Power Rangers: Sidereal Force (Exalted vs. the World of Darkness / Power Rangers)

Power Rangers Character Sheets (WIP)
Author's Note: I'll remove this part once character creation is finished. It's just to let you know that these five sheets are FAR from finished, I'm just putting them here to get thing's started.

Name: Tommy
Gender: Non-Binary
Ethnicity: Biracial (Unknown Parentage)
Age: ???
Chosen of Journeys
Birth Sign: ???
Exaltation Sign: The Ship's Wheel (The Sign of Survival, Hard Journeys and the Persistence to Defy Obstacles)
  • Anima Power: Spend 1 Essence and make the Lesser Sign of Mercury. For the rest of the scene, the Sidereal and her nearby allies triple their movement speed, whether on foot or in a vehicle. This benefit activates for free while the Sidereal's anima banner flares.
  • Physical Tertiary
    • Strength 1
    • Dexterity 2
    • Stamina (Withstanding Deprivation) 4
  • Social Primary
    • Charisma (Smooth Talker) 4
    • Manipulation (Misdirection) 5
    • Appearance 2
  • Mental Secondary
    • Perception 1
    • Intelligence 3
    • Wits (Getting the Drop On Others) 5
  • Talents Primary
    • Alertness 1
    • Athletics (C) 1
    • Awareness 0
    • Brawl 2
    • Empathy (C) 3
    • Expression 0
    • Intimidation 1
    • Leadership 0
    • Streetwise (C)(Gangs) 3 + 2 = 5
    • Subterfuge 2
  • Skills Secondary
    • Animal Ken (C) 0
    • Crafts 0
    • Drive (C) 0
    • Etiquette 0
    • Firearms (C) 0
    • Larceny 3
    • Melee 1
    • Performance 0
    • Stealth 2
    • Survival (C)(Urban Environments) 3 + 1 = 4
  • Knowledge Tertiary
    • Academics 0
    • Computer 0
    • Finance 0
    • Investigation 1
    • Law 1
    • Medicine 1
    • Occult 1
    • Politics (C) 1
    • Science 0
    • Technology 0
  • Excellence of the Golden Barque (1)
  • Auspicious Prospects For Journeys (1)
  • Rain and Sky Mantra (3)
    • -1 Essence + Roll (Stamina + Survival; Dif 7); Control the weather depending on successes rolled.
  • Becoming the Wilderness (1)(Homebrew)
    • Permanent; The Sidereal reduces the difficulty of all Survival rolls to remain safe, comfortable, and fed in the Wilderness by 3 (minimum of 3). This benefit extends to rolls to help others with the same.
  • Arcane 2
  • Contacts (???) 1
Name: Seth Anderson
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian (Scandinavian Descent)
Age: 17
Chosen of Serenity
Birth Sign: ???
Exaltation Sign: The Pillar (Constellation of Linguistics, Tested Partnerships and Platonic Relationships)
  • Anima Power: Spend 1 Essence and make the Lesser Sign of Venus. For the rest of the scene, the Sidereal and her nearby allies gain the warm and favorable regard of anyone who does not explicitly have an active reason to dislike or mistrust them. This benefit activates for free while the Sidereal's anima banner flares.
  • Physical Secondary
    • Strength 3
    • Dexterity (Precise) 5
    • Stamina 1
  • Social Tertiary
    • Charisma 1
    • Manipulation (Highly Loquacious) 4
    • Appearance 2
  • Mental Primary
    • Perception (Discerning) 4
    • Intelligence (Book Knowledge) 5
    • Wits 2
  • Talents Primary
    • Alertness 2
    • Athletics 0
    • Awareness (C) 3
    • Brawl 0
    • Empathy (C) 0
    • Expression (C)(Poetry) 3 + 2 = 5
    • Intimidation 1
    • Leadership (C) 3
    • Streetwise 0
    • Subterfuge 1
  • Skills Tertiary
    • Animal Ken 0
    • Crafts (C) 0
    • Drive 1
    • Etiquette (C) 1
    • Firearms 0
    • Larceny 0
    • Melee 0
    • Performance (C)(Acting) 3 + 1 = 4
    • Stealth 0
    • Survival 0
  • Knowledge Secondary
    • Academics 2
    • Computer 1
    • Finance 1
    • Investigation 0
    • Law (C) 2
    • Medicine 0
    • Occult 0
    • Politics 2
    • Science 1
    • Technology 0
  • Excellence of the Cerulean Lute (1)
  • Auspicious Prospects for Serenity (1)
  • Blue Vervain Binding (2)
    • -1 Essence + Roll (Intelligence + Law, Dif 6); Bind two people together so that they can permanently understand each other regardless of language barriers.
  • Favorable Inflection Procedure (2)
    • Roll (Charisma + Empathy; Dif Willpower); Makes a target happy, can end rages both mundane and supernatural.
  • Arcane 2
  • Retainer (Club Member) 1
Name: Alex Green
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Black (Haitian)
Age: 16
Chosen of Battles
Birth Sign:
Exaltation Sign: The Spear (Constellation of Melee combat, military discipline and battles won through skill)
  • Anima Power: Spend 1 Essence and make the Lesser Sign of Mars. For the rest of the scene, the Sidereal and her nearby allies reduce all damage inflicted upon them by 1 health level after rolling soak. This benefit activates for free while the Sidereal's anima banner flares.
  • Physical Primary
    • Strength 2
    • Dexterity (Lightning Reflexes) 5
    • Stamina (Tireless) 4
  • Social Secondary
    • Charisma 3
    • Manipulation 1
    • Appearance (Photogenic) 5
  • Mental Tertiary
    • Perception 2
    • Intelligence 1
    • Wits (Changes in Strategy) 4
  • Talents Primary
    • Alertness 2
    • Athletics (C)(Acrobatics) 3 + 2 = 5
    • Awareness 0
    • Brawl (C) 3
    • Empathy 1
    • Expression (C) 0
    • Intimidation (C) 0
    • Leadership (C)(Friendly) 3 + 1 = 4
    • Streetwise 0
    • Subterfuge 1
  • Skills Secondary
    • Animal Ken 1
    • Crafts 1
    • Drive 1
    • Etiquette 0
    • Firearms (C) 1
    • Larceny 0
    • Melee (C) 3
    • Performance 0
    • Stealth 2
    • Survival 0
  • Knowledge Tertiary
    • Academics 0
    • Computer 0
    • Finance 2
