DISCO IMPERIUM (Disco Elysium/Warhammer 30k)

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It is the dawn of the 30th Millennium. Mankind is scattered.

Terra, the homeworld, is ruled by Techno-Barbarians, Biological Monstrosities, and Mad Warlords of all flavors. Humanity calls out for a savior, a unifier, a leader to bring together all the lost worlds of man and usher forth a new golden age.

Meanwhile, in a secret bunker complex in the Himalayas, a 14-foot tall superhuman wakes up in a pool of his own piss, with no memory of who he is or how he got here. There are voices in his head, an army expecting him to lead them to victory, and he can't seem to stop glowing.

Good luck.
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Prologue I: Night Fever


Not Dead Yet
There was a flower blowing
and a hand plucked it.

There was a stream flowing
and a body smirched it.

There was a pure mirror
of water and a face came

and looked in it. There was words
and wars and treaties, and feet trampled

the earth and the wheels
seared it; and an explosion

followed. There was dust
and silence; and out of the dust

a plant grew; and the dew formed
upon it; and a stream seeped

from the dew to construct
a mirror, and the mirror was empty.
- Gone, R. S. Thomas


Shifting. Primeval. Darkness.

Shapes move in the blackness, circling like long-suffering vultures above the wide desert; waiting for the moment when the flesh stops and becomes carrion.

You have been here before, but you never intended to return. We never intended to return.

You are surrounded by abyssal silence. Nothingness greets you. There is no form, no pressure, no feeling at all. The ever-shifting aura that covers your body in the realm of the physical - intensity and force and *power* - is still.

Lost. Forgotten. For a second, and for an eternity.

ANCIENT SHAMANISTIC BRAIN: An impossible amount of time passes. It is utterly bereft of struggle. No clashing legions. No chasing wolves. No biomechanical nightmares given form by the darkness in the depths of the human soul. Nothing.

1. This is great!
2. Where am I? *Who* am I?
3. What was that about 'biomechanical nightmares'?

YOU: What was that about 'biomechanical nightmares'?

LIMBIC SYSTEM: A shock in the system. A tension in the silent depths. There is a moment of connection, a pulse passing between your being and an ocean of burning energy. Not-Flesh surrounds your consciousness, soaking it in existence for a brief, painful moment. Tendrils of the self reach out and seek information. This pathway leads into the thicket and thorns. Cease this pursuit. Remain in the Darkness.

1. (Delve back into the unending darkness.)
2. No, I wanted to know about the nightmares.

YOU: No, I wanted to know about the nightmares.

ANCIENT SHAMANISTIC BRAIN: Biomechanical nightmares, psychic nightmares, nightmares from the stars, nightmares from beneath the Earth. There are nightmares made of every little thing, coming from all places. It is foolish to separate them. They are all obstacles on the path. You will deal with them in time. For now, stay. Rest. The vultures cannot hurt you; even as you are now. They are scavengers, not predators.

1. Ἄγωμεν! Never let me go!
2. No, I need to go now. I like war and burning and standing against the impossible forevermore, despite the near-inevitability of failure.

YOU: No, I need to go now. I like war and burning and standing against the impossible forevermore, despite the near-inevitability of failure.


1. Don't be naive, of course not. I want to traverse the inky blackness until the heat-death of the universe!
2. I do. Let me go.

YOU: I do. Let me go.

LIMBIC SYSTEM: You wouldn't like it if I told you what's out there. What do you think happened to you? Or did you not sense yourself - shattering? Hit so hard pieces of yourself flew away... Pissed off the wrong gang, didn't you, boss?

GOLDEN THRONE: Threats and obstacles on the True Path... We must know what's out there.

1. Wait, someone did this to me?
2. Tell me, what's waiting for me?
3. I don't care, I'm unstoppable.

YOU: Wait, someone did this to me?

LIMBIC SYSTEM: Oh yes. Some real bad motherfuckers. They'll do it again if they get the chance.

1. Tell me, what's waiting for me?
2. I don't care, I'm unstoppable.

YOU: Tell me, what's waiting for me?

