World On Fire: Shadow Ops [a Fantasy WWII Quest]

Should I make a thread in CD&W for you to make characters and draft nations?

  • Ye

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Ne

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Put the system in this thread

    Votes: 6 60.0%

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A quick check reveals that while it isn't full, it does have a fair amount of fuel. Maybe half-full, or a little more?
Are the plane and trucks fully fueled up? If not, can they be from inside the hangar?

It's filled with avgas, so technically gasoline but it might not be a very good idea to fuel up the Kuroganes with it unless we have to.
And in that case...

@Icipall I would suggest that if the fuel truck is forced to be used, have it emptied on the way out anyway. If it's suitably dramatic the gas will finish draining on the road and we can ignite the trail under pursuers. ;P
@Icipall I would suggest that if the fuel truck is forced to be used, have it emptied on the way out anyway. If it's suitably dramatic the gas will finish draining on the road and we can ignite the trail under pursuers. ;P
Good idea. Adding that.

Also, added a new part:

----[] If there is room in the Kuroganes, take the brooms with you. If not, destroy them.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Zoosmell on May 31, 2024 at 11:15 AM, finished with 12 posts and 2 votes.
  • onyourseatssoldiersweareleaving

    [X] Plan: On Your Seats, Soldiers, We Are Leaving!
    -[X] Fly the plane yourself (You know how to do this)
    -[X] Who goes on the plane?
    --[X] Marian + Liselot + Indra +Harbir
    -[X] Who goes on the Kurogane? (Seats 4)
    --[X] Emmanuelle + Ethel + Roy + Arthur
    -[X] Fix the second Kurogane? (Seats 4, requires a Difficulty 2 Quick check)
    --[X] Doris + Weronika + Abigail + Simon (Have Abigail fix it)
    ---[X] If fix successful, open the fuel valve on the fuel truck and ignite it after you've gotten the doors open and are leaving to create chaos to cover your escape.
    ----[X] If there is room in the Kuroganes, take the brooms with you. If not, destroy them.
    ---[X] If fix not successful, Doris and Weronika on brooms, Abigail and Simon take the fuel truck. As you leave, open the spigot on the fuel tank and ignite the trail after it has emptied itself.
Zoosmell threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Quick check Total: 13
2 2 5 5 2 2 4 4
The Last Khagan Pt. XV
[><] On Your Seats Soldiers We Are Leaving

You hardly have any choice in the matter as to who goes on the plane. Unless the baron has surrounded this little fort with 88s (a disburbing possibility you immediately put out of your mind, because there is absolutely nothing you could do to save yourself if he has), the plane will be the fastest and smoothest way of getting Marian and Liselot to medical care.

"Load 'em into the plane," you say. "Emmanuelle, Ethel, Roy, Arthur, you're on the first Kurogane, the rest of you on the second. Abigail, how fast can you fix it?"

She wanders over to look it over as you headed for the plane. You don't see her head, but by the time you're at the hatch you have your answer.

"It doesn't look good," she says with a grunt, "frame's cracked in a few places. Nothing major, but I wouldn't be surprised if it breaks before we get to safety."

You sigh. "Can you keep it together for us to get out of here?"

"I can."

"Do it. Doris, Weronika, smash the brooms. Abigail, Simon, open the fuel truck's valve before we leave. The four of you take the other Kurogane, Abigail, you drive." As your fellow witches head towards the brooms, you pause and point at them. "Both of you, stand by the doors. I want you both to open it."

A few tense minutes pass as everything is readied. It turns out that the first Kurogane also required a bit of repair, but it's minor - it was a little low on oil.

At last, it is finally, finally time to leave. The doors start to grind open...

You must be somewhere mountainous, which does not really narrow things down any, but the wide, flat valley the gate opens out to makes you think Mongolia. The valley drops down steadily, steep enough to be a bit of a trek uphill but no issue down, with the long airstrip continuing level with it. Snow, of course, is everywhere. The airstrip is clear of it except for the ghostly wisps being blown over it by the steady wind (you think about twenty or so knots to the right, across and away from you), but to its sides the snow gradually piles up until it's about a foot deep. The mountains to either side just barely poke past the grassline to bare rock, and the ones beyond it are hidden by the driving wind and the falling snow.

