Smite the Bay! (Worm X Smite Crossover Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by TheLordofAwesome on May 31, 2024 at 6:58 PM, finished with 25 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X][Plan] A Pendragon?!
    -[X][Name] Elizabeth Pendragon
    -[X][Sex] Female
    -[X][Hobby] Fencing
    -[X][Hobby] Gymnastics
    -[X][Alignment] Hero
    -[X][Deity] Guardian
    [X][Plan] Where there are some Cities that have Capes, Brockton Bay's Capes has a City.
    -[X][Name] Friedrich von Hohenzollern
    -[X][Sex] Male
    -[X][Hobby] Legal Code — In an attempt to bond with your mother you actually took time to study the law. In your research you picked up a lot of knowledge on various laws (and their penalties) in both your state and the nation as a whole. You are perhaps way more knowledgeable on these subjects than anyone else your age might be. Of course, beyond some brief conversations with your mother it seemed your efforts didn't make you any closer. Your father seemed impressed at least, saying you'd make a good politician one day. You are not sure how you feel about that. You start with the Legal skill at the Adept level.
    -[X][Hobby] Strategy Games — Since you were introduced to chess at a young age by your late grandfather, you've harbored a love for games that require forethought and strategy. Chess has long been your go-to whether online or in person, but you also have a catalog of video games you play if you need a strategy game that has a lot more complex elements to it. You've developed quite a keen mind for strategy as a result, letting you think ahead and plan things out. You start with the Tactics skill at the Adept level.
    -[X][Alignment] — You have just been granted tremendous power, so naturally it comes with the responsibility to use it for the betterment of people. You are going to strive to be a hero. (You will aim to become a hero out of a sense of responsibility, or perhaps altruism.)
    -[X][Deity] Warrior
    [X][Plan] Where there are some Cities that have Capes, Brockton Bay's Capes has a City.
    [X][Plan] To rebel
    -[X][Name] Joanna Anders
    -[X][Sex] Female
    -[X][Hobby] Fencing
    -[X][Hobby] Lets playing
    -[X][Alignment] Hero
    -[X][Deity] Mage
    [X][Plan] recognize the paronama. "I have the feeling that someone smart would look up the heroes and villains online, I mean that's what smart people would do... right?"
    -[X][Name] William "Will" Davis Sanctus "howdy i'm Will"
    -[X][Sex] Male "i'm not a child"
    -[X][Hobby] Strategy games "Let's think about this calmly"
    -[X][Hobby] Lets playing "duh"
    -[X][Hobby] Fencing "I'm pretty sure I won't cut off my arm"
    -[X][Alignment] Hero "Why would he be a villain? they are so stupid"
    -[X][Deity] Mage "Maybe you can teach me something? please?"
    [X][Plan] Titan
    -[X][Name] Elizabeth Bathory
    -[X][Sex] Female
    -[X][Hobby] Strategy Games
    -[X][Hobby] Gymnastics
    -[X][Alignment] Villian
    -[X][Deity] Mage
    [X][Plan] A Pendragon?!
    [X][Plan] Titan

Vote is closed! Plan "A Pendragon?!" wins! So now we'll be getting into the actual meat and potatoes of the quest soonish and I'll work on the character sheet.
2. Good Boy
January 1, 2011

You can feel your power flow and something new manifests in the room. They apparently appear behind you judging by the heavy breathing behind the sofa. You turn to face your summon and immediately give out a startled shriek when you see what you come face to face with. You don't know what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn't a beast!

"Where life ends and death begins, I stand watch," he bellowed, his voice a deep baritone with unnatural reverb underlining his words. "The guardian at the gates! Cerberus!"

Cerberus… The infamous three-headed hellhound of Greek myth said to guard the gates of the Underworld. One of the monsters Echidna and Typhon's offspring, he allowed the souls of the dead to enter but made sure to keep them from leaving the realm of his master, Hades. And just by looking at him you can tell he was as terrifying as his dark master. He was 6ft tall at the shoulder for crying out loud! You could easily ride him like a horse!

