Fate Grand Elysium (A Fate grand order X Disco Elysium Quest)

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by MedievalParadox on May 23, 2024 at 4:49 AM, finished with 15 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Ophelia Phamrsolone
    [X] Kadoc Zemplus (This Coffin is one of the furthest away from Team A, and consequently one of the least damaged, at least in comparison with the rest of them.)
    [X] Kadoc Zemplus
    [X] Howard Norwich (The Coffin seems to be...dented from the inside, and he's supposed to be in B-Team, so he has to be strong right?!)
    [X] Howard Norwich
    [X] Ofelia Phamrsolona
Prologue End: Now Arriving, Hell.
Your attention is drawn to the Coffin that flashed Red.

Inland Empire (Easy: Success): That one, we have to do that one

Ritsuka: You sure?

Inland Empire: trust me.

You look toward mash, and then back to the coffin and nod, approaching it and looking at the name and team ranking inscribed onto it. Ophelia Phamrsolone

Encyclopedia (Formidable: failure): That doesn't like any last name we've came across, I'll mark it down as something to ask about later, how to pronounce it I mean.

Placing your hands on the lid to the coffin, you slide the door open.

Interfacing (medium: success): Though it's damaged, the emergency opening mechanism was still functional, Good for us.

As you peer inside the opened coffin, you notice that master in it is a girl with an eyepatch, and long brown hair.

Reaction Speed (medium: success): She was fiddling with her Eyepatch. Odd, maybe a nervous reaction?

Ritsuka: Can't blame her for that. does she look okay?

Perception: She seems to be fine, at least from a cursory observation.

You lend her a hand out of the coffin, and speak up.

Ritsuka: "Excuse me, but I need your help, Mash is trapped Under a pillar and is bleeding profusely and if your in good enough shape to help i would appreciate it if you did so."

She seems naturally taken aback by this, being saved only to be asked to save another before something about you said caught her off guard.

Empathy (Medium: Success): She knows and cares for Mash.

Ophelia: "Mash is what? Take me to her."

You nod and lead her towards mash, Mash seems surprised to see the two of you.

Mash: "Senpai?!"

Ritsuka: "Maybe i can't help you alone, but i brought help."

Ophelia: "I...I'll do my best."

She does something and suddenly you feel...different.

Physical Instrument (medium: Success): Ha! Whatever she just did has got our Limbs overflowing with power! I feel like I can help you lift or Punch Anything!

Endurance (Medium: failure): Unfortunately whatever she did didn't seem to work on the rest of your physical attributes, just strength.

Ritsuka: "What was that you just did?"

Ophelia: I used a Preloaded Spell from my Mystic Code on us, it should help move that pillar."

You and Ophelia work together to try and free mash from the pillar, however even with this strength boost, the two of you can't fully lift the pillar, But you can prop it up enough for you to slide the Fire Extinguisher underneath it so mash can at least get some wriggle room. She seems to appreciate that. and then something in the air...shifts.

Half Light (Medium: Failure): We don't know how bad this shift is, it could be an indication of the wall just as much as it could be something else.

The three of you look towards the Globe, as if on instinct. what you see is worse than an inactive Chaldeas, it is the color of flame...and considering it's supposed to provide the Near-Future observational Lens data..

Visual Calculus (Easy: Success): Something is about to go horribly wrong with the planet.

Mash: "Ah.."

Rayshift PA: "Warning all Observation Staff, Chaldeas state has changed. Now Rewriting Sheba's Near future predictions......"

After a poignant pause it would get back to you with results...and a small indication that it's not just a PA system. Rudimentary AI, like whatever ran the simulation perhaps?

Rayshift PA: "Unable to detect the presence of mankind 100 years into the future. Unable to confirm Human survivors, unable to guarantee mankind's future."

Mash: "Chaldeas has turned bright red....No, nevermind..That."

PA System: "Central Area Sealed, 180 seconds until Internal Containment procedure."

Mash: "They...shut off the area. Now we can't get out."

Ritsuka: "We'll figure it out, we have to."

Ophelia: "Are...Are you certain that we can?"

Ritsuka: "I don't want to think of what would happen if we can't."

Rayshift PA: "Coffin Vitals Masters. Baseline N-Not Reached"

The PA for the Rayshift glitched out a bit there, as If it couldn't actually read into the vital of the coffins it was connected to.

Ophelia: "...does that mean the others are..."

Her gazes wanders to the Coffin at the center of A Team, presumably to the leader.

