The Lost Rooms

C1P3 voting results
Scheduled vote count started by Shaara1929 on Dec 4, 2024 at 1:45 AM, finished with 5 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Light: 2 differently typed food items (Fruit, Grain, Meat, Vegetable) plus 2 [snacks], and 3 drinks of [Water] a day. (you may suffer from malnutrition depending on the variety of food you consume)
    [X] Continue exploring the office hallway. Map it in the same manner as you have been doing and see if you can still find patterns.
    [X] Explore this new warehouse area. Map it in the same manner as you have been doing for the hallways.
Shaara1929 threw 5 100-faced dice. Total: 282
82 82 90 90 20 20 75 75 15 15
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Character 1 part 4
You decide to wait until you get a source of light before exploring the warehouse. Closing the door, you turn back and continue traveling down the hallway.

Rolling [Perception = 45] (roll = 82)

Searching through the next series of offices starts taking a longer amount of time, as there are more cabinets, desks, and boxes to go through. You manage to find a couple bags of "Chris's Crispy Cheese Chips" and some cans of "Pa's Pawpaw Pop". (+3 snacks) (+4 Soda)

The pattern of 20 offices and a break room continues, most of the offices only have basic supplies in them, and they seem to be getting more and more crowded with boxes of filed paperwork.

Rolling [Intuition 56 + Workplace Safety 20 = 76] (roll = 90) Fail
Rolling [Perception = 45] (roll = 20) Pass!
Rolling [Reaction = 43] (roll = 75) Fail

As you are going through a particularly full cabinet, the sound of the boxes on top of the cabinet shifting reaches your ears. You scramble to get away from the danger, but take a box full of paper to the shoulder. [Right Arm + Hand] -> [Right Arm + Hand: bruised shoulder]

Rolling [Intelligence 49 + First Aid 20 = 69] (roll = 15)

That is going to hurt for a couple days, less if you can find some ice somewhere. Coming down from the adrenaline, you are starting to feel tired. spending most of the day combing through rooms, trying to find a means of escape, and only coming up with the means to survive for a little while longer, has taken a lot out of you. Should you push on, in the hopes of maybe finding more useful supplies, or do you head to the break room, and wind down for the day?

[] Push on, maybe the next room has a freezer.

[] Retire back to the break room. try to get comfortable, and let tomorrow be a new, better day.
[X] Retire back to the break room. try to get comfortable, and let tomorrow be a new, better day.
Do we get composure back from this?
Character 1 Part 5
You awake feeling relatively rested, given the circumstances. Breakfast consists of some fruit cups, and a can of tuna. Not the most appealing of morning meals, but given the circumstances, you literally don't have much of a choice. Maybe the warehouse has some pallets of food in it? You grab a bag of chips and a protein bar for later in the day, as well as the 3 water bottles, and prepare yourself for another day trying to find an exit.
-1 [Fruit], -1[Meat], -2 [Snacks], -3 [Water]
Rolling [Composure = 47] (roll = 70) Fail

Your headspace is not any better from yesterday, but maybe if you found a sleeping bag or a cot or something, you'd be better rested and more mentally prepared for the day.
There was not much in the past series of offices in the way of food or water, so you decide to go down the hall to see if there were any other anomalies in the hallway besides the doors to the warehouse. The first deviation you find after a series of the normal offices is what appears to be a supply closet.

Rolling [Perception = 45] (roll = 27) Pass
Alongside the usual cleaning supplies, you find a small flashlight that uses AA Batteries, alongside a twelve pack of said AA Batteries. There is also a black plastic supply cart, that could be handy for anything too large or heavy to carry a large distance by hand. At the back of the supply closet, is a door with a sign that says "Confined space: certification and proper PPE required past this point".

Rolling [Intelligence 49 + 20 Workplace Safety = 69] (roll = 69) Pass
Well, at least this building doesn't break all the safety rules. Confined spaces require that whoever enters them has a second person outside the door in case of an emergency, as well as protective equipment, depending on the other hazards within the room. You should probably only open that door as a last resort.

Given you have found a source of light, you have a choice to make. Do you:

[] Continue down the hall, to find more deviations in the pattern.
[] Go back to the warehouse now that you have a light source.
[] Ignore the warning sign and enter the confined space.

Current stats and inventory:

[Strength] = 43
[Reaction] = 43
[Intelligence] = 49
[Intuition] = 56
[Perception] = 45
[Composure] = 47
[Stamina] = 43

[Workplace Safety Technician]
[First Aid]
[Archery: Bow]

[Head and Neck]

[Right Arm + Hand] Bruised Shoulder
[Left Arm + Hand]
[Hips + Glutes]
[Right Leg + Foot]
[Left Leg + Foot]

|Personal Inventory|
12 AA Batteries
1 black plastic cart, 40" X 17"

|Break room Inventory|

Food: (14 snacks) (3 Fruit) (2 Meat)(5 Meals: Microwave)
Drink: (4 Water) (2 Soda)

Sink (clear water, maybe bacteria?)
4 electrical outlets
5 Cabinets of storage space
3 Whiteboards with dry erase markers and erasers
notepad with 12 empty pages
100 pages of A4 paper
1 Chair
1 Table
Do we have a way of charging the batteries or the flashlight with the break room's electrical outlets?

The AA batteries found by the character are not rechargeable. The flashlight uses AA batteries, so it isn't rechargeable itself, but if rechargeable batteries were found, those could be used. The character currently has no charging port for rechargeable batteries.
[X] Bring the flashlight along with some snacks, soda, peppers, & AA batteries inside the plastic cart to go explore the warehouse and mark/map it similarly as you were doing for the hallways. Be sure to keep track of any quick exits back to the hallways in case you find any dangers in the warehouse from which you need to escape.