LIMBIC SYSTEM: There's this little ball out there. And evil apes. And the evil apes are dukin' it out on the ball. It's basically all just evil apes dukin' it out on a tiny ball. You're one of them. In fact, you're probably the evilest ape of them all. There are worse things than the apes, of course, but the apes made most of those themselves.

YOU: How small is the ball?

LIMBIC SYSTEM: Quite large, actually. You can't even make out it's a ball, when you're dukin' it out. But in the grand scheme of things, as you see them? It's terrifyingly small, but so indescribably precious.

YOU: And what about the apes? Are they small too?

LIMBIC SYSTEM: Infinitesimally small, but also precious. In their own way.

YOU: And what's this about "dukin' it out" you mentioned? That sounds familiar.

LIMBIC SYSTEM: Others would call it vying for resources. That's true, but it's so much more. The Path stretches out before you, and the violence is just the first step. The part that's important for you right now is this: you have to beat the other evil apes in the face or you lose.

OVERLORD: You will not lose, Conqueror. You cannot lose. They will scatter before you like dust before the whirlwind. The future depends on it.

1. Why, exactly, does the future depend on me beating others in the face?
2. That sounds like something I would like to do -- let's get going!

YOU: That sounds like something I would like to do -- let's get going!

ANCIENT SHAMANISTIC BRAIN: Somewhere in the vibrating, energized form around you... *sensations* begin to return.

ANCIENT SHAMANISTIC BRAIN: Like a trap waiting for the rabbit, they snap around your consciousness, forcing it back into place. The form around you begins to buzz and hum, echoing with power. It remembers. It wants to run through the grass once more. Plotting. Hunting. Dancing beneath a moonlit sky.

GOLDEN THRONE: And so we shall. The coming storm cannot impede the True Path. We will navigate all that comes. Mankind shall not be denied its champion.

1. Is this what existence is? It all feels so... fuzzy. Doesn't seem worth the trouble.
2. Stop! I don't want to hear anything more about this *sensation*. Take me back to the formless, disembodied nothing!
3. I fear nothing. Let it come!

YOU: I fear nothing. Let it come!

LIMBIC SYSTEM: Your nose twitches. A sickening combination of smells assaults you: Blood, incense, ozone, and other things besides. Is that Piss? Vomit? Rotting flesh? It swirls together in a terrible whirlwind, surrounding you from all sides. The individual scents are unidentifiable amidst the storm forcing its way into your nostrils.

YOU: What *is* this? What sort of creature sits in this kind of filth?!

LIMBIC SYSTEM: A burning streak besieges your ears, trying to force your eyes open. It's a sound. A rising call that brings forth steel and fire.

FORGEMASTER: Somehow you know what it is - A military trumpet, signalling reveille. Your army awaits.

YOU: [Open your eyes.]

Things have been scattered, shuffled, lost. There are vast empty spaces that were once filled. Do not worry, you may recover these things in time. Focus on the here and now.

Which parts of you are least damaged? Get that out of the way first. [Choose One set of Attributes]
[] Your Mind! And what a mind it is! Expansive, poetic, brilliant, sly, faster than everyone else. Don't worry about the fact that your brain is describing itself as all of these things, it's probably fine.
[] Your Instincts! Your nervous system remembers what it is, and what it does, and what you were, even if you don't. All the little things are still there, you just need to trust your gut and your subconscious. [5 PSYCHE, 4 PHYSIQUE, 2 MOTORICS, 1 INTELLECT]
[] Your Body! You are 14 Feet (or more, if you like) of golden, glowing Wrath. Your footsteps shake the earth. You could wrestle a Titan if you needed to. (We don't recommend doing that, however) [5 PHYSIQUE, 4 MOTORICS, 2 PSYCHE, 1 INTELLECT]
[] Custom: Each Attribute starts at 1. You have 8 points to spend. Attributes cannot go above a 6 (Yet). Technically, you don't need to spend all the points. Nobody is going to argue with you, but that would be a rather bad idea.
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Stats, Skills, Thoughts, and More.
INTELLECT (Raw brain power, how smart you are. Your capacity to understand, deconstruct, and invent): 4
PSYCHE (Sensitivity, your internal drive and motivation. Your power to influence yourself and others.): 4
PHYSIQUE (Your body, in all its glory. How your body is built, how it acts, how it remembers, and how it changes): 2
MOTORICS (Your senses and grace. How well you move your body and react to the world around you.): 2

FORGEMASTER [See the world as a construct, understand its components, dissect it, rebuild it to suit your whims]

Cool For: Scarred Blacksmiths, All-Disciplinary Scientists, Mega-Psykers who May or May Not be the Omnissiah.

