The Winds and the Mage

About Tobaro
This is the stuff Casandora would know about Tobaro, without digging too much:

Tobaro is a Tilean City state headed by a local Merchant prince elected for life by their peers (so, not for very long on average, the position is prone to attracting knives)
It is built on top of, on the sides of and under a series of cliffs on the coast
It used to be an elven colony, a very impressive and very defensible port-cavern
access to the port is difficult and requires assistance from locals because of the islands and reefs that feature heavily in that coast.
Access to Tobaro by land from the Empire is complicated (the simpler route would be through the road south of athel loren, the south of Bretonnia and the whole width of Estalia), so you'll go there by boat.

The main districts of the city are:
Altezza District
Altezza is the wealthiest part of the city, sitting atop the cliffs overlooking the sea. From Altezza the rocky foothills of the Abasko Mountains rise sharply and although there is more space in Altezza than in the rest of Tobaro, and hence the houses are much bigger than elsewhere in the city, conditions are still cramped compared to the wealthy quarters in other Tilean city-states. In Altezza the residencies of the Tobaran merchant houses can be found, as far removed from the rest of the city as they can manage to get. Each of the merchant houses maintains "estates" that are in reality little more than houses and towers huddled together within walled compounds.

Trafuro District
Those Tobarans unable to afford housing in Scogliera must live in the warren of tunnels that make up the Trafuro district. There are countless miles of tunnels beneath Tobaro, most of them uncharted and unexplored. The Engineering Guild only maintains the tunnels near the surface, for there are too many to maintain them all. The Trafuro district was once much bigger, sprawling far underground, but in the aftermath of the Skaven invasion most of it was razed and its boundaries officially pulled back and restricted so that it can be defended more effectively. The furthest limits of Tobaro are demarcated by the Deepwatch barracks and the numerous mines and tombs beyond. The mines and the surrounding tunnels are patrolled regularly by the Deepwatch, which maintains a heavy presence in Trafuro itself.

Scogliera District
The district of Scogliera is built into the cliff face, with streets cut into ledges and tunnels that wind up and down the cliff, and houses clustered on outcroppings or cut into the rock face itself. Wooden lifts and cranes allow rapid travel between parts of the district, and winding stairs and ramps provide slower but steadier access to the rest. In many parts there is nothing to stop a careless or unlucky person from falling over the edge and into the sea far below. In places where this has happened more than a few times a stern warning or crude railings are erected, although this rarely prevents accidents.

Harbour & Porto District
Tobaro stands on the edge of the sea, with the many islands of the Cavorna Archipelago at its backs and the wide lagoons between its islands. This allows the city to carry out naval maneuvers even in the event of a siege from the mainland.
Seven mighty sea-gates lead from the base of the cliff into the harbour of Tobaro. The Elf-made harbour was built within a huge domed cavern hollowed out by millennia of erosion and sheltered from the sea by the gates. The point where the natural and the Elven section of the cavern meet is all but undetectable, but what surely can be no act of nature are the shards of quartz and diamond that stud the roof of the dome, glittering in a breathtaking recreation of the night sky. Docks and wharves ring the cavern and the bustling trade district of Porto has grown up here, connected to Tobaro above by tunnels which spiral up through the rock. Porto is filled with a mixture of markets, warehouses, inns, and brothels, where both goods and sailors can be attended. Few of the crewmen who sail into Tobaro take the steep road up into the city proper, so those Tobarans who rely on the passing trade of outsiders are forced to come to them, selling their wares and services from makeshift stalls set up on the wharves
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[] Plan Road to Adventure
-[]Learn to Ride
-[] Find someone to teach you how to use a weapon (two rolls for the number of melee and distance options, which will trigger a supplementary vote for the option you choose)
-[]Studying Tilean politics (intrigue)

This seems reasonable, but we need to specify what our Master helps us with. I can see either Politics or Weapon Skills, but lean Weapon Skills, personally.

@barty how do we raise Magic in this? What are the breakpoints? It doesn't sound like more magical training is directly available during this 6 months, but still seems worth asking.
This seems reasonable, but we need to specify what our Master helps us with. I can see either Politics or Weapon Skills, but lean Weapon Skills, personally.

@barty how do we raise Magic in this? What are the breakpoints? It doesn't sound like more magical training is directly available during this 6 months, but still seems worth asking.
Mastering enough spells, getting arcane marks and getting exposed to enough magic without dying or going mutated would do it. (you know enough spells to go to Magic 2, but need to channel Azyr for the first time first)
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This seems reasonable, but we need to specify what our Master helps us with. I can see either Politics or Weapon Skills, but lean Weapon Skills, personally.

@barty how do we raise Magic in this? What are the breakpoints? It doesn't sound like more magical training is directly available during this 6 months, but still seems worth asking.

