No signs of intelligent life here, Captain...

[X] Plan: Two For The Show
-[X] Along for the Ride
-[X] Don't Look Up
-[X] Made of Greed
-[X] Obsidian Knife
-[X] What Belongs to You, Belongs to Me (Iris Imonim)

This leaves z'oll T'hirlem free to be used in the "Along for the Ride" sub-vote.
The vote is currently tied; given how similar both plans are, would it be fair to count "Build Stuff" as votes for "Two For The Show"? If not, will keep vote open until tie is broken.
I guess, yeah its fine.

As an aside, I feel like information about the captains and stuff should be put directly onto the plan posts under a spoiler or something. I know I could just click informational, but to me that feels awkward. I made my plan without looking at the captains at all, out of convivence. I notice a lot of quests put information in separate informational threadmarks but personally I have never liked that, I don't know it feels awkward to me.
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Turn 4 - Voting Closed
Voting is now closed! Subvote will go up tomorrow :V

Scheduled vote count started by RighteousRancor on Jan 2, 2025 at 3:59 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Two For The Show
    -[X] Along for the Ride
    -[X] Don't Look Up
    -[X] Made of Greed
    -[X] Obsidian Knife
    -[X] What Belongs to You, Belongs to Me (Iris Imonim)
    [X] Plan: Build stuff
Turn 4 - Sub-vote

Turn 4 - Sub-vote

TRAIT: The Floor is Open. Choosing this option will prompt a sub-vote for determining the method of intel gathering. A hero cannot be assigned to this task until the sub-vote, at which point, any hero that isn't assigned to a task can be assigned to this task. If the hero is on cooldown, the action will be delayed until next week and taken automatically.

With Admiral Caldwell's plan for Cardassian espionage endorsed, Starfleet Command has now devolved into an argument over the best way to handle the issue. If we wish to observe saucer separation with Cardassian vessels, then we'll need to observe Cardassian vessels engaged in combat; while such skirmishes are rare, they aren't unheard of, but we would either need to rely on luck or provoke such a confrontation ourselves – which is an obvious no-go. If we wish to study their designs directly, we'll need to get our hands on a genuine blueprint; this could be accomplished through using our intelligence to acquire one from a Cardassian source or seeing if the Ferengi – who have had some trade with the Union – would have such a blueprint available.

[] Approach Ferengi shipwrights about acquiring the blueprints

[] Attempt to acquire the blueprints from a Cardassian inside source

[] Stealthily follow Cardassian convoys passing through the Saavatt Sector

[] Use our listening posts to monitor Cardassian border space

AVAILABLE HEROES: z'oll T'hirlem

ON COOLDOWN: James T. Kirk, Sauda el-Uddin, Ishrasis Th'achaalrit

No moratorium!
[X] Approach Ferengi shipwrights about acquiring the blueprints

Lets Trade!!!
Should we have our hero lead the efforts with the Ferengi?

Have to make sure we don't get swindled and sold false blueprints!

[X] Approach Ferengi shipwrights about acquiring the blueprints (z'oll T'hirlem)

So I guess the Cardassians have a detachable hull segment intended to land on a planet, hey?
I would've suspected they use a warp sled+battleriders arrangement to pinch pennies and try to avoid replacing expensive warp drives :rofl:
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So I guess the Cardassians have a detachable hull segment intended to land on a planet, hey?
I would've suspected they use a warp sled+battleriders arrangement to pinch pennies and try to avoid replacing expensive warp drives :rofl:

"Land" is extremely generous :V Cardassian "saucers" can jettison as lifeboats for the command staff, with impulse engines just strong enough to get them out of harm's way and into a planetary atmosphere, where they're that much harder to follow. Once there, you can make a controlled crash and hunker down until someone comes to rescue you or Breen slavers capture your whole crew, whichever comes first.
Turn 4 - Sub-vote Closed
Voting is now closed! Anyways, just did the dice rolls and ... :oops:

