[X] A prostitute calls for the guards. There are dangerous people around, a woman has been found heavily injured.

Let's be the knight of the people.

"The Marchioness will be lesser to not have met someone like you," Leif says. You smile brightly, standing up. The sounds at the dining hall are dying out as eyes begin to follow you.

"Then tell her I will come back one day to read that letter with her," you say. "Tell her I am Aria, and I would love to meet a princess one day."
The irony. The irony! I wanna see the reaction, but the contents of the letter are probably too much of a spoiler.

Drawing of the day: Heir van Kesteren

Huh. I am deeply unsure what to make of him.
[X] A prostitute calls for the guards. There are dangerous people around, a woman has been found heavily injured.
[X] A prostitute calls for the guards. There are dangerous people around, a woman has been found heavily injured.

Chapter! Good! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah
[X] A prostitute calls for the guards. There are dangerous people around, a woman has been found heavily injured.
[X] A prostitute calls for the guards. There are dangerous people around, a woman has been found heavily injured.
[x] A priest needs help. Objects of worship have been stolen, and while he knows who did it the guards are too occupied to help.
[X] A priest needs help. Objects of worship have been stolen, and while he knows who did it the guards are too occupied to help.
[X] A prostitute calls for the guards. There are dangerous people around, a woman has been found heavily injured.

I'm tempted by the philosopher, because I'm down for cryptic knowledge at all times. But this option seems more 'right'
[X] A prostitute calls for the guards. There are dangerous people around, a woman has been found heavily injured.

I'm excited to see more of Sol! When I first started reading I wasn't that interested in the lore of the world, but meeting the people of the border city changed my mind :D I'm excited for Aria to continue traveling. I like how she's changing after experiencing more of the world and the sincerity of her desire to be a knight of the people rather than tied to an order.
[X] A philosopher approaches you. She asks a question that you have no answer for. A wealth of cryptic knowledge awaits.
[X] A philosopher approaches you. She asks a question that you have no answer for. A wealth of cryptic knowledge awaits.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Elpis on Nov 13, 2024 at 12:39 PM, finished with 18 posts and 18 votes.
Glad to see we're still playing to the bit of an (honorary) knight, and helping the downtrodden at every turn.
So, I've been lapped! This has never not happened before, though it's been a hot second, so it's to be expected that Elpis's lightning pace would've done it eventually, so let's just get this return to form started out, with our second interlude, "The Duke of the North", which surely implies nothing ominous at all.

Oh boy!

Once her family owned a mansion in the capital, though they were not nobles. Rich merchants whose guile and competence sent them on the path to fortune are a rare breed, especially in the quasi-isolated kingdom which imports many wares from an ostensibly enemy country.

But Capella lived her life in peace, and that was all that mattered.

Until her parents passed. That was when she lost her faith.

Oh boy...

At long last we are in the head of Aria's green haired red eyed Totally Normal situationship and we can already tell this is not gonna go great on account of many decisions made in the past month.

The various class and socioeconomic politics of Gildera peek out that first line and "Hey what do you think the difference between a noble who didn't know she was a princess and a commoner who used to be as rich as a noble is?" sure is like. Subtext that's gonna circle around, I feel.

Zack walks in, trying and failing to hide his hands. Some nobles punish others by hitting their legs, or backs, where nobody can see. The Marchioness Flamberg, however, always prefers the hands.

A scarred hand is proof of hard work. Her words still ring in your ears whenever you look at the calluses. You miss your grandmother. You never had to deal with punishment until she passed.

A happy childhood, until the loss of the ones who made it so...

Then things started to take a turn for the worse. Her uncle took over, sending her to a boarding school. To take her mind off things, to keep her safe, to make sure that she studied hard and could take over the reins once she's matured.

And for a time, she enjoyed it. She had many friends, she studied diligently, in one of the most expensive schools that money could afford in between noble scions and future officials.

It was two years after her parents' death that even that was taken from her. Her uncle wanted to become a noble, so he had to grow even greater wealth. So he risked it all, and lost it. The tuition wasn't paid for, and though the teachers were sympathetic they were not able to keep her at the school.

Her friends didn't even look at her anymore. A poor heiress, who owns nothing, was not worth befriending.

That was when she lost hope.

"Hey why doesn't Capella like to make friends" because she's sooooo normal and has never given multiple concurrent trust issues.

It's interesting how it's difficult to immediately tell (unless like the next two sentences below clarify this immediately) whether Capella's uncle had her best interests at heart by doing all of. The This. Because Gildera sure is the way it is and importance bought by wealth is so easily taken away (but then, isn't that every kind?).

Until one day, a hand reached out to her. An old friend of her parents, from the time where her father was a soldier. Drake's hand was big, and it felt like he could hold the whole world in his hands.

But something was still missing. She had lost so many important things, there was a pit inside of her. Nothing could fill it, no matter how many smiles she offered Drake when he made a bad joke. No matter how many warm meals filled her belly, and no matter how validating the pain in her fingers was when she swung a sword.

Until she met Aria.


Capella makes me sad.

DRAKE makes me sad.

Honestly it's funny to think Aria and Capella were actually equal in "Drake found a feral child and took her in because he had a previous relationship with one of her parents", which adds a certain sting to the fact it'll seem like Aria was more important to me because of who that parent was.

That gaping pit in Capella certainly won't ever come back to bite her when she finds the girl to fill it, definitely.

The girl was beaten down and bleeding. Bruises and cuts marred her arms and legs, her eyes lost all shine, and yet her presence was different. She stood tall, using a broken sword to keep herself upright, unwilling to cower or flinch in front of Drake's imposing figure.

It took many years for her to realize what love was, but in that moment, Capella knew that Aria had to stay at her side.

And now she's gone. So Capella lost her love as well.


Faith, Hope, and Love...

"Then keep something in mind, Aria," he says. His finger comes up to your sleeve, tracing a line over it. "What makes you a knight is not some stripe on your uniform, or some strange ritual and tradition. Duke van Kesteren can have his demands, he can have his expectations, but in the end, what matters most is faith in your heart. Faith in yourself and in your cause."

"I want to be a knight, Drake," you say, your voice low. "I deal with chivalry, not faith."

"If you have hope, and love, and faith," Drake says, a smile dancing on his lips that refuses to reach his eyes, making you feel a chill over your back. "As long as you have courage, power, and wisdom, no one can deny your purpose. Even if you're not at the Order, even if there is a path that you follow leading away from the Caer and the hoof on your clothes. You are a knight in my heart, one of the best we've ever raised."

You wipe your arm over your eyes again.

Doesn't even have what Drake always believed a knight should keep...

