4. Battle of the Roses New
Diplomacy is worth another shot, perhaps another track will help

Yuki's eyes narrow beneath her blindfold. She is an advocate of resocialisation over harsh punishment, but she also knows the unchanging nature of Abnormalities. She has to see things from Gertrud's perspective and find a lever to use her own logic.

"Tell me more about the gathering process," she says. For now she needs more information about how this Witch thinks.

And Gertrud is happy to oblige. She begins swaying back and forth again, speaking at length of the various methods she came up with to extract energy from humans; Yuki gathers that this is likely their life force, sapped directly from their souls. Efficient, if nothing else.

Much like she expected, Gertrud is mono-focussed on her roses. She does not care for people or her surroundings, not even her own minions, beyond the benefits they offer her flowers. She only dives into populated areas when the roses lose their luster, then retreats once she took enough people to sustain them. The number is surprisingly low despite that.

"Just one or two at a time?"

"Indeed," Gertrud gurgles. "Those 'human' things are like sacks of energy, so I usually just need one or two. That much energy lasts me a fortnight, sometimes less if I make more seeds."

Yuki nods her understanding; this is still bad, but less so than she anticipated. "And how do you extract the energy, exactly?" she prompts next.

"Oh, I just snag and squeeze them. Without actually touching them, of course. Yuck. They don't even realise if I pull out their essence, but there's only so much I can take while they're alive. So I have Anthony cut them to size or something for the rest."

After what may have been an hour or two of gardening and useless avenues, Yuki finally sees an opportunity. She is starting to get tired of this dance, fingers twitching with unspent energy and very real anger. Gertrud's near-constant, callous comments do not help her mood.

"Your resource management is inefficient," she says, blunt as ever.

Gertrud stops wiggling in response and leans closer. "Oh? And how do you mean that?"

"While it is true you get more energy by wringing a human dry, you can still siphon some off without harming them. If you only take this much and let them go afterward, then you can take it from the same human again at a later time. Something like milking a cow. It keeps the population stable, no matter what."

Gertrud's head tilts further and further sideways, until she almost falls over. She eventually bounces back in the other direction, an almost hypnotic sway to her body. "Intriguing," she murmurs, glancing over to the vibrant roses still tended by a dozen minions.

"But the human population is stable anyway, isn't it? There are so many of them, they're everywhere and get anywhere if you let them. So why would I waste time extracting energy from more of them when I can just take it all? Not like one or two matter to the population as a whole."

Yuki's head tilts in tandem with Gertrud's, her countenance clearly unamused. "If we assume two humans per fortnight, that makes one human per week and thus fifty-two per year. A single human requires roughly fifteen to eighteen years to reach their physical maturity, not including the nine months' worth of gestation in the mother's womb. So in one generation of eighteen years, you will kill over nine hundred humans. Which makes nine hundred less who can themselves procreate, thus lowering the overall number of births in the following generation."

There are some more intricate considerations Yuki leaves out here, such as the ages of the victims in regard to having children. But she wants to get a point across, not write a thesis. The numbers seem to give Gertrud pause, if nothing else.

"Are they really that difficult to grow?" the Witch asks, a smidgen of curiousity shining through. "Even when there's so many of them?"

Yuki nods. "They are. And now imagine, for a moment, how you would feel if you spent so much time and effort to grow a rose, only for someone to walk by and trample it without regard."

Gertrud stills, shaking in barely controlled anger at the mere thought of it.

"I would be furious," she whispers.

"And you would go and kill whoever dared to do such a thing," Yuki continues, earning a bobbing nod. "Which is why only siphoning off some off their energy is in your best interest. Humans are a social species; a guardian will come sooner or later. But you can save yourself that hassle by not agitating them unduely."

She stops there, waiting for a response. Reading Gertrud's body language is difficult because she lacks familiar features, but the erratic flutter of her wings indicates that she mulls it over. Yuki dares to hope she got through to her when the silence keeps lasting.

Which is when she hears it, barely audible. A gunshot. Then another, and another.

And they are coming closer before suddenly stopping.

