3.3 - The Truth

View: https://youtu.be/o890IiPLNxs?si=_ZCO_rkWbklj4xBn


Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

You look towards the mirror, gone was the pleasant, practiced face. The one you had to wear to be the hero people needed you to be. Instead, there was a scowl, unbefitting a Paladin of the god of… Love, you suppose.

Perhaps that's why you were so angry. You just wanted to do right by people, you needed to help them. You needed to help everybody because you could. It was within your abilities, this was what you were capable of. You had to do it for all those you had watched die over the years. And there was precious little in the way of help you were getting, you kept getting turned around, kept getting surprised.

No more.

You were going to get that help.

You look away from the mirror, towards the window, then speak a name.

"... Lady Sune. I need your guidance."

At first, there was nothing, no sound, no change, no feeling. Then… a change begins, it's a subtle thing, the room becomes almost imperceptibly warmer, goosebumps forming along your skin as a presence washes by you. Then a pair of arms wrap around your shoulders and pull you back, you surrender to the embrace as they clutch around your chest, and you close your eyes as the scent of freshly plucked flowers fills your senses, subsuming you, comforting you.

This was no angel, sent to guide you guidance, no celestial to give you strength. This was… "Lady Firehair…" you whisper, then open your eyes.

A face was looking down at you with a sweet, flawless smile. To describe the face of Sune was to describe a sunrise. There were too many colors, too many details, an elven artist could spend ten mortal's lifetimes perfecting his craft, yet only come to a scant fraction of matching the majesty and beauty. Red curly hair ran down nearly to the floor, framing her, and you, and her green eyes twinkled with amusement. "Baeran the Bold. It has been a long time since you sought my aid."

"It has been a long time since I needed it, my goddess."

Sune smiles impishly, "That is because you are a stubborn little half-elf who wants to solve all the evils in the world on your own. I owe you many a favor and boon, but I am far from the only one." She looks away, to the room around her. "Mystra is quite fond of you~"

"She is one of many, and even then, the task that led to me getting this mansion as a reward, I wasn't alone, that silver drago-"

"Indeed, and that dragon is quickly losing her patience waiting for you," Sune replies, cutting you off. She then turns her attention to you again, her hands moving across your chest… you weren't sure when your shirt had been removed. Her finger traces across every scar, every burn. She pauses at a long jagged scar that ran across your stomach, your first death, a look of pity forms on the goddess's face.

You smile. "They were all worth it. For every scar there is a life saved, there is beauty preserved."

"Is that your worth then? Your scars?"

"They are proof of my service, is that not enough?"

A hand moves to your forehead, caressing it. "You are more than your service Baeran Allaghar. You are meant to live as well."

"I did, I made it until I was twenty-five before I died." You reply.

"And yet here you stand… or lay against my bosom as the case may be. You are not a dead man Baeran, you are allowed to live for your own sake as well, to appreciate the beauty in the world on your own terms, instead of merely serving it."

"I cannot do so," you reply quietly. "To do so would mean allowing the strength I have been granted to go unused, to do so… would be greed of the highest order. There are too many left behind who weren't strong enough and died for it. Am I to dishonor their memory?"

"I can quite easily remove your gifts to force the issue," Sune replies.

"And I would fight without them, for the beauty in this world is worth it. Even if I can no longer appreciate it as I once did."

You stare at each other, saying nothing.

Then, Sune lowers the hand on your forehead… and tweaks your nose. "That is not a healthy way to live, my sweet Baeran."

"I am, in many ways, no longer alive." You reply. "But I do not regret that, the faces I've left behind… the joys, the safety. It is worth whatever sacrifice is required of me."

"And of Fuyao?" Sune asks. "You seemed quite willing to reciprocate her affections."

You think on that a moment. "I was, and it brings her joy. And that is enough, I am quite fond of her, and will entertain whatever she seeks of me. But our lives… anyone's life, be they a dragon, or elf, or a man. I am not beyond them, but separate."

"You would break her heart?" Sune asks, her voice quiet, but dangerous.