    • Investigation 0
    • Law 0
    • Medicine 2
    • Occult 0
    • Politics 1
    • Science 0
    • Technology (C) 0
  • Excellence of the Crimson Panoply (1)
  • Auspicious Prospects for Battles (1)
  • Harmony of Blows (4)
    • -1 or more Essence; Gain 2 additional attacks at the end of the round per Essence spent, up to (higher of Essence or Leadership). Also PERMANENTLY treat initiative rating as Die Roll + Dexterity + Wits + Essence.
  • Arcane 2
  • Fame 1
Name: Jiu Lee
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: East Asian (Korean)
Age: 16
Chosen of Secrets
Birth Sign: ???
Exaltation Sign: The Key (Constellation of Investigations, scholarly knowledge and clever solutions)
  • Anima Power: Spend 1 Essence and make the Lesser Sign of Jupiter. For the rest of the scene, the Sidereal and her nearby allies cannot have their thoughts read or be subjected to magical mind control of any sort. This benefit activates for free while the Sidereal's anima banner flares.
  • Physical Primary
    • Strength (Reserves of Strength) 5
    • Dexterity (Swift) 4
    • Stamina 2
  • Social Tertiary
    • Charisma (Smooth Talker) 4
    • Manipulation 2
    • Appearance 1
  • Mental Secondary
    • Perception 3
    • Intelligence (Analytical) 5
    • Wits 1
  • Talents
    • Alertness 0
    • Athletics 0
    • Awareness 2
    • Brawl 0
    • Empathy 1
    • Expression 0
    • Intimidation 0
    • Leadership 0
    • Streetwise (C) 3
    • Subterfuge (C)(Feigning Inhumanity) 3 + 2 = 5
  • Skills
    • Animal Ken 0
    • Crafts 0
    • Drive 0
    • Etiquette 2
    • Firearms 0
    • Larceny (C) 1
    • Melee 0
    • Performance 0
    • Stealth (C) 2
    • Survival 0
  • Knowledge
    • Academics (C) 2
    • Computer (C) 2
    • Finance 0
    • Investigation (C) 3
    • Law 0
    • Medicine 1
    • Occult (C)(Kindred Lore) 3 + 1 = 4
    • Politics 1
    • Science 1
    • Technology 0
  • Excellence of the Forbidding Manse (1)
    • -1 Essence (+ and -1 Willpower); Either decrease a roll's difficulty by 3 or add Essence dice, spend Willpower for both.
      • Affects: Academics, Computer, Investigation, Larceny, Occult, Stealth, Streetwise, Subterfuge
  • Auspicious Prospects for Secrets (1)
    • Generally provides information related to Fate's design on information; can deliberately invoke by spending 1 Essence and rolling Intelligence + Awareness (dif 6).
  • Black Shards Fall Like Ice (Obsidian Shards)(1)
    • -1 Essence; Attack all characters within an (Essence x 5) meter radius, inflicting 8 lethal damage to each. Hits all characters both in the current reality AND in the Underworld.
  • Efficient Secretary Technique (2)
    • (Roll (Intelligence + Investigation) or -1 Essence; Send a spider to quickly find information on a subject NOT actively hidden.)
  • Unwritten Words Revelation (2)(Homebrew)
    • (Roll (Perception + Investigation); Uncover details about the author of a piece of writing, gaining more details with more successes.)
  • Arcane 2
  • Resources 2
  • Supernatural Status (Vampires) 1
Name: Amanda Hawkins
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian (English)
Age: 16
Chosen of Endings
Birth Sign: ???
Exaltation Sign: The Crow (The Constellation of Awareness, the end of denial and slow but painless deaths)
  • Anima Power: Spend 1 Essence and make the Lesser Sign of Saturn. For the rest of the scene, when the Sidereal and her nearby allies make an attack which inflicts at least one health level of damage after soak, that damage is increased by one additional health level. This benefit activates for free while the Sidereal's anima banner flares.
  • Physical Primary
    • Strength (Never Lets Go) 4
    • Dexterity 2
    • Stamina (Tough As Nails) 5
  • Social Tertiary
    • Charisma 2
    • Manipulation 1
    • Appearance (Unforgettable Face) 4
  • Mental Secondary
    • Perception (Attentive) 5
    • Intelligence 1
    • Wits 3
  • Talents Primary
    • Alertness (C)(Noises) 3 + 2 = 5
    • Athletics (C) 3
    • Awareness 3
    • Brawl (C) 1
    • Empathy 2
    • Expression 0
    • Intimidation 0
    • Leadership 1
    • Streetwise 0
    • Subterfuge 0
  • Skills Tertiary
    • Animal Ken 1
    • Crafts 2
    • Drive 1
    • Etiquette 0
    • Firearms (C) 0
    • Larceny 0
    • Melee 0
    • Performance 1
    • Stealth 0
    • Survival 0
  • Knowledge Secondary
    • Academics 0
    • Computer 0
    • Finance (C)(Budgeting) 3 + 1 = 4
    • Investigation 0
    • Law (C) 1
    • Medicine (C) 3
    • Occult 1
    • Politics 1
    • Science (C) 0
    • Technology 0
  • Excellence of the Violet Bier (1)
  • Auspicious Prospects for Endings (1)
  • Inevitable Pursuit (4)
    • -1 Essence; track a target perfectly for 24 hours without a roll.
  • Arcane 2
  • Mentor (Parent) 1
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[X] DragonParadox
voting for this even though he had a plan name because two people already voted for it and I don't wanna split the vote even more for the eventual tally
I have to say if my plan does end up winning that kid is going to have some interesting times with two Sidereal parents. Good luck getting one over on mom and dad when both of them have mastery over fate. They might Awaken as a Mage out of sheer teenage rebellion. :V
I mean it has the advantages that we have a lot of factions to interact with, including some that are so evil we will have no trouble looting them for information and er... money. I don't think the locals take jade obols the barbarians. :V
As I said in my vote, I'm kind of biased.