"I am no steed," he rumbles. "Though there are those within this city that use my kind for such purposes."

Wait, what?

"It matters not," Cerberus said. "I shall yank the souls out of your enemies and drown them in Stygian venom."

You chuckle nervously. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, I think, but, uh, let's not jump immediately to ripping out souls and drowning people in venom?"

Cerberus made a rumbling noise of… disappointment, you think? But he didn't otherwise object.

You moved around the couch, four pairs of eyes keeping track of you as you moved to approach the legendary beast.

It was… funny, in a way. You remember a long time ago begging your parents for a puppy every year for your birthday. Your mother would always tell you to ask your father, and your father… He always made it clear he hated the idea of owning a dog. Hell, you are fairly certain he hated the idea of pets in general given at no point in your life did your family own one. Not even fish and you have a pond built into the garden in the backyard!

You were about 10 when you stopped asking.

So it was funny, after all these years, you finally got a dog on your birthday. A big, demonic hellhound of a dog, but a dog nonetheless!

"I am no mere pet!" Cerberus objected.

You chuckled nervously at his expense as you approached. His glowing blue eyes stared into you, the snake tail reared up from behind to look at you as well. You were nervous, but you reached out. Slowly your hand reached to one of his three canine heads, gingerly laying on top of it.

"Good boy," you say. You've always wanted to do this.

Cerberus grumbles, clearly annoyed, but then says, "...Yes, we are a good boy."

You smiled softly at the monstrous dog, stroking his scaly head. After giving him a few more pets you find yourself yawning. It was then you remembered what time it was. Resolving to go to bed you make your way through your house, Cerberus trailing behind you with thunderous footfalls. Heading up stairs you had to dismiss the canine monster as he was too big to fit up the stairway. Eventually reaching your room you call upon Cerberus again, who appears and takes up much of what available space with his size.

You make your way into the bed, which normally was a lonely experience in your empty home. Had you summoned anyone else, you might have dismissed them as it would have been an odd request to ask someone to stay and watch you sleep. But Cerberus was a dog and that made it easier to justify his continued presence. Plus, you want to live out the fantasy of a dog owner as much as possible.

"I shall stand watch to ensure your enemies do not disturb you." Cerberus said, laying upon the floor with a deafening thud that rattled things across your bedroom.

"Okay. Goodnight, Cerberus." you reply. For a few moments you lay in bed in silence staring up at the ceiling, thoughts swirling in your head about what has transpired as you slowly drifted to sleep.


Waking up in the morning was an uneventful affair. As you groggily opened your eyes you briefly wondered if what happened yesterday was a dream… Until Cerberus' toothy maws filled your vision. That caused you to wake up REAL quick. But after calming down and remembering you had powers, you were quick to get up. You dismissed Cerberus as you got ready for the day, but once you got downstairs and headed to the kitchen you summoned him back.

Living in the house by yourself most of the time you managed to pick up a few things here and there in order to take care of yourself. Cooking was one of those things. You weren't the most amazing cook, but you knew your way around a kitchen enough you could fend for yourself. So you made yourself a proper breakfast of bacon, eggs, and an ungodly amount of pancakes.

Satisfied with your culinary creations you shuffled your way over to the nearest table to eat. As you sat down you noticed Cerberus looking at you, sitting on his haunches like he was waiting for something. You look at him, then to your food, then it clicked.

"Would you like a pancake?" You asked the three-head hellhound. He didn't reply, instead just stared at you as his right head's tongue slipped between its rows of pointed teeth to lick his nonexistent lips.

Chuckling, you grab one of your pancakes and toss it to him and within a blink of an eye he snatched it out of the air, his jaws clamping shut around it with a loud clacking of razor sharp teeth. Satisfied with giving him a pancake you went about eating and thinking about your situation.