The girl was beaten down and bleeding. Bruises and cuts marred her arms and legs, her eyes lost all shine, and yet her presence was different. She stood tall, using a broken sword to keep herself upright, unwilling to cower or flinch in front of Drake's imposing figure.
[ ] … but not unfamiliar. It's your weapon of choice as well, for all the advantages and disadvantages it brings. To wait for the right moment, a single miscalculation could lose you a fight. It is the weapon Drake held when he found you in that ditch.

[ ] … not quite what you're used to. You prefer the normal longsword, switching grips, either one or two handed. The longsword is the weapon of the brave and strong, to face one's enemy takes a Pyroar's heart. It is the weapon you held when Drake found you in that ditch.

[ ] … not really your cup of tea. Your second hand is for a shield. The other wields a short blade that makes up for its lack in range with speed and dexterity. Capella was carrying these back when you traveled together to the Caer.

Crazy how different Aria perceives being found by Drake compared to how Capella remembers it (and yet, whose weapon did she keep?).

The days after the murder of Commander Drake were difficult, Lissy admits. Though she's not the kind of person that lets grief and worry stop her, it was Aria's disappearance and the subsequent accusations leveled at Drake's favorite child that made her pause.


"Drake's favorite child" please Lissy Capella is already dead inside, you don't have to carpet bomb her rotting heart.

Objectively speaking, she hasn't known Aria that long. Outside of occasionally finding her in a class they shared, or some exercise, until that day they all received their partners they were not even acquaintances. Now Lissy will not hesitate to call her one of her closest friends, forged in the fires of a village, drawn in the blood of a poacher group.

So when the guardsmen, who had initially pointed their fingers at Aria as Drake's murderer, were found dead, it didn't take much thinking to figure out there was something foul going on in the Caer.

Love how rad she is. Absolutely unfair that her Aria and Ruby didn't get to bust heads together.

What the fuck happened to the conspiracy guardsmen though. Why did they die after the rampaging Dragonite happened.

Capella comes back holding a broken Pokeball, her skin as pale as the snow, and her eyes red from crying. Though they're not friends by any means, and some would even describe them as enemies, Lissy is the one that catches her when she collapses.

Despite knowing the answer, Lissy asks the question burning on her mind anyway.

"Where is Aria?"

"Gone," Capella says. Her fingers grip Lissy's sleeve until her nails draw blood. "She left me. She said we'd die if she came back."

Lissy does not know if that's true or not.

Can you IMAGINE the fact Capella doesn't even process that Lissy is a Real One and wants her to be okay??? Which she doesn't get??? Because she thinks she isn't allowed to have friends besides her dad and her girl best friend who will never know she wants tongue???

"She said we'd die"...

"Because you'll let me go," you say, your hand reaching out to her cheek. "Because you know, Capella, that if you drag me back, I will die."

When this is all she said aloud.

[ ] … you take Capella's hand.
You cannot let Capella die. She is all you have left. You are all she has left.

And this is all she said in her heart.

Does that make Capella's words a lie? Or a truth?

Skiddle understands there are things going on which she does not understand. Though she is someone that knows how people feel, the whys and hows are difficult to grasp. She is, after all, not human.

Humans and Pokemon do things differently. The way they communicate, the way they trust each other, and work together. It's a concept that Skiddle appreciates greatly, as it allows her to see so much of the world. It allowed her to feel all those things Aria feels.

But now Aria is gone.

And where she was a beacon of warmth and joy, now that connection is thin and brittle. As if the wrong wind could shatter it.

Skiddle. My friend Skiddle.

I love how this breakdown of the differences between humans and pokemon comes from this fucking baby goat she's so smart.

Literally the braincell holding up society.

Please be okay.

But Skiddle cannot allow herself to wallow in misery and get her feelings down. Aria is still alive, she is still around, and she will come back for her. She knows this is the truth, because it feels good to think.


Aria have you considered that your chronic "You can't tell me what the fuck to do, cop" has kept you apart from a Friend and a Goat? You are maybe completely fumbling it homie.

The problem is that until that day, she has a just as important task to fulfill as waiting for Aria.

Aria's best friend, Capella, who sometimes scares her and sometimes becomes all she thinks about. She's a whirlwind of emotion now, unstable in some ways that makes Skiddle uncomfortable. But an adversary is not something that one must cower from.

Aria has taught her that.

This so fucked up and funny and charming and WOW. Aria you've literally left Skiddle to body block the toxic yuri you dropped.

Also Capella an actual month old doeling has decided you are an enemy and someone to nanny. How do you even live with that.

"You don't" is the answer, obviously, but it's not a Good One.

So when Skiddle walks up to the girl as she is using a small tool to repair the Pokeball, she does expect the frustrated grunt and angry throw of the Pokeball at the wall. She picks it up, taking it into her mouth and bringing it back to the table where Capella's shoulders are shaking.

Capella falls off the chair, onto Skiddle and holds on tight. Her fingers pull on the fur, trying to become one with it.

"She left us," Capella says, whispering into Skiddle's fur. "She left us, she left us, she left us…"

'She didn't,' Skiddle says, bah'ing her words. 'She's going to come back.'

"We won't see her again," Capella says, her voice breaking. "Not if we wait for her, no, we have… we have to go after her, right?"

Skiddle isn't sure if that's the right course of action. She heard the whispers of the Murkrows in the woods, speaking of the plum girl. They said she's gone east, towards the sunlight. Far, far from their home.

'What about Lissy and Odysseus and Ruby and Opal?'

"Yes," Capella says, shaking her head. "The knights were the ones that made her leave, we can't trust them. We have… we have to leave soon."

Skiddle shakes her head, her horns softly touching Capella's forehead. She tries to convey meaning, in a way that Aria always understands, but Capella seems to actively ignore. The way Capella connects to people is alien, something Skiddle has never seen before. Rather than connections that grant understanding, her emotions are like hands that will not let go.


Skiddle and Aria baaahing at each other:

Skiddle trying to seriously ask Capella what the fuck is wrong with her:

'What about Lissy and Odysseus and Ruby and Opal?'

Wait why is Perseus's name Odysseus now.


Does. Does Lissy just keep naming her Scraggy after different legendary heroes as her special interest cycles?

Is that just the name Perseus uses internally?

Both of these things are funny. I'll accept that "I forgot" as an answer but Elpis either could be so funny.

Anyway I'm so happy Skiddle thinks about The Gang. Maybe Lissy and Ruby sharing custody will get Capella mental health by transitive property.

Capella falls off the chair, onto Skiddle and holds on tight. Her fingers pull on the fur, trying to become one with it.
Skiddle shakes her head, her horns softly touching Capella's forehead. She tries to convey meaning, in a way that Aria always understands, but Capella seems to actively ignore. The way Capella connects to people is alien, something Skiddle has never seen before. Rather than connections that grant understanding, her emotions are like hands that will not let go.

