Always Forward, Never Backward! -- A White Fang Quest (RWBY)

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Take control of the Valean White Fang before the events of RWBY and its trailers. Explore a more nuanced look and take on the White Fang and the world it operates in. Destroy those who would seek to enslave and oppress the Faunus People. Gjithmonë Përpara, Kurrë Prapa! Always Forward, Never Backward!


Some kinda Commie

Always Forward, Never Backwards!
A White Fang Quest

Kuo Kuana during the monsoon season is a miserable place to be. Great waves smash into the network of stilt houses, shantytowns and pre-Independence palatial manors that make up the capital of Mengarie, crushing the poorly constructed to bits and flooding everything else. Any who dared the storm were lashed with whip like torrents of rain, utterly drenched to the bone within seconds of stepping outside. Most functionaries and party officials of the Faunus Liberation Party were housed in governmental complexes further inland to prevent the monsoons from interfering with the day-to-day functions of the Party and the State. Networks of storm ditches, high walls and concrete encased tunnels prevented the rain from doing too much damage. The Great Commander had planned on extending these anti-storm measures to the majority of the city after the Revolution, but economic warfare from Mantle had crippled the State's budget and turned such ideas into decaying concrete walls crisscrossing the city.

For a long while you stew on that thought, drinking from a piping hot mug of coffee. Normally you'd be in bed at this hour, letting the sound of the rain pattering against your government-provided apartment lull you to sleep while you laid next to your partner. You had been doing just that but a few hours ago, when a drenched messenger had pounded on your door and, when you groggily came to answer it, handed you orders directly from Sister Khan herself.

Now, in your own office, you look over both those papers and some background reports a friend within the Ministry of the Diaspora had provided you. While the news was bad for the Party, and thus the Race, as a whole, you couldn't help but smile at the information it contained. Adam Taurus, that bigoted monster whose puppet masters had convinced Sister Khan to put in charge of the Valean Department, had managed to botch an important mission. A simple scouting run on a SDC train line had led to his main cadre getting ambushed by SDC hired mercanries, killing most of his inner circle. Somehow in the battle the fool had been separated from Sister Belladonna, daughter of the Great Commander, and had been forced to shamefully report her as MIA when he escaped. A total catastrophe for Taurus and his Rightists within the Party. Just the attack would have been bad enough, losing Sister Belladonna to death or worse has practically ended his career. As of five hours ago Adam Taurus had been demoted from Department Head and ordered by to Kuo Kuana to speak before the Politburo and Sister Khan. He'd be lucky if he wasn't expelled from the PCF.

Someone had to take his place, of course. It couldn't be any of his surviving subordinates, they were too drenched in Taurus's aura of incompetence to be trusted. A political knife fight had started in the Politburo over who would take his place, and your name had been pushed forwards by your own patrons. While normally a mid level functionary like yourself wouldn't be granted such an honor, the back and forth among the heads of the Party had led to more and more names being discarded until only you remained. It does rankle your pride a bit to be considered merely a compromise canidate, but that doesn't fully extinguish the joy mixed with anxiety you felt. Finally you were going out into the field again, to lead a Department of the PCF, the White Fang, against all those who would oppress the Faunus Race.

You were to take a Bulkhead to a small island off the coast of Vale as soon as the storm cleared up. From there you'd make your way by boat to the City of Vale.

PCF (Partia Çlirimtare Faunit, Faunus Liberation Party)

Known colloquially as the 'White Fang', the PCF was founded as the paramilitary arm of the FROCLME (Fronti Çlirimtar i Menagerisë, Menagerie Liberation Front) shortly before the Great War, when Menagerie was under the colonial rule of the Empire of Mistral. Initially an anti-colonial and anti-slavery force, the PCF ballooned in size during the Great War, spreading among the Faunus foot soldiers of both sides of the conflict. When FROCLME disbanded following the end of the Great War and the Independence of Menagerie, many within the PCF were left unsatisfied by the weak concessions given by the Great Powers to the Faunus people. Ghira Belladonna, a high ranking commander in the pre-Faunus War PCF, took command of the organization and led a guerilla campaign against efforts by Humanity to ethnically cleanse all Faunus outside of Menagerie. Though the Great Commander has since stepped down, the PCF continues follow in his footsteps, ardently struggling for Faunus liberation and protecting the Race's only free land. Gjithmonë Përpara, Kurrë Prapa!

The PCF rules Menagerie through the will of its people and the strength of Sister Khan. While a small constellation of minor political parties orbit around the PCF, in essence the White Fang essentially runs the nation. Though criticized by the Humanists in Mantle and the centrists in Vale for its 'authoritarian' tendencies, there is in fact a great deal of factionalism and internal discussion within the PCF. While officially these factions have been banned since the Faunus War, unofficially they are the main power players in the party. Your appointment to fix Taurus's fuck up was backed by one of these factions. Its friends are your friends, its enemies are your enemies.

