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The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.

Let's find out if that might be you. Shall we?

And if not, well... You can always try again.
[X] The Dreaded

I'm tempted to make it a four way tie but I decided not to.

[X] The "Free"
Vote Results
The Hopeless - 1
The "Free" - 2
Adhoc vote count started by notAperson on Oct 31, 2024 at 5:21 PM, finished with 5 posts and 5 votes.
notAperson threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
2-Eric Mittlin - 1
A feeling.


Up. Down. Left. Right. Forward. Backward.



Towards what?

[X] The Hopeless
Soul: 1

Today sucks.

The first problem is that you woke up.

You weren't supposed to.

You distinctly remember doing something last night that would have made it impossible for you to wake up the next day. Or the next. Or the next. Or ever again.

Oh! You had overdosed on heroin.

No wait, that was something else...

...Wait, what?

You pull your mind from the hole it had plunged into, and try to force some semblance of order to your thoughts. Your name is Eric Mittlin, you are thirty two, homeless with no family, and had just overdosed in some random back alleyway of the city you called home, Brockton Bay. No one would miss you.

This is not you.

Because you quite clearly remember Brockton Bay being a fictional setting in a web novel that you had read. You also remember... Nothing. You remember nothing. You remember nothing! where did your memories, your life, go!? You had family, you had friends, you had a job and a significant other! You know this! But you just. cant. remember! Oh god, you think your gonna puke.

You lean over to the side, your back still against the wall that you had intended to be your last place of rest, and start to heave. All that comes up is spit and bile, as you had nothing in your stomach last night, or the day before. Your head burns, it feels like something has stuck your brain in a vat of boiling oil and is currently trying to deep fry it.

You... You cant. You just cant. Cant deal with this, cant think about this. Death. Not death. The erasure of seemingly anything resembling you for someone else. You get up and start to walk, you don't know where to, you just need to move. To go. To get away.

You stumble out of the alley and into the street.

Your almost immediately hit by a truck.







[] The Known
[] The Unknown
[] The Forgotten
[] The Remembered
The Right People, In The Wrong Places
Eric Mittlin
Eric Mittlin
- 32
- Homeless
- No living family or friends
- Expert Pickpocket: When trying to pickpocket someone a D20 will be rolled, 16 or less in a success.
-- Scavenger: What people throw out isn't always garbage, you know what you can and cant eat, and what you can and cant fix with just a little elbow grease.
-- Deal With It: Your used to pain, of the mental and physical kind. hunger pains, scratches and bruises, lost opportunities, sometimes you just gotta deal with it all. But don't be too over reliant on this mentality, you can break, and have broken before.
-- Vagrant: You know where you can stay and take a rest for a while before the enforcers find you, and you know some somewhat safe places to sleep.
- N/A
- Edge (1/1)
John Johnson
John Johnson
- 28
- Maintenance Worker
- Jane Johnson (Mother, Distant)
Marcus Johnson (Father, Distant)
No close friends
- Jack Of All Trades: Your not great at anything, but you are competent at everything. Your not the best, but your also not the worst. You can do a little of everything, but a person skilled in a certain field will be better than you at that field.
-- A Normal Face (Personal Skill): Your face is normal. So normal in fact, that the definition of normal was based upon you. You have a higher chance of getting away with any illegal actions, and can easily blend into a crowd.
--- Meant To Be Here (Personal Skill, Sub-Skill): Have you ever seen one of those experiments where someone puts on a high-vis jacket, grabs a clip board, and walks like they need to be somewhere, and because of that they can go basically anywhere without anyone noticing anything wrong? That's you. Expect you don't need the clip board. Or the jacket. Just walk like your meant to be there, and people won't question your presence.
- Lives in an apartment building, pays a rent of $620 a month.
-- Makes $609.20 a week.
-- Owns a rusted 1911 with 3 bullets left, the bullets were already in the gun when it was bought.
-- Hates himself and life utterly.
- Edge (1/1)
Jeremiah 'Germ' Davidson
Jeremiah "Germ" Davidson
- 38
- Merchant Gunman
- Multiple Merchant acquaintances
-- Main friends are, Lily, Rob, and "Gutrot" all Merchants
- Pistol "Training": You know how to shoot a pistol, barely, you can aim the deadly part in the right direction, pull the trigger, and maybe hit something.
-- Merchant (Personal Skill): Your a Merchant, with all the pros and cons that come with such a thing.
-- Drug Addict (Personal Skill) (Malus): Your also addicted to drugs, multiple of them, and if you don't get your hits, you will do things that you will not hold yourself accountable for.
- Lives in the drug lab he usually guards, sleeps on his couch in the main room down stairs, has everything else he owns in an old locker on the second floor.
-- Possessions include: A single change of clothes
fifty bucks
A Beretta pistol, unknown type
around thirty more rounds for his gun
toilet paper
multiple different types of drugs
- Tilted (2/2)
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3-John Johnson - 1
[X] The Unknown
Soul: 2

Today absolutely sucks.