Crit asked if he could use Seraphim Glade as a suggestion, as it's where my Power Rangers campaign is taking place and there's a lot of world building for it already.

Don't worry, it's just me being catty.
Another roll I wanted to do in-thread, this one isn't secret: Generally speaking, the Violet Ranger's kid shouldn't have any special powers because they were born before the Violet Ranger gained their Exaltation. But hey, sometimes Fate does weird things, so I'll do a d10 roll: On a 9+, there's something special about this kid (won't be SIGNIFICANT, but still notable), otherwise they're just an ordinary baby.

EDIT: By "special," I'm not talking normal talents, I'm talking stuff like potential for magic, a Changeling soul, etc.

Result: Nope, just a normal baby. Proceed :p
Critian Caceorte threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Is the baby special? Total: 6
6 6
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Another roll I wanted to do in-thread, this one isn't secret: Generally speaking, the Violet Ranger's kid shouldn't have any special powers because they were born before the Violet Ranger gained their Exaltation. But hey, sometimes Fate does weird things, so I'll do a d10 roll: On a 9+, there's something special about this kid (won't be SIGNIFICANT, but still notable), otherwise they're just an ordinary baby.

EDIT: By "special," I'm not talking normal talents, I'm talking stuff like potential for magic, a Changeling soul, etc.

Result: Nope, just a normal baby. Proceed :p

Ah, that just means we are going to have to make the baby special :V
(No, but seriously though It's meant to be a baby, but when it grows up it would probably be safer for it to have some kind of magic to fall back on)
CC2 Vote Period Ends
Alright, closing the vote now. @DragonParadox 's plan is the winner, and we'll proceed from there in Seattle! I do have the next update written up, but first, another mystery roll. Like the one I did for the previous vote announcement, this is actually a hidden roll I did off-thread, but in order to be fair I'll do it again here. If it's too bad, I'll use my original roll instead. As for that first roll, well, you're going to be seeing it here.
Scheduled vote count started by Critian Caceorte on Dec 11, 2024 at 11:18 PM, finished with 25 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Go Go Power Exalts
    -[X][City] Seattle, Washington
    -[X] Blue Seth Anderson
    -[X] Male
    -[X] Seth was born to a family in decline, once they might have been considered part of the city's old money, but now they are rather more 'old' than 'money', his father obsessed with the kind of get rich quick schemes that were amusing when Seth was a wide eyed kid and just worrying now. His mother meanwhile encourages him to get a good education in law like his paternal grandfather (deceased) and vaguely tolerates his interest in poetry as 'a good hobby to attract the right sort'
    -[X] High powered civil rights lawyer, even in the World of Darkness some people try to use the law to protect others
    -[X] H. G. Lovelace: Yes, he is aware of the racism, yes and the sexism, yes he still likes it, cosmic horror is cool, not to mention he has a certain affinity to the young Lovelace who was born under similar circumstances of faded fortunes as himself
    [X][Green] Jiu Lee
    -[X] Female
    -[X] The daughter of first generation Korean immigrants Jiu has always felt trapped between two worlds, though she sometimes jokes about parental expectations in truth she struggles more with a pervasive feeling that the world is fake, a facade over some hidden rot, that every smiling face hides some dark secret or unspoken shame. When her best friend Sofia vanished two years ago people just seemed to forget about her with terrifying speed, they told Jiu 'don't bring up bad memories', 'they are just processing', but it didn't look to her like they were processing at all... it looked like they were scared.
    -[X] Supernatural detective, though she would not have lived long in this line of work it would have been long enough to unveil some trully terrifying secrets of the Powers that Be, vampiric and otherwise
    -[X] Sofia Rossellini wasn't dead... well she was, but she wasn't gone, she was a vampire now or Kindred, she had been selected to serve the patron of her family in a more 'exalted' position, that's right patron. Her family have vampire blood in them, something called 'revenants' of 'Clan Giovanni'. You would think awakening to phenomenal cosamic power and a supernatural mentor in a crystal would come with answers, but he doesn't know what any of those names mean either. Fine, fine, she'll find the truth herself.
    [X][Red] Alex Green
    -[X] Male
    -[X] The son of blue collar parents who love both him and his siblings dearely but have little time to spend with their family due to late hours and heavy debts Alex is outgoing with teens his own age, but shy in any sort of official setting like class
    -[X] Olimpic Fencer
    -[X] Feencing
    [X][Violet] Amanda Hawkins
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Adopted at a young age her parents never hid the fact from her, though she has never felt less loved for it she does wonder who her birth parents are
    -[X] A brilliant career in medicine crowned with the cloneing of the first artificial organs
    -[X] Amanda was not, as people insisted over and over again, the kind of person one would expect to be a teenage mother. A band kid with few friends and not a whsiper of a boyfriend until last year she fell hard for the captain of the fencing team and for a while things seemed to go swimingly. Until things went a little too well... Her decision to keep the baby was that ended the relationship as her boyfriend told her in no uncertain terms that he wasn't ready to be a father and she certainly wasn't ready to be a mother. Privately Amanda worried that she might be right, though at least her parents support her
    [X][Yellow] Tommy
    -[X] Non-Binary
    -[X] Tommy vaguely remebers their parents getting shot, or what might have been their parents, there was a lot of blood. Being dropped into the foster-care system at four years old taught them what people expected to hear and so they said the words over and over, different for each person. They got called a liar... then a theif... then they just decided it was better to leave than stick around for 'the consequences' which invariably had more to do with their foster parents issues than anything they had done
    -[X] Crime Boss, turns out when you are good with people and just a little lucky you can go quite far
    -[X] Slick, when she stummbled into the middle of a drug deal (or really the drug deal stumbled over his corner of abandoned tunnels) he managed to convince the very twitchy gang members to not just refrain from shooting them but to pass them a 100 dollar bill from their newly exchanged rolls of money
    [X] Plan: Dansborough Irregulars
    -[X][City] Dansborough, Indiana
    -[X][Blue] Daphne Jones
    --[X] Female
    --[X] Daphne wants to be a writer, more than that she wants to inspire others to write, seeing it as the ultimate expression of self and one of the best forms of creation.
    --[X] She would go on to write a Pretty Decent Book of poetry that would be sold to schools all over the country. It wouldn't be the outreach she would've wanted to have but she's glad that at the very least her works are reaching students.
    --[X] J.T. Smith: the Author of her favorite set of books as a child the Records of Nostella, even if in hindsight the Lion Jesus was a bit out there.
    -[X][Green] Antony Smith
    --[X] Male
    --[X] Antony grew up in a pretty normal household by his own standards, a hard working dad who tries his best to be there a strict mom who pushes him to be the best he can be and a Little Brother who he cherishes despite being a brat. Despite that, or maybe even because of it Antony has always had this...sensation for the weird and wild, Something that has been compared to his Uncle's own eye for it.
    --[X] He would've been a well known Environmental Chemist, at least in the circles that are known to saving the Environment with his eye for oddness and his ways to try and help restore equilibrium. He would do this as an Extraordinary Citizen.
    --[X] Antony has an Uncle who one would call a respectable Engineer with Big dreams and bigger expectations of how technology should work. He's supposedly working with the government to help advance the space race and humanity's reach into the stars. In reality and only know to Antony, His Uncle Nick is a Mage or as he prefers to be called an Enlightened Scientist. One of the Void Engineers of the technocracy tasked with shoring up the defenses of Dansborough to prevent VERY hostile and alarmingly alien presence from doing much damage. The only reason Antony even knows half of this, that Nick is an Enlightened Scientist and his job is called Void Engineers, is because his Uncle thinks he would make a good Extraordinary Citizen planning on slowly inducting him into the world of Sorcery whenever he's around.
    -[X][Red] Howard Atlas
    --[X] Howard Atlas was an orphan, who was adopted by a loving if a bit absent Mother. Finding that the only way for him to have the attention he wants to have actually Stick with him he had to find something that would well naturally draw people's attention. And he Found it and Enjoyment in being the Star of his school's Soccer Team.
    --[X] He would've actually been able to go pro and make it to the big leagues. Not the best of the best by far, but definitely in better than rest tier, and besides when people would remember him his personality would speak louder than Skills.
    --[X] Soccer
    -[X][Violet] Jenny McAlister
    -[X] Female
    -[X] To be honest for most of her life Jenny has just been a face in the crowd, a nobody in a horde of nobodies, sure she had a bit of talent for music but she doubted it would lead anywhere. Up until she met her boyfriend. Markus Kent or just Mark, is without a doubt a believer, someone who is passionate about life and wants to spread this passion to Jenny as well. and he did! maybe a bit too well...leading up to this situation. Well at least he and her parents are helping her out with this.
    -[X] Her child would be her muse to write her own songs, feeling emotions that could only be expressed through song at least for her. This would lead to her becoming a musician of prestige.
    -[X] Mark Kent, he's there, he's struggling with being a father and his own studies, but he's doing his best to be the man Jenny needs right dad and the Dad the child needs as well.
    -[X][Yellow] Tommy
    --[X] Non-Binary
    --[X] Tommy vaguely remebers their parents getting shot, or what might have been their parents, there was a lot of blood. Being dropped into the foster-care system at four years old taught them what people expected to hear and so they said the words over and over, different for each person. They got called a liar... then a theif... then they just decided it was better to leave than stick around for 'the consequences' which invariably had more to do with their foster parents issues than anything they had done
    --[X] Crime Boss, turns out when you are good with people and just a little lucky you can go quite far
    --[X] Slick, when she stummbled into the middle of a drug deal (or really the drug deal stumbled over his corner of abandoned tunnels) he managed to convince the very twitchy gang members to not just refrain from shooting them but to pass them a 100 dollar bill from their newly exchanged rolls of money
    [X][City] Seraphim Glade, Florida

