Seeing Red [PMMM x LoR]
Recent readers

The Magical Girl of Courage falls in her bitter battle at the Library's heart, only to awake somewhere else. The golden grace of true light in her heart is all she takes along, though the heart itself is that of a monster. The Servant of Wrath is bound for the city of Mitakihara.

But the clock is ticking. World's end draws near, as foretold by the ivory maiden. New acquaintances and experiences await in these trying weeks, yet no friends. Never friends. Not for Courage, who remains ever detached. And yet her shackled heart yearns.

After all, what makes us as people, if not the bonds we share with others?

[Puella Magi Madoka Magica / Library of Ruina]
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Setting the Stage
Spoilers for Lobotomy Corporation, Library of Ruina, and Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Most of them not right now, but they will come up. No dedicated knowledge of either setting is necessary to participate.

The Library shook under the wrath of but one man. A crucible of the City's people, where even the mightiest went to die, now turned into a death trap for its Librarians. They fretted, they rallied, they fought, and the monsters they cultivated fought with them.

But by the time the Magical Girl of Courage fell, it was still not enough.

Love had been first to go, crushed underfoot by their enemy's enormous, distorted foot. Then went Happiness and Justice, drowned in a sea of steaming corpses that rose from the monster's melting flesh. The beasts spewed an insipid smoke as they went, meaningless on their lonesome but nasty in packs. Their coughs and barks only added to the symphony of violence that shook the Library.

If the Magical Girls had their full powers and real bodies, the result would have been different. Courage knows that. Yet she can not help but bemoan the fact she had to borrow a Librarian's body to manifest. The Abnormalities lost much of their power along the way. Now they were cut down like everyone else, for their opponent gave no quarter. No hesitation. No mercy.

She was last to fall, just as they brought the hulking beast low. Her mallet finally shattered its last kneecap while the legendary Red Mist sliced off its head in a final blow. And the man beneath coalesced into who he once was. Yet before she even realised that the battle continued, a pale white spectre ran her through.

Now Courage floats in-between, dragged along by currents of pink, purple, and gold. The everpresent anger ebbs and flows within, both at her failure to persevere and the fact they had to fight at all.

It was supposed to be over.

But alas, she should have known better.

Normally, she knows, she would go back to dwell in her book until the Library calls upon her again. Perhaps she could continue examining its structure to find a way to peek outside. But her book does not come, neither the familiar forest of her memories, nor the blank nothing of a container. Have they failed? Is Director Angela too distracted to funnel Courage back into her book?

The Magical Girl lazily turns around herself, more for lack of anything to do than any purpose. Something keeps pulling on her, not dissimilar to when she left Lobotomy Corporation behind. A party everlasting dragged her along the last time. This time, an invisible force takes her along on its ethereal stream.

Then she opens her eyes, sight the first sense to truly return.

Courage stares up at the clear blue sky, blinking slowly. The echo of voices she can not comprehend still sounds in her mind, only to quiet down as she begins thinking again. Her senses return one by one. She can smell a different quality to the air, feels blades of grass poke her back.

Sensations were always muted while she borrowed another's body to manifest herself. Now they feel real again, to the point she first thinks this wis a different book, perhaps a mix-up. Only in a dream could she feel like this, after all. But a quick spark of magic tells her she is not in a book; its viridian glow fades before anyone can notice.

Which leaves only one option: she is outside.

Courage sits up and looks around. She finds herself on a riverside, its length no less green than her own clothes. She arrived just shy of the slope. Highrise buildings reach into the sky on the river's other side, but turning her head reveals the same behind her. The buzz of crowds is audible, though she has yet to spot anyone.

Blades of grass tickle Courage's calves as she shuffles, a sensation that feels overall too real. They distract her from the surroundings for a time as she reaches out to touch her restored flesh. Her skin is warm to the touch, just like she remembers it being.

She is outside, and she has her own body. How did this happen? And how did she get here?