You had powers now. Powers that let you summon gods for the most part. Or at least projections that acted like gods? You weren't sure, but you've never heard of anyone having projections that had their own personalities before. Your knowledge on how the power system of parahumans worked was limited to what your tutors taught you and it wasn't like they gave you specifics.

And you wanted to be a hero with these powers. It only seemed right to be a hero. It was the responsible thing to do; trying to help people. You lived your whole life living in relative safety, but not everyone gets that. There are people who have to deal with crime and superpowered criminals. Mythology is filled with grand heroes and if you have the power to invoke myths into being, then why not strive to be like heroes of old?

Of course, that raises the question of how you want to go about being a hero…

[ ][Affiliation]
PRT — The Protectorate is the premier superhero organization in America, with plenty of government support. It was an easy decision to go with them as they can give you the proper support and training you need to be a hero. Although, you likely will not have much autonomy over your actions as a hero or say over your cape identity.

[ ][Affiliation] New Wave — Brockton Bay's biggest known team that isn't the Protectorate. They haven't seen growth as an organization outside their own family in years ever since the death of Fleur killed the momentum of their full accountability movement. You could try your luck with them and see if they let you join, though you could probably say goodbye to the whole secret identity thing.

[ ][Affiliation] Independent — Some would say it is reckless to go it alone, but full autonomy in your actions and identity as a cape is too good to pass up. You could probably get more done alone as a hero than what you could while being bogged down in red tape of a pre-established team. The only problem is you are basically on your own to figure everything out.

With that settled you began thinking about your future as a cape. In all honesty, you'd like to get out and take to the streets as soon as possible. You'd do it today if you could, but you are lacking in the costume department. You can't call yourself a superhero without the getup. You could maybe throw on your gymnastics leotard and find something to make an impromptu mask, but it was still winter and that outfit wasn't exactly the most insulated. You could put on your fencing equipment, but that stuff wasn't exactly the most amazing or flattering.

You could, of course, just go about in your regular clothes and keep out of sight while your summons did the work until you got a proper costume. Although…

You look at Cerberus and frown a little. Cerberus didn't exactly have a "PR friendly" image to him. In fact, he had more of a "I'll use your corpse as a chew toy" image if anything.

"I have done this with the fools who attempted to tread into the domain of my master uninvited, yes." Cerberus said.

Menacing hound of death aside, you do have another cape matter to consider: your cape name. It was arguably more important than your look. You can look like anything, but it would mean very little if you didn't have a name that people could remember. You are pretty sure people remember capes by their name and powers as opposed to their actual costume. After a bit of thinking, you settled on…

Cape Name
[ ][Cape Name]
[ ][Cape Name] Mythos
[ ][Cape Name] Titan
[ ][Cape Name] Conduit
[ ][Cape Name] Priestess
[ ][Cape Name] Write-In

Week Planning
[ ][Today Action 1]
[ ][Today Action 2] Write-In
[ ][Sunday Deity] Select one class
-[ ][Sunday Action 1] Write in
-[ ][Sunday Action 1] Write in
[ ][Monday Deity] Select one class
-[ ][Monday Action 1] Write in
-[ ][Monday Action 1] Write in
[ ][Tuesday Deity] Select one class
-[ ][Tuesday Action 1] Write in
-[ ][Tuesday Action 1] Write in
[ ][Wednesday Deity] Select one class
-[ ][Wednesday Action 1] Write in
-[ ][Wednesday Action 1] Write in
[ ][Thursday Deity] Select one class
-[ ][Thursday Action 1] Write in
-[ ][Thursday Action 1] Write in
[ ][Friday Deity] Select one class
-[ ][Friday Action 1] Write in
-[ ][Friday Action 1] Write in
[ ][Saturday Deity] Select one class
-[ ][Saturday Action 1] Write in
-[ ][Saturday Action 1] Write in

  • Go shopping. (Shopping (list items you want to buy)
  • Go on PHO. (What do you want to do there?)
  • Train a skill. (What skill and how do you go about it?)
  • Learn a new skill. (What skill and how do you go about trying to learn it?)
  • Go patrol. (Where?)
  • Find a heroic base
  • Research online (What are you reaching?)
  • Go in for Power testing.