Yuki's gaze slips to the entrance, only to return to Gertrud when she speaks up: "You might have a point. I will have to think this over more carefully. To that... hm?"

Her head turns to the entrance as well, as does Yuki's once again. The sound of a voice is audible now, announcing three figures stepping into the opening. Two wear school uniforms, flanking a young woman in fancier blouse and skirt, with a dark corset to match. A yellow Soul Gem gleams on her beret, which crowns a head of golden hair that runs into elegant ringlets.

"It seems we found the Witch," she says to her companions, grabbing onto an ornate club that the girl to her right holds. She slams it into the floor, which creates a semi-translucent dome of light around the other two. "Please wait up here while I deal with her."

"I am better at this than Oriko," Yuki mutters to herself as she stands, hands at ease. Of course a Magical Girl would show up just as she mentions them. Now she has to disarm this somehow, lest all her work go down the drain.

"Mind the roses!" she calls up, just as the blonde girl is about to hop down. Hearing Yuki's voice startles her badly enough to buy a moment's time. "She will do her best to destroy you if you harm those."

"They have an actual language?" Gertrud asks, even as she pulls her mass together in agitation. "Whatever. Tell them to go away."

Meanwhile, the girls up above have a whispered conversation Yuki is not privy to. She gazes up at them momentarily, already suspicious of the conclusion they will reach. And before she can say much of anything, the blonde confidently leaps forward, clearing a fifteen metres drop without trouble.

Right into the flowerbed.

Yuki winces. The way that girl crushes a handful of roses under her boots seems deliberate, the confident smile she bears unwavering. And the barrier around them shudders.

"My roses!" Gertrud shrieks, flapping her wings in agitation. Her voice echoes from every wall, even the various plants around them start wailing. "Anthony! Adelbert!"

Even as she calls to her underlings, she lurches, catapulting her couch toward the intruder. Yuki ducks under it, wondering if Gertrud even realises she just threw that at her own roses. It does not matter either, seeing how another gunshot cracks loudly and the furniture's center explodes. Shreds of dark yellow ribbons fly every which way, as does the eldritch wood and cloth.

Gertrud utters another gurgling roar and rips into her own minions' essence, transforming a number of them into thick, sturdy vines to strike at the magical girl. She dances out of the way with grace that speaks of experience, forming flintlock rifles in each hand as she does. The hammers fall and bullets rip into the vines, debilitating them. But more come while Gertrud flutters high on her wings, nimbly evading the barrage.

Yuki slowly steps aside, unwilling to interfere; she already suspects all her work will go down the drain after this, but she has no stake in this fight. If anything, a magical girl is similar to a guardian of this city; interfering with her work is the opposite of what she should do.

Then a bullet shrieks right past Yuki's ear, tearing off the skin. A singular drop of blood pools at its very tip. And when the blonde looks her way again, Yuki knows this was no accident.

She moves before the next gun is fully pointed, crouching low. The bullet misses and the girl pushes off. Soft soil crumbles beneath her feet as she surges forward, straight at the surprised blonde. Viridian chains emerge from the ground to entangle her on Yuki's order, but are matched by golden ribbons. Her opponent leaps high to dodge her charge, where a vine snaps around her leg and slams her into the wall. Magical stone shatters on impact, hanging limp in the surrounding vines.

Twin shouts of shock sound from above, but Yuki knows better than to think someone that confident defeated. Theoretically, she could team up with Gertrud now. But, as the voices from above just reminded her, that will doom those civilians.

So she rather pulls back and floats up to the entrance, masking her ascent as a jump. The blonde from before is revealed to be fine and cuts herself free; just as her companions notice Yuki, she manifests a massive cannon, so large she can barely hug the handle.

Gertrud could dodge this, if she were not bound by a myriad of miniature strings that emerge from the bullet holes.

"Tiro Finale!" she calls gracefully, and the hammer falls a final time. An ear-shattering roar follows as Gertrud is swallowed by flame and smoke. Her lair wavers, quickly losing coherence.

Yet it seems that in her spite, Gertrud wants to deny the magical girl what she can. Her Grief Seed, a cage of black steel with gleaming core, bounces off the ground at a naturally impossible angle; away from the landing girl and right into Yuki's hand. She does not even notice because she poses, daintily sipping from a teacup she summoned from nowhere.