EDIT: Yup, using this die roll as well. The other one I did was far more extreme on both ends, and having an average here is for the best.
Critian Caceorte threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: ??? with !!! Total: 31
5 5 8 8 5 5 9 9 4 4
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In Which We See What Has Lasted
Winning Plan: [X] Go Go Power Exalts
[X] Go Go Power Exalts
-[X][City] Seattle, Washington
-[X] Blue Seth Anderson
-[X] Male
-[X] Seth was born to a family in decline, once they might have been considered part of the city's old money, but now they are rather more 'old' than 'money', his father obsessed with the kind of get rich quick schemes that were amusing when Seth was a wide eyed kid and just worrying now. His mother meanwhile encourages him to get a good education in law like his paternal grandfather (deceased) and vaguely tolerates his interest in poetry as 'a good hobby to attract the right sort'
-[X] High powered civil rights lawyer, even in the World of Darkness some people try to use the law to protect others
-[X] H. G. Lovelace: Yes, he is aware of the racism, yes and the sexism, yes he still likes it, cosmic horror is cool, not to mention he has a certain affinity to the young Lovelace who was born under similar circumstances of faded fortunes as himself
[X][Green] Jiu Lee
-[X] Female
-[X] The daughter of first generation Korean immigrants Jiu has always felt trapped between two worlds, though she sometimes jokes about parental expectations in truth she struggles more with a pervasive feeling that the world is fake, a facade over some hidden rot, that every smiling face hides some dark secret or unspoken shame. When her best friend Sofia vanished two years ago people just seemed to forget about her with terrifying speed, they told Jiu 'don't bring up bad memories', 'they are just processing', but it didn't look to her like they were processing at all... it looked like they were scared.
-[X] Supernatural detective, though she would not have lived long in this line of work it would have been long enough to unveil some trully terrifying secrets of the Powers that Be, vampiric and otherwise
-[X] Sofia Rossellini wasn't dead... well she was, but she wasn't gone, she was a vampire now or Kindred, she had been selected to serve the patron of her family in a more 'exalted' position, that's right patron. Her family have vampire blood in them, something called 'revenants' of 'Clan Giovanni'. You would think awakening to phenomenal cosamic power and a supernatural mentor in a crystal would come with answers, but he doesn't know what any of those names mean either. Fine, fine, she'll find the truth herself.
[X][Red] Alex Green
-[X] Male
-[X] The son of blue collar parents who love both him and his siblings dearely but have little time to spend with their family due to late hours and heavy debts Alex is outgoing with teens his own age, but shy in any sort of official setting like class
-[X] Olimpic Fencer
-[X] Feencing
[X][Violet] Amanda Hawkins
-[X] Female
-[X] Adopted at a young age her parents never hid the fact from her, though she has never felt less loved for it she does wonder who her birth parents are
-[X] A brilliant career in medicine crowned with the cloneing of the first artificial organs
-[X] Amanda was not, as people insisted over and over again, the kind of person one would expect to be a teenage mother. A band kid with few friends and not a whsiper of a boyfriend until last year she fell hard for the captain of the fencing team and for a while things seemed to go swimingly. Until things went a little too well... Her decision to keep the baby was that ended the relationship as her boyfriend told her in no uncertain terms that he wasn't ready to be a father and she certainly wasn't ready to be a mother. Privately Amanda worried that she might be right, though at least her parents support her
[X][Yellow] Tommy
-[X] Non-Binary
-[X] Tommy vaguely remebers their parents getting shot, or what might have been their parents, there was a lot of blood. Being dropped into the foster-care system at four years old taught them what people expected to hear and so they said the words over and over, different for each person. They got called a liar... then a theif... then they just decided it was better to leave than stick around for 'the consequences' which invariably had more to do with their foster parents issues than anything they had done
-[X] Crime Boss, turns out when you are good with people and just a little lucky you can go quite far
-[X] Slick, when she stummbled into the middle of a drug deal (or really the drug deal stumbled over his corner of abandoned tunnels) he managed to convince the very twitchy gang members to not just refrain from shooting them but to pass them a 100 dollar bill from their newly exchanged rolls of money