QM Notes:
A FOUR HOUR MORITORIUM is in place for voting to allow discussion.

Keep in mind that when assigning a god class (Warrior, Guardian, Mage, Assassin, Hunter) that you must have a day between the usage of a previous class. For example: Since you guys summoned a Guardian today you cannot summon a Guardian on Sunday, but you can on Monday if you wish.

In addition, the character sheet for Elizabeth is up as well as a link to the list of met deities.
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It's cool, shit happens and that's not your fault. Also, I love cerberus he is a cutie patootie.

Also, let's be independent, no reason to go into the madhouse that is the PRT or new wave.
I actually spoke too soon. I manged to rework it via my phone. So now folks should be able to view it unless I messed up again. Also, glad you like your demon dog.
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[X][Affiliation] PRT — The Protectorate is the premier superhero organization in America, with plenty of government support. It was an easy decision to go with them as they can give you the proper support and training you need to be a hero. Although, you likely will not have much autonomy over your actions as a hero or say over your cape identity.
[X][Cape Name] Mythos

I would like to do the PRT, as most quests tend to turtle until a certain power level is reached. But with the PRT, we are required to do patrols, so we will be forced to do stuff rather than turtle for several story arcs. As for the name, Mythos stands out to me. As for planning for the activities, I am going to work on it, but most likely copy someone else's setup for planning.

Edit: Plans below:
[X] Plan For Week
-[X][Today Action 1] Train Skill (Parahumans)
-[X][Today Action 2] Research Online (Factions in Brockton Bay)
--[X][Sunday Deity] Mage
--[X][Sunday Action 1] Train Skill (Mythology)
--[X][Sunday Action 2] Train Skill (Legal)
---[X][Monday Deity] Assassin
---[X][Monday Action 1] Go register/join PRT with Assassin
---[X][Monday Action 2] Power Testing if required
----[X][Tuesday Deity] Hunter
----[X][Tuesday Action 1] Train Skill (Mythology)
----[X][Tuesday Action 2] Train Skill (Legal)
-----[X][Wednesday Deity] Warrior
-----[X][Wednesday Action 1] Train Skill (Mythology)
-----[X][Wednesday Action 2] Train Skill (Parahumans)
------[X][Thursday Deity] Guardian
------[X][Thursday Action 1] Train Skill (Mythology)
------[X][Thursday Action 2] Train Skill (Parahumans)
-------[X][Friday Deity] Mage
-------[X][Friday Action 1] Train Skill (Swordmanship)
-------[X][Friday Action 2] Train Skill (Legal)
--------[X][Saturday Deity] Assassin
--------[X][Saturday Action 1] Train Skill (Swordmanship)
--------[X][Saturday Action 2] Train Skill (Legal)
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[X][Affiliation] Independent
[X][Cape Name] Divine

Always say build our own cape team when we have the power to do it.
Okay, let's see here, time for discussions.

1. I feel like going Independant would be best as it gives us the most freedom, we could always join a team later anyway.
-The PRT has the best support but awful red tape
-New Wave would be the middle child, and could be an attractive option but it also comes with the social issues of dealing with the Dallons.
-Both would need parental permission and I'm not sure If we want to deal with that yet?

2. I'm not great at naming so maybe either "Smite", "Dreamer", "Pantheon", "Mythbuster"
-Smite, it's basic, snappy and to the point
-Dreamer's a personal favourite of mine, kind of like "Dreaming of a better world"... It's PR friendly at least!
-Pantheon's pretty descriptive of our power, as a Pantheon of Gods.

