Law of the Sword (Worm/Destiny Quest)

Chapter 5
What should I do?
[X] Move somewhere else, I need to make my sword and leaving won't help. (5 Votes)

=={==========-- | --==========}==​

March 2nd, 2011
3:20 PM

For now, the best option is to move somewhere else. With Ms. Wolfe having a key, I wouldn't be able to keep any of my stuff here anyway.

I know there are a lot of abandoned warehouses around the docks, so one of those would probably be the best choice. Oh, what about those shops with the apartments above them? I'm sure I can find some of those, and if I had to guess they are more likely to have the utilities still on.

I can live without electricity, but I need water. My mind instantly corrects that because if push comes to shove I can use the public park's restrooms and fill up water bottles or something.

That does bring me to food. I haven't eaten anything since last night and don't feel the slightest bit hungry. Do I even need to eat anymore? That's a thing powers can do, right? Make someone not need to eat? If people can fly, then people not needing to eat makes sense too. I do feel tired, but it is slower? Another thing that goes on the back burner.

I should find somewhere in the next four days to be sure I am long gone when the deadline rolls around. The only issue is that Ms. Wolfe said that she will be stopping by from time to time in order to check on me. I did suggest just making a phone call, since she offered to have my service turned back on, but she wanted it to be in person meetings. Which isn't great but also not the end of the world, I can say I am hanging out with friends or something.

Friends. Most of the people that I could call friends were more Diamond's friends than they were mine. There was one person that I called a friend, but he dropped out a while ago, or changed schools, I don't know which.

Pushing the bit of introspection to the side, there are things that I need to get done. It's still the middle of the day, so it should be pretty safe to go looking around. I make sure to grab my phone and wallet this time, as even if I won't have service until tomorrow, I can still make 911 calls with it. I also grab my backpack with the pencils and notebook in it because why not?

Once more, I make my way out into the city and angle myself towards the train yard. I'll get on a different bus to take me that way, I've never done more than pass through the area, but that's not a big deal. The bus ride is just as quiet as it was to the library, though there is a group in ABB colors that I eye cautiously. They get off without incident, though, and I make sure to wait two more stops before getting off myself.

I look around the neglected road a bit but don't stick around, anywhere on a street with a bus stop would be too easily discovered for me to consider it. Moving towards the ocean, I start checking the streets a bit, looking for boarded up shops that have an apartment above them and a bit surprised by how many little shops there are still open with people shopping in them. It takes a bit of travel before I start to see abandoned buildings with regularity. I don't want there to be too many stores on the street because then people could see me coming and going. Once the streets have emptied a bit and I don't see any open signs any more I dip into the alleyways to start looking for the ones with outside stairs leading to the second floor.

It doesn't take too long thankfully, maybe two hours, the number of buildings that have been left to rot meaning I found a few that met the very basic requirements I had. I stumbled upon this one which I think used to be a bakery of some kind judging by what used to be the kitchen area. The water still runs, which is what really make me look, and the power is still running. The only downside is the lack of an attached apartment above it, but that's not a huge deal, I can just sleep here. The space is small, with only six tables in what would have been the dining area and the rest of the space taken up by the kitchen and counter.

I write the address down in my notebook, even though I am pretty sure I'll be able to remember the path I took here. I then leave for now because it is starting to get late, and I want to use my own bed while I still can. Plus the area is pretty deep in ABB territory judging by the tags, so sticking around at night before I have my sword seems like a good way to get mugged.

I arrive home without any fuss and decide against making myself anything to eat, to test the idea that I don't need to eat. Instead, I start to pack my things into the biggest suitcase we have. The question of how I am going to transport my stuff to… let's call it base for now, to my new base, does spring up in my mind. I don't think anyone will care about the kid that looks like he is running away from home, but it will still draw more eyes than I want. Maybe I can go there really early in the morning? Do the buses still run at night? The must for the people that work at night, right? And gang members have to sleep at some point too, or do they commit crimes on like a rotation?

I have no idea and don't really need to know until I can start… Start what? Hunting the Empire? Being a hero? I don't even know what my power is, maybe it just makes me a perfect swordsman? That doesn't settle right, so probably not that. I haven't thought about it, really, but do I even what to be a hero? How long have the villains been running around? Since before I was born, so at least fifteen years now, and they're still here.

My brows furrow. Do I really think I can take down all the villains by myself? I will need allies for sure, and the only heroes I can think of in the Bay are the Protectorate and Wards or New Wave. Should I work with them?

I take a deep breath and slowly let it out through my nose. One thing at a time Roman, you know trying to think through multiple things at once gets you overwhelmed. I feel a sharp pang of loneliness because I can almost hear my sister's voice saying that to me.

