[X][Week Plan] Plan Preparing for Battle!
-[X][Today Action 1] Go on PHO. Research all capes in the Bay. Who is who, what territory do they hold, what are the lesser known uses for their powers, etc.
-[X][Today Action 2] Research online. Independent hero/vigilante laws. What can you do legally? What can you do that is technically illegal but is a grey area that the PRT likely won't look to closely at? How much can we hurt people in a case where we slip up and injure a gang member? What is the legality of taking a sword into combat? Can we be arrested just for having a sword?
-[X][Sunday Deity] Mage
--[X][Sunday Action 1] See what kind of permanent Magic the Mage can leave behind. Effects on your house, effects you can put on a costume, effects that could be put on you, and the requirements for all of the above. These can then be integrated into the next plan vote for next week.
--[X][Sunday Action 2] Go shopping for elements of a basic costume. Just a hoodie, some gloves, some boots, and a mask for now. But if something happens we need a way to prevent being outed. We can make a more professional costume later.
-[X][Monday Deity] Warrior
--[X][Monday Action 1] Practice Swordsmanship. Emphasize translating our fencing practice into practical combat with the God as a sparring partner.
--[X][Monday Action 2] Research independent Parahuman Laws. What can we get away with regarding ignoring the Protectorate, what is the process for independent registration, how deep does the power testing need to go, etc? What are the contemporary examples we can follow that aren't just New Wave? How can we get into trouble for helping people? Because the world is stupid and we want to help people with a minimum of trouble.
-[X][Tuesday Deity] Assassin
--[X][Tuesday Action 1] Fitness Training! Emphasis on running, maybe some parkour, and how to take falls and hits.
--[X][Tuesday Action 2] Ask the God we summon if we can get boons from them for completing certain tasks, and have them give us possible tasks to work on over the next week.
-[X][Wednesday Deity] Warrior
--[X][Wednesday Action 1] Practice Swordsmanship. Emphasize translating our fencing practice into practical combat with the God as a sparring partner.
--[X][Wednesday Action 2] Order an actual sword. There are places online that sell actual combat swords, so we can just order an actual combat one. Also order a nonlethal wooden "practice" one for non-lethal use.
-[X][Thursday Deity] Mage
--[X][Thursday Action 1] What kind of information gathering skills can our gods have? What kind of Boons can they give us that can help us find villains and crimes happening. Wandering around looking for crime is fine if you just want to show the flag like the Protectorate, but if we want to make a difference then we need more specifics, and I'm sure these gods can give us some pointers and/or help.
--[X][Thursday Action 2] Fitness Training! Emphasis on running, maybe some parkour, and how to take falls and hits. Does our Mage summon have anything to add to this? A mobility skill, maybe some Magic fitness spell they can use to help? Other possibility: Dodgeball but with Magic!
-[X][Friday Deity] Guardian
--[X][Friday Action 1] Spar with our summon, this time with less emphasis on the Sword and more about practical combat practice, especially footwork.
--[X][Friday Action 2] Research cape costumes with an eye towards what we want. Who sells what, how do we get an armored costume, and how expensive are such things? Can we integrate things to make enchanting our costume easier? What kind of design do we eventually want? (Could trigger costume vote?)
-[X][Saturday Deity] Mage
--[X][Saturday Action 1] Train? Research Myths and Legends? Who have we summoned up to now, and what are their stories? What family and connections do they have among other mythological figures?
--[X][Saturday Action 2] Put some of that information gathering to good use! Find us some places the Gangs are at that will hurt them so we can hit them next week! Focus on the Merchants for this one. This may involve physically going out in inconspicuous fashion to look around in the bad parts of the city, but could also involve remote scrying as well.
Whew, that was a lot! Tried to get a good balance of training upper or lower body every day and a different research topic every day. Mind and body, both trained trained for the hardships of cape life soon! Should also give the QM space to establish a lot of the setting in character, as well as nail down things like the Boon and Magic mechanics early so we can start using them.
Don't want to go straight into the PRT, especially since we don't even know anything about how our Powers work right now, so trying to explain them to the labcoats isn't exactly going to cover anyone in glory. We can do that next week, after the research gives us details on what we can and cannot get away with and we have a better handle on our abilities.
EDIT: Forgot the Xs.
EDIT2: QM pointed out one rules issue, added a couple ideas, and fixed a typo.