Chapter 2: War Party

Chapter 2: War Party


Even Youta's most paranoid musings never entertained the possibility.


His village was deploying his team with a war party to Waterfall's southwestern front, to keep watch for Rock nin and harry them. Was that all they were going to do? Could they be deployed to fight Hidden Harvest? Hidden Steel? Would they even take the fight to Hidden Leaf?

Training was cancelled for the day. Hanashi-sensei told his team to pack their things and say goodbyes- the war party was leaving tomorrow, and their journey would be stretched out to two days for the supply caravan to catch up. When they arrived, the caravan would set up an FOB while the rest of the ninja would spread out to scout for any preliminary signs of enemy ninja.

They were going to be a reactive force, with constant missions to scout borders and check for tracks. That was likely where his team was going to be used for, and it would put them on the first line of defense. At worst, the first to die.

Youta stumbled home, barely acknowledging the mudfeet outside the gates. His mind was a complete mess. His home came into view, and his mind finally jumbled into some semblance of order. He- he had to pack, right? Right. He should get on that.

But in the entrance of his home, he ran into his father.

Fuki Takei was one of the clan's technique hackers, one of the few who would be put to work on a collaboration with other clans to adapt their techniques for general use. The job required him to pay attention to his body's internal sensitivities, and determine, often by feel, whenever a technique felt 'just right'. More than that, he was Youta's father. He'd raised him for fourteen years, while his wife, Youta's mother, would often be assigned to chakra beast hunts or internal duties. He knew every one of his son's expressions, and nothing alarmed him more than seeing abject fear and dejection on his son's face.

"Youta, you look terrible." His father reached out and grabbed his shoulder. He was so lost in his thoughts, Youta didn't react.

"Youta." His father's voice took a sterner tone, and shook him gently. "What's going on? Why aren't you training with your team?"

Some of the words finally got through to Youta, and he mumbled, "-nashi-sensei gave us the day off. We're going to fight Rock nin and die."

"To fight Rock nin and die?" Takei questioned, before piecing together what his son meant. "Oh kami, they put you on the southwestern war party?"

At Youta's barely cognizant nod, his father cursed and started running his hands through his hair. "You need to pack. I need to yell at some people- Youta."

His father grabbed him by both shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

"Youta. This can go away. I can get you removed from the war party. I can call in a lot of favors, the clan can call in a lot of favors. We can get you removed from your team and stay in the village. Do you want that?"

A single agonising second passed. His gut instinct was yes. Youta yearned to say yes. He was scared. He didn't want to die. Could anyone blame him for that? Absolutely not. He was certain that every other ninja in the village was afraid for their lives as well. If he chose the path of cowardice, could anyone blame him?

But leaving his team behind? To leave the first non-blood family he'd deemed free of debt, to whom he'd give all of himself and receive all of themselves in return? He'd never be able to forgive himself.

A single shake of his head sealed his fate, and Youta returned to his room to pack.

Sleep didn't come easily. His consciousness flittered back and forth between awareness and sleep, dragging images of enemy ninja to terrorise him at every step. Words he wasn't sure were real nudged his consciousness to just above awareness, jolting him from the clutch of yet another Leaf ninja.

A familiar voice reverberated from outside his room."-on't care if it's restricted, he's blood! Blood Fuki!"

Another voice responded, but exhaustion dragged Youta's consciousness to just where it was unintelligible.

This time, a flash of a kunai from a Rock nin jolted him half awake. A familiar voice again. "I helped make the damn jutsu, I'll fucking teach him if I want to!"

"That's not what we agre-..."
Parts of the reply faded from Youta's mind, dipping just into mumble as his mind shook from exhaustion. "..-ily. Don't make me censure you, Takei."

"He's my son…"
The voice outside took on an aggrieved tone. Youta's awareness expanded, his brain's attempts to interpret the complex sounds known as 'words' nudging the rest of his mind into near waking. "What's the point of being a training clan if I can't make sure he stays alive?"