Scheduled vote count started by RighteousRancor on Jan 5, 2025 at 2:37 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Approach Ferengi shipwrights about acquiring the blueprints
    [X] Approach Ferengi shipwrights about acquiring the blueprints (z'oll T'hirlem)
Turn 4 - Results

Turn 4 - Results

Along For The Ride

2d48 -> 25

No-one expected the negotiations with the Ferengi to be particularly easy, but given Starfleet Command's unanimous vote for the inquiry, it was shocking how non-cooperative each DaiMon we approached actually was. Our representatives ran into dead end after dead end, occasionally hearing near-verbatim excuses and denials from Ferengi in completely different countries. A paranoid officer might suggest that the Ferengi were tipped off while a pragmatist could believe that they were simply afraid of losing Cardassian trade deals or contracts; either way, it seems like our search has gone cold for the time being. The only thing we can take away is that it seems like the Union's financial reach extends well beyond their own borders...

Don't Look Up

2d48 -> 44

In the best of times, terraforming is a difficult, manpower-intensive, time-consuming endeavor that relies on the steady flow of resources, cooperation of civilian and Starfleet agencies, and a dash of luck when it comes to tackling a planetary environment. Salkurk-Ia, as it turns out, would be an uphill climb; many of the local industrial facilities were polluted with their own smog and toxic residue, the atmosphere was actively hostile to our ships' hull plating, and the Vulcans might have neglected to mention the evidence of several nuclear strikes at former population centers, leaving the most desirable real estate on the moon as toxic craters. While long-term rehabilitation is possible – Earth herself came through a toxic industrial era and nuclear conflict – it would take extensive work to accomplish, far more than we believed necessary when we began assigning resources to the terraforming project.

Made of Greed

2d48 -> 42

While we were cautiously optimistic of the prospects of mining Wafroje-III, the moniker of "Demon Planet" is not given lightly. Our research suggests that the only way to tap into the minerals would be a ground-based outpost, as the atmosphere is too thick for long-range mining to be effective – and the chances of a successful Class-Y outpost are slim to none. Until science can catch up to our desires, Wafroje-III will remain out of our reach.

Obsidian Knife

2d48 -> 38

While the initial plan was for Agent Les to return to Cardassian space to resume her cover, the Cardassian cruiser that crossed the border to intimidate the ship hosting the rendezvous forced a sudden change to the plan. The Gul commanding the ship claimed that he was chasing down a rogue smuggler, but refused to leave the system and accused our officers of harboring fugitives. Thankfully, our nearby listening post detected its approach and a pair of Andorian destroyers were able to arrive in the system before the situation came to blows. While the Cardassian ship returned to its own space, it's still a notably hostile maneuver that's disrupted a link in our intelligence apparatus. We'll have to wait and see if this leads to any further hostilities, but it has certainly raised the pressure within Starfleet Command.

What Belongs to You, Belongs to Me

2d48 -> 27 + 20 = 47

The situation in the Saavatt Sector has been incredibly tense and it was hoped that Capt. Imonim would be able to help bring down the temperature between the competing factions and help steer things towards a peaceful resolution. However, neither the Cardassian nor the Tholian representatives turned up to the summit aboard the Hood; only the Klingon delegation arrived (just as confused as we were), leaving us in the somewhat awkward position of pivoting to an exclusive conference with House Kruge. To Capt. Imonim's credit, she was able to convince Kruge not to retaliate against either of the other factions and the main representative confided that the saber-rattling was merely in hopes of getting minor territorial concessions, as the Klingon Empire wasn't in the position for a three-way war in the Alpha Quadrant's frontier. Thanks to the complete lack of cooperation from the Tholians or Cardassians, however, she has recommended Starfleet begin withdrawing to designated safe zones – a move several colonists have already taken of their own accord.
Hey, at least the crew of UFS Ukraina enjoyed their vacation.

