Getting a stream would cost at a minimum 2 high dots that's far too expensive. It would give us a higher income, but that is too long term. Also we can also just take the deal after we get Dr bones attention.
[X] Take the City's deal.
[X] Take the City's deal.
I like the notion of keeping aboveboard operations aboveboard when possible, and I don't think Leviathan has a problem with the city? Like she's not super patriotic but isn't mad at it as a dystopian overlord or anything, yah?
Well, Medicine is one of our talents, but we still lack a trainer to really get into it. Either way, picking up level 2 in either specialty is easy enough, and the average of 8d6 is 28, meaning we do actually earn more money from Ms. Mask in the short term. Here, let me show my quick maths for the thread:
Ms Mask: 0.38*5 + (1-0.38)*4 = 4.38 decent dots on average (ish).
City: 3+0.1*(28-18) = 4 decent dots on average.
So Ms Mask gives more money, and this relationship holds until we start rolling an average of 40 or so, but notably the difference isn't that big. And since, uh, Ms Mask would force us to pay 2-3 High dots to contact MD Old Bones (money which we don't have and are not interested in paying) it would take a lot of time until the deal breaks even with City.
Thus, unless we have some kind of huge attachement to doing this through the underworld for some reason it really seems like it's for the best to take the City deal. By the way, aren't we glad that we're training Organizational Knowledge?
Thus, unless we have some kind of huge attachement to doing this through the underworld for some reason it really seems like it's for the best to take the City deal. By the way, aren't we glad that we're training Organizational Knowledge?
First you trawl the city's systems looking for relevant case law. In the city there is a saying that there is a filing for anything. It is only half true. Rather the extensive system of filings and paperwork are a framework. A facade under which the cold impartial judge of the city's AI rests. If one truly has no other recourse they may submit a free-form proposal directly for the AI's judgment.
We should file paperwork to have the city witness that we are taking MD's first contract. In a city of Science! who would willingly see a doctor that hadn't made this contract if they had a choice?
Once we get established finding ways to fill MD Bone's contact requirements should be easy. But right now we want money and Doctor Infinium's contact.
Not at I think MD Bone's contact is bad for starting out. In fact if he appeared before us right now I would vote to sign. However I doubt that we will ever sign his contract mostly because by the time it is easily available to us the weight won't be as valuable in absolute terms.
It's only two turns of AP that really not that much, we are planing on spending 30 AP on an animal effect that we have no idea how useful it will be for Dr Infinitin. Bones contract will help us figure out what is going on with the Abyss thanks to the greater mental resistance. He might also have higher contracts that will help buff our only money source right now.
-[X] Work: Things have settled into "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Start Experimenting. Requires lab. (Finishing AP: 30 AP) (1 AP)
--[X] (T3) This device uses a complex audial system to emit subsonic waves which stimulates parts of the brain responsible for recognizing hierarchy in order to increase willingness to follow commands. Easily shaken off by sufficiently intelligent beings, thus is primarily useful on animals.
Location: District 12 Research Hub. Sub-Level 13:
Your new clinic is slightly disappointing. A matchstick waiting room smaller then your Cube and a single examination room.
You know the city will arrange just-in-time delivery for any medical supplies you need, but looking at the bare shelves still gnaws at you. If you want anything more then the bare minimum, you are going to have to supply it yourself.
Medicine 3 + Surgery 3 = 6 dice
6d6 = [4, 6, 2, 3, 2, 2] = 19
Your first patient is a familiar face with a new haircut. "Weren't you telling me about how reckless your teammates were?" you ask a slightly sheepish Senior. Somehow his hat is still fully intact.
He mumbles something about unfair traps while you examine the severed ear he brought. Fortunately the cut is unnaturally clean so you should have no trouble re-attaching it.
Unfortunately the grueling hours of extremely precise surgery leave you little time for other patients. You only just manage to see your first official city scheduled patient before you run out of time.
Drawing their blood takes almost no time. You send it off for analysis, and them out the door. You have something far more important to do.
Gain 3.1 Decent dots Location: District 12 Commercial Hub. Sub-Level 26, Repurposed Garage:
All throughout the week your mind is never still. Churning and analyzing while ideas percolate. You wanted, no you needed to make something. Something big. Something impressive. Something new.
Everywhere in your environment are sounds. Sounds with meaning. Sounds with feeling.
The elevator bell goes ding, instantly drawing attention.
The saws on the construction robot cut with a high pitched squeal, making humans and animals alike shy away.
The misaligned ventilation fan buzzes just out of hearing, inflicting a unidentifiable unease.
The doors swing open with a satisfying hiss.
Selecting the right answer on the quiz rewards you with an uplifting jingle.
What sounds satisfy the ear? What sounds elicit fear? Elicit affection? Elicit disgust? Elicit surprise elicit anticipation elicit awe-elicit-longing-elicit-confusion-elicit-anger-elicitexhaustionelicitbraveryelicit-
Training an animal, it is a simple matter of reinforcement. Positive reinforcement. Negative reinforcement. Even you know that.
