Ghosts of the Ancestors. (A Cultivation Riot Quest).

Voting is open
Offering of water (turn 6 end/start of turn 7). New
AN: this took me a bit, no particular reason. Just wasn't feeling in the place to write for most of the week. Anyways, i hope you enjoy and feel free to ask me question's if you have any.

teach fellowship: 83/75 Fellowship 4 achieved.

Social interaction, relationships, are a dance. The right word, the right move and all is a harmonious. A wrong one and you'll stumble and fall.

This is a wisdom gained through years, this is a wisdom Guang Li gains from his ancestors.

teach alchemy: 52/50 alchemy 1 achieved.

The art of alchemy is a delicate one but through diligence Guang Li has learnt it well.

The biggest limitation of alchemy is the access to recipes and knowledge, a limitation sidestepped with the help of the ancestors.

As part of the learning process, Guang li has gone around the sect in search of various common herbs to study.

Gain 5 common herbs.

gather pure qi:6/3 2 qi
gather water qi: 63/10 6 water
gather yin qi: 59/17 3 yin
gather yang qi: 5/60
gather blood qi: 5/30 -1 hp

condense qi (water): 124/100 QC2 mid achieved mostly with water.

Qi flows, form the world to the body, from the body to the dantian.

There it is condensed by the expert hands of the ancestors and drawn into the walls of the dantian, absorbed to refine the spirit and expand. The Qi of water is especially suited toward this function, granting flexibility beyond the normal.

Advance to QC2- mid (water).

Net -2 Yin, 0 water Qi, +2 pure Qi.

restless anger: 14/8 -2 hp

The power of wrath is channeled throughout Guang Li, enhancing him.

Its explosive power the only reason he managed to open his second meridian.

+1 open meridian (yin).

the Life line : 45/300 -5hp.

The lifeline. The essence of ones lifeforce, it lies deep within ones soul beyond the grasp of even the heavens, with enough secret knowledge one may tap into their own lifeline -or consumes another- for the power within.

And yet, to precisely drill through ones soul in such a way that both does not hurt the self and leave's no future weakness in its structure is a task beyond many, but not beyond the ancestors of the Guang who have mastered the technique through hundreds of generations… but even for them, being willing to injure their host would reduce the effort required considerably.

teach combat: 49/100

teach refining: 6/50

Aura of death : 4/10
Knowledge Of Qi :50/100
map body: 51/100
search for info on Caves: 24/50
look into the stars: 3/500.

The ancestors of the Guang are not a voice untied and Guang Li has picked up bits and pieces from the quitter parts of the cacophony.

"Hmm… that is quite annoying, well you needn't worry, the library is independent from the treasure hall and I have received no such orders from my Elder."

"Thank you senior brother" Guang Li bowed toward the inner disciple manning the library on this day.

"Bahh… I'm just doing my job besides the Meng's are all annoying pricks, least I could do is not charge you extra for standing up to one of them. In fact, standing up for your brothers should be rewarded, I'll be right back. Feel free to browse around, the sect meager water collection is on the third row to the left" saying so the man turned around, marching with purpose, soon disappearing into the bowls of the library.

For his part, Guang Li, a little bit frazzled from the librarian sudden departure too the man's advice and gone to look at the selection available for water techniques.

What he found was partly and pathetic compared to the selection available for the other elements, even so he still managed to scrounge up three worthwhile techniques.

Type: utility.

Cost: 1 water Qi.

Effect: create sufficient drinking water for a week.
Type: defensive, movement.

Cost: 1 water Qi per round active.

Effect: adopt the swiftness and flexibility of water, dancing away from blow's (hitting you becomes a worst of two roll) and flow over the land.
Type: construct.

Cost: 5 water Qi to activate, 1 water Qi per round active. a large enough body of water may discount this cost.

Effect: create a shell of water around you with 4 (with training you can add more) water tendrils extending from it. the water shell is considered to have 10 HP and armor 1, the tendrils may attack or defend independently of the user.

"Good you're still here" Guang li was broken form his reading trance by the voice of the librarian coming form behind him. Turning around he saw the man has come back with a single scroll in hand.