Voting hasn't opened, so you'll want to repost your vote once it does. I was hoping that there were enough people to start discussing ideas. Next post will go back to voting opening directly after the post
[X] Bring the flashlight along with some snacks, soda, peppers, & AA batteries inside the plastic cart to go explore the warehouse and mark/map it similarly as you were doing for the hallways. Be sure to keep track of any quick exits back to the hallways in case you find any dangers in the warehouse from which you need to escape.

Edit: Thanks for the heads up
I set the vote to automatically close at 11:30 EST. We will see if I set it up correctly tomorrow. I'll post the next installment sometime after, as usual.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Shaara1929 on Dec 9, 2024 at 1:38 PM, finished with 2 posts and 1 votes.

  • [X] Bring the flashlight along with some snacks, soda, peppers, & AA batteries inside the plastic cart to go explore the warehouse and mark/map it similarly as you were doing for the hallways. Be sure to keep track of any quick exits back to the hallways in case you find any dangers in the warehouse from which you need to escape.
Shaara1929 threw 3 100-faced dice. Total: 213
89 89 84 84 40 40
Shaara1929 threw 1 20-faced dice. Total: 4
4 4
Shaara1929 threw 1 3-faced dice. Total: 3
3 3
Character 1 Part 6
Loading the cart up with your supplies, you make your way back to the warehouse doors. As you step through the doors, a light turns on, illumination the area you are standing in. There is a aisle that stretches out before you, about 20 feet wide. Pallet racks create smaller aisles that run perpendicular to the main aisle, and are about 10 feet wide. Most of the racking is empty, with an occasional pallet on one of the higher levels of the racking. As you move further into the warehouse, no other lights turn on, and you're flashlight illuminates more of the area. Shining your light on the nearest side aisle, you see it is marked "H2U8435" and the aisles to either side of it are marked "H2U834" and "H2U8436". you turn to the opposite side of the main aisle, and see that the aisle are marked with "H1U8435"

Seeing an easy way to keep track of your location, you start searching for more easy to reach pallets.

Rolling [Perception 45 + Workplace Safety 20 = 65] (roll = 89) Fail
Rolling [Intuition 56 + Workplace Safety 20 = 76] (roll = 84) Fail
Rolling [Reaction = 43] (roll = 40) Pass
Rolling for item falling from rack = 4
Rolling for body part injured = 3

Somehow, you failed to see that one of the pallets in the air was leaning out into the aisle, and as you passed under it, a case toppled down hitting your left arm as you were raising it to protect your head. Fortunately, the box wasn't that heavy, though it still bruised your arm.

[Left arm + hand] -> [Left arm + hand: Bruised forearm]

You heard the sound of glass breaking as the box hit the concrete ground, and upon opening it, find that it contains lightbulbs. You are able to salvage 6 of the 24 lightbulbs contained within the case, though you have no idea what you'll use them for. ( +6 light bulbs: standard)

With no pallets easily accessible on the ground level, you mull over your options.

[] See if you can climb up the racks to access the pallets that are up in the air. (workplace safety: this is dangerous, and made worse with the fact that your arms are bruised. it would be safer if you had a way to secure yourself from falling. The lowest pallet appears to be about 18 feet in the air.)

[] Keep exploring, there eventually has to be some pallets stored on the ground level

[] Give up and go back to the Hallway.

[] Write-in (pending QM approval)

[Head and Neck]

[Right Arm + Hand] Bruised Shoulder
[Left Arm + Hand] Bruised Forearm

[Hips + Glutes]
[Right Leg + Foot]
[Left Leg + Foot]

|Personal Inventory|
12 AA Batteries
1 black plastic cart, 40" X 17"
6 light bulbs: standard
4 [Snacks]
2 [Soda]
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How high up are the pallets? Could you reach the pallets if you stand atop the table/chair from the breakroom or atop the (fliped over) cart?
[X] Empty the cart's contents and flip it over to test whether it's sturdy enough to hold our weight if we stand atop it like a stoop. If the cart is safe enough, just use it as a stool to reach the various pallets. If the cart isn't enough, just drag the table (or the chair if the table is too heavy) and use that as a stool instead. Once you're done checking all the pallets, take stock of the items found.
[X] Empty the cart's contents and flip it over to test whether it's sturdy enough to hold our weight if we stand atop it like a stoop. If the cart is safe enough, just use it as a stool to reach the various pallets. If the cart isn't enough, just drag the table (or the chair if the table is too heavy) and use that as a stool instead. Once you're done checking all the pallets, take stock of the items found.

So the character just has the cart with them, the table and chair are still in the break room. The character could go back and bring them over, it will just take more time.
So the character just has the cart with them, the table and chair are still in the break room. The character could go back and bring them over, it will just take more time.
Yea that's what I mean, if the cart doesn't look sturdy enough to hold our weight to use as a stepping stool, we can just take a little bit more time to just go back to the break room to bring the table or chair to reach the pallets.

we already have 2 bruised arms, I don't want more injuries.
Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Shaara1929 on Dec 12, 2024 at 12:35 AM, finished with 5 posts and 1 votes.

  • [X] Empty the cart's contents and flip it over to test whether it's sturdy enough to hold our weight if we stand atop it like a stoop. If the cart is safe enough, just use it as a stool to reach the various pallets. If the cart isn't enough, just drag the table (or the chair if the table is too heavy) and use that as a stool instead. Once you're done checking all the pallets, take stock of the items found.
Shaara1929 threw 8 100-faced dice. Total: 347
6 6 8 8 46 46 14 14 64 64 91 91 69 69 49 49
Shaara1929 threw 2 24-faced dice. Total: 33
23 23 10 10