In your grasp is an entire dimension of interaction. A dimension you plan to crack open like an egg.
Auditory training aid: T3 Biology. Cost 9. Benefit: Gain +9 Naturalism (Animal Training). This is reduced to +3 for spontaneous uses. Research progress: (1/30) AP
One decent dot subtracted for debt payments
Two low dots subtracted for food payments
One low dot subtracted for lab use expenses
Turn actions:
You have 4 TAP and 10 AP:
Current assets:
1.08 high dots
1 Basic Habitation Cube.
Repurposed Garage:
-Space: 17/25
-Amenities: Power
-Rooms: Decent Laboratory (16)
-Neuroplasticity enhancer: Gain +1 to learning dice size. (1)
Current expenses:
Debt repayment 4.3 High dots remain - 1 decent dot per turn.
Simple Packaged meals - 2 low dots per turn.
Available trainers:
Jörmungandr Grimm: Can train Organizational knowledge (AI administrator protocols) and Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings) along with their respective general skills. Provides +3 dice.
Leader: Can train Combat (Firearms) along with its respective general skills. Provides +2 dice.
University: Can provide +2 to any Scientific or Academic skill for 1 decent dot.
-[] Skill training (Trainer) (Skill or Skill (Specialty)) (x TAP)
[] Work: You have a clinic to run now. Pay based on Medicine + Surgery + Pharmacology roll (2 AP)
[] Food: Perhaps you would like to change your diet? Presents diet options. May be modified by your current wealth level. (1 AP)
[] Purchases: Buy something at previously known shops. (Current options: The Clown Club) (1 AP)
-[] (Write In Purchases)
[] Declare a course of study (Skill): Gain access to +3/+1 tutoring for a skill for 10 turns. Expected to spend at least 2 TAP per turn on it and take exam at the end. Cost: 1 high dot. (1 AP)
[] Tag along on a mission. Pay 5+ decent dots. Note: Ability to survive in or avoid combat is highly recommended. (2 AP) [] Have a confrontation with Angela Bright (3 AP)
You aren't ready. You'll need something to show off.
[] Read research papers (Topic): Gain an Effect you can learn. Roll to see how close the effect is to what you specify. The more specific you are the lower the chances. The higher tier the lower the chances. Cost: 1 decent dot (2 AP)
[] Old man Jack: Near the entrance to your Habitation block sits a old man. He sits there all day, always preforming some sort of hand craft. Whittling. Knitting. You should go give him a peace of your mind about such a shameful display! (3 AP)
[] Explore the city: The city contains many strange wonders. Some are even useful. Go out and find them. (2 AP)
[] Dive deeper: Beneath the city there are countless forgotten places. Some may even contain treasures. Go out and find them (3 AP)
[] You found a strange building containing clown vending machines. Who uses it and why? Investigate it to satisfy your curiosity. (3 AP)
Gods Research. Roll Academics (Gods) to learn more about the god and what contracts they offer:
[] Steve. Annoyingly you still don't know his first contract. Find it. (3 AP)
[] Doctor Infinium. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] MD Old Bones. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] Professor Tweed Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] Supplemental Research: Write in. Perhaps there is some other question you want answered? (2 AP)
To contact Gods:
Doctor Infinium:
[] Draft a schematic (Write in schematic) (1 AP)
[] Start crafting. Requires lab. (Variable AP, must be at least 30 in total)
[] Start Experimenting. Requires lab. (Write in desired effect) (Finishing AP: Write in) (Variable AP)
[] Continue Experimenting: Auditory training aid (1/30) (Variable AP)
MD Old Bones:
[] Arrange for an assistant. A final line of defense against interruptions. Someone to make sure all your patients arrive on time, and fill any holes in your schedule. (2 AP)
[] Start the marathon. (Consumes all AP until 20 have been spent.)
Professor Tweed:
[] Go looking for a student. (Write in skill/specifics) (3 AP)
[] Teach! (2 AP)
[] Look for a hidden place to build in. See if the Under Market has any leads. Likely to cost at least 1 high dot. (2 AP)
[] Look for a hidden place to build in. Go looking yourself. Beneath the city there are countless forgotten places, and that is exactly what you need. (3 AP)
[] Acquire explosives. The Under Market should have something. Likely to cost at least 1 high dot. (2 AP)
[] Acquire explosives. Maybe you can make them yourself? Requires Science (Chemistry). Requires Lab. (? AP)
[] Start building. Requires location. (Write in what you plan to build) (10 AP)
[] Write in. Perhaps there is something else? (?? AP) AN: And here we go! Right on the border of the prologue.
Should we get Pharmacology 2 before the marathon, and should we finish the 30 AP experiment before the marathon, these are the questions we must now answer.
Marathon first. The Infinium contract requires that we spend actions on inventing/experimenting, which would conflict with all AP being spent upon the marathon's start until it's finished.