Rayshift PA: Rayshift Requirement not met, Searching for qualifying masters. Found. Candidate No. 48, Ritsuka Reset as master. Candidate No. 5, Ophelia Phamrsolone Parameters acceptable. Unsummon program Start. Spiritron Conversion, Start.

Mash: "Uhm...Ritsuka Senpai...would you mind...holding my hand?"

You nod and gently take her hand in your as the process counts down. Ophelia seems to be distracted by her own thoughts towards the leader to notice.

Rayshift PA: Rayshift starting in 3....2....1. All procedures Clear. first Order Commencing Operation."

and like that you feel something, a familiar yet so, very different feeling wash over as everything goes black.

Darkness. An inky blank tapestry of nothing stands before you.

No wait. Your eyes are closed. Still, that doesn't subtract from the feeling of familiarity from this. Being put to sleep and ending up in strange dreams that grab you and suck you in. is that what a Rayshift is, or is it just a similar concept?

Perception (Easy Success): There's a familiar smell, the smell of something burning, as well as the faint sounds of flame. Did we even leave?

Perception (Medium: Success): At the very least you can confirm that what your lying on isn't the ruins of the command room you were just in, so you know that much.

???: "Kyuu, kyuu, Fou. Fou...Fou.."

Ritsuka: Did...Did Fou just lick my cheek?

Perception: It certainly feels like it. So we aren't as alone as we feared.

???: "Senpai. Please Wake up, Senpai."

Volition (Challenging: failure): You don't want to open your eyes. You don't want to see where you re right now. and I can't blame you. None of us were prepared for today.

Mash: "Won't wake up. Maybe I should use the official title....Master. Master, Please wake up. If you don't wake up, I'll kill you."

Half Light (Medium: Success): In a very rare moment of survival instinct You decide that it would be unpleasant to be killed by the first friend you've made here. a move which I personally applaud, and open your eyes.

Perception (trivial: success): Only to end up wishing we had kept them closed, our surroundings have morphed from a sabotaged Chaldea and into an apocalyptic City state of being.

Encyclopedia (medium: Success): Is...is this Fuyuki? what happened here?

Logic (Easy: Success): Nothing good. Clearly.

Mash seems to notice your shift in behavior.

Mash: "Thank goodness your awake now Senpai! I'm so glad your safe."

Ritsuka: "You're awfully glad I'm alright for someone who said they'd kill me."

Mash: "That came out wrong. What I meant to say is 'you're going to be killed.' Um, I was confused because everything happened so quickly."

Drama (Easy: Success): She's not lying Sire. in fact she seems remarkably bad at it.

Mash: "As much as I want to gather our thoughts please look around you."

Upon a Second inspection you notice that Ophelia is fighting alongside...what seems to be a living shadow against a....you rub your eyes and look again

Perception (medium: Success): No I am not deceiving you, that is a Skeleton.

The skeleton then sees you and sensing that you are weaker than the girl, let's out a shriek and charges at you.

Half Light (medium: failure): Instead of Flight, you freeze up at the sight, frozen in fear, or perhaps incredulity as the Skeleton charges at you. Not the best move.

Luckily Mash steps in front of you. ready to protect you with her...Big ass shield. When did she get that?! On another note, why is she in a metallic Minidress?

Electro chemistry: well it's not a...bad look for her.

Volition: Not the time!

Mash: "Communication Impossible. Identifying life Form as Hostile. Master your orders, please. I want you and I to overcome this together!"

Choose your battle strategy: (This isn't a big deciding factor on how you'll act as a Master, but this will raise skill Caps of the mentioned skills by 2 so you can invest more into them later)
[] Play cautiously, paying attention to your surroundings and reacting when appropriate (Raises perception and Half Light)
[] Play aggressively, Throwing whatever you can at the skeleton and make sure what you can throw does damage (Raises Hand Eye Coordination and Physical Instrument)
[] Play Smart, Observing the enemy for weakness and then informing Mash about it, and later Ophelia when she catches up (raises Logic and Authority)
[] Play Strange, tuning in, not to the battle, but the battlefield, trying to intuit what could happen next. (Raises Inland Empire and Vibes)
[] Play Cooperatively, hold out until Ophelia arrives and work with her and her shadow guy to take down the skeleton. (Raises Endurance and Fellowship)
[] Another type of way. (Insert two skills to have their level caps raised by two. They can't both be from the same stat line.)
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Rayshift PA: Rayshift Requirment not met, Searching for qualifying masters. Found. Candidate No. 48, Ritsuka Reset as master. Unsummon program Start. Spiritron Conversion, Start.
I think this should mention Ophelia too, since she is a master as well. Also I think you will need to edit some bits of the text, there is some bad grammar on some parts.
I think this should mention Ophelia too, since she is a master as well. Also I think you will need to edit some bits of the text, there is some bad grammar on some parts.
Right, I'll have her number be mentioned after Ritsuka is Reinstated. As for the bad grammar...part of it could be me ripping the cutscene text from a video I found on YouTube so there would be old translation errors. But you do have a point, I should minimize as much bad grammar as I can. Maybe find an editor willing to work with me so I can better refine these posts.
That was a fun update! Glad to see more interaction with the skills, I was missing them a little bit.

