[She had saved your life]
You were younger, and a fair bit over your head.
Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!
You were, of course, still a wise adventurer then.
dragon, just imagine it! Has there ever been such an enemy to the beauty of this world? You grin, staring up at the mountain. It was a grey, jagged peak, points sharpened like spears into the sky as lightning illuminated it from behind. It was, you suppose,
imposing, at least. It would be, to people that weren't a proud and brave Paladin such as yourself. You had been training now for well over a decade, passed from being a mere priest to being of the Order. And now…
now you have heard of a particularly evil black dragon.
you were going to slay it. It was to be the start of your legend. The goblin tribe? Easy. That orc warband? Barely an effort. That one had even gained you a kiss from a princess. But this? Oh, no,
this was going to be the start of a massive change. People would know your name, they would
know Baeran Anderghast. With that in mind, you begin to walk down the path towards the mountain, it would be a mighty trek, filled with all sorts of dangers you were sure. But none a threat to you, not one of your abilities.
"Sir, you don't want to be going that way."
You turn your head to see a maiden leaning against the nearby rocks, she is rather fetching. With blue, almost white hair, a silver blouse, and eyes of a matching silver. She is beautiful… and her being here is rather surprising given the fact that the town was a good ten miles back.
"Oh? And why is that?"
She turns her head to look towards the most jagged peak. "That's Acidclaw's domain. You are no match for him."
You smile. "Milady, it is simply my duty to fight him, and I shall. Might I ask what you yourself are doing here?"
The woman smiles. "I seek a flower that grows near the peak, I was waiting until nightfall so that the beast would be asleep. It is… for my mother."
You smile back, another quest it would seem. "Then I shall retrieve it for you."
"You would not know what it looks like, and as stated, I would not suggest fighting that dragon."
"Then describe it to me and I shall gather it, and I
will slay the dragon."
The woman shakes her head and points down the path. "Can't you read the sign?"
You blink, and look. Indeed, jutting out the side of the mountain was… a wooden sign. One you somehow had missed. It was a rather ornate thing truth be told, made of fine wood with golden lettering.
'Beware dragon's lair.
This mighty beast has felled great heroes.'
Your smile widens. "I see! Then slaying this creature will certainly add to my legend."
"That isn'-" the woman starts.
"Tell me fair maiden, what is your name?"
She pauses for a moment, looking at you. "Ci… dny."
"Well Cidny, please kindly describe the flower and I shall fetch it for you once I have slain the beast."
She visibly thinks for a moment, then shakes her head. "I shall go with you, it shall be easier."
"Then I shall protect you with my life." Then you begin to walk down the path.
"That's what I'm afraid of." Cidny replies.
An odd statement, but one you chalk up to a simple mishearing on your part. The trek isn't
particularly hazardous as you make your way up the mountain. The standard assortment of coincidental rockfalls, giant pecking birds, and, oddly enough. More signs. You weren't sure honestly where they came from, but they only seemed to increase in regularity as you made your way further up the peak. You observed them with some amusement, all the while Cidny did her noble best to dissuade you from your task. You understood her trepidation of course, to a farmer such as herself… at least, you assumed that was her occupation. A dragon was a mighty beast to be feared. But you were a Paladin, a noble knight. Here to slay the evils of the world.
'The black dragon of demise will kill you if you continue.'
It may certainly try.
'Attention Paladins: Plate armor is not enough protection, and your unenchanted blade will not pierce the scales of Acidclaw.'
Delightfully specific, yet you have Sune on your side.
'Sune cannot help you.'
You blink at that one, staring at it. You look around for a moment, wondering if you would see signs mentioning other gods. Yet none revealed themselves. You were just a scant few hundred feet from the peak now, where within you could see a large cave that a thick, green gas was billowing out of rhythmically every few seconds. The beast was near.
"Oh, would you look at that." Cidny says. Pointing back down the mountain. "I think I see that flower back the way we came, can we go fetch it?"
You nod your head. "Certainly we can, after I've slain the dragon."
"Baeran, I need to stress again that this isn't
"Milady, fighting a dragon is rarely wise, but it is also the right thing to
do. Therefore, I must do it. I would not ask the farmers to do such a thing."
"The farmers have no interest in fighting it, as the dragon has not bothered the farmers."
You look towards the peak again, staring at yet another sign. You were starting to get rather… confused by them you must admit, their placement felt like the amusements of Cyric, the Mad God. But then, dragons were intelligent, perhaps it had put them there to ward people off?
'Turn back! You won't even give it indigestion! Acidclaw will literally liquefy your body and drink you. She eats things like a spider because she thinks chewing will reduce how effective her teeth are as weapons!'
Though if written by the dragon, the thing would have to be rather full of itself.
You continue onwards, up to the entrance of the cave itself. Cidny has now been rather quiet as you approached the entrance… and you find yourself staring at a truly gargantuan figure. Acidclaw, as she was known. Was easily the size of a castle and looked like she ate them for breakfast besides. Claws the size of small trees, sharp enough to bisect a knight
and his horse with one swoop. Thick, green gas came out of the beasts closed mouth, acidic, deadly. All of Silverymoon working in tandem would have difficulty slaying such a beast, and you stared at it, in horror and awe.
But you are very brave of course. You began to enter the cav-
Cidny's hand grabs your arm, yanking you back, and you turn to look at her.
not." She hisses.
You stare at her in some frustration. "Milady, please return home, this place is much too dangerou-"
That was about all the words you got out before the farmer's fist reared back and punched you in the face… with enough force that you slammed against the rocks with a loud
clang. You blink, dazed slightly, staring at the woman who was now sprouting… crystalline wings colored silver. You open your mouth to speak, a difficult thing with your mouth full of blood, when you both hear it. The
You both look towards the entrance of the cave as Acidclaw sticks her gargantuan head out. Then, lazily, she looks at the two of you.
You and Cidny ran.
You stand, or rather hover, over the remains of your dresser, staring into the same angry eyes that met you well over a decade ago. The same concern was there, the same worry… the same anger.
"What. Happened. To. You." She yanks you further towards her, her cold breath washing over your face. Scales were growing across her perfectly sculpted features. "Tell.
You stare at Cidrom, then move your gaze to the side where… You had gained an audience. Isabella, Fuyao, Miki, Ignis and even Illias… the first time you had seen her in a while, were standing in the doorway. Brynhild was just beside you, looking dearly like she wanted to help but also like she didn't rightly know
You look back at the rather perturbed Silver Dragon, then sigh. She was attempting to save you even now. You had been much like Ignis then, though. Unlike Ignis, you did have
some limits. Also Acidclaw left after you spent some time talking to it.
… She sent you letters from time to time. But regardless, fine. If Cidrom wanted to know what happened to you. Fine. But your audience…
[] [Fine, privately]
[] [Tell her now]