Edit: @RighteousRancor do un-used heroes gain a "shore leave" bonus for their next mission???
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Turn 5

Turn 5

For the first time, the mood at Starfleet Command is notably… dour. Few can ignore the pattern that emerged last week; the Cardassians have taken a belligerent tone towards the Federation – not for the first time, mind – and the command staff is painfully aware of how quickly situations like this can escalate. While the Klingons have backed away from the razor's edge, the Tholians and Cardassians continue to circle around each other and we don't have an obvious diplomatic in-road with either.

For now, the Federation Council has advised we avoid further escalation and focus on our Economic Development directive, and Starfleet Command does not hold the authority to make diplomatic decisions on the part of the Federation. However, that doesn't leave us without options to ward off potential Cardassian aggression – we just need to make sure it doesn't raise the temperature any further.


CARDASSIAN-THOLIAN CONFLICT: As the Cardassian Union and Tholian Assembly tensions increase and threaten to escalate into full-blown war, Starfleet Intelligence will provide us with regular updates as they are able to. The Klingons have backed down, currently leaving this as a two-way conflict.


THOLIAN STRENGTH: Enigmatic (?/10)

DE-ESCALATION: Escalating Rapidly (2d48 -> 6)

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Starfleet must complete ten (10) economic-related tasks by the end of Turn 24. Success on ten (10) economic-related tasks by the end of Turn 24 will unlock either a new Hero or an additional Action.

TASKS: 2/10



AVAILABLE HEROES: James T. Kirk, Sauda el-Uddin, Ishrasis Th'achaalrit, z'oll T'hirlem (TRAIT: Shore Leave [+5])

ON COOLDOWN: Iris Imonim

[] Child's Play

We have received a rather bizarre – and somewhat choppy – distress signal from a familiar Ferengi casino in the Saavatt Sector. Apparently, the station has been struck by a "de-aging" virus that has caused many visitors and staff to rapidly regress towards youthful stages and develop amnesia related to their adult life – and one of the ships escorting colonists emigrating from the disputed zone has just been brought down by this virus. The casino boss is requesting help administering some sort of cure or vaccine, but we aren't aware of any disease on the books that could cause "de-aging" in a variety of species. It might be prudent to investigate and consider every possibility.

[] Dilithium Dirge

Following the passing of a prominent mining magnate, one of his most important possessions – a sprawling dilithium mine on the edge of Federation space – has been caught in a dispute between Ferengi debt collectors and local colonists who claim the mine should fall within their territorial mandate. Normally, Starfleet might not get directly involved or simply send a mediator to host discussions – if it weren't for the Ferengi's choice of transportation. Our understanding of Ferengi-Klingon dealings were that the Klingons had little use for the Ferengi's service, but a DaiMon rolling into Federation space aboard a souped-up D'ama-class battlecruiser has stirred concern. A hostile corporate takeover on Federation soil could be devastating and a Starfleet presence could help persuade the Ferengi to leave the mine in Federation hands.

[] Going Under

We've received a distress call from the Romulan Neutral Zone across all channels coming from a world which we previously believed to be uninhabited, given the high levels of radiation from its binary stars. Under prior treaties with the Romulan Empire, we can cross into the Neutral Zone to provide humanitarian assistance, but we have no guarantee any of the local warlords will follow these treaties – nor would we know if they're in the system until it's too late.

[] The Neighbor's Backyard

Our listening post on the edge of Cardassian space has experienced a collision with a micrometeoroid while its shields were down for maintenance, causing a rupture in its solar array that's preventing power from reaching the station. Normally, assisting a station in repairing its solar grid would be trivial, but if the Cardassians are able to notice and track our ship to the listening post, we have no guarantees that they won't try to cross the border again and destroy it. If we don't intervene, the station will be able to repair it with time, but it will likely mean taking its high-resolution sensors offline in order to maintain life support, leaving us with a crucial deficiency against the Cardassians.


(OOC: Been dealing with rough allergies this week, so leaving room for some write-ins today! Moratorium is shorter; will try to be back in an hour to officially open voting but feel free to start without me if life gets in the way :p Hope y'all like the new trackers for info!)