Reasons why Capella was not, in fact, given a pokemon.

Everyone outside Caer Rivenhold: IDK man van Kesteren seems sus.
Me: I mean he had the decision making necessary to not give Capella a vulnerable magical animal to brainblast, so iunno it seems like he's doing Something right.

Skiddle isn't sure if that's the right course of action. She heard the whispers of the Murkrows in the woods, speaking of the plum girl. They said she's gone east, towards the sunlight. Far, far from their home.


Can you imagine. This literal baby goat has more of a social life than Capella does.

...Skiddle maybe you shouldn't help Capella fix your pokeball, being an outdoor goat is much better for your mental health.

The finger named 'Drake' is gone. And the finger named 'Aria' is broken.

Hm. Bad.

"Come," she says, holding up the Pokeball. A click, a whirr, and some sparks when she pushes the tool against the ball again. It's repaired, though it'll forever look broken. Skiddle does not know if she is making the right choice.

But she does know that Aria will be sad if something happens to Capella. So Skiddle will protect her.


I don't think Capella will ever quite appreciate that Skiddle choosing to go along with her is an active choice, mostly because if she ever did conceptualize that realization That Would Fix Her.

The assembly at the end of the week shows a force of a thousand men and women. The Caer is filled to the brim, all those who have been too busy were forced to come back.

There is important visitors, after all.


We're seeing just a bit on why "Come back or we're gonna have problems" was on the menu, huh!

The Duke stands tall, though his age is beginning to show. Streaks of white in his hair, tired eyes, and though his hand looks like it can still grip a sword, Capella can see the way it shakes on the hilt.

The assorted knights have taken the field in front of the podium. For some reason, Lissy and Ruby decided to take the places next to her, standing at attention to hear the man's speech. They say nothing, yet she can see it in their eyes. The anxiety, the fear that grips them is the same as Capella's.

Capella: I wonder why these motherfuckers who Aria likes so much more than me are hanging around.
Capella: Oh well.

Girl do you even Fathom. The fact that love connects us all.

Anyway heyyyyyyy Kesty, feeling good? Not withering with time as your peers disappear through blood and conspiracy?

Next to him is his son, the Heir van Kesteren. A young man, who looks every bit like his father. Eyes like ice, hair so dark it might be the night sky.

Capella hates them. She hates all the nobles, but these especially. Someone who would have earned her loyalty for the rest of his life if only he was able to keep Aria right here, but this incompetent order could not even manage that. No, instead they made her run, accusing her of a crime she could never have committed.

Ice Man! You know for some reason I never imagined Kesteren had a kid, even though that's a Thing nobles have to get around to, seemed like the kind of guy who'd refuse to move on as a matter of principle (this isn't to say he did move on, but that's another matter).

Capella is so normal and so class conscious and totally has opinions about the state of the kingdom separate from what it does to her.

Honestly it's very interesting to think about how much has been devoted to "Okay Duke van Kesteren does some things that are a little, Morally Complex, but it's not like he's a bad guy, he earned the loyalty of a lot of good people for a reason" and then this entire time he's had a son that we've never heard a single quality about before now, when it has been established in many, many ways—

It is Ruby who speaks up next, their own finger touching the western part of the map. "Duke Tristan is responsible for the western border. The previous Duke was a dangerously unstable individual, prone to outbursts. His knights often came to harass us even though the king had been tightening the leash."

You nod. The three great families which protect the crown, spread across the map in such a way to avoid ever meeting if it isn't necessary. It is in the history of Gildera that unification may prove dangerous, and it is under the decree of the Skywrath Throne that these families may not marry among each other.

"The current Duke is kind," Ruby continues. You can see it in their eyes, how much it pains them to say something kind about the man. "Though he can't give back some things that have been taken, he has tried to uphold the king's edict. He does not travel to Regis' Pass, none of his knights are to come near it closer than half a day's travel on foot. The Calyrex Guard is still filled with loyalists of the late Duke Tristan, but none defy him right now."
"This is perfect, don't you see?" she says. You turn your head slightly, looking into the room. The office is well-kept and has little actual interior. A couch, a chair, a table. At the wall are hundreds of books, and in a corner a small potted plant with some flowers. "Your mother gave us the greatest gift."

You flinch at the thought of your grandmother ever giving your mother anything to be happy about. These two were diametrically opposed on practically every single issue.

—That the substance of a noble can be Very Different from their title's successor, blood or not.

Just uh. Little bit gives implication to how high things could be roosting.

It's been a solid week since Drake was murdered. Since then, the things at the Caer are moving to normalcy. As significant as the man was, the administration of the aspirants has never been something he was actively controlling.

The appearances of the Duke and his heir are not surprising, order requires leadership.

Something about the microcosm of the philosophy clashes going on with this fic on display here.

"Yeah the way Drake ran things meant that things kept well oiled without a heavy hand. Here's the hand."

"My dear knights," the Duke begins. His voice is loud, yet soft. Though Capella does not like him, it is hard to hear the affection in his voice and accuse him of disingenuity. Skiddle wiggles. Though the man looks cold and hardened by a lifetime of strife, his heart is in the right place? Is that what she's trying to say?

Capella shakes her head.

Skiddle: [Baahs in "This guy seems alright."]
Capella: Fake news.
Skiddle: [Baahs in "Bitch???"]

Okay this is all the confirmation I need, Duke van Kesteren is a good guy, he has Skiddle Approval and also Capella "Well that seems like the healthy opinion to hold here, but fuck that" Nega-Approval.

...Which leads to the Concerning likelihood that Heir van Kesteren is gonna be the complete opposite and still win Capella over just because he feeds into her personal sicknesses.

INSANE TO ME that Capella accurately perceives what Skiddle is saying to her but straight up dismisses that.

Girl you are gonna get microwaved by this goat's good opinions and you are gonna like it.

"The tragedy of the past week is something that affects us all. You have lost your commander, and I lost a good friend. While the winter takes our warmth, and seasons change, our memories of him will not fade."

The people cheer. Capella holds back, her own heart gripped with fear and uncertainty.

Oh this is like a sincere eulogy. This is sad.

"Though I am still filled with grief, I know that an order without a commander will not be able to function," he says, his arm reaching out to touch the shoulder of his son. "Noah van Kesteren, my son and heir, will take over the duties of the commander. I know he is young, though his skill is undeniable."

Capella does not need Skiddle's help to see the young man's pride at the words. Though he is clearly happy, and though he is clearly proud, there is something else sitting on the top of his brow. Worry, uncertainty that she is all too familiar with. Noah, too, must have admired Drake.