Forgemaster is your brain on facts. Existence is just particles interfacing with one another over and over again, and you've had a lot of time to learn your particles. Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, and Quantum-Physics? You know them all. You know how they fit together. You know how they come apart.

At high levels, Forgemaster shares this unending knowledge to an almost overwhelming degree – while you will make crucial breakthroughs, you may be so focused on the gathering and analysis of information that you become more robotic than a Tech-Priest. With low levels of Forgemaster, though, you'll be forced to work with only the events in front of you. For larger projects, you may need to bring in outside help.

RHAPSODIST [Feel the ebbs and flows in the aether around you, understand or invent new concepts, tap into the thoughts of others and make them your own, impress your personality upon everyone]

Cool For: Homeric Poets, Silver-Tongued Demigods, Leaders who Know they are Right

Rhapsodist demands everyone listen. It encourages you to speak to the soul of those around you, your speech drilling into their very hearts. Your words flow from you like a river, beautiful and clear, washing away all that stands before you. Know what others think of you after they speak a single word, and experience their feelings as they do. Adopt, discard, or destroy the arguments and ideas of those before you with a wave of your hand and a twitch of your lips.

At high levels, Rhapsodist makes you a figure of legend, allowing you to override any and all opposing or differing ideas, perhaps too much. Why listen to anyone if you know you're always right? Why should others even bother thinking? At low levels, however, you will be unable to conceive of the lives of others, or examine their beliefs and ideas in a critical light. A leader who does not understand his followers is a poor leader indeed.
GOLDEN THRONE [Follow the True Path, hear the whispering of your previous self/selves, struggle against the Galaxy, Save Mankind]

Cool For: Savior Figures, Reincarnated Shaman Amalgamations, Champions of Humanity.

Golden Throne is the unfiltered wellspring of the Imperium. It is the dream you wish to share with all mankind. The Vision you have worked towards for thousands of years. It is your cause and your purpose. When the Galaxy strikes a blow, it is Golden Throne that whispers in the voices of your forefathers, offering advice and encouragement. It is Golden Throne that gives people the hope for a better future. It is Golden Throne that steers your thoughts back to the true path. You are not alone in this, even in the darkest moments.

At high levels, Golden Throne brings forth visions and specters of the past to help you into the future. They will grow in strength and influence, their prides and schemes becoming yours. You'll have conversations with the dead, conversations that will keep you on the Path you have foreseen, even if circumstances may require otherwise. With low Golden Throne, however, you'll be void of assistance - left alone to build the future. And then how will you know the shape of what is to come?

OVERLORD [Be the Emperor, make the world orderly, turn them to your cause, RULE]

Cool For: Great Crusaders, Generals that Lead from the Front, Eternal Despots

Overlord makes you the Commander. The Leader. The Emperor. Armies will follow you into hell itself. Cities will kneel before you. You will know your soldiers inside and out - you will know what drives them and how to drive them harder - and you will know how far you can push them before they break. You will talk them into suicidal charges and they will perform them happily, for you. They know what will happen if they don't.

At high levels, Overlord will make your will like Iron, and your nerves of Steel. You will be the sole ruler of all you survey. Any sign of disobedience will be punished, any deviation identified and destroyed, and they will thank you for it. At low levels, you will find it hard to command those who serve you, and their loyalty may not be as rock-solid as you'd like. The Imperium may need more than just you at the top.
ARCHETYPE [Be the New Man, break buildings with your bare hands, survive the wastelands of Terra, face the Future]

Cool For: The Superman, Living Tanks, Titan-Wrestlers

Archetype is your body as it is now. Muscles that can tear apart concrete and bones like titanium. Terra - and the Galaxy as a whole - is a dangerous place, and everything will try to kill you. Survive the blows, and kill them first. Be superhuman.