What is not hidden is the small army arrayed against you. There must be at least a hundred men, all on horseback, all with bows, arranged in a vague fascimile of a pincer movement against you. The Baron is here, as you suspect he'd be. You make him out because he has the most pompously decorated horse, far in the back of the formation.

You have surprise on your side for the moment - the pincer is facing the completely wrong direction to prevent you from getting out, but it's close enough that it might not matter. You have seconds to react, either way.

[ ] Plan - this is the last vote of the chapter! You'll also need to make two Quick rolls (one with your bonus, one without), and one Careful roll (with your bonus)
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"Load 'em into the plane," you say. "Emmanuelle, Ethel, Roy, Arthur, you're on the first Kurogane, the rest of you on the second. Abigail, how fast can you fix it?"

She wanders over to look it over as you headed for the plane. You don't see her shake her head, but by the time you're at the hatch you have your answer.

"No good," she says with a grunt, "frame's cracked in a few places. I'd trust it in here, but not in any rough driving."
Wait, she couldn't fix it? I thought that she didn't even need to roll to do that?
You must be somewhere mountainous, which does not really narrow things down any, but the wide, flat valley the gate opens out to makes you think Mongolia.
Makes sense.
What is not hidden is the small army arrayed against you. There must be at least a hundred men, all on horseback, all with bows, arranged in a vague fascimile of a pincer movement against you. The Baron is here, as you suspect he'd be. You make him out because he has the most pompously decorated horse, far in the back of the formation.

You have surprise on your side for the moment - the pincer is facing the completely wrong direction to prevent you from getting out, but it's close enough that it might not matter. You have seconds to react, either way.
Wait, so he noticed that we were escaping, but instead of trying to stop us inside his fortress he decided to go with more "epic" path ambushing us with an army, but he misjudged the way we'd be escaping.
[X] Plan: Hightailing Out Of Hell
-[X] Start leading your little convoy to a direction that leads you away from the enemy army, them having to turn their horses around should buy you some time. Have someone on the Kurogane's ignite the fuel flowing from the truck just as you leave and have everyone start unloading on the enemy, with bullet and spell as you pass them, causing chaos and hopefully spooking the horses.

Now, doing the Quick roll with the bonus.

1+0+0+1+4 (Shizuka's Quick bonus) =6
A massive success.

Are any of our rolls in regards to aerial combat, thus activating our Aspect: Witch Ace?
Icipall threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Quick roll with the bonus. Total: 19
6 6 4 4 4 4 5 5
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Fine, I'll do the final roll.


A success, it seems.
Icipall threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Careful roll +3 Total: 13
4 4 3 3 4 4 2 2
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Zoosmell on Jul 2, 2024 at 7:34 AM, finished with 10 posts and 2 votes.
  • hightailingoutofhell

    [X] Plan: Hightailing Out Of Hell
    -[X] Start leading your little convoy to a direction that leads you away from the enemy army, them having to turn their horses around should buy you some time. Have someone on the Kurogane's ignite the fuel flowing from the truck just as you leave and have everyone start unloading on the enemy, with bullet and spell as you pass them, causing chaos and hopefully spooking the horses.
The Last Khagan Pt. XVI
[><] Hightailing Out Of Hell

Your hesitation lasts for a fraction of a fraction. You slam the throttles to full power, and the plane lurches forward. The cold was brutal enough in the hangar with the doors opening, but as the cockpit fully leaves the confines of the building it hits you like a physical wall, and you resist the urge to draw your wand and do something about it. The engine seems to handle it just fine without any further input, which surprises you. The cars start up behind you and quickly catch up after some difficulty starting. They swerve a bit from the icy airstrip, and you try to think very hard about not thinking about that, lest the same thing happen to you and bring your living career to a swift conclusion.

The sudden blitz has exactly the effect you want it to. The initial barrage of arrow fire is desultory, and by the time it picks up to a steady drumbeat against the skin of your plane, you're moving much too fast for them to be much threat - to you. You dare not look to your sides to see how the trucks are doing. You've no doubt passed them by now, and the wind is making the Vega fight you for every bit of speed.

The wind finally overcomes you right as the Vega leaps into the air, slewing you sideways for a heart-stopping second before you're free of the icy ground. You can practically hear the Baron's screams of rage as the arrows briefly intensify and you smell the ozone of magic being slung around. You hear the muted whump of of a fuel explosion, and there's a lull in the enemy fire, but only a lull, not a cessation.