"Thank you, Father," Noah says. Though his steps are slow, his hesitance vanishes when he summons his partner, a massive Beartic that towers behind him. He walks forward, projecting his voice. "The shoes I am meant to fill are larger than life. I know that the duty that my father has given me will not be easy to fulfill, but I know that with the help of those assembled here today, our duty to the Duchy will not be a Herculean task. I will be meeting the captains tonight, so we can establish where we are and where we want to be."

Not here, Capella thinks. Everywhere but here.

Okay, so our first brush with Noah is that he is Not full of shit! Capella and Skiddle agreeing on a positive read when one half of this thinktank literally wants a guillotine is a rare certainty. Maybe.

Ice Man has an Ice Bear. Nice.

Noah: I hope to work with our knights to discover an arrangement that makes us happy.
Capella: Aria made me happy. There's no Aria anymore.
Noah: I can feel the disappointment radiating from the air but I'm going to stay positive!

"But this also means we must discuss the Donphan in the room," he says. Capella's jaw locks up. Ruby, too, looks on the edge. "Aspirant Aria, accused of the murder has fled. The initial report from Captain Redwood has laid doubts on those claims, not just due to the lack of proper motive, but also the means."

Someone like Aria could never dream of defeating Drake, not in a million years.

Capella disagrees. She knows the truth after all.

If Aria held a sword to his chest, he would impale himself on it. That is how important she was to him. That is how important she is to Capella.


Capella: Being a daddy's girl means agreeing on what kind of girls are allowed to tell me to kill myself.
Skiddle: [Baahs in "Girl???"]

I love that Noah is saying it straight up though like from the sane human being perspective.

"I'm pretty sure they had a good relationship? So I don't know why she'd kill him."

Finally! An investigative process that actually works! Because the boss listens to his subordinates! Who killed the guards though.

"The truth is that Drake was murdered by someone who wanted to harm the Duchy," Noah says. "My father is about to reveal something to you that cannot reach the ears of our enemies, something that will not just endanger that young woman, but also the Duchy as a whole."

Then he should not share it at all.

"He's telling us to find the traitors," Ruby whispers. Capella nods, her jaw still locked up. "They'll start moving to share the information with their true leaders."



I love how Capella has no idea yet that her friends of a (girl best) friend are gonna save her. Actually.

Honestly everything that's emphasized about the fact that Caer Rivenhold does actually have Aria and the people's best interests at heart makes it funnier that she's getting worked up topple the whole structure of society.

Like it's genuinely good for her and honestly necessary for finally self-actualizing after years of putting her own sense of identity second, but Aria is in fact gonna march through Gildera, a radiant blade to shrive clean the hearts of man, and then be like "...And uh. Those guys can just hang out. This isn't because I'm sentimental, legitimately I've looked at all the facts and they're. Okay. Weirdly???"

"So he'll tell a lie?"

You glance up at the Duke. No, Capella thinks and shakes her head. "He will tell the truth. Because that'll be the most effective."

Accidental use of second person aside, I love how Capella's actually genuinely insightful even when she's so completely fucked in the head.

Like there's an impressive and on the ball girl in there, through all the. Abject Misery.

"Drake was doing his duty when he was murdered," the Duke says. He is holding something. Capella recognizes the Arcanine seal on it. "Protecting one of my house, the future Duchess. My son's fiancée—"

He opens the scroll, and though it is not large the words 'marriage' are clear and bold and red and so loathsome.

Capella's body tenses up to such a degree, a Tauros could not move her from the spot.

"— the girl who was once of the Flamberg Marquisate is to be wed to my son, Noah. She is not a common criminal, or a murderer. When she is found, she is to be treated with the utmost respect."

Attached to the scroll is a picture, a small portrait of Aria, ten years old, looking so joyful in that dress. So different to how Drake and Capella found her.

. OH. I SEE.


Wow. Can you. Even believe.

Does Kesteren even know history is repeating this insanely.

Okay but this does explain why the Glastrier Knight knew Aria's original name, and.

"Duke van Kesteren wanted the throne," you say. Redwood's fist slams on the table, and Ruby jumps out of their chair with such force that the chair flies over. The trio of partners look over, Skiddle so tense you can see her horns shake toward Redwood. You blink, then tilt your head. "I'm sorry, I just… remembered something from an earlier lesson. He was engaged to Crown Princess Isabella, I guessed that…"
"You should be very careful with guesses," Redwood says. Though his reaction was violent for a moment, his demeanor is not changing from the usual kind scholar, nor does his voice sound tense and annoyed at your disrespect toward his liege. "Listen up, lass, while I do not teach aspirants before they receive a partner, I do know that none of the knights in our Order would mention that engagement. Regardless of where you've heard it, do not repeat it outside of this room."
"The people would speak," he said, though the objection in his voice is meek and lacks any conviction. "Such a thing is outdated, Marchioness."

"It is outdated, not outlawed, my dear," she says, speaking the affectionate nickname with poison on her tongue. It's so strange. You don't remember her being this bad when you were much younger. So why… "Your mother demanded we adopt her, some unknown child of unknown heritage!"

"Except she's neither, is she?" He waves a letter in his hands. It's too far to make out any text. "If anyone finds out that we knew, death will be the least of our worries!"

"And nobody has to know," the Marchioness waves her hand, dismissing his concerns. "She is still young, she listens to her parents. They don't have to marry right away, but if we have them engaged with the blessing of the king, even he won't be able to lift a hand."

Hey Flamberg what the fuck.

You were probably literally the person who told Aria that about Kesteren, and you did this on purpose. You piece of shit.

...Like, this is still definitely the Safer part of the truth about Aria to reveal, so like. Is that all Kesteren knows???

Is he following up on the engagement because he knows the truth??? Is he lying about following up on the engagement because he knows the truth??? Was Drake always obliquely hinting that Aria will find her path separate from the Caer because he knew what Kesteren didn't??? Did Kesteren have this letter the whole time??? Did Kesteren accept the engagement from the Flambergs in the first place because he's from an older generation and old fashioned besides???

The layers of this are fascinating to me because it's legitimately difficult to tell what anyone's response would be if Aria just said "Sorry but I'm gay."

Like. She doesn't know this.

But she could drop that bombshell.

I feel like Noah at least would take that at face value, just because adds to the dramatic irony of Capella definitely super duper wanting to butcher him with steak knives for being her first visible love rival.

(She Does Not Know the enemies afield)

Capella's body tenses up to such a degree, a Tauros could not move her from the spot.

I love the language of this.

"Oh, Sophia needed a Max Revive because a Tauros ran her through? Bitchmade. That horn would've broken on my abs because only Aria gets to enter me."