"As you can imagine, the verdant flame sect, being predominately a fire sect dos not posse many valuable water technique's" the man pointed to the small collection water techniques "but we have fought many a water sect over the centuries of the sect history and here and there we managed to raid a repository of knowledge or two".

"Now, the majority of the knowledge gained in such ways is within the restricted section -to wich I could not give you case to even if I wished to- but this particular technique" the man brought the scroll closer to Guang Li eyes "has never been ranked as no one really thought that anyone would ever wish to utilize it and that means I can rank it myself and very conveniently rank it for the regular section of the library rather than the restricted"

"And while I cannot just give it you, I can value as one of the less valuable scrolls, go one give it a look" he offered the scroll to Guang Li, who as he began to read found his eyes widening at the technique before him.

Type: aura, debuff.

Cost: 3 water Qi and 1 yin Qi to activate. 1 water and 1 yin every 3 rounds.

Effect: create a small aura around the user where fire techniques cannot be used.

New Techniques. Reveled that the "shit list" penalty does not include techniques.

Turn 7.

Event tracker.

Time: 2 turns. (end of turn 8).

Type: Social, combat, turn, optional.

Description: the sect has announced it is organizing an expedition to the caves of ten thousand reflections, a valuable and important secret realm in the possession of the sect. while the elder and inner disciples in charge would delve deep into the caves in search of valuable cultivation material, hundred of spots on the higher levels were open for outer disciples, so long as they possessed the contribution points.

Delving into the caves would be dangerous, two out of three disciples who enter don't make it out but those who do come out all the stronger for it.

Failure: injury, possible death.

Success: resources, knowledge

Requirements: buying a spot on the expedition.

Qi reserve [20/31]
-pure 16.
-Yin 4.

Hp [26/29] +4 a turn.

Meridian bonus (for QI gathering) 1.2x.

Active effects:

Healing pill- +1 HP a turn. Turns left: 1.

Ma Fen and Shu Cai social link- +1 to all rolls for learning/teaching non advanced skills. Turns left: social link.

The shit list- all shop costs rise by 50% (the shop costs is the base cost to make it easy for alchemy calculation).

Shop (requires 15 votes to buy something)

CCC- 19.

Default- points will be used instead of pure Qi (at 1 to 1) when pure Qi runs out.

[] Buy a spot on the expedetion for 20 CC.

[] Pay the fee for one of the hall exams (required to get accepted by a hall) for 20 CC.
-[] The Alchemy hall. (medium alchemy skills).
-[] The exploration hall. (medium cultivation, medium combat, high survival).
-[] The judgment hall. (high cultivation, high combat).
-[] the contracts and oaths hall. (high cultivation, high social).

[] Buy fire Qi. 2 CC for 1 point of fire Qi.

[] Buy Yang Qi. 4 CC for 1 point of yang Qi.

[] Buy water Qi. 8 CC for 1 point of water Qi.

[] Buy a body reforging elixir (2x progress to the first body refining action to the turn) for 2 contribution points.

[] Buy a healing elixir for 2 contribution point (+1 HP a turn for 4 turns).

[] Buy a meridian impurity expulsion pill (+2 to next attempt to clear meridian) for 4 contribution points.

[] Buy a calm Qi pill (+2 to all QC breakthrough attempts in a turn) for 5 CC.

[] Buy a Ox strength pill* (+10 to strength for a 3+x rounds) for 5 CC +X.

[] Buy A willow drop pill (advance a single sub stage in you QC stage) for 10/20/40/80** CC.

[] Purchase basic lessons (+3 to skill progress bar) for 1 CC.***

[] purchase advance lessons (+10 to skill progress bar) for 3 CC.***

[] Buy a technique.
-[] which one?

[] Buy 2 common herb for 1 CC.

[] buy a rare herb for 8 CC.

[] Buy basic alchemy tools (reduce cost and progress required to concoct pills by 20%) for 40 CC (renting them for a turn would cost 10 CC).

[] Buy an advanced healing elixir (+2/4 HP a turn for 5/6 turns) for 7/15 contribution points.

[] Buy a mending elixir (+8 HP) for 7 contribution points.

[] Buy an advanced mending potion (+20 HP) for 15 contribution points.