I'll get the ones responsible, I don't know how yet, but I will. To do that, though, I need to have my sword and I can't make it here.

=={==========-- | --==========}==​
Just so we're clear, for semi-random things like 'looking for a place to move' I have been and will be rolling dice, you lot have just been getting really lucky with the rolls so far.

When should I move in?
[X] As soon a possible (ASAP).
[X] Wait until Ms. Wolfe's deadline is closer. Maybe a day or two beforehand?
[X] Write-In: When:

How should I move in?
[X] Slowly, only what I can fit in my backpack during the day.
[X] All at once in the night.
[X] Write-In: How:
[X] Wait until Ms. Wolfe's deadline is closer. Maybe a day or two beforehand?
[X] All at once in the night.

At first I wanted to move things slow, but then I thought about what that would look like, so against my first idea we are going to take a chance, wait a bit, at least a week, then grab some suitcases and move everything we've made there. Pretend we ran away when our parents died and want to stay out of the system. If we get caught we likely won't have anything that looks like tinker tech by that point, and we can just bring other things and make up a sentimental reason or pretend we're going to pawn our parents possessions for food or something. Thoughts?
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At first I wanted to move things slow, but then I thought about what that would look like, so against my first idea we are going to take a chance, wait a bit, at least a week, then grab some suitcases and move everything we've made there. Pretend we ran away when our parents died and want to stay out of the system. If we get caught we likely won't have anything that looks like tinker tech by that point, and we can just bring other things and make up a sentimental reason or pretend we're going to pawn our parents possessions for food or something. Thoughts?
Never thought about it that way, our stuff wouldn't exactly look like technology more like insect kitten, and yeah, someone running away, because of their parents, being dead, isn't exactly that uncommon (specially in earth bet). although when we are cited and rumors start to spread them, most likely think we are a biological tinker seeing a s out stuff ( to others) looks more organic than actual technology. That will be interesting to see, though, it'll make our lies a lot harder seeing as the PRT Director is not a fan.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by ecoolasice on Apr 3, 2024 at 3:49 AM, finished with 4 posts and 3 votes.

Ah, a tie. Flipping a coin. 'Wait until Ms. Wolfe's deadline is closer. Maybe a day or two beforehand?' wins for the 'When' vote.
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Chapter 6
When should I move in?
[X] Wait until Ms. Wolfe's deadline is closer. Maybe a day or two beforehand? (3 Votes, won via coin toss)

How should I move in?
[X] All at once in the night. (4 Votes)

=={==========-- | --==========}==​

March 2nd, 2011
7:00 PM

I don't need to move right away, and maybe actually having the meetings with Ms. Wolfe will give me some information? A lot of the stuff she was talking about was inheritance stuff, so maybe I'll get a bit of money before I take off? I doubt it. We were struggling, but I know we weren't well off enough for me to suddenly solve my problems. We'll see where that goes in the next few days, I suppose.

I am still not hungry or tired, but I still want to go to bed. Not sleeping can get dangerous really fast, and I need to be at the top of my game for the next few days. So I double-check everything is locked up and then take a shower and head to bed.


I stand in a monochrome expanse with screaming wind ripping at my clothes. There is a ruined city floating upside-down above me, rock shaped like water flowing up to it and through the gutters of the building onto shattered streets. The wind is not cold nor is it warm, but it bites at something in me deeper than my bones. Surrounding me are dozens of blinking eyes, and still more watch for only a moment before leaving.

All at once, the feeling becomes familiar, letting me place it. This has the same tones and feeling that the voice did before it dissipated. Was this where he came from? If so, why am I here? I look at the eyes, but they remain silent.

I take a step forward, and everything ripples out from around me. The ground shifts from flat black stone to jagged platforms with inky holes of nothing between them, the city comes alive and is suddenly whole, though there are no moving shapes and can only hear the wind I can tell that it is… healthier for lack of a better term. More eyes appear before leaving, only a few joining the group still around me.

I take a step back to my original position and the new eyes vanish, though the city above stays the same. Experimentally, I take another step backwards, and more eyes vanish from the cloud. Before I can try anything else, I notice a figure on the horizon.

A headless quadrupedal thing with limbs ending in sharp points, the body seems to be made from inverted colors that manage to stand out despite still being black and white like everything else. Every sudden jittery step is followed by its body lazily following behind, seemingly swimming by turning itself inside out, over and over.