There is a number of explanations, but she has too little concrete information to even guess. In truth, Courage does not care to guess, either. It happened, and so it is. She understands that she had no true home since her own world was destroyed; it is a shame about losing those occasional conversations with Tiphereth, though. Or the tea parties with her seniors. But this is how it always would have ended.

In fact, considering the difference in architecture and far lower scale, perhaps this is yet another world entirely.

The thought comes unbidden, but Courage clearly notices the signs. It might still be The City, but even then she has to ask just why she is outside of the Library. Was she taken by a freak accident? By purposeful action? Or was she sent away, perhaps by Angela to save some of those under her care?

Courage can not tell. And ultimately, it really does not matter now. She is here, simple as that.

Confirming her situation is fairly simple, at least: a single teleport sends Courage floating a kilometre in the air, where she can oversee the area. And while the skyline is impressive from the ground, she knows deep down that it can not compare to any of the twenty-six Nests.

Neon skies superimpose on her vision, a writhing memory not her own that reminds her of recent events. Courage softly touches her chest where it sits, right below the heart. It is not a voice so much as a tangle of rage, oh so familiar yet oh so different. A final reminder of Roland, who once resonated with her in the Library. His wrath was true, which should have told her to anticipate how things turned out.

Sighing softly, she pushes the matter aside. If anything, the unprompted response gives her assumption credence. None of the Wings that rule the world she last lived in would have a realm this small, nor would they allow untended wilderness beyond their borders.

Then again, even a megacorporation needs farmland of some sort. Even if they somehow can create food through some of their unethical experiments, tending the land ought to be easier and create jobs.

Regardless of the reasonable argument against necessarily being in another world, Courage is fairly certain of her assessment. Something about this new place just feels... off. She still thinks it is some different quality of air.

The winds mussing up her poofy hair gets annoying by this point, so she teleports back to ground level. Nothing changed here, but Courage knows she can not be idle.

She may be out of a job right now and prefer reading over talking, but she still carries a lot of curiousity. What is this world like, assuming it really is a different one? How do the people compare? Are there people in need of a guardian? Is there somewhere she can hunker down and learn about this world?

She ambles around the area for a bit, getting a feeling of her new legs and her surroundings. Then Courage stops in front of a window, where she studies her reflection; a diminutive woman looks back, crimson eyes hidden behind her blindfold. She can see just fine even while wearing it. The rest of her facial expression can be described as aloof, or devoid of any outward tells. Her entire body is relaxed, clad in a tight green suit with inlaid, oval gemstones.

Just as she takes notice of the odd necklace she now wears, someone pipes up near her. Courage turns and finds a small teenage girl with pink hair, a little bit taller than Courage herself. She says something else, just as incomprehensible. So Courage clacks her fingers together and applies a translation spell.

"Come again?" she requests in her usual, soft voice.

"I said what's your name, weird girl?" the teen repeats, giggling a little over the nickname. The Magical Girl tilts her head ever so faintly, but does not comment on it.

"I am Courage," she says.

The girl tilts her head in turn, frowning thoughtfully. "So Yuki?" she asks back, making her wonder if something went wrong. "What Kanji do you use for that?"

She can only shrug, unaware what that even is.

The girl makes a face at that, but seems to shrug it off a moment later. "Why are you wearing that?" she asks next, pointing at Courage's face; specifically, her blindfold. "How can you see with it on?"

"I simply wear it, and I can see just fine," Courage answers simply. She has no reason to justify herself or her choice of dress.

The child seems enthused about her answer, though. She huffs and crosses her arms. "You really are weird," she decides with a little grin. "It'll be fun having you around."

Then she pauses and squints at the sky. "Ah, too bad. I'd love to chat some more, but I gotta run and look for mom. See you around, Yuki!"

So saying, she waves and darts away, leaving Courage behind to mull over the odd encounter. With how the sequence of events went, she figures that her name must have been translated along. The girl did not seem confused by the term itself, so 'Yuki' should be fine for a cover name.

Looking back at her reflection, Courage runs a hand about the two cross-shaped pendants dangling on that leathery necklace. Both are steel, but one bears a band of thorns while the other's T-section is lower and seems fluffy, as if covered in downs.