The first problem is that you woke up screaming.

You weren't supposed to.

Because you distinctly remember overdosing on heroin. And you distinctly remember getting run over by a truck. And now you also distinctly remember blowing your brains out all over your apartment wall.

something like that isn't just fixed.

And thus, the screaming. And also the ensuing mental breakdown of undeterminable length. All you know is that by the time you had stopped screaming, your voice was raw, your face wet and your eyes red from tears, the bed you laid in had been messily torn up, and you had blacked out with your mind going blank at least three separate times. The only thing that shows that time has passed is the fact that the sun was just rising when you awoke, and it is now currently setting.

For some reason, after all of that, the only thing that you could currently focus on is the weird thought that despite knowing for a fact people lived in the apartments around you, no one had come to investigate your screaming. It was weirdly disquieting, and bothered you to an almost disturbing level.

Ah, now you remember why.

It is because you are currently John Johnson, the person for whom the descriptor Normal was made from. Your name might as well have been "Joe Human McEveryone", it would have fit perfectly. And that bothered you so, so much. Because no matter what you did or tried to do, you could never stand out. You knew many things, but never truly excelled in anything. You were the face people thought of when they said "just another face in the crowd". Jack of all trades master of none indeed.

It Burned. It burned so much. The thought, the belief, the Truth. That you would never be good enough at anything to ever stand out. It's what led you to buying an old, nearly rusted out 1911 for dirt cheap. And then cleaning the barrel with your mouth. You had hoped the spectacle of it might have gotten you somewhere, even just into a single daily news report.

You knew it wouldn't. Not in this city. Not with you. But you had thought that whatever would come after would at least be better than this.

But now your here. Still alive. Or at maybe not, because you do still have the memories of a homeless man, and what seems to be a Specter from another world in your head. Maybe your in fact the ghost of Eric Mittlin, possessed by a soul from another world, and now possessing the body of a dead man. Or maybe your the Specter, thrown from all you know, with all of your personal memories erased, into another world for... For... What was it even for? You don't know. You don't know you don't know you don't KNOW!

You... You just... You just want it all to go away.

And suddenly, most of it does. The memories and ghosts of Eric Mittlin and John Johnson are moved out of the house that is your mind, and the front door is closed. You can still see them through the windows, and you know you could let them in whenever you wanted to. Letting them inside the house to become them once more, until you wish for them to leave once again. The only thing that remains are the memories of the Specter.

Well... At least you know who you are now. You think. Now you only have to deal with one existential crisis instead of three.

But where do you go from here? From what you know-and now you know it is definitely you-the city you are in, Brockton Bay, is fictional. Or at least it is supposed to be. But with you currently being here, that belief is obviously not true. The next thought that comes from that knowledge is the thought of using your knowledge to your benefit. How to do so is a complicated question, but you at least can use it.

That thought is nearly instantly snuffed out from knowledge borrowed from both Eric and John, the date.

It is currently March 18th, 2008.

Or, at least, according to John its the eighteenth. According to Eric it should be the seventeenth.

Hmm, is a day how long it took for you to... Reincarnate you believe is the best word.

You rest your mind on that topic for perhaps longer than would be considered healthy, before you are distracted from your once again darkening thoughts, by a simple piece of paper on the bedside desk. You are distracted for two reasons, the first being a sudden and inexplicable draw to the paper. A feeling, a need, to pick it up, and read what's upon its surface. The other reason is more explainable. It wasn't there last night.

you reach your hand out from the bed you were lying-now sitting-in, and grab the paper. Upon it is written two words, in a red so red as to be unnatural.



Entertain us? Entertain!? Is that what this is!? Is that why this was all done!? For entertainment!? What if i don't-!

The thought is stopped as soon as it is formed, as a crushing weight is felt upon you body, upon your Soul. You want to fall to your knees and scream under the pressure, but you cant move. The weight, it feels like judgement. Disappointment. Displeasure.

The weight ends, and you do fall to your knees. Not screaming thankfully, only panting.

Ok. Ok. Your going along with this, because it seems like you don't have much choice otherwise. But... What would beings like the ones behind this consider entertainment?

Once again, a weight settles upon you, but it is not crushing like the other, this one somehow feels... Informative.