They are back in the regular world, the area bathed in dusk's orange light.

"Who are you, anyway?" the blunette of the civilian pair asks suspiciously, only to be surprised when the magical girl cocks another gun. "Mami? So she's bad?"

Yuki stares down the barrel without flinching. Her gaze flutters to the young woman holding it, then she clenches the Grief Seed harder. A flare of ribbons is countered by her chains this time, the green steel wrestling the cloth aside. The other two girls leap away with worried yelps.

"You should stop while you are ahead," Yuki advises calmly. "I have no reason to fight you yet."

The girl's brow ticks up the faintest bit. "A likely story," she retorts. "Every Witch is an enemy to the innocent."

The response causes more shocked gasps from the peanut gallery, which causes Yuki to roll her eyes after all.

"I am no Witch."

She clearly does not believe a word Yuki says. The still gleaming Soul Gem on her beret may be related to that.

"Um, are you sure, Mami?" a more timid voice chimes into their standoff. It belongs to the last member of the trio, yet another pinkette. "She doesn't look weird at all, not like those Witches or familiars, right?"

Yuki's head turns further once the colour registers. She studies the regular girl momentarily, already aware of whom she faces. Even if she did not look exactly like the one in Oriko's picture, there is a palpable aura around her. An invisible pressure that covers the girl's surroundings like a blanket.

Madoka Kaname. The apparent cause of world's end.

A gun barks and Yuki reacts too late; the bullet takes her in the shoulder, tearing through her suit. The girls shriek in surprise.

A flash of pain runs through Yuki as she bleeds off her momentum in an involuntary backflip. The bullet dug into her flesh, if not deeply. It wiggles and writhes in there, at least until her blood turns corrosive and dissolves the thing.

"I assure you, miss Kaname, this thing is a Witch masquerading as a human," the blonde says evenly. "Her appearing so non-threatening is part of the trick."

"And next I chose green as my colour because it has a calming effect to deceive my enemies," Yuki grouses, the familiar anger once again bubbling up. She swallows it for now as she inspects her shoulder. The arm still moves without trouble and the bleeding already stopped.

She ducks under the next bullet.

"You realise that, if we are to fight here, those two will become collateral damage?"

She motions toward Madoka and her wary friend, prompting Mami's eyes to narrow. So she is aware; this is probably why there were only singular shots and ribbon traps so far.

Yuki's shoulder knits itself back together; even her suit quickly mends. The scarlet of fresh blood is swallowed by even fresher viridian.

"Why did you bring them into danger in the first place?"

"That is none of your business," Mami answers, her voice almost as even as Yuki's. Her feet are still planted firmly, but the lack of further attacks conveys her uncertainty better than any words could.

Then the sound of footsteps echoes into their stalemate. An even clack-clack that draws the attention of both non-combatants, though neither Mami nor Yuki take their eyes off each other. Madoka gasps in surprise, her friend snarls.


"Transfer student."

The blunette almost hisses, clutching her club tighter. "So you're behind all this," she declares, as if she solved the world's greatest mystery.

A soft voice answers belatedly, toneless: "I never met this person in my life, Sayaka Miki."

"And why, exactly, did you reveal yourself at this point, miss Akemi?" Mami asks pointedly.

Yuki's brow arches at that; did this other person follow them?

"It's clear that the two of you are at a stalemate right now. Something has to give sooner or later. Regardless of what happens, I will ensure that Madoka Kaname and Miki Sayaka remain unharmed."

"Yeah, as if!" the blunette, Sayaka, grouses. She pushes herself in front of Madoka, barring her from view. Yuki spies Kyubey on the pinkette's shoulder now, though; she wears them like a scarf.

"Alternately," Yuki speaks up to get the newcomer's attention, "you could arbitrate between the two of us."

"Or," Mami counters, "we could destroy this Witch together, miss Akemi. I would be happy to have you."