Back inside of his base of residence, the being once known as Chejop Kejak analyzed the results as they came in. While the newfound hosts of course had yet to come into their power and would not yet for days or weeks, his systems were still able to track the location of the newly released Exaltations and thus who they chose to bond with. And the results from what he saw…

Well, best to start with from the top, here.

CK initial attitude towards Red Ranger (d10): 9, Preferential Candidate

While the traditional Sidereal was known for their skill at fighting with fists and feet alone, a swordmaster, young as he was, was certainly a good prospect. After all, several of the concepts from fencing could easily be adapted to martial arts, and the Chosen of Battles were already inclined to weaponry in the first place. Not to mention Mr. Green's experience serving as the leader of a team of sword wielders could serve him well leading the team into battle should he be given that position. Depending on how often he served as a tutor for his squadron, he might be able to instruct the other rangers in the art of the blade. It might even be possible, though something that Kejak would advise against personally, to recruit the rest of the team to the fight against the darkness.

Overall, a nearly perfect candidate for Mars' Chosen, with only the young man's, well,
youth serving as a downside, and that was easily remedied with experience. If he had to choose a team leader from the outset, few were as good in his eyes as this boy.

(At this time, the former Sidereal had no knowledge of Mr. Green and Ms. Hawkins relationship, due to their efforts to remain apart. If he did, his opinion might have changed, not because the young man wasn't talented, but that putting him in charge of his estranged lover might cause intergroup conflict.)

Next, the Violet Ranger.

CK initial attitude towards Violet Ranger (d10): 8, Great Choice

Some might say that Ms. Hawkins being a young mother without the father being present would have impacted her prospects in the ancient's eyes. And were she without family, that might be a good point. As it was, the largest issue with her child was in the babe's future. While not Star-Blessed, he was still the child of a Sidereal, and thus likely doomed to forget his parent's face and name, which could be… traumatic for such children. Often damning them to a life of wandering, investigations, drug use or any combination of the 3.

Yet, the child would still have caretakers in the form of his grandparents, so that was one problem solved. And with it, the benefits that Ms. Hawkins brought to the table became more visible. For instance, though a new mother she was in excellent physical shape with sharp senses. So sharp, in fact, that though mortal at this moment when he observed her through the computer's sensors, she seemed to catch on that she was being observed with a reflex to look around. Quite impressive, though with how tied the sensors were to her Exaltation, might not be as powerful with other forms of divination. Still, he could be wrong in that regard.

And that wasn't even taking into account a mother's instinct to protect her children. While it might lead her to decline the Ranger title to exclusively protect her son, it could go in the opposite direction and give her the motivation to take up this mission. And he was willing to bet that the latter might be more likely.

After that, the Yellow Ranger.

CK initial attitude towards Yellow Ranger (d10): 6, Not Bad

While not his ideal candidate, Kejak could still see some upsides in Tommy's future Exaltation. Having strong connections to the underworld could give the team the contacts they needed to dig up some information on their enemies, or at least acquire certain items more easily. And the child's lack of connections was actually a benefit for a Sidereal, as they inevitably lost most of those anyway. Much less pain in the future when relatives would typically forget they exist.

Yet, it was those same criminal ties that could prove a problem if the child wasn't recruited. A ronin Sidereal was perfectly fine so long as they did not fight against heaven, but one so heavily implanted into the (mundane) underworld was a disaster waiting to happen, because like it or not, the Sidereal Exalted were GOOD at being criminals. Really good. Well, that was just a worry for the future. Kejak was confident that he could give an offer that the child
could refuse, but would prefer to accept.

The penultimate candidate was the Green Ranger, and…

CK initial attitude towards Green Ranger (d10): 6, Not Bad

…she was acceptable as well. Having connections to the supernatural could prove useful in acquiring information about the state of things. While Kejak's sensors could gather quite a lot of information, they were sadly limited in how many things they could observe at once outside of the Exalted. If he had the location, for example, for where a group of werewolves were meeting, he could easily observe the meeting in secrecy. But that assumed he knew the meeting place beforehand, which couldn't be guaranteed. And dimensional pockets took time to locate and penetrate, which made the Raksha and Sorcerers here more irritating to locate compared to the more earthbound Vampires.

Ms. Lee's inquisitive nature was a good thing to develop for one of Jupiter's Chosen, and he would do his best to encourage it while training up her martial skills in case she found herself in a bad situation. But like Tommy, a dread possibility kept raising its head: The idea that instead of signing up for the mission, she might turn her trade to supporting her friend's newfound faction. A faction he had never heard of before at that, did one of the Vampire Clans change their name to "Giovanni"? Was it to better hide themselves among humans? He didn't know, once again his long sleep had blinded him to the changes made in the world.