At higher levels, you may cease to be human at all. Your form will become unstoppable and terrifying to all those who see you on the battlefield, on either side. You will break anything in your path and discard all those who can't keep up. At low levels, the Galaxy becomes a much more deadly place. Keep your armor on, and keep those Custodes handy.

SYNAPSE [Be the oldest Man, watch for the wolves on the far plains, hurl the spear through the boar's neck, feel the spirits whisper on the wind]

Cool For: Anatolian Shepards, Old Souls, Humans

Synapse is you as you have always been: Just a man. Albeit, a man who has lived far longer and seen far more than anyone else. It enables you to connect to your human side, and the twitching, mortal instincts that still reside deep in your neurons. With it, you experience humanity from the inside. It allows you to see the Galaxy as a man might see it, and understand secrets or perspectives hidden from your golden side.

At high levels, you might get a little too human. You might jump at shadows, find yourself repeating old superstitions, or allow yourself to feel the flight or fight response. At low levels, however, you will be deaf to your human side. And if you cannot hear mankind, how can you save them?
SHIFTING TENDONS [See what others don't, slide your blade through their guard, dodge shots from Titans, know danger before it strikes]

Cool For: Untouchable Warriors, Master Duelists, Eagle-Eyed Strategists

Shifting Tendons is the speed and poise suffused throughout your form. It is the perfect arc your sword follows as you pick apart an enemy's defense. It is taking a single look at a battlefield and knowing where your foe is weakest. It is feeling the shift in the air, and gracefully twisting your body out of the way as a hypersonic round tears through the space you just occupied.

At high levels, Shifting Tendons makes you practically untouchable. Your golden skin will go unmarred forever, and you'll be the best dancer at the ball. However, when your body acts before your mind, violence may occur even if it is not necessary. At low levels, though, you may find your blade hitting only empty air, as you miss not only your opponent, but also the hidden details of their schemes.

SHOCK AND AWE [Glow with golden radiance, command machines to repair themselves, tower above the kneeling masses]

Cool For: Emperors, Magnetic Personalities, Fourteen Foot Tall Golden Not-Gods

Shock and Awe is your announcement to the Galaxy. It is the presentation of yourself to all those who might be looking. No need for stealth, no need for poker faces. Subtlety is for lesser men. With Shock and Awe, you become the image of the Emperor that everyone imagines you to be. You boom forth commands, you blind those who stare too long, you look down upon those who are not worthy.

At higher levels, Shock and Awe makes you into an idol. You will become unflappable, unstoppable, unreal. Nature itself may bend to your commands. The people may hold the image of you over what you really are, and they will kneel before it. At low levels, however, it may be hard to keep up the image of The Emperor of Mankind at all times. Make sure no one starts to think that all this gold is just gilding.

Waking up in a puddle of your own piss is no fun. It's even less fun when you can't remember who you are, because you don't know whether this is the first time it's happened, or the hundredth. You need to figure out who, exactly, you are.
- Your form is immaculate, and thrumming with Physical Power. In other words: you are both beautiful and jacked as hell.
- You remember how to use a sword. It seems almost instinctual.
- The word "Warlord" feels very familiar, but not quite right.
A stranger in a strange land? Or a man with no memory of home? Time to figure out where you are. And then you can start asking questions like 'how did I get here' or 'why am I here'.
- A converted military space, made to imitate high art and sophistication. A bunker of some form? A fortress?
Assuming that you do not make a habit of trashing your room and passing out in a pool of your own urine, something strange and wild has occurred. Your memory is gone and your body has been greatly pained. Find out what happened, and what caused this.
- The damage, according to the voices in your head, was not purely physical. Whatever that means.
You know what you need in your life? More Gold. One of the voices in your head has shown displeasure with the Hue he has been assigned, and wants to change teams. You're... not sure how that would work, but at least it's something to keep in mind.