The air intensifies to near-whiteout conditions, leaving you stuck at instrument-only - a very dangerous situation to be in at so low an altitude and in wholly unfamiliar terrain. Trees whip by under your wings, and at one point you can swear you nearly clip them on a huge outcropping of rock. And still, the arrows pursue you, the wind shaking the Vega constantly, your eyes only daring to leave the instrument panel when something actually appears through the fog and snow, and even then only long enough to haul on the stick and move out of the way.

The storm clears for a moment, just long enough for you to see a pair of rocky bluffs poking out of the snowy ground, forming a narrow V. Below, the trucks are still below, still being pursued by the Baron and a few stragglers as everything gets pushed towards the gap.

You wrench the stick to the side and feel something thump into one of the wheels, along with a sudden burst of arrows, then, nothing. You're through.

- .... . / .-.. .- ... - / -.- .... .- --. .- -.
The storm vanishes within minutes, though you almost wish it didn't. The endless snow under the equally endless blue skies of the Mongolian winter are almost blinding. More importantly they make finding a decent landing spot that much more difficult to the more reptilian parts of your brain; potholes and sinkholes could be anywhere. That's leaving aside how rugged the terrain clearly is. You're somewhere in that big patch of low mountains to the southeast of Lake Baikal, you're pretty sure, but that could be just about anywhere, and the maps on board the Vega naturally don't tell you where the base was. The mountains are no issue to the plane, but they are to the trucks, and that takes your route further and further off course of the true north you want to be following, and that costs fuel, time, and patience.

After what seems like ages (but is in fact only a few hours), you finally find a river valley wide and flat enough to consider putting down. Your landing is dicey, but you manage to slow down enough to only get bruises when one of the wheel struts decides to give up and sideways-faceplant the Vega into the snow.

It takes several minutes for the rest of your team to catch up to you, by which time you have fully extricated yourself from the cockpit. Upon stopping, the frame of the second Kurogane promptly breaks entirely, giving the vehicle a similar stepped-on appearance to the plane.

"Report," you wheeze, resting against the remaining functional strut as you wave for the strongest of your team to help unload the aircraft.

There are no serious injuries. Abigail had an arm struck by an arrow, but it was the metal arm so the arrow simply bounced off, though it did take off her entire sleeve. Indra lost his hat, as did Weronika, but beyond that, nothing to report, other than that the plane isn't going anywhere, and the Kurogane is likely to never move again.

As you are about to get up, you are approached by a small group of farmers. They start by asking you something in a language your Babel pins are quite incapable of parsing, then attempt again in stunted Russian, which sounds to you like stunted English with a bad Russian accent.

"You are - soldier, yes?" the eldest, an old woman, asks.

"Yes," you say, and start to say your name before realizing someone who didn't realize that right away might not realize that a Japanese woman could be fighting for the Allies. "I am Captain Williams," you finally say, and the Babel Pin helpfully has it come out in Russian.

Negotiations proceed smoothly from there. There is a village nearby by the name of Zakharovo. There's no hospital, but there is a doctor, and more importantly a phone. There is also food, and though you try to turn them down, they insist on giving you all a "soldier's meal" of some freshwater fish and winter vegetable soup, and lots of it. You appreciate it, mostly because magic can only do so much to stave off the bitter cold of Siberia.

As you finally connect back to SHADOCOM Asia to report, the very idea of that city makes you dream of somewhere warm.

And that's that! There will be at least a month break until the next chapter, probably, mostly because for the first time I actually want to plan out the next few chapters. That, and I have some fanfics I want to work on, but mostly the former reason. Certainly not so I can play Fate/Stay Night. I will say this though, we're leaving Central Asia at last, and we're not going to Alaska.
You hear the muted whump of of a fuel explosion, and there's a lull in the enemy fire, but only a lull, not a cessation.
Boom goes the hangar!
And still, the arrows pursue you,
This plane is going to look more like a porcupine than a plane before this is over.
The mountains are no issue to the plane, but they are to the trucks, and that takes your route further and further off course of the true north you want to be following, and that costs fuel, time, and patience.
Hey, we would have out everyone on the plane if we could have.
Indra lost his hat, as did Weronika,

As you finally connect back to SHADOCOM Asia to report, the very idea of that city makes you dream of somewhere warm.
Out of the Vega's clutches and his mad plans. For now.
Certainly not so I can play Fate/Stay Night.
Heh, of course.