3.1 Research Legal necessities for independant capes
3.2 Register with the PRT as an Independant Hero
-Prefer not to have Cerberus, even if he is the goodest of boys, when meeting with the PRT, It'd probably be best to have a more PR friendly looking God.
3.3 Research Mythos so we have a wider (more powerful?) God range.
3.4 Make a proper Hero costume
3.5 Officially Debut
3.6 Make friends with the local Heroes (GG, PanPan and Vista would be fun?)
3.7 (Far off goal) Make a team and call it Pantheon?
3.8 PR Patrol to get our name out
3.9 Sneaky night Patrol with an Assassin for targeted strikes against gang holdouts
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Sorry for the trouble, but I looked at the vote tally, and it seems my vote is kinda all mixed up, but I don't see what is causing it in my vote. Any suggestions to clean up my vote?

Edit: Got an idea, trying it now.
Second Edit: Finally got my vote fixed, looks weird but it does show up in the vote tally with the whole plan now.
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[X][Affiliation] Independent

Cape Name
[X][Cape Name] Dreamer
[X][Cape Name] MythBuster

Week Planning
[X][Today Action 1] Research Legal Necessities for Independant Heroes
[X][Today Action 2] See if we can meetup with Glory Girl and talk shop (Contact on PHO?)
[X][Sunday Deity] Warrior
-[X][Sunday Action 1] Go shopping for Costume stuff! (See if GG wants to hangout)
-[X][Sunday Action 2] Get registered with the PRT (Call ahead, we're not ready to debut)
[X][Monday Deity] Assassin
-[X][Monday Action 1] Research the gangs and its parahumans
-[X][Monday Action 2] Discreetly patrol our surrounding areas, surveying for Gang Influence
[X][Tuesday Deity] Warrior
-[X][Tuesday Action 1] Train Swordsmanship, with our summon if applicable
-[X][Tuesday Action 2] Train Charisma, practice public speaking
[X][Wednesday Deity] Mage
-[X][Wednesday Action 1] Research Mythology online and ask our summon
-[X][Wednesday Action 2] Research Legal, Handling criminals and vigilante looting / bounties
[X][Thursday Deity] Guardian
-[X][Thursday Action 1] Train Charisma with New Wave
-[X][Thursday Action 2] Train Fighting/Swordsmanship with New Wave
[X][Friday Deity] Warrior
-[X][Friday Action 1] PR Patrol to get our name out, see if New wave or the Wards are available
-[X][Friday Action 2] PHO debut, A bit of info about ourselves and interesting Mythology about our current summon
[X][Saturday Deity] Mage
-[X][Saturday Action 1] Contact Parian, she has experience in navigating independence
-[X][Saturday Action 2] Patrol Docks South (around Winslow)
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[X][Affiliation] PRT — The Protectorate is the premier superhero organization in America, with plenty of government support. It was an easy decision to go with them as they can give you the proper support and training you need to be a hero. Although, you likely will not have much autonomy over your actions as a hero or say over your cape identity.
[X][Cape Name] Dreamer