But he could worry about that later. For now, Ms. Lee was still likely to be more of an asset than a hindrance. Which left the last Sidereal to catch his eye…

CK initial attitude towards Blue Ranger (d10): 5, Suitable

This wasn't to disparage Mr. Anderson, he was a perfectly suitable Range as well, he just didn't have as many good points to make him exceptional compared to his peers. His hobbies in literature were perfectly fine in moderation, though it seems that with the further falling of his family's fortunes he had turned to it as an almost coping mechanism. Understandable, and certainly healthier than the alternatives, though it isolated him from his peers almost as much as his family's decline did. While Kejak couldn't deny the enjoyment of finding a good book to read, his preferences leaned more towards the nonfiction and informational, rather than the fictional tales of imagined horrors.

Unlike the rest of his Circle however Mr. Anderson was painfully unathletic, and without the excuse of malnutrition which Tommy had. He would need to be trained almost from the ground-up, assuming that his Exaltation didn't provide enough of a foundation already. A Sidereal could focus their efforts in the realms of invention and sociability, but at the end of the day it was still expected that they should be able to defend themselves. He just hoped that the learning curve wouldn't prove too steep for the young man.

Yet, overall, this newfound Circle had promise, moreso than he could have hoped for considering the age group they fell into. Perhaps the ancient was wrong to worry so much about the team's future prospects. Particularly since he was dealing with a major issue on his end…

Degradation (Choose 1)
[][Degradation] Insecure Location
  • Once upon a time, the base may have been safely hidden away… but too many Ages have passed. SOMEONE has or will discover the base's location soon, and they want whatever's inside of it.
  • If not taken, then the base should remain fully secure to outsiders… assuming a traitor doesn't arise among the team.
[][Degradation] I'm a Computer!
  • Kejak may be one of the most knowledgeable individuals out there regarding the Age of Legends… but he's not a Sidereal anymore. He has no means of teaching the Secret Arts to the Rangers, and is forgetting how such maneuvers are even performed.
  • If not taken, then Kejak will have access to a few Secret Art Styles to teach the Rangers.
[][Degradation] A Damaged Machine
  • "The machine" is broken. It cannot be used until fixed, and fixing it will require quite an arduous journey.
  • If not taken, then "the machine" is in pristine condition.
[][Degradation] United WE Stand
  • It shouldn't be happening, but it is. SOMETHING, or SOMEONE, is getting the recently Exalted Infernals in contact with one another. And though they might not trust one another initially, sooner or later they'll be getting along and coordinating with one another.
  • If not taken, then the Infernals will not be connected with one another, and thus the Rangers can tackle them one at a time.

But it wasn't all doom and gloom either. Thankfully, some of the extra preparations for this day when the facility was created had not failed, which ultimately left the future team in a better position than they might otherwise. The biggest gift still retained from the Age of Legends was of course-

Boon (Choose 1)
[][Boon] Loom-Emulation Module
  • Cannot be taken with "Insecure Location"
  • Formerly a Starmetal Alchemical in Creation who sacrificed their life to be turned into this device, the Loom-Emulation Module is part-pocket dimension, part reality stabilizer, and will allow the creation of Prophecies in a city-wide area.
  • If not taken, there are other ways to use Astrology here. But, they are much riskier. After all, Sidereal Astrology typically relies on either the Loom of Fate or the Pattern Spiders to work, and who controls the Pattern Spiders?
[][Boon] Ancient Secrets
  • Cannot be taken with "I'm a Computer!"
  • Kejak's systems will not just include Secret Arts styles, but also quite a number of Ancient Sorcery spells to learn. In addition, ???
  • If not taken, then the ??? can still be achieved, but requires a long chain of specific actions and research. CK will have a few Secret Arts Styles in his databases, but not every single one that's ever existed.
[][Boon] A Cache of Magic
  • Cannot be taken with "A Damaged Machine"
  • One of, if not THE last supply of Starmetal in the world has been hidden away in this base, alongside a stash of Jade. Could be used to make impressive magical items, or to supply a one-time full repair of "the machine."
  • If not taken, then "the machine" will be fully functional, but will require a long quest to find materials if broken. Starmetal is difficult to find on planet Earth because of the lack of regular asteroid collisions, but it might be easier out in the depths of space. Jade on the other hand can be found on Earth, but is often highly prized by the Hungry Dead for their own works.
[][Boon] A Sixth Ranger
  • Cannot be taken with "United WE Stand"
  • A Sixth Exaltation with an associated uniform has been stashed away. If unleashed, a random person will receive the power, but they WILL be willing to take up the team's mission and start off friendly with the squad. The Exaltation is random, not a Sidereal, not an Infernal, but definitely Celestial level.
  • If not taken, there will be other opportunities to recruit other Exalted to the team, they just might take a lot of convincing. Plus, they'll need a uniform made for them, and where are you going to find the materials for that?

Meanwhile, as the days went by, odd signs began to appear around the five teenagers. Strange coincidences, omens that they instinctively KNEW were important even though they had no idea why. As the weeks passed, these signs became more prominent and intense, and eventually all five were drawn to a situation in the middle of the night. Led out of their homes (or living space in Tommy's case) by such a strong instinct, they arrived at the same location at the same time, and it was at this moment that their strange phase of life culminated into subtle power.

But what WAS the situation which they had been led to deal with?

[][Situation] A turf war between Vampires, as Kindred and Hungry Dead fought openly for dominance of the coastlines. The violence can be stopped here, either through diplomacy or overwhelming dominance, but it will be difficult.

[][Situation] An outpouring of smog-Banes from an old factory outside of the city's center, heading towards the populated suburbs. They must be fought, but can they even be killed by such an inexperienced team?

[][Situation] An unusual outdoor meeting between Technocracy agents. Stealth is of the utmost priority here, to avoid getting discovered and shot.

The Vote Will End on December 17th at 4:00 PM PST. This may change if necessary.
Please vote in a plan format for this vote.

Author's Note: And with our team members chosen, we're slowly ticking down the clock for the prologue. If you're interested in what the ORIGINAL rolls for CK's attitude towards the team candidates, it was:

Journeys (3), Serenity (7), Battles (1), Secrets (10), Endings (1)

Yeah, not the best rolls here. What does Attitude have to do with anything? You'll just have to see, but it can go lower or higher depending on the character's actions. As is, Chejop likes the team as a whole a lot more than he would have otherwise, even if not to the same extreme heights.