[ ] PCF - Khanists: The faction of Sister Khan and the de facto 'center' of the Party, you come from the left flank of this faction. The Khanists care only about the war for the rights of the Race, seeking to advance the cause of Faunus Liberation above all else. While you personally prefer to work with Faunus majority labor unions, tenant associations and militias; the rest of your party has no issue dealing with wealthy Faunus merchants and bourgeois. Class struggle must come far, far after the fight for racial equality after all. A Faunus merchant on the Valean High Street is more of your ally than a human coal miner outside of Mantle after all. Your time as a administrator in the Kuo Kana Public Department served you well in gaining the organizational prowess needed to run a Fang Department outside the homeland. You have a great deal of support among the Party due to your ties within the Party Center and the patronage of one of Sister Khan's inner circle. However you have dealt with very few humans, having spent your life entirely on Menagerie.

[ ] PCF - Belladonnaists: While all of the PCF claims to follow in the footstep of the Great Commander, it is the Belladonnaists who uphold his legacy. Led by Madame Kali, the Belladonnaists seek to dispel the image of the White Fang as a group of violent thugs and terrorists. Their work is primarily focused on mutual aid and outreach, funding many charities, credit unions and correspondence committees across Remnant. Their push for a caring, strong state to provide welfare for society's neediest has earned them many friends among the more philanthropically minded of Humanity's leaders. Normally proponents of non-violence and limited militarism within the Fang, the disappearance of Sister Belladonna has led this faction to reluctantly green-light its support for the Vale Department's more clandestine activities. You first met Lady Kali while working as an diplomatic attache to the Kingdom of Vacuo and quickly earned her trust with your steadfast support for principled pacifism and tireless activism. These qualities also impressed many within the Kingdoms, meaning that your legitimate activities will be seen in a much more positive light than normal. The militant side of the Fang does not like you and you are unaccustomed to violent and illegal actions.

[ ] PCF - Militarists: Representing the military of the State of Menagerie and the militants within the PCF, the Militarists opposed your appointment under the most strenuous terms. They are tired of deranged radicals and idealistic civilians taking over operations that should rightfully be under their purview. Talk of Race and Class will not provide for their budgets or led to an expansion of the nation's munitions factories.

[ ] PCF - Industrialists: The center right of the Party, your push for some form of worker rights and workplace democracy, even if only in a limited form, has angered the capitalist faction of the Party. This faction represents both the bourgeoisie class of Menagerie and Faunus factory owners and CEOs elsewhere. In their view the economic success of major Faunus business leaders will trickle down to the rest of the Race, raising all of them up.

[ ] PCF - Agrarians: One of the newer factions of the Party, the Agrarians were formed out of peasant unrest within central Mistral. There, in the rural highlands, peasants both Faunus and Human alike are threatened by greedy landlords and powerful agri-corporations alike. Peasant unions, tenant associations and rural militias were raised up, creating an insurgency that smolders onto this day. Calling for national liberation, land reform and worker democracy within the cities, the Agrarians sit firmly on the Left of the party. Notably they have strong ties with Human run peasant interest parties across the Kingdoms, and an observer within the International Workingbeing's Association. You spent many years working within the Peasant Bureau of the PCF, fighting for the rights of small holders and rural workers both in and without Menagerie. Peasants and those who live off the land are your natural allies given your long experience helping them organize and fight. Your hand was felt in the Mistrlian highlands, earning you the attention of many intelligence agencies and powerful corporate interests across Remnant.

[ ] PCF - Radicals: The faction Taurus is a part of. Racialists and bigots. The most violent and brutish of the Fang. They hate you both for your beliefs and for dethroning their golden boy. You can expect no help from the far right of the PCF.

[ ] Collectivist Party of Menagerie (Partia Kolektiviste Menagerisë): The PKM is one of the smaller satellite parties that orbit the PCF, officially part of the Liberation United Front. Collectivism is the philosophy of Rote Mars, further expanded upon by important revolutionaries like Comrade Hill and Comrade Hong. It calls for the working class to overthrow the capitalists and nobility, taking full control of the means of production while socializing all of society. It is also notably a radically egalitarian ideology, calling for full equality between Faunus and Human. Because of this the PKM has always been a stalwart ally of the PCF, fighting alongside its militants during the Great War and rallying the International Workingbeing's Association to support them during the Revolution. While it is highly, highly unorthodox for for such an important position to go to someone outside of the Party, your time working as a radical union organizer among the mixed race slums of Mantle led to Sister Khan giving you a honorary position in the PCF. Unlike most members of the Fang you are used to working with Humans and have ties among non-Faunus labor and radical organizations. Despite your high honors you are not a true member of the Party, and it will never let you forget that.