Yuki's grip on Gertrud's Grief Seed tightens further. The metal gives ever so faintly now. She tries not to spit acid at someone. Children are so annoyingly difficult to deal with once they made up their minds. And Yuki has precious few options now; she could bargain with Gertrud, so these girls may not be lost causes, but time is running out.

She could get out of dodge with teleportation. They have no idea she can do that, but using it will reveal the ability. Suddenly being somewhere else can be devastating in a fight, especially so when the other side never sees it coming. That approach is a last resort in Yuki's mind.

She could try to appeal to this Homura character, somehow. Perhaps that Grief Seed in her hand can even be used to bargain with one or both of the magical girls. Or she can break the stalemate first and attack Mami, banking on Homura protecting Madoka and Sayaka instead of interfering.

Or she could simply... walk away. And hope the arrival of Homura keeps Mami occupied long enough to get away. But that will only belay the problem.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mutrtPIlv8[/URL]

[] Wait and see what happens
weight: x1

[] Break the stalemate, attack Mami
-[] (optional) Write-in a battle plan
weight: x1

[] Try to bargain
-[] With Homura
-[] With Mami
-[] (optional) write-in a bargain strategy
weight: x1

[] Leave
-[] Just walk away
weight: x1
-[] Teleport
weight: x0.5

We have a six-hour Moratorium. Please do not vote for six hours!

Tomoe Mami
-Threat Rating: WAW
-Threat Assessment: Highly skilled, experienced, efficient, and cautious; her greatest weakpoint is her limited magic.

Akemi Homura
-Threat Rating: WAW
-Threat Assessment: Calm, composed, confident. Her powers are unknown.
Tick tock, things are moving fairly quickly then. It's not surprising that we had an interrupt to our discussion with Gertrude but I do still think it makes more sense to have gone for communication.

For the current situation, I'm more inclined to just walking out. Not much reason for us to interfere with Yuki saying she'd rather not get the non-combatants in danger, and Mami is too hostile to negotiate with. Trying to do so seems like it'll just lead to more acidic words.

But this seems like a pretty important point to determine what we want to do overall, so...

Walk out with the soul gem, learn that Gertrude will re-hatch later. Get hunted by Mami since this is unresolved and we are carrying a Witch in our pocket. But Homura will probably keep her from trying to attack us from behind.

Talk with Homura, who is the only one here who seems to have an interest in civilian safety. Aside from establishing that we really do not have any interest in fighting at the moment, I'm not sure what this would be good for.

Talk with Kyubey, in an attempt to establish that we are not a Witch and to continue the conversation from before. Since Mami does not recognize that Witches come from Wishes this should be at the least baffling, even if Kyubey does enough wordplay to establish that we have the reading of a Witch.

Or let loose. Attack Mami with the understanding that Homura will protect the civilians. I'm not really inclined towards attacking the local authorities here, even if they are being rude.
Oh boy, love this! we tried to help, but ultimately Yuki had no sway in the situation beyond. Perhaps she can find a way to help other witches, but it will be tough if the magical quartet stays around, not to mention the results of no grief seeds. I can't wait to see what happens next and what everyone votes for!
"Your resource management is inefficient," she says, blunt as ever.

Gertrud stops wiggling in response and leans closer. "Oh? And how do you mean that?"

"While it is true you get more energy by wringing a human dry, you can still siphon some off without harming them. If you only take this much and let them go afterward, then you can take it from the same human again at a later time. Something like milking a cow. It keeps the population stable, no matter what."

Kyubey: "But what if the amount of energy given by killing them is more than what is expected to be obtained in their entire life?"

a guardian will come sooner or later. But you can save yourself that hassle by not agitating them unduely.
By the way, this part of the last update:
There is some more graffiti on the walls, which she leaves for the time being; casting more magic right now might be taken the wrong way. These letterings are just gloomy, talking about abandoning all hope and that no gods will answer one's prayers.

Is a reference to this:

We are in the building Mami fights Gertrude in in canon. :whistle:

"I am better at this than Oriko," Yuki mutters to herself as she stands, hands at ease. Of course a Magical Girl would show up just as she mentions them.

We have to tell this to Oriko later.

