Whatever He Choose (No SV, You are Jaime Lannister)

The Mirror
The Mirror:

Face Yourself in the Mirror.

You looked into the mirror and you saw you were covered in blood, and there was something wrong. The boy looked back with a smile, a grin filled not with joy and exuberance, but of evil. You had seen such a smile before, and you had worn it.

"Like what you see?" The mirror looked back at you, and you crossed his arms and smiled. He then started moving his hands down the blood and groaned, and you knew it was the same type of groan that Cersei would make when you both… experimented. "What would dear sister see if she saw you like this? Would she be disgusted? Horrified? Or intrigued and want you more than anything else in the world?"

Pleasure and happiness. You opened your eyes and saw Cersei standing before you. "Jaime, it's safe now, we can finally be together now."

She embraced you, kissing you, and for a brief moment, you wanted it to continue. But something in your mind wanted you to stop. Wanted her to stop.

"Cersei." You moaned, and that was enough to give her pause. "Stop."

"What's wrong with you? We were meant to be together, always." She whispered before she tried to kiss you. But you didn't want this. You remembered the promise you made to Mother. "Just accept what you are."

"But I don't-"

You are whatever you choose to be Jaime, remember that. You then heard your mother's voice, and then there was only you again, facing the doppelganger of blood.He was frowning, as if something was wrong.

"Oh boo hoo. Why is it that Mother's words still hold sway, she is dead! You had your choice, and you made it when you declared your love!"

The mirror lunged forward and you were grabbed and thrown through the glass.

You fell into a water puddle and you saw it was up to your ankles, you were wearing your red clothes, Lannister colors, and…

Brightroar at your side?

You saw its red leather handle, with a lion's head and valyrian steel glistening in the light. It had been gone for centuries, but you knew it wasn't real.
But you had seen the portrait of Tommon before he sailed through the doom. The same as it had been in those paintings and it's memories.

You drew it and looked around, and saw yourself, bloodied, becoming more a shade of darkness cloaked in blood and smoke and steam, as he stepped into the water, and it boiled in it's ever step. "You should not exist, you are an abomination of what we are?"

"Than what am I?!" You demanded.

"What are you?"

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[X] I am Jaime Lannister, A Proud Knight and Son of The Lion Tywin Lannister!. Shead no grace on me, for no God, Demon, Monster or Man shall break me!.

Very Chunni response but I can't think of anything better rn, and I know Jaime is still a squire but saying knight just made it sound better. Idk much of the GoT Lore so idk what we are dealing with rn besides that it's a dream.
[X] I am a knight, that's always what I've been. every possibility, every dark reflection, they all agree. and I refuse to be a poor one.

in which Jamie realizes that being a good fighter is only half of being an extraordinary knight. that perhaps the ideals of chivalry are impossible for a mortal to reach. but that the challenge, the fight against yourself, that is what he's been unconsciously craving all his life.

and in Cannon and all the other evil versions we see it's always Jamie falling short of his ideals that leads to him stagnating before eventually succumbing to the evils around him

but there is nobility In the pursuit of chivalry itself.

and perhaps this time Jamie can overcome the only enemy that matters.
[X] I am Jaime Lannister, A Proud Knight and Son of The Lion Tywin Lannister!. Shead no grace on me, for no God, Demon, Monster or Man shall break me!.
[X] I am Jamie Lannister The Greatest Warrior there ever will be I will crush my own heart if it is required to achieve that goal.

I wrote this to give Jamie a single minded goal and also set him on path where people's manipulations such as Cersei or Tywin's no longer work on him because unfortunately for them he has replaced it with Vibranium a long time ago.
[x] I am a knight, that's always what I've been. every possibility, every dark reflection, they all agree. and I refuse to be a poor one.
[X] I am a knight, that's always what I've been. every possibility, every dark reflection, they all agree. and I refuse to be a poor one.
[X] I am Jamie Lannister The Greatest Warrior there ever will be I will crush my own heart if it is required to achieve that goal.
[X] I am a knight, that's always what I've been. every possibility, every dark reflection, they all agree. and I refuse to be a poor one.
"Whatever else he is, the man's still a knight"
Stannis is always correct.👍

[x] I am a knight, that's always what I've been. every possibility, every dark reflection, they all agree. and I refuse to be a poor one.
Stannis is always correct.👍
Can I tell you all something since you can see things are different now.

You choose the option where Jaime is potentially, able to wield magic. or at very least have the know how to fight very bad and evil things that are about to go bump in the night.

Because this world needs a great hero.

But instead, its got a young man, who loves his sister.
Can I tell you all something since you can see things are different now.

You choose the option where Jaime is potentially, able to wield magic. or at very least have the know how to fight very bad and evil things that are about to go bump in the night.

Because this world needs a great hero.

But instead, its got a young man, who loves his sister.

Can you elaborate your wording is bit confusing.
Can you elaborate your wording is bit confusing.
What I mean is… Jaime is starting down a path of magic and monster hunting, and can fight lots of things that can be considered monsters because he is attracting them to him now.

And that means he's now becoming a target for evil.

Both human and inhuman. And berserk has inspired me
Can I tell you all something since you can see things are different now.

You choose the option where Jaime is potentially, able to wield magic. or at very least have the know how to fight very bad and evil things that are about to go bump in the night.

Because this world needs a great hero.
I mean I've envisioned an unstoppable Jaime wielding a flaming red Brightroar at least once I won't deny it.
[X] I am a knight, that's always what I've been. every possibility, every dark reflection, they all agree. and I refuse to be a poor one.
[X] I am a knight, that's always what I've been. every possibility, every dark reflection, they all agree. and I refuse to be a poor one.
[X] I am a knight, that's always what I've been. every possibility, every dark reflection, they all agree. and I refuse to be a poor one.
[X] I am a knight, that's always what I've been. every possibility, every dark reflection, they all agree. and I refuse to be a poor one
[X] I am a knight, that's always what I've been. every possibility, every dark reflection, they all agree. and I refuse to be a poor one