DISCO IMPERIUM (Disco Elysium/Warhammer 30k)

There's a lot of inline spoilers, which I don't think is intended.

[X] Peer into the shards of the broken mirror and examine yourself. What do you look like? What's on your face?

Let us see the Empression! Also, are we going to have a task list infomark? That would be nice.
[X] Peer into the shards of the broken mirror and examine yourself. What do you look like? What's on your face?
GOLDEN THRONE: This includes you, too! Both of you. This insult will not go unheeded. My title is not a joke! If I had known we came in *Gold* lettering, I would have done that instead. Now both of you show up, parading around in my color, and I'm stuck with purple?!
Good ole Golden Throne asking the question we all were thinking, the greatest mystery so far in this quest.

[X] Get that cool-ass Sword out of the mirror. You need a friend (and a weapon) in this strange place.
OKAY! Inline Spoilers should be fixed. No idea what caused that. I'm going to blame Tzeentch.

Goddamn it Tzeentch, that wily bastard.
[x] Lean against the wall and *think*. What do you remember? What's waiting for you in there?
[X] Get that cool-ass Sword out of the mirror. You need a friend (and a weapon) in this strange place.
[X] Get that cool-ass Sword out of the mirror. You need a friend (and a weapon) in this strange place.
[X] Peer into the shards of the broken mirror and examine yourself. What do you look like? What's on your face?
[X] Get that cool-ass Sword out of the mirror. You need a friend (and a weapon) in this strange place.

Priorities people.
[x] Peer into the shards of the broken mirror and examine yourself. What do you look like? What's on your face?
what did we see that made us break the mirror? we can't be THAT ugly, can we?
[X] Get that cool-ass Sword out of the mirror. You need a friend (and a weapon) in this strange place.

The Sword through the mirror probably has something to do with a self-inflicted ritual that caused the Emperor's current state, but the Chess Regicide game is more questionable.
At first I thought it might have been the Emperor trying to pull a 'Chess with the Devil' gambit, or maybe a hint that Malcador was present when whatever happened occurred; but the detail of the opposite player having a chair "far too small for any man" is throwing me off. Any guesses? Eldar, maybe?
[X] Get that cool-ass Sword out of the mirror. You need a friend (and a weapon) in this strange place.

The Sword through the mirror probably has something to do with a self-inflicted ritual that caused the Emperor's current state, but the Chess Regicide game is more questionable.
At first I thought it might have been the Emperor trying to pull a 'Chess with the Devil' gambit, or maybe a hint that Malcador was present when whatever happened occurred; but the detail of the opposite player having a chair "far too small for any man" is throwing me off. Any guesses? Eldar, maybe?
I think Emps just thinks he's a normal sized human.
[X] Get that cool-ass Sword out of the mirror. You need a friend (and a weapon) in this strange place.

Get the sword for it is a scalpel for us and we need tools for them stat boosts.
[X] Get that cool-ass Sword out of the mirror. You need a friend (and a weapon) in this strange place.
[X] Get that cool-ass Sword out of the mirror. You need a friend (and a weapon) in this strange place.

Oh look, a sharp friend.
The sword going to add a Voice, I'm betting.
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[X] Get that cool-ass Sword out of the mirror. You need a friend (and a weapon) in this strange place.

Even an emperor can use a friend.
[X] Get that cool-ass Sword out of the mirror. You need a friend (and a weapon) in this strange place.
I always get the necktie before looking the mirror at the start of the game, the sword feels like our necktie counterpart and I would very much like to see if he has a nickname for us. It also would likely be rather difficult to look at a mirror when there is a sword in the middle.