[] Buy (and install) a basic Qi gathering formation (+0.5 multiplier for Qi gathering) for 40 contribution points.

[] Rent cultivation space in the fields of lava (+2X multiplier applied after meridian's to Gathering Fire Qi for one turn) for 20 contribution points.

[] Rent cultivation space in the hot springs of Yang (+2X multiplier applied after meridian's to Gathering Yang Qi for one turn) for 40 contribution points.

[] Rent cultivation space high in the mountain (+1X multiplier applied after meridian's to Gathering pure Qi for one turn) for 40 contribution points.

[] Buy a basic protection talisman (consume to negate HP loss from attacks) for 4 contribution points.

[] Buy a basic artifact weapon (+10 to combat rolls) for 20 contribution points.

[] Buy basic armor (reduced HP damage form attacks so long as the armor is intact) for 10 CC.

*There is a variant available for all the other attributes.

**the cost is dependent on the stage you are on (IE: a QC 1 pays 10, while a QC3 pays 40).

***rare skill double the cost.

The second step (requires 15 votes minimum).

[] offer Yin Qi for the ancestors (50 left).
-[] how much?

[] offer HP for the ancestors (50 left).
-[] how much?

Guang Li actions.

[X] Help the struggling disciples (pay off debt).
[X] Brew pills.
[X] Serch for rare herbs.


[ ] Map Guang Li body [51/100]. Reduced progress needed to refine the body.

[ ] Teach Guang Li.

-[ ] Cultivation. [0/75]. Raise the cultivation skill to 4.

-[ ] Combat. [49/100]. Raise the combat skill to 5.

-[ ] Breakthrough [23/100]. Raise the breakthrough skill to 2.

-[ ] Fellowship [8/100]. Raise the fellowship skill to 5.

-[ ] alchemy [2/100]. Raise the alchemy skill to 2.

[ ] Seek knowledge from the collective.

-[ ] knowledge of internal alchemy [0/100] unlock internal alchemy.

-[ ] Knowledge of advanced alchemy [10/250]. Unlock advanced Alchemy actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of refining [6/50]. Unlock refining actions.

-[ ] Knowledge Of Qi [50/100]. Unlock advanced Qi actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of the bloodline [0/250]. Unlock bloodline actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of your demise [0/500]. Knowledge about the slaughter.

[ ] attempt to search for information on the caves of ten thousand reflections. [24/50] information.

[ ] Look to the stars for hidden knowledge of the future [3/500]. Reveal the event in the event track permanently.

[] Search for common herbs [0/30] 2-5 common herbs, 5% for a rare herb.

[] Search for rare herbs [0/30]. 1-2 common herbs, 20% for rare herb.

[] Brew a pill 1/2- the ghost of wisdom will direct the brewing of a pill to the exact requirements [0/20]. One of two actions needed to brew a pill.

-[] which pill/elixir? (look at the shop, basic costs are the amount of Common herbs needed, any item over 10 CC requires a single rare herb in addition to its cost in common herbs, items over 30 CC require two).

-[] and how many are you brewing? Current max 5 items at a time.


[ ] Screams of death- with the refinement of their blood lost, the ancestor may now focus their power to fell even great enemies. Result dependent on total roll.

[ ] Restless anger- infuse the anger of your demise into Guang Li body and soul and let him push beyond his limits at a cost. [6/8] +1 to all of Guang actions this turn per completion of this action. -1 Hp per time taken.

[ ] silent hunters- with Guang Li passing the tests and now being part of the sect proper there are many new mission available for him, some of those are hunting various small spiritual critters that make their home around the sect. the perfect pray for invisible ghosts. [2/13]. +1 contribution point.

[ ] Cut away life- using the precise application of wrath cut away a portion of Guang Li life force for the power within. -1 Hp per time taken [5/30] +1 blood Qi.