If you have any questions regarding the Boons, I'll do my best to answer as best as I can, with the exception of the ???. What I WILL say about the ??? is that they're something that could not exist in Creation for several reasons. Oh, and the ??? is multiple, I guess that's also important.

As for what the "machine" is, c'mon. Its Power Rangers. You know what that means.

Thanks everyone who voted last time, I really appreciate it.
Thoughts on degradation and boons:

Degradation (Choose 1)
[][Degradation] Insecure Location
  • Once upon a time, the base may have been safely hidden away… but too many Ages have passed. SOMEONE has or will discover the base's location soon, and they want whatever's inside of it.
  • If not taken, then the base should remain fully secure to outsiders… assuming a traitor doesn't arise among the team.
[][Degradation] I'm a Computer!
  • Kejak may be one of the most knowledgeable individuals out there regarding the Age of Legends… but he's not a Sidereal anymore. He has no means of teaching the Secret Arts to the Rangers, and is forgetting how such maneuvers are even performed.
  • If not taken, then Kejak will have access to a few Secret Art Styles to teach the Rangers.
[][Degradation] A Damaged Machine
  • "The machine" is broken. It cannot be used until fixed, and fixing it will require quite an arduous journey.
  • If not taken, then "the machine" is in pristine condition.
[][Degradation] United WE Stand
  • It shouldn't be happening, but it is. SOMETHING, or SOMEONE, is getting the recently Exalted Infernals in contact with one another. And though they might not trust one another initially, sooner or later they'll be getting along and coordinating with one another.
  • If not taken, then the Infernals will not be connected with one another, and thus the Rangers can tackle them one at a time.
Insecure Location: Very much depends on who knows about this place. In the world of Darkness where magic is rare and the veil ever-thickening this is the a king's ransom in magic, and not one of those puny mortal kings. On the other hand the fact that they have not moved so far gives me hope that we are dealing with a relatively small information leak which can be fixed by removing the individual in question. It feels like the one that requires the least active effort early on which is good because that is when the team will mostly struggle with their life school balance. Eventually we will be able to use magic to make people care less about these teens skipping all the school, but for now better the lurking danger that comes to us than the problem we have to actively solve though a long quest chain

I'm a Computer!: This is quite bad, the Secret Arts are among the most powerful tools of the Sidereal Exalted and a vital part of allowing them to stand toe to toe with Solaroids like Infernals. We are not going to have a Wild Hunt backing us up.

A Damaged Machine: I am not sure what the Machine is, but I rather think this is a significant equalizer for the kind of stuff the infernals will throw at us (minions for days!) so I would rather not risk it

United WE Stand: This is giving the opposition another exalt as well as potentially knowledge of creation beside whatever they can pull out of the Umbra, really not a good idea since information supremacy is another one of those things we need to leverage our comparatively weaker and more specialized charms

[][Boon] Loom-Emulation Module
  • Cannot be taken with "Insecure Location"
  • Formerly a Starmetal Alchemical in Creation who sacrificed their life to be turned into this device, the Loom-Emulation Module is part-pocket dimension, part reality stabilizer, and will allow the creation of Prophecies in a city-wide area.
  • If not taken, there are other ways to use Astrology here. But, they are much riskier. After all, Sidereal Astrology typically relies on either the Loom of Fate or the Pattern Spiders to work, and who controls the Pattern Spiders?
[][Boon] Ancient Secrets
  • Cannot be taken with "I'm a Computer!"
  • Kejak's systems will not just include Secret Arts styles, but also quite a number of Ancient Sorcery spells to learn. In addition, ???
  • If not taken, then the ??? can still be achieved, but requires a long chain of specific actions and research. CK will have a few Secret Arts Styles in his databases, but not every single one that's ever existed.
[][Boon] A Cache of Magic
  • Cannot be taken with "A Damaged Machine"
  • One of, if not THE last supply of Starmetal in the world has been hidden away in this base, alongside a stash of Jade. Could be used to make impressive magical items, or to supply a one-time full repair of "the machine."
  • If not taken, then "the machine" will be fully functional, but will require a long quest to find materials if broken. Starmetal is difficult to find on planet Earth because of the lack of regular asteroid collisions, but it might be easier out in the depths of space. Jade on the other hand can be found on Earth, but is often highly prized by the Hungry Dead for their own works.
[][Boon] A Sixth Ranger
  • Cannot be taken with "United WE Stand"
  • A Sixth Exaltation with an associated uniform has been stashed away. If unleashed, a random person will receive the power, but they WILL be willing to take up the team's mission and start off friendly with the squad. The Exaltation is random, not a Sidereal, not an Infernal, but definitely Celestial level.
  • If not taken, there will be other opportunities to recruit other Exalted to the team, they just might take a lot of convincing. Plus, they'll need a uniform made for them, and where are you going to find the materials for that?

Loom-Emulation Module: Astrology is a good way to pull up information, but it's not the only one and we have a lot of charms that can do the job well enough, not to mention a plethora of potential informants from ghosts to spirits

Ancient Secrets I think Ancient Secrets is the go to here. Ancient Sorcery is a great bonus from exorcism and access to the Spirit World to knock out fog. Not to mention the mystery box at the end of a quest chain. Since this is a second bonus we will not feel compelled to try to get to it fast as well. There should be an adjustment time after all

A Cache of Magic: this is another magical path, the problem I see with it is that even with the cashes we will still run out of the stuff. We are not going to run out of magic casting spells

A Sixth Ranger: This has the potential to be very powerful and great synergy... but OOC I think the cast is large enough already. We are going to have to take some time exploring the dynamics between them.

With all that said:
[X][Degradation] Insecure Location
[X][Boon] Ancient Secrets

As for the circumstances:
[X][Situation] An outpouring of smog-Banes from an old factory outside of the city's center, heading towards the populated suburbs. They must be fought, but can they even be killed by such an inexperienced team?