You shake your head. "No, she loves me, genuinely, and I would reciprocate that in kind until the day she dies, be that in battle, or of age. But I am far beyond mortal my goddess, you know that as well as I."

"Do not deign to believe yourself knowledgeable in all affairs of mortality young Paladin, nor claim what I should and should not be aware of," Sune replies. "In any case, such a thing is something you deserve as well, you are not some automaton designed to protect this realm."

… If only she was right. If only you could believe that. But instead, you say nothing, simply enjoying her embrace until she speaks again.

"What is bothering you, my Paladin? Why have you called me?"

You sigh, then remove yourself from her embrace, instead walking over to the window to look out over the false sky. This wasn't your home, you missed it. "I have been lied to and am sheltering monsters as a consequence."

A hand places itself on your shoulder, and you turn your head to find yourself looking Sune in the eyes once more. She is smiling again, a small, simple, beautiful smile. "No, no you haven't. You have, however, been blind."

"... Excuse me, my goddess?"

"You wished to help them, just as you do everyone else. So you ignored their faults because you were immune to anything they might attempt. The signs were there, and the goddess you have replaced me with has deliberately tried to spoil the stew as it were."

Replaced her wit- "I cannot in good conscience protect unrepentant people. And I have replaced you with no one."

"It was merely a jest," Sune replies, the smile growing. "But in any case, they aren't as you believe. Their realm is… not our own, their beliefs are not our own, and their customs to us are alien. They are not from Abeir, Toril, or any of the other planes under the watch of Lord Ao." The smile fades. "Believe me, my Paladin, things have been quite loud in the Heavens as the gods try to discern the source of this."

"Lord Ao has become involved?" the Overgod rarely ever involved himself in the affairs of the world, content to let others do as they wished unless they stepped out of bounds.

"He has made his presence… felt," Sune replies. "But he has not acted. But in any case, where these people are from… it is somewhere beyond."

"Is my quest doomed, my Goddess?" You look back over the stars, wondering, briefly, if one of them was 'home' to these creatures. "They are incompatible."

"Are they? No, your quest is not doomed, but it has hit a roadblock. And, in any case-" She pulls you back against her once more. You don't fight as she continues to tug, pulling you back towards the bed, and then pushing you onto it. You halfway expect her to climb onto it, but instead, she stands just beside it, her hand placed against your chest now. "You need rest, proper rest. You are forgetting what it means to be alive, and it is making you a bitter thing. Seeing yourself as separated from other mortals."

"I am not so much a mortal anymore, I have little in common with people. One does not understand what it means to live, once one can no longer die, my goddess."

Sune arches a perfect brow. "Should I inform your mother of that opinion?"

You say nothing as the goddess moves her other hand to run it through your hair, and… to your surprise… you begin to feel tired. No, beyond tired, exhausted. "Sleep alone will do little to alleviate my troubles. They shall be here still in the morning, and I have not decided what I shall do with them."

"This is true, which is why I have asked Selune for a favor, she owed you one herself in any case."

You blink slowly, "Selune, what could the goddess of the moon and night do for me?"

Then she places her hand over your eyes… and you are out like a doused candle.

Into the world of dreams and memories. Thoughts of the past, in a realm far removed from Faerun.

[] [Ignis]

[] [Brynhild]

[] [Miki]

[] [Isabella]

Relationship Stats___

Fuyao : 9/10
Ignis : 3/10
Brynhild : 5/10
Ilias : 1/10
Miki : 2/10
Isabella : 3/10
Where to begin with this? Because we have a lot to unpack here on our paladin, though most has been hinted at in hindsight or already commented on during previous posts.

You are a stubborn little half-elf who wants to solve all the evils in the world on your own

But we start off with Sune showing she has the read on her Paladin, do not pass go, no not argue. Of course we kinda already knew this as readers given we have seen how Baeran doesn't do the normal Sune Paladin thing as being like a protypical DnD bard. He doesn't accept any of the affections of the assorted women who are after him, he doesn't indulge, hell he mentioned how he can't taste food anymore!