Shaking her head, Courage, now Yuki, strolls back to the spot she woke up in. There is no special meaning attached to it that she can tell.

What now?

[] Cross the channel to explore the sister city
weight: x1

[] Investigate the city you landed in
weight: x1

[] Stay where you are, let's see what happens
weight: x1

-Voting Unlocked
-Character Sheet Unlocked
-Dramatis Personae Unlocked
-General Notions Unlocked

Welcome all, and welcome back to some.

It has been almost two years since the curtain call on In The Name Of Love And Hatred. And after rereading it recently, I decided that this performance should be a step closer to ever-repeating. So we are doing it again, if with some important differences.

I am looking forward to this. Please stand by while I reserve three more posts.
MC Sheet
New readers, beware spoilers

  • -Name: Yuki, Naftali
    -Alias: The Magical Girl of Courage
    -Age: ?

    Yuki, the Magical Girl of Courage, is a guardian of all no more. She now guards those dear to her, moving into the future by their side. Her detachment gave way to a more open, more emotive behaviour. At her core however, Yuki's stoicism remains. It always will, because this is her.
  • -Magic: Access to various kinds of spells.

    -Spark of Light: The seed took ten thousand years to finally sprout. Enables access to vote options.

    -Irregularity: Abnormality no longer, Yuki has become something new. Her origin has not changed, but her future is now unclear. Still immortal and unaging, though that too may change if she so wishes it.

    -Those Who Are Faithful And Trustworthy: No man is an island. In order to grow, we need to put faith in others.
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Dramatis Personae
New readers, beware spoilers.

  • -Name: Homura Akemi
    -Age: 14 ?
    -Threat Rating: WAW
    -Current Disposition: Friend

    Mysterious magical girl with unknown powers. Highly dangerous, but apparently with a neutral stance.

    -Magical Girl: Access to time magic. Connection to the collective conciousness of humankind.

    -The Courage to Protect: Her will is indomitable. She will not stop.

    -___: ________________________________

  • -Name: Junko Kaname
    -Age: 35
    -Threat Rating: ZAYIN
    -Current Disposition: Friendly, Intrigued

    A sharp-witted businesswoman. Fairly observant, smart, willful, and gentle at heart. Junko is a career woman who cares greatly for her family and friends. Close friend of Kazuko Saotome, who went through thick and thin with her.

    -The Eye Embracing The Past, Building The Future: Junko was not always kind studious, or hard-working. But she found her balance in time to rise beyond her wildest dreams. She fondly recalls the old days and took to heart the lessons she learned then. Now it is time to pass them onto her own children.

  • -Name: Kazuko Saotome
    -Age: 35
    -Threat Rating: ZAYIN
    -Current Disposition: Friendly, Confused

    One of the teachers at Mitakihara Middle School. Kazuko is a loving woman with a big heart for her students and all the other people she meets. However, her expectations of others do sometimes run away from reality. Close friend of the Kaname family through Junko.


  • -Name: Kirika Kure
    -Age: 14
    -Threat Rating: WAW
    -Current Disposition: Friend

    A fairly moody and awkward girl most of the time, Kirika only opens up with or around Oriko. She is slow to trust and even slower to open up, but her devotion to her friends can hardly be overstated.

    -Magical Girl: Access to ???. Connection to ???.

    -Wellspring: Constantly draws Cogito from her connection to the collective human conciousness.

  • -Name: Kyoko Sakura
    -Age: 15
    -Threat Rating: WAW
    -Current Disposition: Friend

    Currently holds Kazamino, Mitakihara's sister city, as her territory. Highly skilled close-combat specialist. Pragmatic and critical of utilitarism. Seems to be eating at all times.

    -Magical Girl: Access to ??? magic and spears. Connection to ???.

    -The Hope to be a Better Person: Despite setbacks, tragedy, and pain, within Kyoko still rests a seed of her greatest desire. Perhaps one day it will blossom.

    -Wellspring: Constantly draws Cogito from her connection to the collective human conciousness.

