Bound By Oath And Honor - An ASOIAF Hedge Knight Quest

On one hand I don't want to waste this action by not buying armor. On the other hand it's poor quality for a high price. Guess the question is do we feel lucky because we just need to get unlucky once.
[X] [Armor] buy it
Fuck. It seems we better had chosen hanging out with squires then. Forgot that the laws of supply and demand apply in this situation.
edit: changed my vote to buy it since bad armour is better than no Armor at all. especially the helmet.
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I don't think this is a trap option. If we bought it at inflated prices and it saved us from a grievous injury afterwards, we'd consider it money well spent. Just us deciding whether we want to take slight decrease in risk right now, knowing there is opportunity cost for that later. And part of me thinks that we'll get more silver more easily than we'll get good healing once things go in earnest. This is not a setting with fancy magical healing. Even if we survive, the severity of an injury can make a whole difference. And we're gambling that we won't take any injury between now and the undefined time when we can either loot an armor or buy a better one. If we keep taking risks now for better gains later, we're going to know regret when the dice are unkind.

[X] [Armor] Buy it.
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[X] [Armor] Buy it.

OK yeah. We should get the armor. Even if it gives us a little bit better chance of not getting seriously hurt we should take it. And if we get better armor later then we can sell the lower quality one.
Yeah. It might seem like a waste when in three weeks we might get better armor for free... but the better armor in three weeks won't help us against an axe blade we'll receive in two weeks.
For what though? We're only buying it for this much because there's literally nothing else. Presumably, once we've got enough money to buy something better, this will likely be next to worthless.

I'm not talking about buying better armor. I'm saying if we get better armor from a battle then we sell the lower quality one. I'd rather have some protection now than none.
[X] [Armor] Buy it.

Meh, what are we hodling onto money for? It's not like it has speculative value that's gonna go up.
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And even if the armor is so shitty that we won't be able to actually sell it for any serious price? Money is not the only currency where it can be useful for. Maybe we find some other squire in the same boat, and we can turn it into a hand me down and possibly make a friend.
My issue is there's good chance we could acquire armor of similar quality in the next fight. Money should be saved for non-combat related uses.
My issue is there's good chance we could acquire armor of similar quality in the next fight. Money should be saved for non-combat related uses.
It is possible, but it also requires that we actually get through a fight. And there's also a good chance we'll take a hit in the next fight, and if we do, we might be very glad we have armor. If we end up lucky, and we don't get hit, and we get an armor quickly, then yes, this money is wasted. if we end up unlucky and between now and getting a better armor we take a fair amount of blows, particularly to the head, then this money is one of the best investments we could have made, saving us both time and money and possibly our lives in healing injuries. So not buying the armor is gambling that we're lucky.
if we end up unlucky and between now and getting a better armor we take a fair amount of blows, particularly to the head, then this money is one of the best investments we could have made, saving us both time and money and possibly our lives in healing injuries.
I mean, there was nothing about how armor works mechanically in the opening post. So there's no assurance that this armor will be all that effective, especially since it's made by people not used to making armor.