[X][Today Action 1] Train Mythology by looking up what gods are the gods of what.
[X][Today Action 2] Research online about known capes in Brockton Bay (Cerberus mentioned something about people using his kind as steeds, maybe he was talking about a dog themed cape?)
[X][Sunday Deity] Mage
[X][Sunday Action 1] Train Legal skills by looking up laws related to parahumans
[X][Sunday Action 2] See if the Mage can set up traps/wards around our home that stays after they disappear (There have been widespread rumours of new or independent capes being grabbed from their homes and forced into a gang)
[X][Monday Deity] Assassin
[X][Monday Action 1] Go shopping and buy lighters, zip ties, rope, pepperspray, tape
[X][Monday Action 2] Plan out code words for our summons to quickly respond after being summoned if we were to suddenly be ambushed. (Wink wink, Coil.)
[X][Tuesday Deity] Mage
[X][Tuesday Action 1] Learn First Aid by watching first aid training videos
[X][Tuesday Action 2] See if the Mages can set up traps/wards around our home that stays after they disappear
[X][Wednesday Deity] Assassin
[X][Wednesday Action 1] Train Acrobatics with the help of our summons
[X][Thursday Deity] Mage
[X][Thursday Action 1] Train Swordsmanship with the help of our summons
[X][Thursday Action 2] See if the Mages can set up traps/wards around our home that stays after they disappear
[X][Friday Deity] Assassin
[X][Friday Action 1] Train Acrobatics with the help of our summons
[X][Saturday Deity] Mage
[X][Saturday Action 1] See if the Mages can set up traps/wards around our home that stays after they disappear
[X][Saturday Action 2] Train Swordsmanship with the help of our summons
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@Saphentite Now, I'm usually a pretty hands off QM as I like my players being creative, but just for clarification so I understand this plan that I'm reading, but you want to immediately contact Glory Girl for a meeting for... what exactly? Mind you that you have done nothing as a cape yet so I'm not sure if She'd meet with some person claiming to be a new hero.
... Maybe I've been reading too many fics where GG has connections to various indie heroes. I kinda just figured she'd be a good person for introducing ourselves. Like, she's part of an independent team, is an open cape and is active. But maybe I've skipped a step huh?
[X][Affiliation] PRT — The Protectorate is the premier superhero organization in America, with plenty of government support. It was an easy decision to go with them as they can give you the proper support and training you need to be a hero. Although, you likely will not have much autonomy over your actions as a hero or say over your cape identity.
... Maybe I've been reading too many fics where GG has connections to various indie heroes. I kinda just figured she'd be a good person for introducing ourselves. Like, she's part of an independent team, is an open cape and is active. But maybe I've skipped a step huh?
It's all good! I was making sure I wasn't misinterpreting anything in case your plan won, you know? It would kinda suck if everyone had an expectation and I didn't do it.

With that said, I'm sure She'd get along independents she'd run into, but getting contacted online might be something that could get dismissed unless you are more established, you know? I mean, I can't imagine there haven't been people claiming to be capes just to meet celebrity heroes.
[X][Affiliation] Independent
[X][Cape Name] Divine

[X][Today Action 1] Research Legal Necessities for Independant Heroes
[X][Today Action 2] See if we can meetup with Glory Girl and talk shop (Contact on PHO?)
[X][Sunday Deity] Warrior
-[X][Sunday Action 1] Go shopping for Costume stuff! (See if GG wants to hangout)
-[X][Sunday Action 2] Get registered with the PRT (Call ahead, we're not ready to debut)
[X][Monday Deity] Assassin
-[X][Monday Action 1] Research the gangs and its parahumans
-[X][Monday Action 2] Discreetly patrol our surrounding areas, surveying for Gang Influence
[X][Tuesday Deity] Warrior
-[X][Tuesday Action 1] Train Swordsmanship, with our summon if applicable
-[X][Tuesday Action 2] Train Charisma, practice public speaking
[X][Wednesday Deity] Mage
-[X][Wednesday Action 1] Research Mythology online and ask our summon
-[X][Wednesday Action 2] Research Legal, Handling criminals and vigilante looting / bounties
[X][Thursday Deity] Guardian
-[X][Thursday Action 1] Train Charisma with New Wave
-[X][Thursday Action 2] Train Fighting/Swordsmanship with New Wave
[X][Friday Deity] Warrior
-[X][Friday Action 1] PR Patrol to get our name out, see if New wave or the Wards are available
-[X][Friday Action 2] PHO debut, A bit of info about ourselves and interesting Mythology about our current summon
[X][Saturday Deity] Mage
-[X][Saturday Action 1] Contact Parian, she has experience in navigating independence
-[X][Saturday Action 2] Patrol Docks South (around Winslow)
It's all good! I was making sure I wasn't misinterpreting anything in case your plan won, you know? It would kinda suck if everyone had an expectation and I didn't do it.