[] body refining (Warth version)- utilizing the power of wrath and blood the ghosts of the Guang may refine Guang Li body to Strang and secret purposes.
-[] refine his nails. 1 Blood Qi, -1 HP per time taken [0/20]. Gain natural weapons I.
-[] Refine his heart. 1 blood Qi, - 1 HP per time taken [0/40]. Gain blood surge I (may be active during events for a bonus at the cost of a penalty for al the next scenes of the event).
-[] refine his eyes. 1 blood Qi, -2 HP per time taken [0/50]. Gain blood seeking eyes I (reduce the critical hit threshold)*
-[] refine his mind. 2 Blood Qi, -4 HP per time taken [0/100]. Gain wrathful mind I (increase combat dice to d12, large increase to comprehension of combat arts/skills).*

*mutually exclusive with the Qi version.

[] The life line- with some work and adaptation the wrath ghost can crave a path into Guang Li lifeline making drawing the power of blood for his body far easier, by necessity they would go slow as to not hurt him [45/300]. Reduce the needed progress for the cut away life by 5.
-[] the fast route. -5 Hp, 3x time the progress.

[] Aura of death- with better control the ghosts of wrath can subtly wave an aura of fear and intimidation around Guang Li. [4/10] +1 to social rolls this turn.

[] Wrath and Sacrifice- with advance applications of blood and vitality the ghosts of wrath may extend the duration of many of the miraculous medicines Guang LI imbues. 1 blood Qi [0/50] a semi-random (things like the healing elixirs or other low value stuff are excluded) positive effect gains an additional turn to its duration.


[ ] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[ ] water Qi [3/10].
-[ ] Yin Qi [8/17]
-[ ] Yang Qi [5/60]

[ ] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [24/100]. Advance to QC 2 high.
-[] use X Qi (Default is pure so only include this if you're using another type).

[ ] Refin Guang body. variable cost.

-[ ] Refine his skin. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Refined skin II (+3 Constitution*).

-[ ] Refine his muscles. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Refined muscles II (+3 Strength).

-[ ] Refine his blood. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined blood (+1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his nerves. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined nerves (+1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his senses. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined sense I (+1 Perception).

-[ ] Refine his organs. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined organs (+1 Constitution, slight toxic resistance).

-[ ] Refine his Bones. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined bones (+1 Constitution, reduced injury rolls).

-[ ] Refine his mind. Cost 3 Qi per time taken [0/100]. Refined mind (+1 Intelligence. increased comprehension speed).
--[] use X Qi (Default is pure so only include this if your using another type).

[ ] Clear a meridian acupoint. Cost 5 Qi per attempt DC 12 (15/18/21) [2/670 Cleared]. +1 open meridian. (note: 0 failures so far).

-[] use X Qi (Default is pure so only include this if your using another type).

[] brew a pill 2/2- the ghosts of Qi will give the energy and essence required for the brewing of pills. [0/20] the second action required for the brewing of pills.

*this replaces the refined skin I trait so the actual bonus of the action is +2 but the total is +3.

Yin. (discover more about your bloodline to unlock further actions in this category).

[ ] Nurture Yin- as ghost of the dead, you are binges of Yin inhabit Guang Li body and let his roots nurture of your power but be careful for even those of the Guang cannot stand the chill of death for long. -2 Hp per time taken. [6/100] advance Guang Li Yin root to grade 16.

[ ] The power of thought- flood Guang Li mind with Yin Qi and show the power of thought and mentality Cost: 1 Yin Qi per attempt. [0/50] +1 to all learning/teaching actions next turn
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[X] Flow Like Water
[X] Water Quench
[X] Seek knowledge from the collective.
-[X] Knowledge of refining [6/50]. Unlock refining actions.

we should save up for fire quench and shell of the octopus as well I think.
Uhtread threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 6
4 4 2 2
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[X] Map Guang Li body [51/100]. Reduced progress needed to refine the body.