Finally, just for the records, you need to provide some basic details for the Politburo

[ ]Name: (Most names in Remnant are based off of colors and mythological figures. Those who are utterly against the post-Great War status quo may actively go against this)
[ ]Faunus Type
[ ]Appearance

((Please vote by plan))
Loving all the detail you've put into the factions!

Leaning towards the PKM route, if only to give Weiss an aneurysm.
god i love rwby stuff that thinks about politics.

i'm personally leaning towards the Agrarians faction-wise but have no strong feelings about name/faunus type/appearance at the moment
I'm intrigued by the Khanists, if only because it's sometimes interesting to see more of what could be called the "core" of the faction is at the moment. And attempt to steer a quite rapidly sinking ship
[X] Plan The Steady Hand of the Center
-[X] PCF - Khanists
-[x]Name: Taupe Grayson
-[x]Faunus Type: Three-toed Sloth
-[x]Appearance (assume she doesn't have human arms the sloth arms are her real arms)

[X] Plan Turtle Sage Mao
-[x] PCF - Agrarians
-[x]Name: Genbu
-[x]Faunus Type: Turtle
-[x]Appearance: literally just Master Roshi

[X] Plan: Cunning Rabbit
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[X] Plan: Fight On Comrades
- [X] Collectivist Party of Menagerie (Partia Kolektiviste Menagerisë)
- [X]Name: Jun Takezo
- [X]Faunus Type: Fox
- [X]Appearance:

[X] Plan: The Better Weiss

Overthrow the bourgeoisie with good vibes. Takezo is Musashi's real name.
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[X] Plan: Fight On Comrades
@Alpaca27, no offense, but you wouldn't happen to have an OC image that isn't Naruto, would you?

In any case, Vale is more stable than Mistral and Mantle, not to mention (comparatively) less segregationist. Community programs and self-defense groups may be more effective in gaining support (though we'll still be engaging in violent militant activities).

EDIT: I've decided I'm willing to give the Maoist rabbit consideration.

[X] Plan: Cunning Rabbit
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Leaning towards the PKM route, if only to give Weiss an aneurysm.
I have been inspired!

[X] Plan: The Better Weiss
-[X] Collectivist Party of Menagerie (Partia Kolektiviste Menagerisë)
-[X] Name: Zuriñe Elurra
-[X] Faunus Type: Albino Squirrel
-[X] Appearance:

I got nothing for appearance, feel free to post a suggestion and I'll put it back in the original post.

Swapping my vote to include the Agrarian bunny vote. I'm sorry, I just don't want a Naruto faceclaim.

[X] Plan: Cunning Rabbit
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[X] Plan: Debts Owned
-[X] PCF - Belladonnaists
-[X] Name: Noir Dawn
-[X] Faunus Type: Vampire Bat
[X] Plan: Cunning Rabbit
-[X] PCF - Agrarians
-[X] Name: Isepo Kunne (Ainu, isepo = "rabbit", kunne = "black")
-[X] Faunus Type: rabbit
-[X] Appearance: nonbinary, dark skin, rabbit-ish legs/feet

peasant guerillas forever. i have, as you can see, a very vague conception of their appearance, so. open to suggestions on that front!
[] Plan Turtle Sage Mao
-[ ] PCF - Agrarians
-[ ]Name: Genbu
-[ ]Faunus Type: Turtle
-[ ]Appearance: literally just Master Roshi
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"Oh? Are those really going to be your last words, lamenting of how you were taken down my someone 'inferior'? Instead looking back on your actions and regret dying for your corporate masters, you'll continue to condemn us, even if it was you who set fire to our ally's village? Jeez, you Pinkertons really are all the same...Fine, then let the last words you hear be something all you bigots and strikebreakers should listen to."

"To this former're nothing more than prey."

[X] Plan: Combat Bureaucrat
-[X] PCF - Agrarians
- [X]Name: Zouyu (Formerly Nemea)
- [X]Faunus Type: Albino Feline
- [X]Appearance:
I'd love to see a White Fang quest with some legs to it.

None of the pitches so far sing to me but I've also driven deep into insomnia right now and can't come up with my own concept so I'm gonna vote on this after sleeping.
[X] Plan: Anti-loan Shark
-[X] Collectivist Party of Menagerie (Partia Kolektiviste Menagerisë)
-[X] Name: Manō Hina
-[X] Faunus Type: Shark (Great White)
-[X] Appearance: Grey-skinned sharp-teeth man with Hawaiian-inspired tattoos

Lets put the fang into WHite Fang
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