Use Water Qi
Well then, The secret realm is a bust since we now need 24 cc to buy the ticket.
So lets focus on other stuff.
-[] Refine his blood. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/30]. Refined blood (+1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity).
--[]Use 1 Fire qi.
With the cost being reduced by 25% We could refine guang blood to get that blood qi boni for the wrath ghosts.
Edit:and thats 22/30 so if guang gets his roll to 4 or more its pretty much done.
And if my math is correct guang rolls 1d10+3 which means its auto completes this turn
[X] Buy a body reforging elixir (2x progress to the first body refining action to the turn) for 2 contribution points.
A body reforging elixir is only 2CC, and if you add it to using fire qi that means this one vote gives us 11*2*2=44 progress towards refining the blood, on top of Guang Li's action.
Karnax626 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Condensing with water qi Total: 8
2 2 6 6