Sorry girls Baeran is married.

To his work.

You are more than your service Baeran Allaghar. You are meant to live as well.

Here we get to a core thing going on with Baeran - his self identity seems to be built around his role as a protector of beauty. He wants to make a world where there is beauty but he, I think, does not seem to think HE would be in that world. He appreciates and protects the beauty - he is not PART of the beauty.

"I can quite easily remove your gifts to force the issue," Sune replies.

"And I would fight without them, for the beauty in this world is worth it. Even if I can no longer appreciate it as I once did."

This line just reinforces the idea - while his willingness to put it all on the line the is an admiral trait for a protector but that he does not see what Sune is trying to get him to do by removing his books, or rather refuses to acknowledge it's utility shows you basically everything you need to know about Baeran's position on himself relative to the beauty of the world. He serves beauty rather then appericate it to paraphrase what Sune says.

Of course what is the point of beauty if one does not stop to apperciate it, take it in on one's own terms? What is the point of a magenificently designed building, a skilled dance, or masterwork sword if one doesn't appericate them? Take in and consider the time, effort and skill that went into creating the showcase before you? It doesn't matter thats what. Because if YOU don't stop to appericate beauty on YOUR terms you won't every develop your own ideas of what beauty is. You'll just get some wishy washy nonesense about how everything is beautiful in it's own way or something rather then nailing down WHY or WHAT makes something beautiful.

Is it the time it takes to make the results? The skill? The effort? The consideration of all the factors to make a particular aesthetic? I don't know and Baeran doesn't either because he won't stop to smell the damn roses.

*coughs* ... *shuffles papers* where was I? Oh right Sune and Baeran

the goddess you have replaced me with has deliberately tried to spoil the stew as it were.

Ma'am, we have not replaced you with Illias, Illias is the drunk freeloader we took in out of pity.

I am not so much a mortal anymore, I have little in common with people. One does not understand what it means to live, once one can no longer die, my goddess.

Here we get to the crux of WHY Baeran doesn't seem to want to appericate beauty on his own terms. It would seem he views it as ...fleeting. He will outlive many of the girls he has saved and people he has met, the beauties he saves each day are the beauties of a fleeting world coming and going like the passing of the seasons as months become years and more. These are beauties for others to enjoy - not for him, they have no time to put off such things for. They must apperciate it all in the here and now or not at all. Baeran though? Baeran has far far more time, so why NOT put aside it all to serve those who have no time? Far better to ensure others can experience the beauty of the world rather then doing it himself.

Not considering that those fleeting beauties might be beautiful BECAUSE they are fleeting. A field of flowers grows, blooms and dies as the seasons pass. It always comes back the next spring but it's never the same field of flowers, it changes and shifts with each repition. Much of life follows patterns, and there is a joy to see in those just as there is to see in the passing of the seasons each year, but what makes events special is the little things, the tiny diffrences - the diffrences that you will never see again.

All work and no play will make Baeran a dull, bitter and haggered man and such a man cannot appericate the beauty of the world, let alone defend it all.

Selune, what could the goddess of the moon and night do for me?

.... *googles*

given she's the goddess of the moon, night, WANDERERS and the like...

dimenional hopping dreams I bet!

[X] [Brynhild]
Also given the nature of this latest update I think ... *THINK* that what we will see will be some event from the chosen characters past which helps provide more context to their lives/natures.

Frankly I'm hoping we seen unicorn Brynhild *nods*
[X] [Ignis]
Best girl's past might not help the situation, but she definitely deserves that level of understanding from her prospective husband to be
[X] [Isabella]
This just promises to be hilarious
If DB_ Explorer is accurate about Baeran's views on beauty being fleeting and doesn't indulge due to its ephemeral nature, then I find it ironic that he is talking to an immortal goddess who will likely outlast him and appreciating beauty is her divine mandate.
In Baeran's case it's more he thinks he literally doesn't have time to stop and smell the roses. If he doesn't keep traveling, he's failed to protect beauty, because he's so strong it'd be a crime go do otherwise when he could be helping someone, somewhere.

