Feed The Fire - A RWBY/Armored Core VI:Fires of Rubicon Quest

[X] Rubicon Research Insititute - The cream of the crop. Sophisticated, expensive Coral-based technologies, culminating in the fearsome C-Weapons. The best of the best… with a matching cost. Technologies & equipment from this part of the tech tree are far more sophisticated than anything any other branch on the tree can bring to bear, but their expense and the rare materials they require mean they're really only suitable for equipping your host and her closest allies.

Imagine Grimm running for their lives from Coral Missiles. Those things are slow as hell but the moment they catch up with their unholy levels of tracking they revoke your license to exist.
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Research institute, ALLMIND got a lot of their toys.

Just look at her final boss form, using an Ibis coral weapon as base.

MDD isn't exclusive to RRI, the Ghosts are just the only mechs on Rubicon 3 that use it. The PCA doesn't really have a need to be sneaky, since they have the orbital laser cannons.

Also not as useful on Remnant as Rubicon 3, since it fools electronic surveillance, not eyeballs.
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Official reason why I voted PCA: I respect them as enemy who can still offer a challenge after finishing the game multiple times.

Actually reason: CATAPHRACT baby, LET'S GOOOO!!!!
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by PAGDTenno on Feb 22, 2024 at 9:50 PM, finished with 29 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Planetary Closure Administration
    [x] Rubicon Research Insititute
    [X] Planetary Closure Administration - The standardized, superior MTs, LCs, HCs, EKDROMOI, and other weapons developed by the PCA to keep Rubicon III closed. This part of the tech tree is particularly useful for militaries and militias that rely on teamwork and standard gear over individual skill.
    [X] Rubicon Research Insititute - The cream of the crop. Sophisticated, expensive Coral-based technologies, culminating in the fearsome C-Weapons. The best of the best… with a matching cost. Technologies & equipment from this part of the tech tree are far more sophisticated than anything any other branch on the tree can bring to bear, but their expense and the rare materials they require mean they're really only suitable for equipping your host and her closest allies.
    [X] Corporate - MTs, ACs, and the weapons they wield - starts you down the path to weapons and technologies inspired by the Corporations and the independent mercenaries they hawked their wares. Unlocks from this part of the tech tree are particularly useful for individualistic fighters.
Nesting 1.1
Research Progress:
  • For selecting the PCA as your starting point, you have received Basic Integrated Power Systems, Circulating Current Generator Theory, and all precursors. Additionally, all PCA-aligned research will progress more quickly, as you are more familiar with their underlying principles.
  • Basic Integrated Power Systems - Small-scale application of non Dust-based generators, power distribution buses, and power storage. Suitable for powered infantry armor and light vehicles, or for auxiliary systems on larger vehicles. Unlocks Intermediate Integrated Power Systems.
  • Circulating Current Generator Theory - Unlocks Small Circulating Current generators. Small, dense, with high power output, and lacking the high operating temperatures and noxious exhaust gasses of Combustion generators, they are ideal for powered infantry armor and other confined-space applications.

All unlocked technologies are available for prototyping and production by you and your allies.


Over the past few days, you've settled into a routine with Penny and her father. In the morning, Penny's father inspects the interface between the Coral and her systems, before letting her prepare his breakfast - a novelty for you, since Raven was… functional at best outside their AC, and mostly ate nutrient packets. Still, it's clearly important to your host, and keeping your attention on your own research is the closest thing you can give her to private moments with her father. You think she appreciates it.

While Penny helps Pietro get ready for the day, you study the world of Remnant. Its people, its history and politics (a distinction with little difference, really), but most of all, its technology. What you've learned shocks you. In some respects such as robotics and computing, they are shockingly advanced (as if your host was not proof enough of that). In others, their ignorance is staggering. Calling Rubicon III's records of the history of humanity "barebones" is being exceedingly generous… but even so you know that humanity took its first, tottering steps out from their cradle and into the stars long before creating anything resembling many of the technologies this world takes for granted - they even have what you can only describe as an oversized first-generation Armored Core, though you're pretty sure even G4 Volta would take offense to something that sluggish being compared to an AC. And in spite of their incredibly sophisticated tech base, not even Remnant's technological powerhouse, Atlas, has anything resembling a space program.

