I don't really understand the seize the mega orbital before it can send a distress signal plan. as far as I am aware they cannot communicate across interstellar distances without astropaths. if we want to stop word of our rebellion escaping we sould take the enact system cordon action to stop non allied ships leaving.
Really? This feels like relevant information to point out during the update.
[X] Plan Apparently Warhammer has no long range communications systems. Wild.
-[X]- The Eldar
-[X]-Mobilize the Underhive [Cost: 1]
Create a jobs programme for the Underhive, promising steady salaries and non-corpse starch rations in exchange for service in the military or work gangs.
-[X]-Mobilize the PDF [Cost: 2]
Seize control of the Planetary Defense Force, in effect a very large gang. Replace disloyal elements and promote loyal elements.
-[X]-Subvert the Arbites [Cost: 2]
Seize control of the Arbites and their armaments to keep the Underhives suppressed. Knock off Imperium partisans.
-[X]- Cut a Deal with the Chem Barons [Cost: 1]
Bring underhive leaders on board with your programme. Promise whatever you have to.
-[X]-Create a Guard Quality Boot Camp [Cost: 5]
Use your training to train the scum of the Hives to a guard quality force.
-[X]-Inflame Anti-Imperial Sentiment [Cost: 1]
Send Conspiracy preachers to fulminate against the Imperium in street sermons.
-[X]-Construct War Material [Cost: 3]
Seize control of manufactoriums to create alloys, lasguns, artillery shells, etc. in preparation for the oncoming seige.
-[X]-Draft a Plan to Engage the Space Marine Strike Force in Orbit [Cost: 3]
Consider asteroids, orbital mechanics, etc, to draw the Strike Force in an ambush.
-[X]-Prepare a Trap for the Space Marines Planetside [Cost: 2]
Preposition anti-armor teams and mine the Governor's Spire to take out the deep strike team that will come for you.
-[X]-Dig Fortified Bunkers [Cost: 3]
Create bunkers deep in the hives and into the crust to shelter the population at large and military posts.
-[X]-Armor Hab Layers [Cost: 2]
Replace hab flooring with sturdier materials, blunting the effects of bombardment as a whole.
-[X]-Harden Communication Systems [Cost: 1]
Make efforts to secure your vox channels against outside intrusion.
-[X]-Shuttle in Conspiracy Reinforcements [Cost: 1]
Ask the Conspiracy for additional manpower. You do not know how much they can send.
Seed an Auger network on Zelung Delta's surface and immediate orbitals to aid in target acquisition and defense.
-[X]-Construct Macrocannon Batteries [Cost: 2]
Set extraneous macrocannons in orbit as orbital-denial batteries.
-[X]-Erect Anti-Orbital Guns Planetside [Cost: 1]
Emplace Hydras and other anti-air/anti-orbit guns on the upper hives.
-[X]-Enact System Cordon [Cost: 5]
Got rid of rations and megastructure for system cordon.