He's suffered greatly for this mindset.
He's suffered greatly for this mindset.

He needs to train people so the burden is shared.

So, it's a good thing he's got some people into that sort of thing.

I find it ironic that he tells Ignis that she will never surpass him due to his head start, but he's defeated how many dragons, fiends and other long-lived nasties whose lifespans would have made Baeran's look like a blip if he hadn't come along?

[X] [Ignis]
He needs to train people so the burden is shared.

So, it's a good thing he's got some people into that sort of thing.

I find it ironic that he tells Ignis that she will never surpass him due to his head start, but he's defeated how many dragons, fiends and other long-lived nasties whose lifespans would have made Baeran's look like a blip if he hadn't come along?

[X] [Ignis]
It's also someone reaching his level, in and out of universe. Is exceedingly rare.
"Lord Ao has become involved?" the Overgod rarely ever involved himself in the affairs of the world, content to let others do as they wished unless they stepped out of bounds.

"He has made his presence… felt," Sune replies.

That's bad.
"Should I inform your mother of that opinion?"
I don't believe I've ever seen a goddess threaten to call someone's mom on them. That's a first.
Ma'am, we have not replaced you with Illias, Illias is the drunk freeloader we took in out of pity.
I can't believe Bearen is sheltering evil Aqua.

Then again, being evil Aqua is a step up from standard edition Illas, and isn't that fucking pathetic.
So, thoughts on the talk?
It was interesting, and at first I was thrown. She was focusing on Bearen's deeper issue instead of the problem he actually asked for help on. It took me a little bit to realize that Sune (or Lady Firehair? I'm guessing that's a title) had already identified if Bearen was taking better care of himself, the Monster Girls wouldn't have blindsided him on amy level. He had already been disregarding all sorts of red flags from them, but he also wasn't putting those flags into a familiar context. Ignis' way of trying to win him is exactly what barbarian chiefs of the north had already tried with him. Miki's illusion method would fit right in place in the Underdark. Brynhild doesn't quite fit, but honestly doesn't sound out of place in something like Baldur's Gate dark noble circles. None of this is really new, I think. It's just that Bearen was ignoring things because nothing they did worked on him, and because of that it was a problem he could ignore in favor of other problems.

Unfortunately, Bearen seems bound and determined to ignore the good advice he's being given, but trauma is a bitch like that so I can't be too hard on him. And it's nice that even after going a lot farther the he asked, Sune is still taking out a favor with another god to help with the problem he did ask about. I think that's a very kind thing to do. Though with how prominent a champion of hers Bearen is, and Ao's... awareness of a problem, she probably decided now is not the time to be playing too many heavenly political games.

[X] [Brynhild]

Of the options available, I think she's the one Bearen needs the most help understanding.
Great chapter Erien. I really like Sune here-she seems both wise and insightful. Though it is concerning that the Gods themselves are clueless to how these monster girls (and plain monsters) are appearing.
[X] [Ignis]

Truthfully, I would like more of Brynhild, but Ignis seems better here. She seems like the one who Baeran clashes with the most, so a different perspective of her might help him understand Ignis better.
[X] [Isabella]
I want to know every part of the life story of someone who wants to be a real-life Saturday morning cartoon villain.

Dammit, my man Baeren needs some serious therapy here. Feeling this disconnected from the rest of humanity is a recipe for disaster in the long run; his mind will only wander further and further from a normal human mindset, and nothing good will come of that.

You just wanted to do right by people, you needed to help them. You needed to help everybody because you could.
It's one thing to want to help people, or help people because it's the ethical thing to do, but when it's phrased as a need, that raises my interest. If he's always felt like that, I assume it's because of issues in his backstory that he's never really dealt with. If he's only more recently started to experience it as a need, then it may be a sign of the aforementioned dissonance he feels with humanity; an attempt to find a psychological rock to lean on as he becomes more disconnected with other things.