An immaculate Power Sword, forged of deep silver metal and adorned with ancient circuitry. It fits astoundingly well in your grip. Somehow you feel as if it would be wrong to ever use another weapon. It's your friend now. You will betray it if you exchange it for some dull hammer.

+1 GOLDEN THRONE: Your Implement
+1 ARCHETYPE: Ultima Ratio Regum
-1 SYNAPSE: Inhuman Armament
+ ???
A silken robe. White with golden threading. Comfortable. Meant for relaxation in private chambers. Not exactly real clothing, but it covers everything.

+1 SYNAPSE: Elegant Simplicity
-1 RHAPSODIST: A Bit Boring
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[X] Your Body! You are 14 Feet (or more, if you like) of golden, glowing Wrath. Your footsteps shake the earth. You could wrestle a Titan if you needed to. (We don't recommend doing that, however) [5 PHYSIQUE, 4 MOTORICS, 2 PSYCHE, 1 INTELLECT]
[X] Your Instincts! Your nervous system remembers what it is, and what it does, and what you were, even if you don't. All the little things are still there, you just need to trust your gut and your subconscious. [5 PSYCHE, 4 PHYSIQUE, 2 MOTORICS, 1 INTELLECT]
[X] Your Instincts! Your nervous system remembers what it is, and what it does, and what you were, even if you don't. All the little things are still there, you just need to trust your gut and your subconscious. [5 PSYCHE, 4 PHYSIQUE, 2 MOTORICS, 1 INTELLECT]
[X] Your Mind! And what a mind it is! Expansive, poetic, brilliant, sly, faster than everyone else. Don't worry about the fact that your brain is describing itself as all of these things, it's probably fine. [5 INTELLECT, 4 MOTORICS, 2 PSYCHE, 1 PHYSIQUE]
[X] Your Instincts! Your nervous system remembers what it is, and what it does, and what you were, even if you don't. All the little things are still there, you just need to trust your gut and your subconscious. [5 PSYCHE, 4 PHYSIQUE, 2 MOTORICS, 1 INTELLECT]

I'm assuming the canon build (in the actual warhammer 40k) is the Emperor would recover his body first, So..let's try to fix that by making sure that it's what is beneath the body that counts. that should keep his Empathy up to date and already put us on a better path.

it's too bad he'll still have to re-learn all of his tech stuff and will have to re-expand his mind.
[X] Your Mind! And what a mind it is! Expansive, poetic, brilliant, sly, faster than everyone else. Don't worry about the fact that your brain is describing itself as all of these things, it's probably fine. [5 INTELLECT, 4 MOTORICS, 2 PSYCHE, 1 PHYSIQUE]
[X] Your Body! You are 14 Feet (or more, if you like) of golden, glowing Wrath. Your footsteps shake the earth. You could wrestle a Titan if you needed to. (We don't recommend doing that, however) [5 PHYSIQUE, 4 MOTORICS, 2 PSYCHE, 1 INTELLECT]
[X] Your Instincts! Your nervous system remembers what it is, and what it does, and what you were, even if you don't. All the little things are still there, you just need to trust your gut and your subconscious. [5 PSYCHE, 4 PHYSIQUE, 2 MOTORICS, 1 INTELLECT]

A Warrior needs a strong body. An Emperor needs a wise mind. But you have surpassed the former, and the later is but a future goal. You are a warlord, and in the forge or war, instinctual action is the key to victory.

EDIT: Adding The Laurent's custom vote:
[X] Custom: Each Attribute starts at 1. You have 8 points to spend. Attributes cannot go above a 6 (Yet). Technically, you don't need to spend all the points. Nobody is going to argue with you, but that would be a rather bad idea.
-[X] Intellect 5
-[X] Psyche 5
-[X] Motorics 1
-[X] Physique 1
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[X] Your Instincts! Your nervous system remembers what it is, and what it does, and what you were, even if you don't. All the little things are still there, you just need to trust your gut and your subconscious. [5 PSYCHE, 4 PHYSIQUE, 2 MOTORICS, 1 INTELLECT]

