Whatever He Choose (No SV, You are Jaime Lannister)

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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on May 16, 2024 at 11:40 PM, finished with 25 posts and 18 votes.
There is only me
There is only me:

I am a knight, that's always what I've been. every possibility, every dark reflection, they all agree. and I refuse to be a poor one.

A moment passed as you began to think of your words, carefully considering what you are. And then you realized that you were many things to many people. There is what father thought of you, you were the son and heir of one of the greatest noble houses in Westeros. You were the scion that would continue the proud tradition that he started, of war, peace, and states craft that would make your name echo through history.

But that was not you. You never wanted to be the noble and proud son of your father. You never wanted to be his image, his ideal, because that was never what you wanted to be.

And then there was Cersei… Sweet beloved Cersei. You wanted so desperately to have things change for the both of you. To no longer have those secrets that would keep you two from each other. How you wanted to hold her tight… but it could never be. You were here lover. Her brother, and her greatest secret… your greatest secret… But even now, you wondered just as you had all those years with your mother, wondered if what you wanted was right. What she wanted was the same you had?

Tyrion was only a child, but he idolized you. He wanted, desperately for your love, and you gave it to him, without any reservations or fear, because that was what you would do.

But then there was you.

You always were what everyone wanted, a doll that was perfect to be picked and chosen. And you never choose what you wanted to be…

Until now… Having tasted battle and wanting more of it… to feel alive.

Yet… you spoke of words different then what you wished to say. "I am a knight, that's always what I've been. every possibility, every dark reflection, they all agree. and I refuse to be a poor one."

The Darkness Smiles:D100 => 6

"A Knight, a protector of women, and a killer to all that his master wishes him to be? That is what you want to be. An ideal you can never be? Come on Jaime, you are asking for a dream that can never be fulfilled. Impossible even."

"What is a dream if not an impossibility, a chance to chase something that is quite impossible, to make it a reality? I know what a knight truly is, and I don't care. Because that is what I will choose. What I will always choose. Even if it is impossible."

You saluted your sword and held it at the ready, both hands ready. "You know what I will do?"

Your shadow only smiled. "Yes. I do." and it copied you, imperfectly as it was. And saluted. "You know what I am in the deepest parts of your mind. The part that will always be there. The shadow that will never stop until you falter, even for a moment."

You nodded. "I know, that is why I won't."

Round one: D100 + 50 => 140 vs D100 + 50 => 100

Both of you stood and than you ran across the water, and you moved, quickly, so quick you were almost a flash of red and gold on the water, as you crossed blades with the shade, and it moved. Backwards in fear, and there was nothing else it could do, your onslaught was… perfect, that even a perfect counter could not even stop.

"How are you doing this? I am you!" It shouted as you locked blades. "I am everything you are! Everything you will become!"

"Mother always said, Jaime, you must remember the one thing I have always told you. Despite everything that your father wishes for you and from you… You can be whatever you choose to be. Whatever You Choose."

"That whore is dead, and that monster took her from you!" The shade said. "Why are you not angry at that monster that killed her, when he took it away."

"Because it wasn't Tyrion's fault, nor father's, nor Cersei's or anyone else." You said as the sword broke in two."

"It was the will of the gods than?" It laughed.

Finale: D100 + 50 => 148 vsD100 + 50 => 99

"There was nothing we could do. And I will honor her memory, by standing true to her words, and no one elses."

"You cannot beat me. Never truely."

"True." You said quietly as you began to press the blade to it's chest. "But I do so much more, without you clouding my mind."

And the shade was vaporized in smoke and ash.

And the world became bright.

The Septon looked ready to read you your last rites. "Oh." You awoke, feeling sore. "What happened?"

You were at the Eyrie…

Aftermath:D100 => 100

And you felt different. So much more than anything you ever thought.

What do you feel?:

[]Write in

AN: Enjoy.
[X]Write in: Gallant

Smartly or boldly stylish; dashing.
Unflinching in battle or action; valiant.
Nobly or selflessly resolute.
Stately; majestic.
Courteously attentive especially to women; chivalrous.
Flirtatious; amorous.

despite everything, it's still you.

just you without the distraction of your more base side

power is fluid, focus and contentment can be achieved on their own own. but feeling heroic or gallant is unique to overcoming a challenge that requires purity of purpose and must be marshaled and maintained.

the first step in becoming a legend is to believe in legends after all.
[X]Write in: Gallant

Smartly or boldly stylish; dashing.
Unflinching in battle or action; valiant.
Nobly or selflessly resolute.
Stately; majestic.
Courteously attentive especially to women; chivalrous.
Flirtatious; amorous.

despite everything, it's still you.

just you without the distraction of your more base side

power is fluid, focus and contentment can be achieved on their own own. but feeling heroic or gallant is unique to overcoming a challenge that requires purity of purpose and must be marshaled and maintained.

the first step in becoming a legend is to believe in legends after all.