The answer, of course, is Dust. The magnificent, mysterious material that is at the root of this world's technology. Spectacularly energy-dense, stable (usually), and capable of numerous exotic effects out of a storybook, it would be ideal for space travel except for one minor detail. Namely, the fact that it suddenly becomes inert as soon as it reaches the Kármán Line.

Evidently, getting off-world to start figuring out where in the galaxy you landed is going to be a little more complicated than you first assumed. Still, that may be for the best. Balam and Arquebus' ability to make good on their desire to loot Rubicon 3 may have been exceptional, but Dust is quite a prize for anyone who can figure out how to make it work off-world, and you can think of at least three system governments and two corporations (Not counting the crippled Arquebus and Balam) who would be more than happy to conquer Remnant for a shot at the prize. A Closure System would be a mistake - too easily turned on the world's residents, as the Rubiconians discovered, but some form of orbital defense will be necessary, if only to make any ill-intentioned neighbors reconsider their plans.

Eventually, the Polendinas finish their morning routine and go their separate ways, Penny heading down to the labs to help you with your research as her father returns to his clinic, and the two of you resume work on …

[ ] A Circulating Current generator - Penny's current generator is excellent for her current loadout, but leaves her chassis with no power budget for upgrades, and when using her flight pack she can either fly or fight. An improved generator will give her more room for loadouts, and provide a proof-of-concept for powered infantry armor.
[ ] Integrated Control System research - Penny's attitude control firmware is excellent… for a first effort for a platform that also moves at high speed. However, it lacks the self-correcting features that allow even the cheapest BAWS mech to correct for battle damage without external intervention. This was nearly her downfall during your last battle. You will rectify that.
[ ] The Arena - You promised to teach Penny what you know, and what better way than to train her in single combat, as Raven taught you? And perhaps, prepare her to teach others. Of course, without a body of your own, you'll need a simulated environment that perfectly matches the real world.​

… while you wait for Ironwood to arrive. Pietro point-blank demanded you read Ironwood in on your existence, as he's a major sponsor of the PENNY project. And, you suspect, he wants another person aware of your existence if Penny starts acting oddly.
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Penny's Armory

Core Expansions

  • None unlocked.


  • Floating Array - INSTALLED - A set of swords constructed for Penny by her father. Controlled by wired connections. The swords also function as laser rifles, and can combine into a beam cannon with a significant charge delay.


  • P3NY Dust Generator - INSTALLED - Designed specially for Penny, optimized to run all her systems during combat at 90% loading, throttling up to 100% to recharge her EML modules. Lightweight, efficient, and sturdy, but with little capacity for accepting new loads.


  • X48 Jump Pack - Experimental jump pack- Caused unacceptable Aura drain for human users. Fortunately, Penny isn't human. Allows for limited flight.

OS Tuning

  • None unlocked. OS Tuning upgrades are firmware updates that simply make Penny run better, and are received as a side effect of other researches.


  • X1F Circulating Current Generator - Built almost entirely from scraps in Pietro's Atlas laboratory, this prototype generator is bulky, fragile, and wholly unsuitable for use in any purpose except for proving that it works.
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[X] The Arena - You promised to teach Penny what you know, and what better way than to train her in single combat, as Raven taught you? And perhaps, prepare her to teach others. Of course, without a body of your own, you'll need a simulated environment that perfectly matches the real world.
I wonder are the enemies in the arena downscaled to her size or will she be upsized to match them, or will she get to use PCA weaponry for the simuator?
Tech Tree
[X] Bleeding Edge Technology - Grants access to the bleeding edge of Remnant's rather sophisticated technology base. It's a shame it only works on-world.
[X] Intermediate Dust Theory - Your host and her father have an excellent understanding of Dust… as it is used in technology. Their understanding of direct usage of Dust by individual "casters" is limited. You will need to seek someone with greater expertise if you want to plumb those mysteries, which may be key to allowing you to Breach The Kárman Line with Remnant technology, instead of "imported" technology.
[ ] Advanced Dust Theory - LOCKED. You must seek additional allies to enable this research.
[ ] Aura Theory - LOCKED. You must seek additional allies to enable this research.
[ ] HUMAN-PLUS Augmentation - Remnant's understanding of prosthetics is astonishing. However, they are limited by the users' Aura, and only emulate the natural capabilities of the human body. Cybernetic augmentation allows for direct neural interfacing, allowing for control of mecha and other vehicles as if they are an extension of the body. You're confident you can manage this more ethically than Nagai's Assistant, even if you have to resort to reverse-engineering fourth-generation Coral Augmentation.
[ ] Core Expansions - Single-use "expansion cards" that can be mounted to any mechanized platform. Extraordinarily lightweight, but burn themselves out when tripped. Requires Energy Weapons Theory. New technologies may unlock new Core Expansions, or improve existing ones.
  • Assault Armor - perhaps the ultimate expression of "the best defense is a strong offense". Operates on the theory that if you burn incoming attacks (and attackers!) to ash under a shockwave of Pulse energy, they can't hurt you.
  • Terminal Armor - An incredibly durable Pulse barrier, triggered when the mounting platform's Main System detects an otherwise-lethal attack.
  • Pulse Protection - A Pulse barrier that trails the mounting platform, improving platform defense for a short period.
  • Pulse Barrier - A stationary Pulse barrier. More durable than Pulse Protection.