With that said, I'm sure She'd get along independents she'd run into, but getting contacted online might be something that could get dismissed unless you are more established, you know? I mean, I can't imagine there haven't been people claiming to be capes just to meet celebrity heroes.

That's true, maybe it'd help if we do that PHO verification thing with our summon? Is that the right term? Summon, God, Projection. We have Cerby out so it shouldn't be too hard
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Want to stay independent since joining the prt never goes well and new wave have problems of their own. I think mage is the best deity to go with to start because it has the best odds of leaving lasting benefits such as enchanted items, equipment or defences on the house.

[X][Cape Name] Mythos
[X][Affiliation] Independent
[X][Today Action 1] Research Legal Necessities for Independant Heroes
[X][Sunday Deity] Mage
-[X][Sunday Action 1] Go shopping for Costume stuff!
-[X][Sunday Action 2] See what lasting effects the mage can leave such as barriers on the house, enchanted items, costume help etc.
[X][Monday Deity] Warrior
-[X][Monday Action 1] Research the gangs and its parahumans
-[X][Monday Action 2] Train Swordsmanship, with our summon if applicable
[X][Tuesday Deity] Mage
-[X][Tuesday Action 1] See what lasting effects the mage can leave such as barriers on the house, enchanted items, costume help etc.
[X][Wednesday Deity] Warrior
-[X][Wednesday Action 1] Train Swordsmanship, with our summon if applicable
[X][Thursday Deity] Mage
-[X][Thursday Action 1] See what lasting effects the mage can leave such as barriers on the house, enchanted items, costume help etc.
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[X][Cape Name] Mythos
[X][Affiliation] Independent
[X][Today Action 1] Research Legal Necessities for Independant Heroes
[X][Sunday Deity] Mage
-[X][Sunday Action 1] Go shopping for Costume stuff!
-[X][Sunday Action 2] See what lasting effects the mage can leave such as barriers on the house, enchanted items, costume help etc.
[X][Monday Deity] Warrior
-[X][Monday Action 1] Research the gangs and its parahumans
-[X][Monday Action 2] Train Swordsmanship, with our summon if applicable
[X][Tuesday Deity] Mage
-[X][Tuesday Action 1] See what lasting effects the mage can leave such as barriers on the house, enchanted items, costume help etc.
[X][Wednesday Deity] Warrior
-[X][Wednesday Action 1] Train Swordsmanship, with our summon if applicable
[X][Thursday Deity] Mage
-[X][Thursday Action 1] See what lasting effects the mage can leave such as barriers on the house, enchanted items, costume help etc.
Okay, with the benefit of hindsight I can see how I organized the vote format has led to some complications. Well, next turn I'll make sure the flaws are smoothed out. Sorry for my error.

That said, y'all should keep in mind to use all your action slots.
[X][Affiliation] Independent
[X][Cape Name] Mythos
[X][Today Action 1] Research Legal Necessities for Independant Heroes
[X][Sunday Deity] Mage
-[X][Sunday Action 1] Go shopping for Costume stuff!
-[X][Sunday Action 2] See what lasting effects the mage can leave such as barriers on the house, enchanted items, costume help etc.
[X][Monday Deity] Warrior
-[X][Monday Action 1] Research the gangs and its parahumans
-[X][Monday Action 2] Train Swordsmanship, with our summon if applicable
[X][Tuesday Deity] Mage
-[X][Tuesday Action 1] See what lasting effects the mage can leave such as barriers on the house, enchanted items, costume help etc.
[X][Wednesday Deity] Warrior
-[X][Wednesday Action 1] Train Swordsmanship, with our summon if applicable
[X][Thursday Deity] Mage
-[X][Thursday Action 1] See what lasting effects the mage can leave such as barriers on the house, enchanted items, costume help etc.