Then a bullet shrieks right past Yuki's ear, tearing off the skin. A singular drop of blood pools at its very tip. And when the blonde looks her way again, Yuki knows this was no accident.

Mami, you are a moron.

Ballistic Yuki incoming shortly.

Yet it seems that in her spite, Gertrud wants to deny the magical girl what she can. Her Grief Seed, a cage of black steel with gleaming core, bounces off the ground at a naturally impossible angle; away from the landing girl and right into Yuki's hand.

Awww, she likes us (more than the girl who deliberately trampled her roses and tried to kill her).

"And next I chose green as my colour because it has a calming effect to deceive my enemies,"

Funnily enough, it has.

Yuki spies Kyubey on the pinkette's shoulder now, though; she wears them like a scarf.

I hope she does take into account the fact that the little catrabbit isn't telling anything despite knowing full well that we are not a witch.

He is the best placed to defuse the situation, the fact he isn't is damning.

Grief seed.

Though I wouldn't be completely against doing it with Mami's soul gem, just for fun. :V

On the vote:

Attacking Mami is likely to be seen negatively by Homura. I don't want Homura to be hostile to us and not only due to the dangers of timestop.

Mami will be way too difficult to bargain with. She has an image in her head of what the situation is and will ignore our arguments as a matter of fact due to it.

Waiting may lead to Kyubey helping us, or it may not. I wouldn't put my fate in its paws anyway.

Leaving is just asking to have this happen later. Maybe even five minutes later if we don't teleport.

At the end of the day, the option I am the most partial to in negotiating with Homura.

She is the most desperate of everyone here despite her appearance of calm, show her we can be an ally and she will at least consider it. She will remember us if we do anything to Madoka too so all the other solutions have to be careful around this.

A *funny* approach would be to fight Mami with the express goal of depleting her magic. I am pretty sure she would be far more willing to talk with us after it happens, you know? :V

Here is a tentative plan:

[] Try to bargain
-[] With Homura
-[] Point out that if you had wanted to hurt those two (Madoka and Sayaka), you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on you nature since it knows it already.
Leaving is just asking to have this happen later. Maybe even five minutes later if we don't teleport.
I'm fine with this happening in about half an hour, assuming Mami doesn't drag more civilians along :V
[X] Leave
-[X] Just walk away

This still feels best to me for Yuki. Waiting is just gambling on who acts first, Mami could go either way, Sayaka might just chuck a bat at our head, Madoka might suggest leaving?

Funnily enough, since Mami didn't notice Yuki catching the seed she might think Gertrud was Yuki's familiar if she just leaves.
[X] Try to bargain
-[X] With Homura
-[X] Point out that if you had wanted to hurt those two (Madoka and Sayaka), you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on you nature since it knows it already.
[X] Try to bargain
-[X] With Homura
-[X] Point out that if you had wanted to hurt those two (Madoka and Sayaka), you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on you nature since it knows it already.

Although it would be funny if Yuki 'just noticed' Kyubei and went "Oh Kyubei, we meet again. Why don't you introduce me to your friends?"
On one hand, putting the mascot on the spot is funny.
On the other hand, letting it speak. Also not really in line with Yuki's personality.

I must also say the suprise meguka interrupt wasn't too surprising. The pre-battle music at the end of the previous post was a hint that battle would happen regardless, somehow.
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I'm fine with this happening in about half an hour, assuming Mami doesn't drag more civilians along :V

That's not solving the problem though, that's not even taking steps to do so.

We'll have to find a way to interact in a non-hostile way with the meguca population at some point, otherwise this will quickly become annoying to deal with. This situation has Homura and Kyubey that could be willing to help our case (Homura to maybe get a new ally against Walpurgis and Kyubey to get on our good side for further manipulation later down the line), may as well make use of it instead of discarding it.