I think I have to go with
[X] Play cautiously, paying attention to your surroundings and reacting when appropriate (Raises perception and Half Light)

Having the room to build up a more functional survival instinct will probably be valuable in the long run and will also ensure that poor Mash doesn't require a new regimen of blood pressure medication as well. The perception cap doesn't hurt either, and might also combo well with Visual Calculus(?).
That was a fun update! Glad to see more interaction with the skills, I was missing them a little bit.
I figured it would best to introduce the skills slowly, from something that occasionally spoke up (like before today in universe) and then making them more and more vocal as time went on (until they are about the same level as baseline disco voices) to show how Ritsuka is kinda stuck in his 'Emergency mode' More interactions with skills will pop up as the story continues.

Having the room to build up a more functional survival instinct will probably be valuable in the long run and will also ensure that poor Mash doesn't require a new regimen of blood pressure medication as well. The perception cap doesn't hurt either, and might also combo well with Visual Calculus(?).
To be fair, I think Ritsuka also has low Half light in the OG game itself. but yeah it would definitely save the Directors of Chaldea a lot of time having their second functional Master Candidate have a sense of survival. Mash probably won't mind, but it would also make her job as a Shielder easier if she had to spend less time shielding you from your own lack of survival instinct. As for perception, yeah it combos well with Visual calculus, especially when it comes to finding stuff Visual calculus might not find when it does it's thing.
The Beast of Pity versus The Last Human Master Who Hears Voices In Their Head.

Goetia: "I am not sure whether to be angry or thankful at the irony that basically every reason I am seeking to remake humanity is wrapped up in one package to oppose me."
The Beast of Pity versus The Last Human Master Who Hears Voices In Their Head.

Goetia: "I am not sure whether to be angry or thankful at the irony that basically every reason I am seeking to remake humanity is wrapped up in one package to oppose me."
That's assuming he would be privy to what goes on inside of Fujimaru's head, but now that I think about it there would be servants who would know about the voices. Well particular Servant really the others are too connected to dreams to bother with finding the skills.

Speaking of Servants, I updated the Relationship page now that Singularity F is started. now there are people there. and a spoiler dictating how the tracking will be done.
That's assuming he would be privy to what goes on inside of Fujimaru's head, but now that I think about it there would be servants who would know about the voices. Well particular Servant really the others are too connected to dreams to bother with finding the skills.

Speaking of Servants, I updated the Relationship page now that Singularity F is started. now there are people there. and a spoiler dictating how the tracking will be done.
He has Clairvoyance EX, I ain't ruling it out.

Though I find it unlikely as well, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew of it however.

EX just means the system can't define it or express it in full and I think his EX is essentially a "Knowledge from God" type of thing?
He has Clairvoyance EX, I ain't ruling it out.

Though I find it unlikely as well, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew of it however.

EX just means the system can't define it or express it in full and I think his EX is essentially a "Knowledge from God" type of thing?
Fair enough I suppose.

Also uh, will you be voting in this round?
[X] Play Strange, tuning in, not to the battle, but the battlefield, trying to intuit what could happen next. (Raises Inland Empire and Vibes)

Because I love the more mystical side of things.
[X] Play Strange, tuning in, not to the battle, but the battlefield, trying to intuit what could happen next. (Raises Inland Empire and Vibes)

Love being a little weirdo
[X] Play Strange, tuning in, not to the battle, but the battlefield, trying to intuit what could happen next. (Raises Inland Empire and Vibes)
[X] Play Strange, tuning in, not to the battle, but the battlefield, trying to intuit what could happen next. (Raises Inland Empire and Vibes)