And all it takes is a slightly more powerful man to put a end to it.

Being Gallant is earned through actions something that is easily achieved by one that is powerful and willing to take initiative.

The reason why I say Power is better option as Magoose once said Jamie can learn Magic.

So not only this option gives him a better Physical Might but also Mystical.
The reason why I say Power is better option as Magoose once said Jamie can learn Magic.
No I said he was on a path of magic and monster hunting.
What I mean is… Jaime is starting down a path of magic and monster hunting, and can fight lots of things that can be considered monsters because he is attracting them to him now.
Lets just say that, and this is me pulling back the curtain a little bit... Something is about to happen, and it is bad. :V

For Westeros that is.

And other things.

Yeah there is a rumor mill coming and it is going to decide what Jaime can do...

Or rather, what you have the option to do.

And don't worry, Ned and Bobby b and the Arryn boys will be following you no matter what, because we need a DND party.
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No I said he was on a path of magic and monster hunting.

Lets just say that, and this is me pulling back the curtain a little bit... Something is about to happen, and it is bad. :V

For Westeros that is.

And other things.

So being on the path of Magic doesn't give affinity or getting exposure to it isn't enough.

I don't what you mean by that can you elaborate.

After all you did say this
Can I tell you all something since you can see things are different now.

You choose the option where Jaime is potentially, able to wield magic. or at very least have the know how to fight very bad and evil things that are about to go bump in the night.

Because this world needs a great hero.

But instead, its got a young man, who loves his sister.

So I assumed he can learn Magic.
So being on the path of Magic doesn't give affinity or getting exposure to it isn't enough.

I don't what you mean by that can you elaborate.

After all you did say this
Let me rephrase that then:

Jaime can't learn magic on his own, and while he might gain an affinity or sensation towards it, he might unknowingly tap into it on occassion.

He still needs someone to teach him to use it properly.

So no, he can't become a sorcerer just because he got lucky, he needs to, as in all good magic systems... or rather just through me personally.

Jaime needs to learn from an actual master before he can experiment to become more powerful on his own.
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Let me rephrase that then:

Jaime can't learn magic on his own, and while he might gain an affinity or sensation towards it, he might unknowingly tap into it on occassion.

He still needs someone to teach him to use it properly.

So no, he can't become a sorcerer just because he got lucky, he needs to, as in all good magic systems...

Learn from an actual master before he can experiment to become more powerful.

Hmm that is what I meant you need someone to teach you after all it is only logical is it not?
Hmm that is what I meant you need someone to teach you after all it is only logical is it not?
There are plenty of people who can teach Jaime magic. And there are different types that he can learn.

The problem is, finding them, and convincing them that Jaime isn't some crazy Targaryen asshole loyalist that wants to muder them all because...

Areys is fucking crazy, and Rhaegar is an absolute idiot.

To wit from the Rumor mill to come:

Areys Insanity:
D100 => 96

D100 => 14

Its about to get spicy. :V
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There are plenty of people who can teach Jaime magic.

The problem is, finding them, and convincing them that Jaime isn't some crazy Targaryen asshole loyalist that wants to muder them all because...

Areys is fucking crazy, and Rhaegar is an absolute idiot.

I know but if Cersei can find a witch why can't we? With our rolls and extra preparation I am sure we can convince them.

Hmm why does both of them comes into the equation?

Jamie certainly doesn't look like a Targaryen and the rumors must have spread about straining relationship between the Hand and the king.

If the rolls are anything to go by and Jamie can attest to that.
I know but if Cersei can find a witch why can't we? With our rolls and extra preparation I am sure we can convince them.

Hmm why does both of them comes into the equation?
All I will say, is that you will see.

You will see.

And I shake my head. Tywin, you're supposed to be better then this. But you... You-

[X] Write In: Wise

the Creed of the Seven, the oath of a Knight does not demand us to be strong for the sake of strength…

It demands us to have Wisdom, and serve.
No I said he was on a path of magic and monster hunting.

Lets just say that, and this is me pulling back the curtain a little bit... Something is about to happen, and it is bad. :V

For Westeros that is.

And other things.

Yeah there is a rumor mill coming and it is going to decide what Jaime can do...

Or rather, what you have the option to do.

And don't worry, Ned and Bobby b and the Arryn boys will be following you no matter what, because we need a DND party.

What are the benefits of that double nat 100 for this event and for the dream