"You agreed with everyone when we said we'd be keeping the technique for Tier Three only. The chances of this being stolen… we can't risk it, Takei."
Where had he heard this voice before? It was too familiar, the speaker's name was just on the tip of his tongue. "Your son's a genin, and he's learning our second tier of jutsu already, Takei. He's well ahead of the curve, chances are he'll learn it in a few years already."

"Only if,"
the voice took on a bitter tone, "he survives this war."

Youta tossed and turned for the rest of the night.

Today was it. August 11th. The day the war parties were set to leave. Youta didn't want to leave his room. It took his father shoving a storage seal filled with his belongings into his hands to get Youta to leave the house, and join the rest of the Fuki clan getting ready to leave. The war parties were being mustered in the village's main square, beneath the shadow of the Takikage's hill. There, he would meet the rest of his team, and leave to defend his home.

Fear suffused his very being. A part of him wanted to sprint home, and beg his father to call in every favor, call in all of the clan's goodwill, to keep him safe. But he was too far gone. He was committed.

Youta heard the square before he saw it. Then he smelled it before seeing it as well. He'd hoped… well, he'd hoped the Hanashi would've strewn some of their flowers around the village to combat the smell, but that was unfortunately not the case. When he saw the square, the sheer amount of people made him pause.

The village was nearly a thousand strong, and almost every ninja was being called to war. All of the clans, wielding banners with their clan emblems, made for an extraordinary sight. One clan's banner in particular caught his attention.

Youta had waited outside of the Hanashi clan compound almost every day for the past year and half, there was no way he couldn't recognise their clan emblem on sight by now. As the rest of his clan entered the Takikage's Square, he searched for his sensei, and caught her eye. When she nodded back, sanguine while wielding one of the poles holding up her clan's banner, a small sliver of resolve entered Youta's stomach.

Once the Fuki settled in, however, it seemed that every clan was present. Youta wondered why they weren't forming up already. Then, he appeared.

Kanetsuki Hiroyuki. Takikage. Head of the Kanetsuki.

Youta had only seen the Takikage a handful of times, often from very far distances. Standing in the square, looking at the Takikage who'd appeared at the foot of his own hill, the fear evaporated from his body. Even at this distance, Youta could almost feel the Takikage's strength wash over him. It was like his backbone was supported by steel lining. He felt unstoppable.

The rest of the square went silent. Even the Takikage's presence engendered respect, Then he opened his mouth, and all of Youta's fears were blown away.

"As we stand here, I am reminded of the immense strength and courage that resides within each and every one of you. Today, we will all go face a challenge that will test us to our very core. This war will not be easy. This war will not be fast. But I have faith that our village's strength trumps all others."

There were some isolated cheers at that, but the Takikage wasn't finished. "Look around you. It isn't our training, ninjutsu, or weapons which makes us strong. It's each other, all of us sons and daughters of the Village Hidden in the Waterfall. Together, we are an unbreakable force."

His words began whipping the crowd into a frenzy, and his next words inflamed them even further. "Hidden Rock believes they can traipse through our land freely! What do you say to that?"

"War!" The square was unanimous. Every clan was becoming rowdier than the last, their banners fluttering in the wind.

"Hidden Steel thinks they can claim the entire Aisu bay! How should we respond?"

"War!" The square's reply was thunderous, and the banners shuddered from the sheer volume.

"Hidden Leaf has forgotten the insult they paid us a generation ago! How should we remind them?"


The Takikage's hair looked like it was blown back from the sheer volume of the reply, and Youta felt like he'd almost gone deaf. The Takikage himself looked unfazed, and waved to the combined forces of the entire Hidden Village."Then go, brothers and sisters! Give our enemies exactly that!"

The crowd's resultant cheer banished any fear from Youta's heart.

Four hours and forty miles later, camp was being set up for the night. The caravan animals were being allowed to graze, while the ninja rested and did some light training.

Youta had set up his tent close to the older Fuki members, who'd offered to assist him, but he'd declined. Best not to be in their debt. It was midday, but the camp was already lively. Ninjas might be able to be stealthy for long periods of times, but in their private lives they seemed to be louder than anyone else.