  • -Name: Kyubey
    -Age: ??
    -Threat Rating: ALEPH
    -Current Disposition: Neutral

    Magical Girl mascot, contracts new magical girls to combat Witches. Surprisingly generous with their contracts.

    -Pure Rationality: No Emotions.

    -Death is but an Inconvenience: Can not be killed.

    -Creator of Contracts: In exchange for a wish, your Soul Gem will shine.

    -Alien: Is not human, was not human, and will never be human.

    -???: ???

  • -Name: Madoka Kaname
    -Age: 14
    -Threat Rating: ZAYIN / ALEPH
    -Current Disposition: Friend

    Magical Girl candidate. Friendly, bubbly, and host to a great deal of positivity. Currently uncertain what to make of herself in life. Possesses the most powerful potential ever seen in human history. Said to bring forth the end of the world.

    -Focal Point: Countless threads of ??? wind around Madoka. The weight of their existence is intertwined with her potential.

    -___: ________________________________

  • -Name: Mami Tomoe
    -Age: 15
    -Threat Rating: WAW
    -Current Disposition: Friend

    Currently holds all of Mitakihara as her territory. Extremely protective of humans and an enemy of all Witches. Highly skilled magical girl with great efficiency in her magic use.

    -Magical Girl: Access to ribbon magic and single-shot rifles. Connection to ???.

    -Those Who are Faithful and Trustworthy: Absolute faith in her role as a magical girl, protector of the people. Her conviction is that of diamond; trust once extended will not be withdrawn without consequences.

    -Wellspring: Constantly draws Cogito from her connection to the collective human conciousness.

  • -Name: Nagisa Momoe
    -Age: 11
    -Threat Rating: HE
    -Current Disposition: Friend

    A cheerful grade schooler with a mile-wide sweet tooth. Nagisa is excitable, extroverted, and open-minded.

    -Magical Girl: Access to ???. Connection to ???.

    -Wellspring: Constantly draws Cogito from her connection to the collective human conciousness.

  • -Name: Oriko Mikuni
    -Age: 15
    -Threat Rating: WAW
    -Current Disposition: Friend

    A refined young woman who has given up on ambition and her future. She follows her own desires now, certain that there is nothing she can do to avert world's end.

    -The Eye Facing The Fear, Breaking The Cycle: Oriko has found the resolve she lost. She will not avert her gaze any longer. She will grasp her future. If the world objects, then she will drag it with her kicking and screaming.

    -Awakened E.G.O - The Eye Of Prometheus: Oriko can perceive future events and share her glimpses with others at her leisure. If another consents, she may attach strings to guide them in battle. Moderate defense, moderate offense.

  • -Name: Ai
    -Age: ?
    -Threat Rating: ZAYIN
    -Current Disposition: Friend

    A teen that Yuki keeps meeting around Mitakihara. She appears easygoing and friendly, but occasionally reveals a nugget of insight that one would hardly expect of her.

    -???: ???

    -???: ???

  • -Name: Yuma Chitose
    -Age: 11
    -Threat Rating: TETH
    -Current Disposition: Friend

    A child that Kyoko saved. Yuma quickly attached herself to Kyoko. She sees the world differently than others, and for the first time with hope.

    -The Fearlessness To Keep On Living: Throughout years of abuse, Yuma yet remains. She refuses to lie down and die. Despite her young age, her force of will is considerable.

    -Magical Girl: Access to powerful healing magic. Connection to ???.

    -Panacea: Yuma can cure any injury and any illness short of death. Energy expenditure scales with the difficulty of the treatment.

    -Wellspring: Constantly draws Cogito from her connection to the collective human conciousness.
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General Notions
General Notions

This section is specifically not titled "Rules". Rather, let us talk about expectations.

Required Franchise Knowledge
None, really. I will provide everything you need sooner or later. Being versed in PMMM or Project Moon lore is of course welcome.