"— the girl who was once of the Flamberg Marquisate is to be wed to my son, Noah. She is not a common criminal, or a murderer. When she is found, she is to be treated with the utmost respect."

Attached to the scroll is a picture, a small portrait of Aria, ten years old, looking so joyful in that dress. So different to how Drake and Capella found her.

This is so. Heinous though.

Marchioness Flamberg sold her daughter and the man who was gonna accept didn't even know he was buying.

A hand comes down on Capella's shoulder, gripping so tightly there was no way to move away. Her head turns slowly to the person stopping her from bringing that bastard to justice, but something in Lissy's eyes makes her feel at ease. The sheer fury and disdain that must be visible on her face is mirrored in the woman who claims to be a future legend.

"Not now," Lissy whispers, looking around at the knights around, many who are doubtlessly just as confused at the strange twist that the assassination of Drake is taking. "You have to stay calm."

Capella does, even when it's the hardest thing she's ever done.

Love how this is Capella and Lissy's bonding experience.

"I'm gonna kill this man."
"Yeah we're definitely gonna, just gimme a sec."

WOW though.






"Aria, Deserter of the Glastrier Order," the man says, as if using your chosen name is meant to calm you down. If anything, it makes you even more willing to risk everything to drive that sword into his throat and stop him from speaking. "Your sentence has been deferred. I am not here to take you in."

This does not calm you any. You already knew something was wrong when no word of Drake's alleged assassin had reached the border, but to hear it spoken out loud just makes your suspicion even greater.

"The men who framed me are dead," you say, frowning. "Are you responsible?"

"We are not executioners, all our deeds are in the name of the Duke van Kesteren," he says. His voice does not rise at all, and though there is a sizable distance between you his every word is so clear it might as well be a whisper next to your ear. "Our lord requires your presence at his castle. You are invited to attend."

...Why the fuck did this guy open like this???

Kesteren: My son's fiance is innocent and must be brought back with all due courtesy.
This Guy: [Opens in the most ominous, out of pocket way that in no way conveys safety and all but threatens to massacre a bunch of refugees]

Like. It could be the case that this is another member of the conspiracy and he's only not killing Aria because they need to try a more complicated play than that. But if he's not an enemy of the Dulchy then what the fuck. How could you fuck something this simple up.

Anyway, good job, I have no idea who must be killed in this situation (besides Marchioness Flamberg, in all situations), but I'm certainly revved up for more of this fucked up nightmare soap opera.

Oh her Yandere trait is getting like, activated activated here. She is going to kill some people.

It is getting soooo activated, like, horrifically. I can't wait for Capella Nolastname vs the World.

(The Seven Evil Exes are a work in progress and also not evil, but honestly Capella could do with a talk with Nega Capella)

I miss Skiddle and I'm glad we got to see them again. Real trooper, best companion a trainer can have if they're willing and able to listen.

Skiddle my buddy my pal and everyone's personal therapist (PLEASE stop making the baby goat the therapist).

Really, whatever the true sequence of events, I don't think it went quite to anybody's plans. And, frankly, someone's almost certainly fucking it up further. I'm not even sure whoever delivered the ultimatum to Aria in the last chapter is necessarily a Duke's man! Driving the (from their perspective) potential future Duchess directly into the territory of his country's largest enemy is such a big unforced error that it almost but not quite defies belief that someone of (in Aria's opinion) Drake's caliber would make it. Not quite because heavy-handedness and secrecy are common to behavior of the powerful, even when counterproductive.

Yeah like "I'll give you a week to come back" is such a strange move in light of like. Like there are better ways to do this ethically! There are better ways to do this unethically! Why the shit did he not say "You've been found innocent and the Duke needs to discuss matters about both the case of Drake's death and your future", like, even if it was a lie, even if the Duchy was holding back information and going for a different play than they told the Glastrier Order, this is like...Like this was profoundly opposed to both the optics and the facts and the overall intent behind getting Aria. Back.

I'm not sure if that's the case, because there are some alternate possibilities, but if so, I think Noah isn't in on the conspiracy, and his father is basically setting him up for... something. Which, if true, opens a hilarious possibility of Noah having a wildly inaccurate understanding of the situation in general and Aria's character and circumstances in particular. But maybe it's just me being a sucker for characters whose arc is "delusional romantic nonsense in their head collides with harsh reality".

I mean, possibly, because that wouldn't not be funny, but I also imagine Noah could have some Solidarity when it comes to Aria being Aria.

He does have bear. Maybe he's into other kinds of bears.

Besides that, I genuinely think the Kesterens are on the up and up, just because Skiddle and Capella (before uh. The letter made her see red) both think they're alright people, even though Capella Wants to hate them. A lot.

Like these are two high social specs being our first windows into the characters, we're encouraged to trust their reads because that's the virtues that have been emphasized throughout the narrative.

I genuinely am like. I'm not sure if Drake and van Kesteren were butting heads about this behind the scenes, or if investigating the murderer is how Kesteren put the pieces together, but I do think that Drake wouldn't bring Aria to the Caer if it was a definite threat to her freedom, though this does kinda spin around the nuance of why, specifically, Drake made Aria's trial getting the letter to her aunt Reichert now.

Like there are a lot of moving parts to account for regarding the conspiracy, the building premonitions of war, all the little wheels that are going separately and interconnected to the surface conflict, but whether or not Drake knew why Aria couldn't go through with the engagement (because she's gay), I think he wanted her to know the truth about everything before she made a choice on her future.

Whatever the case...That belief certainly cost him his life...

So yeah! Excellent uncertainty! I'm gonna pass out now!
Update 12: Maiden Ray
Inana and Spring have become fast friends, ever since their fight together against Wilhelm's Tauros. As Inana is rather light, and Spring is quite large for a Bulbasaur, the former is riding on the back of the latter, chatting and enjoying their time.

You and Sophia aren't that different, by now. While she's not riding you, she does have a habit of standing quite close, often to the point where you might trip over her feet if she wasn't holding onto your hand. The habits of a knight have not quite left her, and though you'd love to take that hand in friendship, she seems to hold something more in her heart when she walks with you—loyalty.

"My grandmother told me many stories of Sol," you say, looking at the unfamiliar sights, "and while she was an amazing storyteller, I can't say it is how she described it."

"Was she Solian?" Sophia asks, her eyes on the distant horizon. You shake your head.

"She worked in Sol as a lady-in-waiting. Four years before she returned, long before my memories of life began."

"A noble who would have a Marchioness as lady-in-waiting must be very high ranked indeed," she says. "It's unfortunate that the grace you described has not been passed down to her heirs."

