PHOENIX(Trump/Brute/Changer)(BRUTE, TRUMP, CHANGER, FLESH, REGEN, FIRE, CONTROL) Burn to ash and rise again, stronger than before. Casey regenerates damage taken, the more damage taken the more rapidly they regenerate. As they regenerate, they shade "feathers" of flame, which they have moderate cotrol over. They grow stronger the more times they regenerate, generating virtual "motes" which may improve PHOENIX by up to three ranks.
ACCELERANDO (Mover)(MOVER, STRIKER, ACCELERATION, INTERTIA) Casey increases in speed the longer he is in constant movement. It seemingly has no limit, but takes time to spool up. Once he reaches a speed, he can maintain it, and needs some space to slow down. Casey may reach out and touch a single item no more than ten grams in mass. This item gains an iridescent sheen and is propelled at ever increasing speeds, in whichever direction Casey chooses. It will not slow until it strikes something, unless Casey wills it.
GEOMANCY (Shaker)(SHAKER, CRAFT, FIELD) Casey may shape the world around him. At low motes, he is limited to the most readily available materials and has a range only slightly beyond his body. He is also limited to a single extremely basic creation (pillars, walls, holes, etc). At higher motes, Casey may utilize more exotic materials, expand his range, and expand the number of creations. Complexity of creations may increase as well.
PRODIGY (Thinker)(THINKER, SKILL) Casey may choose a single skill to have superhuman skill in, and may change this skill with a few minutes of preparation. The number of skills and speed of skill change increases as rank increases.
STATIC (Stranger) (STRANGER, SCRAMBLE, SENSE) Casey may cloud the perceptions of anyone that perceives him. As rank increases, his ability to cloud perceptions grows. He may not interface with non-biological senses, such as cameras, but he can effect people that see him through the camera.
MACGYVER (Thinker/Tinker)(THINKER, SKILL, CRAFT) Understand mundane and extremely low-grade Tinker technology, and a talent in creating it. Similar to PRODIGY but specifies the creation of things; not a true Tinker power, as it requires access to other Tinkertech. At higher ranks, may understand and create more advanced Tinkertech, at lower ranks it may only create mundane technology.
FLESHWEAVER (Shaker)(SHAKER, FLESH, CRAFT, CONTROL) Biology is your plaything. Twist the forms of biological life to your will. Range, speed, and severity of viable change expands at higher ranks. Panacea, but a Shaker.
SORCERER (Trump)(TRUMP, THIEF) Shift motes and KEYWORDS between powers, "stealing" attributes from one to another. Extra motes expand upon how much you can shift at a time, and how long the changes last.
JET (Mover/Blaster)(MOVER, FIRE) Blast propulsive flame from Casey's limbs. The higher the rank, the more rapidly Casey may move, and the hotter the flame burns.
JUGGERNAUGHT (Brute)(BRUTE, INERTIA) Become an unstoppable force. Casey's movemets become difficult to stop, and his defense rises as he moves. At high ranks, he becomes nearly invulnerable so long as he is in movement, and stopping him is near-impossible.
FLESHWARP (Changer)(CHANGER, SKILL) Casey shifts his body to adapt it to whatever task is before him. At higher levels, more extreme possibilities become available.
PATH TO CONFUSION (Thinker)(THINKER, SCRAMBLE) Casey gains knowledge of Thinker effects applied to him, as well as knowledge of steps that may be taken to confound or confuse the Thinker. Higher levels apply to more esoteric and potent powers, as well as allow for a greater degree of confounding.
INSENSATE (Stranger)(STRANGER, SENSE) Casey becomes able to block the senses of those that perceive him. He begins able to effect 1 sense at a time, and this grows as the power grows in strength. He also blocks the senses more rapidly. At higher ranks, he becomes capable of blocking more esoteric senses, such as precognition. This effect is weaker than STATIC.
DEIFY (Trump)(TRUMP, STRIKER, THIEF) Casey makes contact with an enemy and strips them of a measure of their power. The longer contact is made, the stronger the effect. Casey gains temporary "virtual" motes so long as he maintains contact. The effect increases in intensity the longer contact is made, and at maximum level he may permanently gains motes and KEYWORDS through this method.
APOTHEOSIS (Trump)(TRUMP, STRIKER, SHAKER, THIEF) All capes within Casey's range have their powers weakened. His own powers strengthen in proportion to the weakening. At lower levels the effect is mild, though the longer a cape remains in his range, the greater the effect. At higher ranks, both range and speed of effect increase, and at maximum rank the effects become permanent.
ABOMINABLE (Changer/Shaker)(CHANGER, SCRAMBLE, FIELD) Casey randomly gains physical elements of creatures within his range. Parahumans with powers primarily rooted in physical expressions--some types of Brutes and Changers, primarily--have a chance of granting Casey this effect so long as they remain within his range.
PYROMANCY (Shaker/Blaster)(SHAKER, FIRE, CONTROL) Casey becomes capable of manifesting fire within his range, and gains extremely fine control over it. At higher ranks, his range grows, the temperature of the fire he generates grows, and the degree of control grows. He is immune to his own flame, though not fire in general.
LAZARUS (Brute)(BRUTE, REGEN) Casey regenerates wounds he receives. The more wounded, the more rapidly he regenerates. If Casey is slain, he returns to life after a delayed period of time--anywhere from 3 minutes to 3 days. He self-resurrects more quickly the higher the rank.
SHAPESHIFT (Changer/Stranger)(CHANGER, FLESH, CONTROL) Casey is able to control his flesh, shaping himself to whatever his desire. Higher ranks add more rapid shifting of shape, and more extreme changes grow possible. It is less effective than SKINWALKER at creating more esoteric changes, such as specialized venoms or other adaptations.
SKINWALKER (Changer/Brute/Stranger)(CHANGER, FLESH, CONTROL, CRAFT) Casey becomes able to control his own flesh. He may shape himself however he wishes, whether to pass as a different individual or gender, and also gains the ability to restore wounds received. At higher ranks, more extreme changes become possible, and the changes grow more rapid.
RUNE (Striker)(STRIKER, FIRE, FIELD) Casey may place a "rune" on any object (or just the ground) he touches. This rune will turn into a large fire whenever he wills it. The higher the ranks, the more runes he may place, and the hotter the fire.
BLINDSPOT (Thinker/Stranger)(THINKER, STRANGER, TRUMP) Casey gains knowledge of capes that attempt to perceive him with powers. This is a global effect. He also becomes invisible to these powers. Higher ranks add additional types of powers that cannot interact with him--at base strength, Thinkers that require direct contact with him and Tinkertech devices do not perceive information regarding him. At the extreme end, Scion or the Simurgh cannot path him.
UNSTOPPABLE FORCE (Brute/Mover)(BRUTE, INERTIA, ACCELERATION) So long as Casey is accelerating, he cannot be slowed. The faster he goes, the stronger he becomes, and his speed continuously rises--though not so effectively as ACCELERANDO. At higher ranks, he is a genuine Mover.
ICARUS (Changer/Mover)(CHANGER, MOVER, FLESH, CRAFT, CONTROL) Casey gains the ability to grow wings, or any other sort of appendage he desires, centered around movement. He may choose how they look to his desire, and they gain a variety of minor powers to aid in their purpose--from anti-gravity effects to greater acceleration than should be possible.
INTELLECTUS (Thinker)(THINKER, SENSE) Casey gains intimate and complete knowledge of his surroundings. How old is that particular rock? He knows. Is that man cheating on his wife? Of course that's knowledge he has. As its rank improves, Casey gains access to more "secure" information blocked by parahuman powers, knowledge of overlapping dimensions, and his range moderately expands.