This Quest will focus on Mitakihara, specifically mainline PMMM. Single characters from a spinoff may appear, depending on whether they fit into my plans at the given moment. Chances are they will not. Meanwhile, Library of Ruina's shadow will loom over it as Magical Girl of Courage experiences life in a different world.

No stats, no dice. You will be provided a set of basic character sheets to get an idea of the characters in play. This Quest is narrative.

In combat, you will be provided a Threat Assessment and a Threat Description. Description consists of a sentence or two to summarise the opposition. Assessment draws on Lobotomy Corporation's Abnormality classification and is Word of God.
ZAYIN: As safe as can be, almost harmless. (Example: most Witch familiars)
TETH: Decently dangerous toward the unprepared. (example: Izabel, artist Witch)
HE: Take care or be torn apart. (example: Elsa Maria, shadow Witch)
WAW: Death lurks at every step. (example: Charlotte, sweets Witch)
ALEPH: Abandon all hope. (example: Walpurgis, Kriemhild Gretchen)

On Voting and Updates
I am generally flexible where votes are concerned. However, my preference is for a general overview of actions to be taken. No direct speech, no micro.

You are allowed to do both of those anyway. Make votes how you want. However, and I can not stress this enough, doing so carries the risk I will discard parts of the vote. If direct speech is not actually in line with the character's voice, I will either adjust or disregard it. If a micro-plan becomes obsolete or runs into unexpected issues, I will discard it and go on in its spirit. If a vote goes too far against the main character's morality, I will veto it.

Updates are slated to happen once a week on Sunday, my time (CET).

  • Write-ins are allowed unless I say otherwise
  • Approval-Voting (i.e. voting for several options) is not allowed
  • In case of a tie, I pick the winner based on which option I feel leads to the most interesting outcome (this does not always mean the best outcome)
  • No trap votes. I will throw some curveballs at you, but nothing inherently unfair.
  • Voting is open for at least several days. More than that if the vote is highly debated.
  • Votes that benefit from detailwork or plans will receive a Moratorium, ranging between 1 and 24 hours for the players to figure themselves out.

  • The Quest crosses a bleak and a bleaker setting, but this does not mean everything will be gloomy at all times. Levity is neither forbidden nor frowned upon, as long as it fits the moment.
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I'm reading a bit much into this, but I think Homura has competition for Madoka. I ship it. :V

Also, Courage making a friend will inevitably have consequences. This can't possibly go wrong.~
The beasts spewed an insipid smoke as they went, meaningless on their lonesome but nasty in packs. Their coughs and barks only added to the symphony of violence that shook the Library.

Wait, are they losing to the second phase of the Black Silence?

Hope you buffed it, it's not a good look otherwise, that phase is the easiest one from what I remember. :V

She was last to fall, just as they brought the hulking beast low. Her mallet finally shattered its last kneecap while the legendary Red Mist sliced off its head in a final blow. And the man beneath coalesced into who he once was. Yet before she even realised that the battle continued, a pale white spectre ran her through.

Some redemption for Courage, she lost against the hardest phase. :V

A party everlasting dragged her along the last time.

I miss Cat, she was fun to read about.

The echo of voices she can not comprehend still sounds in her mind, only to quiet down as she begins thinking again.

I see she is only slightly aware of us for now, but she did hear us.

The thought comes unbidden, but Courage clearly notices the signs. It might still be The City, but even then she has to ask just why she is outside of the Library. Was she taken by a freak accident? By purposeful action? Or was she sent away, perhaps by Angela to save some of those under her care?

The answer... by the end of the fic and no sooner. :V

Just as she takes notice of the odd necklace she now wears,

Hmmm. :thonk:

The girl tilts her head in turn, frowning thoughtfully. "So Yuki?" she asks back, making her wonder if something went wrong. "What Kanji do you use for that?"

The joy of japanese and the possibility of there being twenty version of the same goddamn sound, all meaning something different.

It may make for incredible puns, but it also makes for some miscommunications.

The child seems enthused about her answer, though. She huffs and crosses her arms. "You really are weird," she decides with a little grin. "It'll be fun having you around."