Impact. The word is suddenly lodged into your mind. Impact is entertainment. It doesn't matter what kind of impact, whether it be in the stock market, or in fights, world politics, or local gang brawls, good or bad, impact is entertaining. It also gives you the idea that the impact doesn't have to be instant. Beings like the ones orchestrating this live and think on a completely unknowable and unthinkable timescale to people like you, they can wait however long they need, Be it minutes, or decades.


Well, looks like you got some planning to do, and some memories to sort out.

You have an impact to make after all.


[] Write-in

(Welcome to what I would consider the actual start of the quest! Now, I'm gonna lay out how the quest will mostly go. Mostly what is going to be happening is that you guys are going to be laying out things you wanna do, investigate, get, buy, steal, etc, in one big plan, and as we follow along in the plans steps we will take time out for all the individual moments and events that happen. Unless your plan is very simple and doesn't have much danger in it, expect it to likely not be followed all the way to the finish, as things will interrupt parts, or perhaps all of it. Necessitating the creation of a new plan, and new steps. (also I don't know if this would technically make this a plan quest, but from what I've seen those are different from how I'm going to be running this, so someone please tell me if I need to change that in the title.) You will gain more power and knowledge of what you can do as we continue-yes I will eventually explain what Soul is-and I also expect you to die quite a lot, but that's the fun part! The basic idea for this quest when I thought of it was to make it like a D&D adventure. I'm the DM-QM in this case-I've set up a world for you, filled it with things, given you powers and motivation, and now I've dropped you headfirst into that world, GO! )
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How the quest will work
Welcome to the quest! I'm gonna lay out how the quest will mostly go. Mostly what is going to be happening is that you guys are going to be laying out things you wanna do, investigate, get, buy, steal, etc, in one big plan, and as we follow along in the plans steps we will take time out for all the individual moments and events that happen. Unless your plan is very simple and doesn't have much danger in it, expect it to likely not be followed all the way to the finish, as things will interrupt parts, or perhaps all of it. Necessitating the creation of a new plan, and new steps. (also I don't know if this would technically make this a plan quest, but from what I've seen those are different from how I'm going to be running this, so someone please tell me if I need to change that in the title. Fixed, thanks.)

You will gain more power and knowledge of what you can do as we continue-yes I will eventually explain what Soul is-and I also expect you to die quite a lot, but that's the fun part!

The basic idea for this quest when I thought of it was to make it like a D&D adventure. I'm the DM-QM in this case-I've set up a world for you, filled it with things, given you powers and motivation, and now I've dropped you headfirst into that world, GO!
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[X] Plan: Finding our Footing
-[X] Search the House
—[X] Look for Personal Documentation: Cards, Licenses, etc.
—[X] Look for personal affects: Diaries, Journals, Notebooks, photos, calendars.
—[X] Assess appliances and resources: Basic Necessities Like food water and clothing, If we have access to the internet, Our financial situation.
-[X] Understand the Outside world
—[X] Be cautious with our search history: Don't immediately jump to what where looking for, try to find related articles then slowly move towards what we're actually looking for to establish a reasonable trail, don't search for specific locations look at maps of areas, and clear it after we're done.
—[X] Use internet to identify general history
—[X] Use internet to determine the cape scene of Brockton bay.
—[X] Use internet to determine where we are in the timeline.
—[X] Use internet to look at map of Brockton Bay memorize the broad strokes and location of important areas.
-[X] Personal Evaluation
—[X] Calmly mentally examine each of our lives to get an idea of their general history and what skills and knowledge we have retained from each of them.
—[X] Assess whether we have any knowledge related to how we ended up like this or of our "Patrons"
—[X] Determine the state of our body, health, and appearance.
—[X] Attempt to ascertain wether our "Patrons" have given us any boons such as powers parahuman or otherwise.

I think this does a reasonable job of covering our immediate needs while keeping an eye on the future. If anyone has any ideas I'd be happy to consider adding them to my plan.

I really like this free form planning you've given us, but It my be prudent to start adding moratoriums as the quest following grows. It would help prevent the issues of flawed plans getting posted rapidly and burying more thought out plans and turning plan making into a race rather than a discussion.
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I really like this free form planning you've given us, but It my be prudent to start adding moratoriums as the quest following grows. It would help prevent the issues of flawed plans getting posted rapidly and burying more thought out plans and turning plan making into a race rather than a discussion
Isn't that basically what the scheduled voting system is? Or should I announce moratoriums as well? I'm extremely new at this so any help would be appreciated.
Votes done, no chapter today though, I haven't actually slept since yesterday and am now going to pass out and do this all tomorrow