[X] Flow Like Water (10 cc)
[X] Water Quench (5 cc)
Aria the Mage threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 6
1 1 5 5
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[X] Flow Like Water
[X] Water Quench

[X] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[X] water Qi [3/10].
CedeTheBees threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 3
1 1 2 2
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[X] Flow Like Water
[X] Water Quench
[X] The life line- with some work and adaptation the wrath ghost can crave a path into Guang Li lifeline making drawing the power of blood for his body far easier, by necessity they would go slow as to not hurt him [45/300]. Reduce the needed progress for the cut away life by 5.
-[X] the fast route. -5 Hp, 3x time the progress.
WhoTheHeckity threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 8
2 2 6 6
I doubt ill roll a double 6 so im doing this with pure qi to get a bonus to the roll e: that was close.
[X] Clear a meridian acupoint. DC 12
dbRevned threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 9
3 3 6 6
[X] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [24/100]. Advance to QC 2 high.
-[X] use Water Qi

For wrath ghosts ,Please try gathering CC this turn , we need it urgently.
moon-llama threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Cultivate water Total: 3
1 1 2 2
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For wrath ghosts ,Please try gathering CC this turn , we need it urgently.
Ugh but it's so horribly inefficient... fine.
[X] silent hunters- with Guang Li passing the tests and now being part of the sect proper there are many new mission available for him, some of those are hunting various small spiritual critters that make their home around the sect. the perfect pray for invisible ghosts. [2/13]. +1 contribution point.
SomeDude134 threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 5
4 4 1 1
[X] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[X] water Qi [3/10].

Oh boy, qi gathering is going to be 1.2 times easier now.
wrecksalot threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 3
1 1 2 2
[X] silent hunters- with Guang Li passing the tests and now being part of the sect proper there are many new mission available for him, some of those are hunting various small spiritual critters that make their home around the sect. the perfect pray for invisible ghosts. [2/13]. +1 contribution point.
fearsome hill threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 5
4 4 1 1
[X] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[X] water Qi [3/10].

Running low on Water Qi, also, we should really get the CC for the Caves, we're real close and we could get some good stuff for our ghosts there hopefully.
Guest99 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Gathering Water Qi Total: 4
1 1 3 3
Hmm on other news, Guang seems to be searching for rare herbs , which means with a bit of luck we should only need 12 more common herbs to concot the realm pill and achieve peak and subsequently the third realm soon .
@uri 2 things .
First the option for the 50 yin qi and 50 blood qi seems to be missing.
Secondly anychance you thought of a reward for that omake ?
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[X] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [24/100]. Advance to QC 2 high.
-[X] use Water Qi
Jaguar2234 threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 6
4 4 2 2
[X] Flow Like Water
[X] Water Quench
[X] The life line- with some work and adaptation the wrath ghost can crave a path into Guang Li lifeline making drawing the power of blood for his body far easier, by necessity they would go slow as to not hurt him [45/300]. Reduce the needed progress for the cut away life by 5.
Dinfinity threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Wrath roll Total: 10
4 4 6 6
First the option for the 50 yin qi and 50 blood qi seems to be missing.
Goddameit, knew I forgot something.

I'll add them in, they'll work like the shop where you need 15 vots for it to count and then I will just see what quantity of offering has the highest vote and reduce that from the total.

[] offer Yin Qi for the ancestors (50 left).
-[] how much?

[] offer HP for the ancestors (50 left).
-[] how much?

Secondly anychance you thought of a reward for that omake ?
Currently, I'm thinking I'm just going to awarded every omake a certain number of semi fixed points (with diminishing returns for same turn omake by the same poster) which could then be exchanged for Qi.

With an exchange rate of 1 for pure, 2 for basic elemental (water, earth, fire), 3 for advanced Qi types (wind, blood, lightnings and so on) and 4 for Yin or Yang.

This way I can offer a meaningful reward for the effort invested but also not break the game should a large number of omake suddenly be written.

But I'm still mulling it over, suggestion and feedback is of course welcome.
[X] silent hunters- with Guang Li passing the tests and now being part of the sect proper there are many new mission available for him, some of those are hunting various small spiritual critters that make their home around the sect. the perfect pray for invisible ghosts. [2/13]. +1 contribution point.
lebaker threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 11
5 5 6 6
[X] Teach Guang Li.
-[X] alchemy [2/100]. Raise the alchemy skill to 2.

Edit: This is so sad.
Synergy threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Wisdom Total: 2
1 1 1 1
[X] Flow Like Water
[X] Water Quench

[X] Teach Guang Li.
-[X] alchemy [2/100]. Raise the alchemy skill to 2.
Rotekian threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Teaching Alchemy Total: 8
4 4 4 4
Voting is open