[ ] Basic Rocketry - Simple, proof-of-concept rockets. Can be powered by any generator, though, naturally, Dust generators will fail at the Kárman line. Suitable for launching unmanned satellites and small modular space stations, but you won't be building any of the massive cargo transfer/hab stations or orbital defense platforms that are a familiar sight the galaxy over with these. Also suitable for propelling and steering cargo pods for intercontinental cargo launchers.
Unlocks Interplanetary Rocketry. Required for FTL communications.
[ ] Lunar Anomaly Theory - What on Rubicon is up with that moon? Either gravity should have dragged it back into a sphere or it should have started to form a ring system before the smaller pieces started to de-orbit. - LOCKED. You're not answering this question planet-side.​

[ ] Universal System Integration - Unlocks Modular Weapons, Modular Propulsion, Modular Power Systems, and Modular Control Systems - allows for design and development of truly interchangeable components with robust integration, permitting on-the-fly redesign of vehicles and weapons. As long as the "base" vehicle has the structural strength to support the system and the power to run it, it can be used as if it was designed for the vehicle. As a result, these tend to be inexpensive, if bulky for their performance.
[ ] Combustion Generator Theory - Unlocks Small Combustion Generators - Combustion Generators are simple, robust, and lightweight relative to Circulating Current and Coral generators. However, their low output makes them unsuitable for vehicles with energy weapons, and their high operating temperatures and noxious exhaust make them unsuitable for infantry armor.
[ ] Kinetic Weapons Theory - The principles of creating kinetic weapons capable of standing up to the strains of high-speed mechanized combat.
[ ] Missile Weapons Theory - The principles and technology to construct terminally guided, magazine-fed missile launchers suitable for mechanized combat.

[X] Basic Integrated Systems - Unlocks Integrated Weapons Systems, Power Systems, Propulsion, and Control Systems. - Allows for design and development of purpose-built systems, meant to operate as part of a cohesive design. Thanks to application-optimized design, these are pound-for-pound more powerful, better protected, more efficient, or all three. However, adaptability suffers, and components frequently require substantial redesign for any new application.
[X] Basic Integrated Power Systems - Small-scale application of non Dust-based generators, power distribution buses, and power storage. Suitable for powered infantry armor and light vehicles, or for auxiliary systems on larger vehicles.
[ ] Refined Integrated Power Systems - Now that you've reverse-engineered the basics, you're ready to scale up. Suitable for large vehicles and stationary turrets.
[X] Basic Integrated Weapons Systems - Simple Integrated Weapons based on the galactic standard tech base instead of Remnant's tech base - allows development of Integrated weapons with any researched technology.
[ ] Basic Integrated Control Systems - Integrated control systems for vehicles based on galactic standard technology. Suitable for powered infantry armor and light vehicles.
[X] Circulating Current Generator Theory - Unlocks Small Circulating Current generators. Small, dense, with high power output, and lacking the high operating temperatures and noxious exhaust gasses of Combustion generators, they are ideal for powered infantry armor and auxiliary generation on larger platforms.
[ ] Improved Circulating Current Generators - [RESEARCH BONUS - PROTOTYPE CONSTRUCTED] A deeper understanding of the design and engineering behind Circulating Current generators, enabling construction of generators suitable for small vehicles and low-mobility MTs.
[ ] Energy Weapons Theory - Permits design and construction of energy weapons that do not rely on expendable Dust lasing media, broken into three basic categories. "Laser" weapons produce a single "packet" of energy, while "plasma" projectiles explode into a lingering zone of destruction. Finally "pulse" weapons blast out a rapid stream of energized packets that are particularly good at breaking down energy shielding. Perhaps other defenses as well…
[ ] Plasma Missile Theory - Allows design & construction of Plasma Missiles - on detonation, a plasma energy field lingers for several seconds, trading some burst damage and installation weight for greater damage potential.
[ ] Pulse Field Theory - Requires Energy Weapons Theory. Allows design and construction of Pulse Shields. Improves all starting Core Expansions.​