Unfortunate is one word for it. You can't quite find another, as all on your tongue is ash whenever you think about the House of Flamberg, but with the secret of your heritage now out and Sophia's own calm attitude about the whole matter, it makes them feel so very small in your mind. They're not worth it, no. Though one day, you know you have to return, to lay flowers on your brother's grave.

"So few trees," you murmur, your feet still on the solid, beaten path. It remains strange and unfamiliar, yet somehow you can feel the energy in the air shifting every few minutes. While Gildera is very much aspected to ice, darkness, and flying Pokemon, Sol is much larger, and carries a vast variety of species.

So when your hair begins to float slightly as you approach Olympia, you know it is electricity that calls this place home. The Pokemon in the fields, many hiding in the tall grass, all bear various yellow and blue colors, some watching you curiously as you walk while others glare, ready for a fight if you come too close.

You don't want to fight, now, though. That can wait until you've found a place to settle for the next few days. Unfortunately, you don't have that much gold left, which means that you'll have to find some kind of job if you want to stay at a proper place and not rely on the kindness of strangers.

"I'm not really good at religious stuff," you begin, the city in the distance growing ever taller with every step. You can see it's built around a tall hill, almost too tall to be called such, with a temple at the top. "What's with Olympia?"

"The Three are one of the major religions around here," Sophia says. If there was something she was informed about in her lessons to become a Spectrier Knight, it was the people of Sol, even if she's a bit lacking in the geography of the empire. "It's the worship of three deities, who are thought to be protectors of humanity. While they're not kingmakers, like the Skywrath Sovereign or the Star-Devouring Sun, they've helped people in the past, which led to worship. They take the appearance of three lions."

You nod. "I suppose we can ask people in the city, Gildera's version spoke of three birds, if I remember right."

"Maybe that's just different interpretations of the same myth."

"Maybe," you say, shrugging. "I think we'll be able to make it to the city before nightfall."

"Sure, if we hurry," Sophia says, grinning at you. "Race you there?"

"Huh?" you say, blinking. She's already on the run, followed closely by the now sprinting Spring, who has thrown Inana off and left you two behind. "Hey!"

You start running, though before you get very far, Inana grabs you from behind and forces you to carry her, slowing you down. You shout Sophia's name as the distance grows. Thunder growls in the distance.

The world surrounding you grows ever taller and wider with every step. This has given you a greater understanding, and makes for a beautiful journey. The Pokeball you have bought in Wallburg is beautiful, but empty. Inana is a good partner, as Skiddle was and will be again one day.

But you realize that in a fight against many opponents, perhaps it would be a good idea to find more friends to join your journey. You are a Hero. All the choices you have made will forever be carried in the hearts of those you have touched.

You move on with…

[ ] A Hero's Ingenuity
As with the Ancient Thief Odysseus, you find your way out of difficult situations with trickery and intelligence. The journey ahead is harsh, but you cannot falter.

Your search for a new friend leads you around the city. You spot a small bird on a building. It smiles at you, then flies away—you run after it.

[ ] A Hero's Righteousness.
Like Atlas, you become someone who encourages those around you. Perhaps you don't need to carry the world on your shoulders by yourself.

Your search for a new friend leads you into the tall grass. A lizard stares at you, its long frills at the side of its head stiffening as it readies to fight…

[ ] A Hero's Passion
You are invested in the world around you, this in turn invests the world in you. Much like Helios, where you walk the fire ignites.

Your search for a new friend leads you into the sparse woods. A small, dog-like bolt glares up at you, green and yellow all over.


Olympia does not have a wall, you realize. No gate, no guards that check who enters. While you see that there are some armored men and women patrolling, they are not interested in you whatsoever.

It stands so tall. The temple atop the hill, the buildings that are stacked on top of each other like in Wallburg, most of them look like they were carved from stone instead of wood. It makes you feel small, and somehow, it makes Gildera feel even more distant.

"Are Solians always so trusting?" you ask, your voice low. Sophia shrugs, taking the sight in. While you're impressed, she seems absolutely awestruck. The way the excitement at new sights shines in her eyes makes you happy.

"A place of worship," a middle-aged woman says, standing near the edge of the city as you look around. You turn, your tongue caught in your throat at the woman's attire. "One does not restrict the people from coming and going, as long as they behave."

You frown, tilting your head to look away. "Are there people who misbehave?"

"People always misbehave, miss," she says. The weather is so cold, how could she be wearing something like— "Admittedly, we rarely get pilgrims so young here. You look like you've had a hard journey behind you."

You try not to glare at Sophia, who looks not winded at all. You definitely need to build your stamina.

All in all, the trip to Olympia took a solid two days on foot, making it the closest city to the border. It is also the city that is, by far, the most pious. You are not sure what prostitution has to do with worship, though, as a solid quarter of the people you see at the first glance seem to be dressed to impress a very specific kind of audience.

Sophia ends up standing in front of you as the woman approaches, all humor in her face gone as she sizes up the stranger.

"We're no pilgrims," Sophia says. "And not interested in your services either."

"You needn't worry about me, young miss," she says. "I'm afraid my chosen clients have to be a bit older than you are."

You try not to roll your eyes at being treated like a child again, glad that Sophia wasn't going to start a fight right at the beginning of your journey. "Can you tell us where we can find something to eat?"

Rations are good, but a good meal will always motivate you. While your coin is low, you know it'll be enough for a meal and a bed until you can find some work tomorrow. Perhaps bounties, or minor requests? While you love to help people, a can-do-attitude won't fill your stomach, and now you have more than just your own mouth to feed.

Inana pokes you in the side, pointing at a crowd nearby.

"A five minute walk straight towards the temple and you'll find an inn," the woman says, smiling at the tiny creature that forgets her claws are incredibly sharp. "You should be careful, though. There's some tension in the city right now, a high priest was murdered just last night."

No matter how far you are from Gildera, no matter how deep into the continent you go, every bit of this continent seems to be covered in blood.

"Thank you for the information," you say, taking Sophia by the wrist and pulling her along to the crowd. It's in the direction of the inn, so you might as well check what's going on.

Inana sits on your shoulder, and as the streets begin to narrow, Spring decides to return to his Pokeball instead. You shove your way through the crowd, your eyes on the search of whatever the people seem to be interested in.

At a wall sits a younger girl. No, she… looks small, at least. By far smaller and more slender than you, but something in her eyes looks much older. As if she had seen so many things in one lifetime, as if she lived well.

She's dressed in strange robes, a triangle on her chest and a tail that attaches to her clothes from the back. She's holding her arms up, pointing at an elderly woman who has her head bowed in prayer.