The Wyrm is a nice uncomplicated enemy for our team to fight. Sure they are going to struggle a bit figuring out how to punch ghosts, but that is better than them agonizing over attacking someone who still is more or less human.
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So, thought I might clarify some things here:
A Damaged Machine: I am not sure what the Machine is, but I rather think this is a significant equalizer for the kind of stuff the infernals will throw at us (minions for days!) so I would rather not risk it
I'm guessing you're coming at this solely from the Exalted side. Power Rangers is known for three things: colorful costumes, martial arts, and, well, THIS.

So yeah, that should give you an idea by what the "machine" might be.
This is giving the opposition another exalt
So, the Degradation and Boons are inversely proportional to each other, but they're not exact opposites, save for "the machine" and the extra cache of materials. The Loom-Emulation Module is the inverse of Insecure Location because it allows the team to find other individuals via astrology, rather than being found themselves. The Ancient Sorcery knowledge + the ??? constitutes additional pathways of knowledge, while I'm a Computer is lack of otherwise necessary pathways.

And finally, for the point you mentioned regarding The Sixth Ranger and United WE Stand: No, United WE Stand does not give the enemy "team" an extra member, they already outnumber the Rangers by 1. Rather, it makes THEM a team to match your own, instead of being independent polities. Meanwhile, Sixth Ranger evens the odds for your team at the staet, so it's 6 vs. 6. It's not a strictly necessary boon to take, none of them truly are, but like the rest it's nice to have.
Loom-Emulation Module: Astrology is a good way to pull up information, but it's not the only one and we have a lot of charms that can do the job well enough, not to mention a plethora of potential informants from ghosts to spirits
So, that's one thing Astrology is used for. More relevantly, it's also used for creating Destinies. I probably should have specified that more, but it's a good way to influence the Fate of a lot of people at once, or even on a more personal long-term Scale.

Hope that helps.
[X][Degradation] A Damaged Machine

[X][Boon] Ancient Secrets

The Mystery Box has my attention, and honestly I think that the Machine...is something we should work for. It is one of the coolest things about the series, and so to not have it right away will make repairing it later and feeling the power it grants, SO MUCH more empowering.

[X][Situation] An outpouring of smog-Banes from an old factory outside of the city's center, heading towards the populated suburbs. They must be fought, but can they even be killed by such an inexperienced team?

Not the most knowledgeable on Werewolf Apocalypse, but fighting embodiments of pollution is a nice way to get the others into the World of Darkness Proper. Just hope they don't make an enemy of werewolves for "stealing their thunder" because of it.
Fate destinies and such are key to Sidereal powers, without that we start massively under powered. While Sidereal are the natural masters of MA so not having easy access to them is basically irreverent, as the Exaltation's memories, and innate talent will do just as well.

[x][Degradation] I'm a Computer!
[x][Boon] Loom-Emulation Module
[X][Degradation] A Damaged Machine

[X][Boon] Ancient Secrets

[X][Situation] An outpouring of smog-Banes from an old factory outside of the city's center, heading towards the populated suburbs. They must be fought, but can they even be killed by such an inexperienced team?
The Mystery Box has my attention, and honestly I think that the Machine...is something we should work for. It is one of the coolest things about the series, and so to not have it right away will make repairing it later and feeling the power it grants, SO MUCH more empowering.
Fair enough, it's definitely understandable, though I will iterate again that it's going to be difficult to pull off.
Updated the character sheets with character's names, gender, Attributes and Abilities. I also included Ethnicity moreso for my own purposes so I can keep track of how they look in my mind's eye, still deciding on how Tommy and Amanda look since a physical description wasn't provided. @DragonParadox since it was your plan, any insight you'd like to provide there?

EDIT: Actually, Alex as well, can't decide on how he should look like.

As for the stats, I focused on specialization over general decency in order to differentiate the characters more. So, if you're wondering why Jiu and Amanda have more Strength than Alex, it's because A) as a fencer I figured that Alex focused more on precise strikes and constant bouts rather than hitting someone hard, and B) Exaltation buffed them up quite a bit, even if it's not visible to the naked eye. If you have any questions for why I've assigned which stats where, let me know!

Finally, we've had a few votes come in, if anyone else wants to vote please do so.
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[X][Situation] A turf war between Vampires, as Kindred and Hungry Dead fought openly for dominance of the coastlines. The violence can be stopped here, either through diplomacy or overwhelming dominance, but it will be difficult.

[X][Degradation] A Damaged Machine

[X][Boon] Ancient Secrets

Just to be 100% certain, we're using the Exalted vs The World of Darkness system as made by Holden, right?
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Essence Rating and Anima Rules
Just to be 100% certain, we're using the Exalted vs The World of Darkness system as made by Holden, right?
Correct! Technically speaking I could *try* to adapt Exalted mechanics to the Essence20 system, which Power Rangers officially uses, but that's far too much trouble than just adapting a few small things for ExWoD. Speaking of which, I should probably state: This will be using the new Experience, Anima, Battle Group and Crafting rules he developed outside of the core rulebook. Crafting would take took long to explain for the moment, but essentially for Anima, instead of using a set amount of Essence before the Anima activates, it's instead a state you can consciously trigger in order to improve your max Essence per turn. For Sidereals, that's:

Essence RatingEssence Per Turn (Muted)Essence Per Turn (Active)Max Essence Pool

The new rules for Essence Rating improvements function mostly like 3e: Instead of paying XP to improve the rating, it instead automatically improves after you've spent enough XP at the end of the current story. The levels are 20 XP for Essence 2, 65 XP for Essence 3, 100 for Essence 4 and 150 for Essence 5. You can still spend bonus points at character creation (we're... going to be postponing that for a bit) to improve the Essence Rating at the start, in which case the XP requirements are lowered overall.

Hope that helps.
Updated the character sheets with character's names, gender, Attributes and Abilities. I also included Ethnicity moreso for my own purposes so I can keep track of how they look in my mind's eye, still deciding on how Tommy and Amanda look since a physical description wasn't provided. @DragonParadox since it was your plan, any insight you'd like to provide there?

I was thinking Black for Alex, short hair pretty straight edged, biracial for Tommy to the point where people would just make assumptions of where they are 'from' that span half the world: Kurdistan to Chile that kind of thing fits with the vibe and it's not like they know what their family tree is so they just kind of nod along, or just use the assumption for their own benefit. Amanda I'm less sure of, mousy brown haired white girl maybe, redeem the Bela Swan look? :V