Either way, even a big shot paladin can't save the whole world himself. Smoke some weed, eat some nachos, watch some old Star Trek, man. Listen to the nice lady, you're gonna crash and burn at this rate.
It was interesting, and at first I was thrown. She was focusing on Bearen's deeper issue instead of the problem he actually asked for help on. It took me a little bit to realize that Sune (or Lady Firehair? I'm guessing that's a title) had already identified if Bearen was taking better care of himself, the Monster Girls wouldn't have blindsided him on amy level. He had already been disregarding all sorts of red flags from them, but he also wasn't putting those flags into a familiar context. Ignis' way of trying to win him is exactly what barbarian chiefs of the north had already tried with him. Miki's illusion method would fit right in place in the Underdark. Brynhild doesn't quite fit, but honestly doesn't sound out of place in something like Baldur's Gate dark noble circles. None of this is really new, I think. It's just that Bearen was ignoring things because nothing they did worked on him, and because of that it was a problem he could ignore in favor of other problems.

Unfortunately, Bearen seems bound and determined to ignore the good advice he's being given, but trauma is a bitch like that so I can't be too hard on him. And it's nice that even after going a lot farther the he asked, Sune is still taking out a favor with another god to help with the problem he did ask about. I think that's a very kind thing to do. Though with how prominent a champion of hers Bearen is, and Ao's... awareness of a problem, she probably decided now is not the time to be playing too many heavenly political games.

[X] [Brynhild]

Of the options available, I think she's the one Bearen needs the most help understanding.
Firehair is a title yeah. And yeah, one doesn't reach level 20 without some damage.
Great chapter Erien. I really like Sune here-she seems both wise and insightful. Though it is concerning that the Gods themselves are clueless to how these monster girls (and plain monsters) are appearing.
[X] [Ignis]

Truthfully, I would like more of Brynhild, but Ignis seems better here. She seems like the one who Baeran clashes with the most, so a different perspective of her might help him understand Ignis better.
Glad you liked it. And the goddess of love knows a thing or two about the heart.
Huh. I wonder what Baeren would make of the demon lord.
Mixed feelings to be sure. Less casualties at least. Unless you mean Alice, then... probably not a fan.
Dammit, my man Baeren needs some serious therapy here. Feeling this disconnected from the rest of humanity is a recipe for disaster in the long run; his mind will only wander further and further from a normal human mindset, and nothing good will come of that.
Very, very hard to have his job for thirty years without cracking. Especially while suffering multiple curses and dying twice.
"Indeed, and that dragon is quickly losing her patience waiting for you,"

I am looking forward to this silver dragon showing up in story. We keep hearing about her, I want to meet her!

"Is that your worth then? Your scars?"

"They are proof of my service, is that not enough?"

I know for a fact that you haven't seen the WoW cutscene this reminds me of, but it still makes me giggle quite heartily.

"He has made his presence… felt," Sune replies.

Oh boy, this has Ao's awareness. That's bad. That's really bad.

One does not understand what it means to live, once one can no longer die, my goddess."

Hm. This is really very interesting. Not "once they've been brought back from the dead", but "once one can no longer die". Baeran doesn't seem to be a lich, did someone Wish him to permanent life?

That could actually make a pretty fair amount of sense with the anhedonia he seems to be experiencing, that absolutely seems like the sort of thing a Wish for immortality would inflict upon the recipient.

Sune arches a perfect brow. "Should I inform your mother of that opinion?"

Beware the elven chancla. Baeran will never be too old or too powerful for his mother to beat him about the head with her slipper.

As to the vote, I am interested in seeing all of these character's backstories, but I think Brynhild's might be the most helpful for Baeran right now. She's a bicorn, so we know there was some flavor of betrayal in her past, and if it focuses on that, I think this would provide a view of both the good and the bad from MGE to help ground Baeran a bit on the girls.

[X] [Brynhild]

I do really want to see more of Miki and Isabella though.