I feel a deep sense of dread hit me right before I am stanched from my position and carried into the sky. Fangs biting into me as the landscape turns into a rapid kaleidoscope from my violent motion. I try to beat at the elongated jaws clenched around my midsection but that—

I am ejected from the dream into a coughing fit with a rapidly growing pain across my chest and back. Lifting my shirt, I see a line of bruises starting to form on my pale skin, there are even small points of blood. Did…did the dream bite become real? What does that place have to do with swords or killing? This pain is certainly real though, and I resolve to not sleep again until I can use my power, whatever it is, because I didn't even see what attacked me before I was nearly eaten.


I do my best to clean the spots where my skin got broken because I don't want to get infected by some sort of sleep disease. The bruising circles around my back as well, so I do my best to bandage what I can reach, but the mirror shows a few punctures are out of my reach and I don't have anyone I can ask for help. Returning the bandages to their spot and exiting the bathroom, I take a look at my clock and see that it is barely past midnight. Since I am not going to sleep anytime soon, I take the opportunity to sit down and think.

Some part of my mind must have gotten some proper sleep because the thoughts of inheritance come back again and adjacently the idea of using some of their things to make my sword. The idea made me sick when I first considered it but, they're gone and taking it would help me survive. Also, since I will be moving out, I'd be leaving it all behind anyway. Would the banks take it? Better to be used by me then in some fat cat's wallet, right? Thinking about it now, I could probably cannibalize a lot of the house. The only thing I have to worry about it Ms. Wolfe seeing anything, but I can just keep them in my backpack and take it with everything else, or should I take stuff over throughout the next few days? That is, if I want to start tearing things apart now.

I need gold, which I can probably get from around the house, but I also need acid to get most of the gold. Then I need metal, which will honestly be the easiest, so I can save that till last. Lastly, I also need my blood, which is the weirdest of all of them because I don't understand how that goes into making a sword, but I am also not going to argue with the only clear thing about my power so far.

Mentally run through the items that spring to mind for disassembly, the TV, my phone, the microwave maybe, and the computer all spring to mind right away. Taking it all at once is the best option, I will definitely stand out, but there won't be a pattern for people to follow. Should I start taking things apart now, though? The stuff that won't be obvious anyway.

=={==========-- | --==========}==​
12-hour shift today and again tomorrow kicking my butt, so I might have to skip tomorrow's chapter, not sure yet.

Should I start dissembling now or later?
[X] Now. Keep the exteriors of the devices intact, though, to keep it secret.
[X] Later. There is no need to risk tipping off Ms. Wolfe.

What should I focus on next?
[X] Get the acid from Winslow, the new base is actually closer to Winslow than my house.
[X] Try to have a solid conversion with Ms. Wolfe.
[X] Return to the library to research how to keep blood fresh.
[X] Write-In:
[X] Now. Keep the exteriors of the devices intact, though, to keep it secret.
[X] Get the acid from Winslow, the new base is actually closer to Winslow than my house.
[X] Now. Keep the exteriors of the devices intact, though, to keep it secret.
[X] Get the acid from Winslow, the new base is actually closer to Winslow than my house.

I agree with this plan makes the most sense besides, we need to focus on our main priorities before the deadline hits, i'm also not a big fan of that dream. What does it mean? A vision? Or perhaps a glimpse into a throne world .

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by ecoolasice on Apr 4, 2024 at 3:22 AM, finished with 4 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Now. Keep the exteriors of the devices intact, though, to keep it secret.
    [X] Get the acid from Winslow, the new base is actually closer to Winslow than my house.
Chapter 7
Should I start dissembling now or later?
[X] Now. Keep the exteriors of the devices intact, though, to keep it secret. (4 Votes)

What should I focus on next?
[X] Get the acid from Winslow, the new base is actually closer to Winslow than my house. (4 Votes)
=={==========-- | --==========}==​

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011
12:05 AM

With nothing else to do and hours before anything is open, I decide to start gathering materials now. The first place I start to go is my parent's room because I know Mom has to have had some gold jewelry. I grab the doorknob and take a deep breath, my heart feeling like it's in a vice, before deciding to change targets to the computer downstairs.

Opening up the computer tower is a simple process, after I unplug it because being electrocuted sounds like a very bad idea, and the aid of a screwdriver makes taking out the motherboard simple. I also take the wires because aren't they supposed to be made out of copper? And copper was used in bronze, so I could use it in my sword too.

Wait, can I use more than one kind of metal? All my power calls for is metal, but can I use multiple kinds? What about alloys? Those are made with two different kinds of metal to make a new one, right? I try to feel for my power but nothing responds.

Furthermore, weren't different metals supposed to have different… properties? Effects? I'm still not sure what my power meant with that, but I've been around metal plenty and haven't been given any sort of insight. I must have the most unhelpful power in the world. Whatever. I can work with what I was given, if nothing else a sword will help me kill the empire.