"The Thunderbringer's blessing is with you, Agnes," the girl says, tracing a bolt of lightning over the air. You can see—

You can see the distinct glimmer of thunderstone shards, sitting on top of the girl's fingers. As she traces the symbol into the air, the shards ignite in yellow light and electricity. A small spark touches the woman, and makes her jolt.

"I can feel it!" Agnes shouts. "The Thunderbringer! He is with me! Thank you, priestess! Thank you!"

The old woman jumps up, running out of the crowd to do what she wants with that blessing now on her.

Except that's not a blessing, is it? You narrow your eyes, and for one moment the girl smiles at you. The crowd becomes rowdy, people pushing and pulling you to get into the front, holdings bags of gold to offer to the priestess. You grab Sophia's wrist again and drag her out, walking towards the inn until you are finally away from the group.

"That was amazing!" Sophia says, her eyes once again lightning up in awe and joy. "A real blessing! Did you see it? There's people who have powers like that around? That's so—"

You want to point out what you saw, the distinct clarity of a charlatan at work, but you can't. Sophia's too excited about it, and you are not the kind of person who would deny someone the innocent joy of believing.

It's not that you don't believe in the gods or their powers, that the legendary magic they can grant people is fake. Absolutely, they are real, as real as Kael's Stand created the mountains that separated the Union from Sol. But there's always a seed of doubt of how active these beings are in the lives of people.

"It's impressive," is all you manage to say, half-lying your way to Sophia's happiness. The sleight of hand it takes to pull something like this off is impressive, to have control over the shards so they don't go off before she traces the symbol, having just the right amount to cause a jolt but not a burn from too much power. "Come, it's going to be night soon."

She nods, jumping up and down as you find your way to the inn. The city becomes more and more quiet as you get further in. You can hear the wind howling above. It sounds like a mourning prayer.


The inn is nothing special, which is reflected in both its prices and the available food. With this you should still have enough left over for two nights of sleep, though you find yourself faced with the question of your goals and motivations.

You fled to Sol to escape the Duke van Kesteren, and the wanderlust you described to Leif is still alive. Should you simply move on as soon as you make some money? Should you stay and learn about this place for a good month like you did with Wallburg? It's hard, to sit with so many strangers now after all that warmth in the villagers' quarter.

Sophia is enjoying the meal far more than you. The Solians have a different cuisine, though this close to Gildera there are similarities. While she's having some sort of fried flat bread with a bean soup that looks quite questionable, you find yourself with a plate of 'rice'.

There's specks of salt and pepper on top of it, but— well, whatever. You dig in. It tastes a bit plain, but by far better than the rations in your bag. Something moves in the corner of your eye, and you turn to glare at the person. They're gone already, Sophia not noticing the shuffling behind her.

It's two minutes later, as you finish the plate, that someone pushes a chair to your table and sits down. You stare at the girl, the priestess who has just earlier been scamming people in the street now enjoying her own meal at your table.

Is it something you did in the past? Some form of karmic retribution?

Do you attract weird people as punishment for blaspheming against the gods?

Sophia smiles at her, immediately greeting her without any suspicion. "Hello, priestess!"

"A runaway noble and a Spectrier Knight," the priestess says, "a long way from home, Gilderans."

Sophia drops what's left of her bread into the bowl of soup, her eyes wide. She looks torn between reacting with hostility, as one should when faced with some stranger shouting your identity in a crowded place, or awe. "H-how did you know that?"

She smiles, pointing up. "I'm afraid my source is a bit above your paygrade, ladies."

Sophia claps her hands together. That side of hers isn't something you're familiar with, and it's too cute to really deny her that. Nonetheless, before your follower ends up doing something ridiculous, you decide to stop the priestess in her tacks.

"She clocked my gait like Leif did," you say, crossing your arms and glaring down at the girl "And while she thought nobody was looking, she unsheathed your sword and saw the black blade. That's not divination, that's just parlor tricks."

She raises her hands when Sophia's face turns stern, trying to laugh it off. "Surely you can forgive a young girl for her tricks, Miss. I am truly sorry, is it a crime to try and lighten the mood?"

"You're a terrible priestess," you say, shrugging. Sophia looks crestfallen, her eyes cast down and to the side. You reach out, patting her on the hand. She lightens up slightly, though her shoulders still slump. "I'd introduce us, but I'm certain you've been hovering around us long enough to know our names."

"My benefactor is generous indeed," she says, her arms wide as she bows to you. "I am Ray, Maiden of the Thunderbringer. It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Aria, Sophia."

"An honor for sure," you say. "I'm sure there's a good reason why you decided to spoil our meal."

"Please, Miss Aria," Ray says, her lips reminding you of a Nickit for some reason as she smiles up at you. "There's no need for hostility, is there? We are all friends here, and friends share with each other."

"Of course, friend," you say, smiling at her. You want to say you don't take pleasure in the way her own smile strains in the face of yours. She's clearly not used to people figuring out her tricks so fast, which does speak for her young age. Still, the curiosity gets the better of you. "How old are you anyway?"

"One must not ask a lady her age, don't you know," she says, leaning back into the chair. And that answer immediately makes you doubt your own perception again. "Some people are simply blessed with an unaging demeanor."

You don't know why you dislike her so much.

Maybe because that woman, Agnes, reminded you of Old Bea.

"I know, I know, you didn't like the blessing that I gave the old woman," she says. You can't help but flinch at the easy read she gave you.

"Obvious thoughts," Sophia murmurs, cheering up just enough to make a joke at your expense. You sigh.

"Yes," you say, "I don't think that selling fake blessings using thunderstones speaks well for your character."

"The blessing was fake?" Sophia asks, her voice going up several pitches. You blink. She still thought that was real even though the priestess is clearly a scam artist? You really need to speak with Sophia later before she ends up losing money to someone like this.

"Was it?" Ray asks, grabbing a bit of that stone from her pocket and tracing a circle in the air with it. "I sell people what they want, whether or not I offer it. She needed courage, and all it took was a spark to ignite it."

"She had that courage in her all along," you say. "You just made her believe it came from you. What she needed were words of encouragement."

"Which is what I gave her." Ray shrugs, her arms wide. The motion looks as exaggerated as it does practiced. "Sure, I took some coin for it. But in all fairness, Miss Aria, would you truly believe a blessing given away for free?"

"I can't claim to understand faith, because I do not worship the gods the way the people of Olympia do," you say, shaking your head. "But my grandmother taught me to repay kindness with kindness, and faith with faith. She believed in you, but the god you worship seems to be one of gold."

That does entice a reaction. For a short moment, so minor you know you would have missed it if you didn't look her directly in the eye, she became angry. It's gone in a blink, and she shoves against the table, moving the chair to get off.

"I apologize," Ray says. What she managed to hide on her face is still in her voice. "I made a mistake."

