You do need a vehicle that can move in space somewhat freely to go between systems. It can be a heap of junk that barely works and has never had an ftl engine, though, if you don't mind needing to work for it. You've definitely piloted an escape pod into another system before.

This is apparently a surf board designed like a spaceship according to caption on the image I found. It's not quite literally surfing the stars, but it will do, I think??
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The aesthetic part of me wants to have it being a primative boat/raft, to give the feeling of an ancient traveler sailing across the stellar sea.
A sense of mystique and very striking in terms of impression.

The weirdo in me also wants to see a junk-y RV truck or a craft that's equally run down running only on sheer wanderlust and love. Both a weight of history and also very striking in terms of impression, heh.
The aesthetic part of me wants to have it being a primative boat/raft, to give the feeling of an ancient traveler sailing across the stellar sea.
Unfortunately, in the lore, the Mourning Actors already have their gondolas. They already have the trademark in cool space boats./s
Introduction & Character Generation, pt. 2
You're on your third glass before your contact shows up, which means you're lightly buzzed.

Very lightly.

You look up at your contact, dressed the same as always – greatcoat, denim pants, leather boots, vest, ten-gallon hat – and give them a wave. "You're late, Eira," you grumble.

"Unavoidably detained." They pull out a chair next to you and doff their hat, revealing pale green hair that forms a stark contrast to their dark brown skin. "Some two-bit thugs decided to turn themselves into a meal for Morning( Sunrise on Verdant Fields) and Evening( Sunset on Barren Sands) .'"

You blink, glancing down at their signature pistols, idly wondering what had given them reason to draw them both, then shrug. "Fair enough. So, what did you find that's important enough to drag me to this shithole?" You gesture broadly, encompassing the world as a whole more than the bar you're sitting in.

The bartender snorts.

"Hey now, I'll have you know Mitan-XIa is an economic hotspot–"

"Of stolen goods, dubious salvage, and unethical scientific experimentation."

"The polite term is 'independent entrepreneurship.'"

"Also some truly awful booze." You squint at your glass again, then back at the bartender, raising your voice. "This isn't attempted murder, right? Pretty sure you'd get arrested for this swill in IPC space."

She chuckles. "Nah, just buyer beware. I did warn you. Honestly, I'm surprised you're still vertical after three. You… are human, right?"

You shrug. "Poison doesn't do much to me. Sadly, alcohol counts."

Eira chuckles. "Anyway, you're right, I wouldn't have called you all the way here for just anything. I've got actual, solid intel."

Your heart skips a beat, and you're leaning in before you realize it. "Intel about…" you trail off.


You take a deep breath, then another, and your heart calms. You'd thought the trail had gone cold, but if not…

What are you looking for?
[ ] [Target] A person
[ ] [Target] A place
[ ] [Target] A thing
[ ] [Target] A secret

[ ] [Motivation] Vengeance
[ ] [Motivation] Protectiveness
[ ] [Motivation] Love
[ ] [Motivation] Regret
[ ] [Motivation] Curiosity
[ ] [Motivation] Promises
[ ] [Motivation] Spite
[ ] [Motivation] Responsibility
[ ] [Motivation] Family
[ ] [Motivation] For someone else's sake (Uses the next-highest for their motive)

Write-ins are fine, just keep to about that level of specificity. I'll provide more precise options once we've narrowed down the general theme.
[X] [Target] A person

[X] [Motivation] love

Also notthepenguins, if the target does end up being a person will that also be a random character or will it be someone in the actual game.
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Also notthepenguins, if the target does end up being a person will that also be a random character or will it be someone in the actual game.
It may be an OC, it may be a mentioned-but-not-playable character. Sort of depends on the reasons. Pursuing Dr. Primitive to bring him to justice is valid, but you're not going to be trying to find and woo your long-lost love Jingliu.
[X] [Target] A person
[X] [Motivation] Promises

Promises are a great plot element and can tell a lot about a character.

And shithole planet as a start, huh? Seems like we're on the very fringes of the Galaxy then.
[X] [Target] A secret

[X] [Motivation] curiosity

We're a nameless. It's best to act like one.

Edit: this one's also pretty cool.

[X] [Motivation] Promises
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[X] [Target] A secret
[X] [Target] A person
[X] [Motivation] Responsibility
[X] [Motivation] Protectiveness
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And shithole planet as a start, huh? Seems like we're on the very fringes of the Galaxy then.
Star Rail is very thoroughly intergalactic, without any clear restriction on what galaxies are accessible or not, whether that has anything to do with spatial location, etc. Your current world is not really in force projection reach of any major power, but I'm not bothering to define its location more thoroughly than that.

Edit: Also, this is approval voting, you don't need to vote for just one pair.
[X] [Target] A place
[X] [Motivation] Love
[X] [Motivation] For someone else's sake

"Go beyond their Graves."
[] [Target] A person
[X] [Motivation] Promises
You have no idea how long I've wanted this sort of vote option.
"You don't come near the girl Doc."
"I don't smell a soul anywhere on you. Why do you even care?"
"I made a promise to a lady."
One of my all time favorite quotes

[X] [Target] A place
[X] [Motivation] Spite

but I do love me some spite.
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Ok, I don't really want a "love" motive because that's a standard trope

But this seems fun

[X] [Target] A place
[X] [Motivation] Spite

We seem to be an explorer, and so having a place where we specifically *cannot* be but we want in anyway is fun
[X] [Target] A person
[X] [Motivation] An Old Debt.

Edit silly idea for a ship: buy a military surplus Xianshou starskiff and redecorate it too look like a fishing boat. We can catch and sell space fish whenever we make port.
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[X] [Target] A place
[X] [Motivation] Spite

A place we *cannot* reach or find? Perpostrous, Ridiculous, Contemptuous!

[X] [Motivation] For someone else's sake

To see a place in another's stead, however, can be just as profound.
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[x] [Target] A secret
[x] [Motivation] Love

[x] [Target] A person
[x] [Motivation] Spite

Just throwing in a few I like.
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[X] [Target] A place
[X] [Motivation] Spite

I'm picturing someone who will just show up in weird, dangerous and seemingly inaccessible places simply because they can

Walk into an extremely well-guarded government meeting? Why not. Explore the inside of a giant monster? Easy. Go inside a black hole? Sure. Time travel to the distant past? Of course I can.

Call them the Tourist.
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