[ ] Prototype Systems - Unlocks Prototype Weapons, Propulsion, Power Systems, and Control Systems. The media-standard "Super Prototype". Eye-wateringly expensive, but second to none on any performance metric you care to imagine, pound-for-pound.
[ ] Coral Generator Theory - Requires Prototype Systems, Combustion Generator Theory , and Circulating Current Generator Theory.. Enables Coral-fueled generators. Introduction of Coral into the fuel stream of other generators allows incredible power densities to be produced, and correctly harvested, without any harm to the colony. Additionally enables "passive" generators that efficiently harvest the ambient radiation created by a colony. Further research may enable "active" Coral generators.
[ ] Coral Weapon Theory - Requires Coral Generator Theory and Energy Weapons Theory. Enables REDSHIFT variants of existing energy weapons. Manipulation of Coral swarm intelligence allows creation of weapons that fire blasts of brilliant ruby energy. Due to the difficulty of containing the energy, REDSHIFT variants actually have weaker "charged" attacks, but compensate with superior "regular" attacks, and a near-limitless ammunition supply as long as the Coral colony within isn't overtaxed.
[ ] Coral Missile Theory.- Requires Missile Theory, Plasma Missile Theory, and Coral Weapon Theory. Allows creation of Coral missile weapons. Coral missiles are slower than their equivalent counterparts, but have extended flight times with simply astonishing tracking, hit just as hard as conventional missiles, and create a damaging field akin to that of plasma missiles.
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I wonder are the enemies in the arena downscaled to her size or will she be upsized to match them, or will she get to use PCA weaponry for the simuator?
The Arena is the software package - so Ayre can throw whatever scenario she wants at Penny. (I'm going off the assumption that the Tutorials use the same simulator software that the Arena does)

Anything from hordes of Grimm or MTs, to putting Penny in the pilot's seat of ECHO and making her duel Iguazu.

EDIT: Or Snail. Because there are few things as satisfying as shooting Snail out of his AC, and Penny deserves to join in on the fun, at least in spirit.
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[X] A Circulating Current generator - Penny's current generator is excellent for her current loadout, but leaves her chassis with no power budget for upgrades, and when using her flight pack she can either fly or fight. An improved generator will give her more room for loadouts, and provide a proof-of-concept for powered infantry armor.

This should give us a bargaining chip for when we have to deal with Ironwood. It will also open up upgrades to Penny's systems while solving the major issue of losing access to weapons while flying.
[X] The Arena - You promised to teach Penny what you know, and what better way than to train her in single combat, as Raven taught you? And perhaps, prepare her to teach others. Of course, without a body of your own, you'll need a simulated environment that perfectly matches the real world.
[X] The Arena - You promised to teach Penny what you know, and what better way than to train her in single combat, as Raven taught you? And perhaps, prepare her to teach others. Of course, without a body of your own, you'll need a simulated environment that perfectly matches the real world.
[X] A Circulating Current generator - Penny's current generator is excellent for her current loadout, but leaves her chassis with no power budget for upgrades, and when using her flight pack she can either fly or fight. An improved generator will give her more room for loadouts, and provide a proof-of-concept for powered infantry armor.