More than anything the Emperor is an idea- the idea of narrowing the expanse of human experience and sensation into the almost mechanical impulse of a boot on the face of the universe forever. More than golden abs, more than mad science, this is the essence of the Emperor.
[X] Your Instincts! Your nervous system remembers what it is, and what it does, and what you were, even if you don't. All the little things are still there, you just need to trust your gut and your subconscious. [5 PSYCHE, 4 PHYSIQUE, 2 MOTORICS, 1 INTELLECT]
[X] Your Instincts! Your nervous system remembers what it is, and what it does, and what you were, even if you don't. All the little things are still there, you just need to trust your gut and your subconscious. [5 PSYCHE, 4 PHYSIQUE, 2 MOTORICS, 1 INTELLECT]
[X] Your Instincts! Your nervous system remembers what it is, and what it does, and what you were, even if you don't. All the little things are still there, you just need to trust your gut and your subconscious. [5 PSYCHE, 4 PHYSIQUE, 2 MOTORICS, 1 INTELLECT]

I think this will be the funniest
[X] Your Instincts! Your nervous system remembers what it is, and what it does, and what you were, even if you don't. All the little things are still there, you just need to trust your gut and your subconscious. [5 PSYCHE, 4 PHYSIQUE, 2 MOTORICS, 1 INTELLECT]
[X] Custom: Each Attribute starts at 1. You have 8 points to spend. Attributes cannot go above a 6 (Yet). Technically, you don't need to spend all the points. Nobody is going to argue with you, but that would be a rather bad idea.
-[X] Intellect 4
-[X] Psyche 4
-[X] Motorics 3
-[X] Physique 1

[X] Custom: Each Attribute starts at 1. You have 8 points to spend. Attributes cannot go above a 6 (Yet). Technically, you don't need to spend all the points. Nobody is going to argue with you, but that would be a rather bad idea.
-[X] Intellect 5
-[X] Psyche 5
-[X] Motorics 1
-[X] Physique 1

[X] Custom: Each Attribute starts at 1. You have 8 points to spend. Attributes cannot go above a 6 (Yet). Technically, you don't need to spend all the points. Nobody is going to argue with you, but that would be a rather bad idea.
-[X] Intellect 4
-[X] Psyche 4
-[X] Motorics 2
-[X] Physique 2

Intellect and Psyche at high levels seem like they'd be useful, and distinctly not present in the existing options.
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[X] Custom: Each Attribute starts at 1. You have 8 points to spend. Attributes cannot go above a 6 (Yet). Technically, you don't need to spend all the points. Nobody is going to argue with you, but that would be a rather bad idea.
-[X] Intellect 4
-[X] Psyche 4
-[X] Motorics 2
-[X] Physique 2

This seems cool would rather not have a 1 in any attribute and balance is preferred to start with (either this or Instincts at least)
Edit i do like the will/mind build hope the shivers equivalent will get some love
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Intellect and Psyche at high levels seem like they'd be useful, and distinctly not present in the existing options.
Well yeah they would be useful, but The Emperor, in the early days is a warlord. and so a Warlord we should be.

Also Emperordom is 10k years away, let's just focus on surviving long enough to get there without losing whatever Empathy we start with and creating a Star Child.
I don't see a custom option. Is that even allowed?

High Intellect and Psyche's what I did when I played Disco Elysium. It's a powerful build, but it's not one of the opening options.
[X] Custom: Each Attribute starts at 1. You have 8 points to spend. Attributes cannot go above a 6 (Yet). Technically, you don't need to spend all the points. Nobody is going to argue with you, but that would be a rather bad idea.
-[X] Intellect 5
-[X] Psyche 5
-[X] Motorics 1
-[X] Physique 1
[X] Your Instincts! Your nervous system remembers what it is, and what it does, and what you were, even if you don't. All the little things are still there, you just need to trust your gut and your subconscious. [5 PSYCHE, 4 PHYSIQUE, 2 MOTORICS, 1 INTELLECT]
[x] Your Mind! And what a mind it is! Expansive, poetic, brilliant, sly, faster than everyone else. Don't worry about the fact that your brain is describing itself as all of these things, it's probably fine. [5 INTELLECT, 4 MOTORICS, 2 PSYCHE, 1 PHYSIQUE]