Your hand reaches out faster than your brain. You grab her by the arm, a spark of electricity exploding between you two that causes the inn to quiet down for a moment, everyone turning to you. You wave them off, and the world just returns to normal as you turn to Ray.

"I'm sorry," you say. You don't know what for, really. You just know that the girl is upset, and you can't have that, even if you disagree with her methods. "Whether your blessings are real or not, it's wrong of me to doubt your faith, Ray. Please, stay seated."

She looks at you for a moment, different than before. You find yourself shifting in your chair at the stare, and Sophia, too, seems at a loss for words. After another beat of silence, Ray gives you a nod, and you let go of her arm.

"You've picked a difficult time to come to Olympia," she says, moving on without much of an issue. "A high priest was murdered last night, I'm sure you've heard."

"In passing," Sophia says, nodding. "The… lady at the entrance of the city mentioned it."

"Ah, the whores, yes," Ray says. You purse your lips at the rather strong word. "Don't mind them too much, though they're quite good sources if you need information. It's the oldest profession, they say."

"Who says that?" you ask. She waves you off, continuing without missing a beat.

"So here's the thing, high priest Aggamemnon wasn't the most popular person," she says. What a mouthful of a name. You're fairly certain it's a traditional one, you read the name in a book before. "He was a whoremonger, he gambled with donations to the temple, but he was the de-facto leader of the temple so unless someone from higher up the food chain came to Olympia to get rid of him, we were all stuck with him."

"Sounds like a lot of people could have a motive then," Sophia says. She's back to normal now, though still slightly miffed.

"For sure, but we do have one suspect." Ray grabs a scroll from her bag, rolling it out on the table. There's a drawing of an older woman, beautiful in a way that you cannot put into words. "The Matron, Debora, was the last person seen in his chambers. Since the murder, she's been missing."

"That doesn't mean she did it," you say, frowning. "That just means she's missing."

"Well, that's for the temple to decide if they catch her," Ray says, smiling as she rolls up the scroll again. "And you seem like two capable young women, so I've got a proposal. The bounty on catching her is quite high, easily enough to keep trailblazers like you going for half a year. I propose fifty-fifty."

So only three months, but— "We're two," you say, "and you're one."

"Yes, but!" She raises a finger. "I know the city better than anyone, and you don't."

That's fair, you think. "Fine, I'm not in the mood to negotiate. Why us?"

"Because you don't know the city at all," she says, clapping her hands together. "And nobody in the city knows you. So if you ask the prostitutes some questions, nobody will be suspicious."

You ignore the girl's emphasis on the word she is now using because you clearly didn't like the other one. Of course they won't sell out their matron, and not to a priestess. Even if she decided to disguise herself, her appearance is far too young.

Before you can make a decision, you hear a shout outside. A woman screams, and though many in the inn look armed and capable, nobody moves to help. You hear the whispers, you hear the disdain.

It must just be some whore, no need to worry.

You do worry. You grab your sword when you see that not even the guards that are taking a break move out. The door to the tavern slams open, your sword drawn, white steel reflecting the lantern lights which have gone up while you were inside.

It's a woman, dressed much too light for the weather, crying over someone. You sheath your sword and approach, your hand on her shoulder. She reacts strongly, turning around with a small knife in hand, shaking as she points it at you.

"D-don't come any closer!" she warns. You raise your hands. "I'll kill you if you do!"

"Your friend is injured," you say, slowly reaching into your pockets. You do have some potions from your shopping trip in Wallburg. Not many, but certainly enough to help a bleeding woman. "Let me help."

She does not look like she wants to accept it, but she has no other choice. She lowers the blade, still holding onto it as you approach again. The woman on the ground must be a coworker, her head is bleeding strongly. There's blood on a wall nearby, you see. Someone must've slammed her head against it. Sophia and Ray join you outside, watching as you apply the potion to the woman's wound.

"That's just first aid," you say. "She'll need to see someone with medical experience, or at least a warmer place to rest."

The knife-wielding woman nods. You bend down, lifting the injured woman up. "Where to?"
"Follow me." She finally sheaths her own knife. Sophia wants to follow, but Ray holds her back. Well, you might not have agreed to anything yet, but it seems your habits are going to get you involved regardless.

Maybe it was time to pray.

Repay kindness with kindness.

You don't truly believe the matron killed the high priest. Perhaps that is your own bias, but at this point in time the truth is that if you find her before anyone else, you can keep her safe. While Ray is interested in the bounty, you know she can be reasoned with.

And if she can't, well, what's she gonna do? She's practically half your size!

Regardless, you are now in a race against time. The other prostitutes claim they don't know where she is. So—

[ ] —you investigate the temple.
There is no way there isn't any evidence. The temple likely didn't want to find any and just blame the next best person.

[ ] —you investigate the brothel.
Just because they say they don't know doesn't mean they are truly unaware of their matron's location.

[ ] —you investigate the guards.
They're not the temple's people. These are the emperor's men, and if anyone knows about the situation in the city, they do.
The habits of a knight have not quite left her, and though you'd love to take that hand in friendship, she seems to hold something more in her heart when she walks with you
high priest Aggamemnon
Did you search for the least sympathetic name in greek myth or did it spring to mind immediately when you needed a name for an asshole?
[ ] A Hero's Ingenuity
As with the Ancient Thief Odysseus, you find your way out of difficult situations with trickery and intelligence. The journey ahead is harsh, but you cannot falter.

Your search for a new friend leads you around the city. You spot a small bird on a building. It smiles at you, then flies away—you run after it.

[ ] A Hero's Righteousness.
Like Atlas, you become someone who encourages those around you. Perhaps you don't need to carry the world on your shoulders by yourself.

Your search for a new friend leads you into the tall grass. A lizard stares at you, its long frills at the side of its head stiffening as it readies to fight…

[ ] A Hero's Passion
You are invested in the world around you, this in turn invests the world in you. Much like Helios, where you walk the fire ignites.

Your search for a new friend leads you into the sparse woods. A small, dog-like bolt glares up at you, green and yellow all over.
Wattrel, Helioptile and Yamper, I think.
Leaning Wattrel both because it's my favourite of the three and because the combination of ingenuity and wisdom sounds potent.
hmmm... Murder mystery AND a Pokemon choice in an update ? Elpis is spoiling us. In the absence of hints in text that I could find, I'd say investigate the victim if they were notoriously shady.
[X] —you investigate the temple.

As for the Pokemon choice, looks like our choices are Wattrel, , Heliotpile and Electricke (dog-like, electric type and green)... I think I prefer Helioptile of the three, and Righteousness work well with Wisdom and Authority, IMO.

[X] A Hero's Righteousness.