Oh right. Weapon skill makes most sense to me too. If we are using our weapon we are in serious danger, whereas if we fail at politics we might be clueless or embarrassed.
We are about to go half a continent away, not getting saddle sores in the process
I need to adress this because I though I had in the update, but you're going by sea. I looked at the ground roads from Altdorf to Tobaro, and the safest one has you skirting the southern border of Athel Loren, then doing a detour through most of Estalia. The unsafe one would make you go throught the blighted marshes instead.
I need to adress this because I though I had in the update, but you're going by sea. I looked at the ground roads from Altdorf to Tobaro, and the safest one has you skirting the southern border of Athel Loren, then doing a detour through most of Estalia. The unsafe one would make you go throught the blighted marshes instead.

I must have missed it, swimming it is then.
So that'd make the plan something like this:

[ ] Plan Sail to Adventure
-[ ] Learn to swim
-[ ] Find someone to teach you how to use a weapon (two rolls for the number of melee and distance options, which will trigger a supplementary vote for the option you choose)
--[ ] Get help from your Master
-[ ] Studying Tilean politics (intrigue)
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Suppose we're taking stops along Estalia and Bretonnia, learning their languages might be a fine idea, if only so Cassie can chat people up the whole way.
Nice chapter, I liked that little tidbit about college's past. For first impressions, Wilhemina seems more reasonable than I expected with her saying bonds you share with others keep you grounded and her other comments too. She seemed wise in a way that only old,experienced people can be. Tho I guess you wouldn't grow this old as a magister unless you somehow wisen up or got incredibly lucky. I thought she would be a prophecy loving,speaking in riddles type. Instead we have a granny that occasionally throws storms at people. Kinda neat.

For voting I feel like swim is almost a must. Other than sailing to Tilea we will be also be in a coast city for the foreseeable future. I think a martial option would be nice too but I'm undecided between a weapon(a rapier and dagger possibly for thematic reasons lol) or practicing spells for combat use. I'm a bit more inclided towards latter. For the third Tilean politics can come in handy alongside playing to our intrigue strength or we can go for a second language Estalian or Bretonnian maybe.

I think I will wait to see how discussion will progress and see what others will come up with.
Azyr and seafaring go together like Khorne and axes. You can manipulate storms and read the stars. A user of the Lore of Heavens at sea is arguably the best place for them outside of an observatory.
Nice chapter, I liked that little tidbit about college's past. For first impressions, Wilhemina seems more reasonable than I expected with her saying bonds you share with others keep you grounded and her other comments too. She seemed wise in a way that only old,experienced people can be. Tho I guess you wouldn't grow this old as a magister unless you somehow wisen up or got incredibly lucky. I thought she would be a prophecy loving,speaking in riddles type. Instead we have a granny that occasionally throws storms at people. Kinda neat.

For voting I feel like swim is almost a must. Other than sailing to Tilea we will be also be in a coast city for the foreseeable future. I think a martial option would be nice too but I'm undecided between a weapon(a rapier and dagger possibly for thematic reasons lol) or practicing spells for combat use. I'm a bit more inclided towards latter. For the third Tilean politics can come in handy alongside playing to our intrigue strength or we can go for a second language Estalian or Bretonnian maybe.

I think I will wait to see how discussion will progress and see what others will come up with.

For what it's worth I think that using a weapon has quite a few advantages over spells, at least the spells we know:
  1. It cannot miscast in the middle of combat, if you stab someone there is no chance you suddenly turn your hair green
  2. It is not magic so if you are trying to hide you are a wizard or simply do not want to scare the many, many people who do not like magic a weapon is best IMO
  3. It has synergy and I do not just mean with the fate-weaving, though that is great. Something as simple as Bless Weapon needs... a weapon.
For what it's worth I think that using a weapon has quite a few advantages over spells
I had a similar idea as well but then I thought practicing magic could be slightly better. You are right in that weapon route is more advantageous but I feel like we should try to take actions to improve magic as much as we can at least at this point. We haven't channeled Azyr much and Magister grandmother will help in one action so why not pick one where she could assist in our magic. To learn the ropes before leaving the college.

But otherwise I agree with your points. We can start learning a weapon too our spell repository is already decent.
[X] Plan: Swim through the pages
-[x]Learn to swim
-[x]Studying Tilean history (diplomacy)
--[X] Master's teachings
-[x]Studying Tilean politics (intrigue)
[X] Plan Sail to Adventure
-[X] Learn to swim
-[X] Find someone to teach you how to use a weapon (two rolls for the number of melee and distance options, which will trigger a supplementary vote for the option you choose)
--[X] Get help from your Master
-[X] Studying Tilean politics (intrigue)
[X] Plan Maximum Martial
-[X] Learn to swim
-[X] Practice how to use your spells in combat (martial)
--[X] Get help from your Master
-[X] Find someone to teach you how to use a weapon (two rolls for the number of melee and distance options, which will trigger a supplementary vote for the option you choose)

Both seem like must takes, and I would want either riding or swimming as the other option.
Swimming since we are going to be by the coast. I have our master helping us use magic in combat because her help would be most perennate there.
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[X] Plan Maximum Martial
-[X] Learn to swim
-[X] Practice how to use your spells in combat (martial)
--[X] Get help from your Master
-[X] Find someone to teach you how to use a weapon (two rolls for the number of melee and distance options, which will trigger a supplementary vote for the option you choose)