[x] Try to bargain
-[x] With Homura
-[x] Point out that if you had wanted to hurt those two (Madoka and Sayaka), you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on you nature since it knows it already.
[X] Try to bargain
-[X] With Homura
-[X] Point out that if you had wanted to hurt those two (Madoka and Sayaka), you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on you nature since it knows it already.
[X] Try to bargain
-[X] With Homura
-[X] Point out that if you had wanted to hurt those two (Madoka and Sayaka), you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on you nature since it knows it already.
[x] Try to bargain
-[x] With Homura
-[x] Point out that if you had wanted to hurt those two (Madoka and Sayaka), you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on you nature since it knows it already.
Good Morning. a joy, as always, to read

[X] Try to bargain
-[X] With Homura
-[X] Point out that if you had wanted to hurt those two (Madoka and Sayaka), you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on you nature since it knows it already. Perhaps explain why you were in the witches' dungeon in the first place and the compromise you were seeking to create before they arrived.
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[X] Try to bargain
-[X] With Homura
-[X] Point out that if you had wanted to hurt those two (Madoka and Sayaka), you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on you nature since it knows it already.

I honestly like this because I believe of two of them Homura is the one you can reason with the most. and getting something out of Kyubey and causing doubt in whatever the hell the white rat is saying seems pretty useful.
That's not solving the problem though, that's not even taking steps to do so.
The ball is in their court either way, not everything needs an immediate solution. Our options here are to open an attack while civilians are present, wait next to the civilians for them to figure out if we're fighting or not, or try to talk it out when one of them has been highly aggressive and inviting danger to those civilians.

I think what you're misunderstanding here is that we already established our point here. We are not a Witch, we do not want to fight where civilians are harmed, and attacking us here when we're non-hostile is reckless. I'm fine with us fighting Mami if she decides to chase us down, I just don't see what it is that you are planning to bargain with Homura for in this case other than being allowed to leave.

Also, are you planning on using Gertrud in the bargaining for safe passage?
I think what you're misunderstanding here is that we already established our point here.

We have not established anything because, as far as Mami's concerned, we may as well have been speaking cthuvian for all that she listened to what we were saying. I would be surprised if she remembered any words that got out of our mouth. For her we are using words to try and destabilize people and nothing else, a parrot more than a talking intelligent being she can negotiate with.

I just don't see what it is that you are planning to bargain with Homura for in this case other than being allowed to leave.

Not being attacked long term. It is the main thing we can gain here.

I don't want to have this situation repeat every single time we meet Mami and am concentrating on Homura not because I want something out of her and only her, but because I want to set an example of non-hostile relations to force Mami's hands via peer pressure.
[X] Try to bargain
-[X] With Homura
-[X] Point out that if you had wanted to hurt those two (Madoka and Sayaka), you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on you nature since it knows it already.

tfw we're relying on Homura to defuse the situation :V
[X] Try to bargain
-[X] With Homura
-[X] Point out that if you had wanted to hurt those two (Madoka and Sayaka), you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on your nature since it knows it already. Perhaps explain why you were in the witches' dungeon in the first place and the compromise you were seeking to create before they arrived.

the others may not trust us but, well, Madoka's a sweetheart sometimes, and while Homura might not be able to defuse things well, we can at least trust that Yuki being a new factor will get Homura's attention.
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I think there is merit to pointing out that maybe Mami shouldn't be so quick to kill whoever her gem pings on. If a spell -or curse- caused Sayaka to seem a Witch, would she be totally fine with killing her?

Mami should be smart enough to realize that "vibes-based targeting" is a good way for innocents to get hurt.
To be fair, Mami (like many magical girls) has got some trauma. When finding out where witches came from, Mami was not afraid to kill everyone else to stop it. I'd say her ability for rational thought regarding witches is somewhat limited.

She definitely should try to be better, but it's not too likely she'll care if Yuki (a "witch") tries to suggest it. Same with Madoka and Sayaka, she'll probably just assume they don't know anything because they're new, while Homura is a "threat" to be taken with a grain of salt. I think, at best, maybe Kyouko could get through to her fully, but for now we'll just have to hope negotiating can get Mami to stand down for now.
[X] Try to bargain
-[X] With Homura
-[X] Point out that if you had wanted to hurt those two (Madoka and Sayaka), you had ample occasion while Mami was killing the witch. Then pointedly look at Kyubey and ask it why it hasn't yet corrected the misunderstanding on you nature since it knows it already.