You have time for three actions:

[X] A scroll fell out of your storage seal that you don't recall placing in there. Maybe you should read it?

[x] Talk to: (Who? And about what?)
-Sakamoto Rina
-Yoruhashi Aika
-One of the older Fuki members, maybe?
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@RoadWild how many ninja/what rank are camping with us?

Also how many/what rank Fuki ninja are at the camp?
Youta's greater war party has been split into five groups to make travelling a little easier, meaning that you are camping with about fifty other ninja. Assume roughly 2-3 jonin, including Hanashi sensei, about 10 chunin, and about 35~ genin, including your team.

There are two blood-related Fuki chunin, one Fuki-affiliated chunin and three Fuki-affiliated genin camping with you.
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New jutsu suggestions!

Pain Induction

TypeManeuverCP cost
ElementNon-Elemental (Medical)
Effect1 to (MedNin AB/2)+3, +9, +18, +30, +45…
DurationA few seconds+2
Range-1 (Melee)+4
Casting SpeedSupplemental+15
AOESingle target
AdvantageRolls with different skill+10
AdvantageDisallows counterattack+10
DisadvantagePre-requisite: MedKnow and MedNin at level 20-4
Totals31 +3, +9, +18, +30, +45…

Requires Medical Knowledge 20 and Medical Ninjutsu 20. Must be raised to level 20 before it can be used. Further levels beyond level 20 have no effect.

The medic lashes out with medical chakra, inducing agony in the target within Melee range.

As a Supplemental, the user may roll Medical Ninjutsu vs Athletics (or another stat that prevents a jutsu from making contact; cannot be counterattacked). On a hit, the target gains the Aspect "Incredible Agony", and the user gets Effect tags on the Aspect until the start of the user's next turn. The jutsu is a Maneuver, not an Attack and thus it cannot be counterattacked.

Bleeding River Impalement

TypeAttackCP Cost
Effect1 to AB+3, +9, +18, +30, +45…
DurationAn instant0
Casting SpeedStandard
AOEEffect Zones+8, 10, 60, 35, 40…
DisadvantageElemental Requirement-4
DisadvantageContiguous Zone requirement-4
AdvantagePermanent Effect+6
AdvantageCreates Aspect+8
AdvantageCreates innate Border: min(Effect, 4)+2, 6, 12, 20…
AdvantageExcludes user + melee+5
Totals28 + 13, 25, 90…

The user presses their hands to the floor. A moment later, nearby Zones erupt in hundreds of thick stone spikes.

Select (Effect) contiguous Zones. Everyone in those Zones must dodge against Bleeding River Impalement, except the user and anyone in Melee with the user. This attack is Weapons:2.

Attacks and possibly destroys structures. All targeted Zones gain the Aspect "Land of Thorns," though the user does not get a tag on this Aspect. While the Zones have this Aspect, the Border of moving into or out of those Zones is increased to min(Effect, 4), if it was not higher.

Earth Rend

TypeAttackCP Cost
Effect1 to AB+3, +9, +18, +30, +45…
Range(Effect - 1)+0, 4, 8, 12, 16…
Casting SpeedStandard
AOE(Effect / 2) Zones+8, 8, 16, 16, 24…
AdvantageAttacks underground+4
AdvantageConditional attack bonus: +AB+4
DisadvantageConditional attack malus: -AB-6
Totals2 + 11, 21, 44, 58, 85…

The user slams their palms into the earth, causing the ground to rumble and tear apart, crushing your enemies in the shifting earth.

The user selects up to (Effect / 2) Zones within range, rounded up, possibly including underground Zones.
  • Against aboveground Zones, the user makes an attack with Earth Rend - AB, and everyone in the Zone (except the user) must dodge or defend, usually with Athletics.
  • Against underground Zones, the user makes an attack with Earth Rend + AB, and everyone in the Zone (except the user) must dodge or defend, usually with whatever tunneling jutsu they used to get underground.
    • Opponents in closed underground spaces (like tunnels) without a tunneling jutsu active may have a penalty to dodge, or may be unable to dodge at all at QM's discretion (e.g. if in a cavity with nowhere to run).