Then she pauses and squints at the sky. "Ah, too bad. I'd love to chat some more, but I gotta run and look for mom. See you around, Yuki!"

Ok, pink hair made me think Madoka, but the attitude doesn't fit from what I feel.

Both are steel, but one bears a band of thorns while the other's T-section is lower and seems fluffy, as if covered in downs.

*Begins screaming about Whitenight and how we're all dead and only the glorious Skull Jesus can save us now*


[] Cross the channel to explore the sister city
weight: x1

[] Investigate the city you landed in
weight: x1

One of those two sends us to Kazamino, now the question is: Which one?

[] Stay where you are, let's see what happens
weight: x1

Question: This is courage so I already have an idea but, this is her literally staying here, not moving at all, right?

Not just in the general vicinity?

The Quest crosses a bleak and a bleaker setting, but this does not mean everything will be gloomy at all times. Levity is neither forbidden nor frowned upon, as long as it fits the moment.

B-b-but! Mah Grimdark! Mah *on this world there is only war!* :V

[x] Cross the channel to explore the sister city
Wait, are they losing to the second phase of the Black Silence?

Hope you buffed it, it's not a good look otherwise, that phase is the easiest one from what I remember. :V
In game mechanics, it is an easy phase. But if you reinterpret it in a narrative sense, that phase would be horrific to face
One of those two sends us to Kazamino, now the question is: Which one?
The sister city is Kazamino. I believe that much is fine to reveal.
Question: This is courage so I already have an idea but, this is her literally staying here, not moving at all, right?

Not just in the general vicinity?
A bit of column A, a bit of column B. Yuki will sit down where she is, but she may move around the general vicinity.
It has been almost two years since the curtain call on In The Name Of Love And Hatred. And after rereading it recently, I decided that this performance should be a step closer to ever-repeating. So we are doing it again, if with some important differences.

I WAS going to ask where you are going to send the Knight and the King once this is done, since I mixed Bloody Evolution and ITNOLAH in my head but this answered it

[X] Investigate the city you landed in
[X] Investigate the city you landed in

I failed to kill mafia princess Hitomi Shizuki last time.
Time to try again :D
[X] Investigate the city you landed in
-[X] Look for a library, it would be best to be familiar with the local laws so you may carry out your duties properly.

WAW: Death lurks at every step. (example: Charlotte, sweets Witch)
Our main character is classified as a WAW as well.
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[X] Investigate the city you landed in
-[X] Look for a library, it would be best to be familiar with the local laws so you may carry out your duties properly.
[X] Investigate the city you landed in
-[X] Look for a library, it would be best to be familiar with the local laws so you may carry out your duties properly.

I love project moon, and am only acquainted with the series you are crossing over into but hey, this could be cool.

Although I am interested in this Weight System. that screams at me that it's important for more than Tie breakers....Unless I'm reading into this wrong and it's only a tie breaker.

Also Tiphereth's lesson being included in her skill set is something that makes me extremely giddy because I'm a sucker for stuff like that.
Although I am interested in this Weight System. that screams at me that it's important for more than Tie breakers....Unless I'm reading into this wrong and it's only a tie breaker.

I want to say things about it... but except for the fact that Naron already used a similar system for *In the name of Love and Hatred*, I won't say anything else.

Well, that and the reminder that it is described like this in the informational:
Abnormality: Figment of the collective human conciousness. Immortal, unaging, revives upon death. Vote options are weighted with regard to Magical Girl of Courage's personality
x0.5 disliked
x0.75 disliked
x1 neutral
x1.5 favoured
x2 heavily favoured
[X] Investigate the city you landed in
-[X] Look for a library, it would be best to be familiar with the local laws so you may carry out your duties properly.
[X] Investigate the city you landed in
-[X] Look for a library, it would be best to be familiar with the local laws so you may carry out your duties properly

New PM quest lets goooo
I just noticed that I somehow lost the 'widely' in the vote weight definitions. As in, the x0.5 is supposed to be 'widely disliked'.

That is fixed now, so we do not have two times just disliked at different weights anymore.