Massive and Rapid Infrastructure (MARI)

This is a stunt, not a levelable jutsu.

Prereq: Earth Element
Purchase Cost: 25 XP

Casting time: 10 minutes

Creates a long, straight wall of granite. The wall always extends 3m above the surface, 5m below the surface, and is 1m thick. The length is determined by the amount of chakra spent above the casting cost, where 1 CP = 1m of length. Note the requirement that the wall be straight; it cannot do corners or curves. Likewise, it is always featureless red granite and always a cuboid (i.e., all faces are rectangles and all angles are 90 degrees).

Every part of the wall must be on top of Earth Element-adjacent material, meaning dirt, stone, sand, etc. One instance of the jutsu may not be stacked on top of another instance, although they may be used to expand a prior instance horizontally (i.e., make it thicker), in which case the two become seamlessly conjoined. The wall is always vertical, and it is sufficiently deeply anchored that it will remain stable on most slopes.

The wall starts rising after the 10-minute casting time and takes roughly 1 minute to reach full size. The caster must remain motionless and concentrate throughout; if they move or are disturbed during that period then the jutsu fails, they lose all the chakra invested in the casting, their Mental stress track is filled, and they receive a Mild mental Consequence. (As usual, this rolls up to the next available Consequence slot if they already had Mental Consequences.)

Armor of the Earth

Power of the Earth, lend me your strength and shield!

TypeBlockCP Cost
Effect1 to (Aspect bonus)+3, +9, +18, +30, +45…
DurationHalf a minute+15
Range-2 (personal)
Casting SpeedStandard
AOE1 target (caster)
AdvantageNon-Ablative Armor+(5 x Effect CP Cost)
AdvantageSkill Bonus: Physique
(3 * Effect)
DisadvantageSkill Penalty: Athletics (Effect)-5
+ (5 x Effect)
+ (3, +9, +18, +30, +45…)

The user coats herself in crystallized Earth chakra. It offers significant protection and strength enhancement but renders the user much slower. This is one of the rare defensive techniques that does not degrade when hit.

Specifics (copied from normative stat block):
  • Armor: (Effect). Non-Ablative.
  • Physique + (3 * Effect)
  • Athletics - (Effect)

Example: If cast at Effect:5 it costs 13 + 25 + 45 = 83 CP and grants Armor:5, meaning that the caster shrugs off 5 stress from every attack. In addition, the user gains +15 to Physique and -5 to Athletics. If the user has Physique at an x5 level then the Physique bonus will push them up 2 AB and grant additional stress boxes and/or Mild Consequence slots.

Stone Storm Barrier

TypeAttack + BlockCP Cost
DurationHalf a minute+15
Casting SpeedStandard
AOE-1 (Melee)+30
Totals48 CP

Can be cast on any willing target within the current zone. (An unwilling target can disrupt the jutsu with a trivial chakra manipulation that happens as a free and reflexive action.)

A sphere of rocks swirls around the user at high speeds, protecting the user against ranged attacks and tearing apart anyone who draws too close.

Upon casting and at the start of every subsequent turn, roll to establish a Block with Stone Storm Barrier. Incoming ranged single-target attacks must roll against the Block. On a failure, the attack is nullified. On a success, the attack continues as normal.

Anyone in Melee with you when you end your turn, or they end their turn, is automatically attacked using the rolled level of the Block.

Burning Vortex

TypeAttackCP Cost
DurationHalf a minute+15
Casting SpeedStandard
AOESingle target+0
AdvantageDiscounted Recasting+4
AdvantageBonus to Taijutsu:
2 x AB
DisadvantageBreaks Painfully-6
Totals31 CP

The user wreaths their arms in a twisting spiral of fire which they shoot out at a nearby target.

Essentially a Fire-Release Water Whip. The user makes an attack at (Level) when they cast the technique with their Standard. At the user's option, the fire continues to coat their arms, and on future turns, the technique can be used to attack again. Using Burning Vortex while the technique is already active has a discounted cost: 16 CP. Additionally, while the technique is active, you gain a bonus of 2 x (Burning Vortex AB) to Taijutsu rolls.

The technique can be dismissed as a Supplemental. If the user suffers a Consequence while the technique is active, the user takes an additional Mild Consequence "Seared from Wrist to Shoulder".


Friendly Flame

TypeBlockCP Cost
Effect1 to AB+3, +9, +18, +30, +45…
DurationHalf a minute+15
Range-2 (personal)
Casting SpeedSupplemental+15
AOEThe zone of the caster
AdvantageCan be assigned to self or others+5
AdvantageMulti-taggable (3x)+15
SpecialTraining Jutsu
Total35 + 3, 9, 18, 30, 45…

This jutsu creates 1+(Effect) small orbs of fire that orbit around a person and protect them from harm. (The protected person is referred to below as the protectee.)

At casting time, the caster may assign each of the flames to themself or to a specific ally within the zone. Multiple flames can be assigned to a single person and multiple people can have a flame assigned to them at casting time. Once the flames have been assigned they cannot be recalled or reassigned. The flames must remain in the same zone as the caster and will disappear if their protectee moves out of that zone.

The protectee can mentally control the flames and assign them to attack the person that the protectee is attacking or someone who is attacking the protectee. This is a free action.

Anyone attacked by a flame gains an instance of the Aspect "Flame Shrouded". The protectee gains one tag on this Aspect per flame they assign to the target. A protectee can assign at most 3 flames to a given target on a given round.

After making an attack, a flame will disperse at the end of the round. All flames will disperse when the jutsu duration expires.

This technique is a training jutsu, meaning that it mimics the chakra manipulation and cost of a more advanced jutsu. Once the more advanced jutsu is learned, levels of that technique can be purchased at a quarter of the cost, up to the level of this technique.
Oh, hey, an update ninja'd in!

This was a great depiction of the fear in a young man being asked to go off to war, and of the way nationalism could make it happen regardless. Very nice job.

The village was nearly a thousand strong, and almost every ninja was being called to war. All of the clans, wielding banners with their clan emblems, made for an extraordinary sight. One clan in particular caught his attention.
Does that 1000 people count civilians, or is every clan member a ninja? If the latter...sweet! Large ninja population makes for more plot potential lines!

[X] Read the scroll

Hopefully it's a jutsu that our father put there.

Fuki Takei is one of the clan's technique hackers
was one of

one of the few which would be put to work on
who would

A part of him wanted to sprint home, and beg his father to call in every favor, call in all of the clan's goodwill, to keep himself safe
to keep him safe
Does that 1000 people count civilians, or is every clan member a ninja? If the latter...sweet! Large ninja population makes for more plot potential lines!
He's counting ninja only. Youta wouldn't waste his time counting how many bottom feeders his village has. He also knows that not everyone living in his clan compound is a ninja, but how many are servants and partners, and whether this holds up for every clan in the village, he doesn't know.

Actually @roadwido you mind answering some WoG about this? Roughly how many ninja are of Waterfall and of what ranks?
Sure, I'll get a demographics doc ready
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[X] Read the scroll
[x] Talk to Hanashi-sensei about her experiences with real combat and any advice she has
[x] Talk to Sakamoto Rina about tactics. How will you coordinate with someone invisible?
[X] Speak with someone: Jōnin Fuki branch member. Yūta writes a letter to his father supporting main family status for the jōnin and their family, contigent on Yūta's team surviving.

[X] Read the scroll
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Yup, I got it. Over in MfD the majors were on the order of 1200-1500 ninja total across a couple dozen clans. If the Fuki are 1000 all by themselves, that suggests that Waterfall might be significantly larger.
I thought the original quote said the village was nearly 1000 strong, not the Fuki clan alone. The demographics link also says 1000 ninja for a village, 1/3 clanless (doesn't make much sense for a clan to have clanless :V)