I return to taking things apart, grabbing wires as well as the circuit board, the TV has a way smaller board than I thought it would be based on its size. I don't touch the microwave for bow because I still want to be able to use it, same for most of the things in the kitchen really. As I work I realize that Mom's car is in the garage too, maybe I won't even need to go to a junkyard. I leave it untouched for now though, that will probably be messy, and I don't want Ms Wolfe to ask why the car is in pieces, not that I think she's going poke around like that. How hard is driving? I obviously know the basics, but could I just drive my stuff to my base and not bother with the bus? Hmm, an idea to go over later.

All too quickly, I run out of things I can take apart without leaving behind a mess and am once again standing in front of my parent's room. Thomas didn't make much with the dockworkers, but mom did some kind of billing with some company downtown and made good money there. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been in their room since we moved to this house. My stomach feels like it enters free-fall as I twist the handle, I know they're not there, but some part of me is still expecting to see them. A gentle push reveals an empty room. I stand in the doorway for more than a few moments, forcing tears back behind my eyes, and finally cross the threshold.

A few steps into the room and I can't help but feel as though I am breaking the rules in some way, like I am sneaking in to steal something, which I guess is true in some sense. I push the feeling down and make a beeline right for the jewelry box to get this done and dusted. I originally planned on picking the gold ones out here, but I quickly change to simply picking up the whole thing and bringing it out into the hallway. While sorting, I decide to sell anything not gold to put some money in my pocket.

I toss the now empty container onto the bed and close the door, it's out of place, but no one will be coming in here again. If Ms Wolfe goes in there… I dismiss the thought, she is a professional.

I move to Diamond's room because I know she has some expensive jewelry. The door to her bedroom doesn't fill me with any sort of unease, I've been in there almost as much as my own room. I push the door wide and step into the dark pink and black themed room. It is abnormally quiet, none of the typical music or a warm greeting present. The breakdown isn't as sudden as portrayed in movies, but it is still way too fast for me to try to hold it back. I miss Mom and Thomas sure, but Diamond was the one I was really close with, her not being here… I feel myself curling up in her bed like all the times I've done in the past and fall apart.


It takes hours for me to emerge from Diamond's bedroom with one key to in hand and a new level of certainty that the group responsible for taking my big sister from me is going to die, even if that means I have to take the whole organization apart.

I stashed everything in the biggest suitcase in the house and then stuffed the suitcase under my bed. I do a walk around the house and can't see anything out of place, and I live here, so no alarms should be raised.

That out of the way, I glance at the clock and see it is nearly time for school to start, if I were going. I could go and get the acid, actually. I can't remember when Mr. Moor's free period is, but I do know it isn't the first period. That doesn't rule out second period though, so I'll still need to get there soonish.

I quickly get showered and dressed in simple clothes as well as a jacket before grabbing my empty backpack and phone before heading to school. I'll have to basically stake out down the hall, Winslow's lack of funding is an advantage here as there won't be anyone in the hall except other kids not going to class or cameras to see me lurking about.

The city bus gets me close enough that I walk in the front doors a little after first period starts. There are plenty of people still out front slowly making their way inwards, thankfully no one pays me any attention as I make my way to the second floor. Unfortunately there are no easy corners to hide behind and there are two staircases nearby that Mr. Moor might take to go outside, I never bothered to find out where he smoked, so I can't make a guess either. Could I just play on my phone in the hallway? I've seen people do it all the time and never once have I seen a teacher care, so probably.

I set my backpack near my feet and pull out my phone. I want to start looking things up, but I also don't want to have anything that could link me to being a cape on the search history for the phone, so I prevent myself. Instead, I start to watch some random videos, only to realize that I can do a bit of research and still be subtle about it by using PHO. I start trying to get a better picture of the bay's state, living here I know the basics but knowing more details can only help.

First period ends and a second group of people file in, second period, third period and then finally fourth period lacks any people making their way into the room. I watch as Mr. Moor puts his stature to use and blends into the crowd of students. Quickly snagging my backpack, I make my way across the hall and try to not look like I am about to steal a vat of acid.

I aim right for the back room and start looking. I don't know exactly how long I have, but I know it isn't long, I vaguely remember what the container looked like when it was used for a demonstration. The shape is rectangular with a lid and handle on the top which helps me find it helps me quickly find it. I double-check the cap is screwed on all the way and lift the quarter or so empty bottle into my backpack. Zipping it closed, I make my way to the door, only for it to open before I can touch the handle. Face to face with Mr. Moor, dozens of lies start running through my head before I settle on 'visiting friends'.

"Roman? We didn't expect to see you back so soon," he says in his slightly scratchy voice, though his face helps convey his surprise.

"I wanted to see some of my friends in person." I try to make myself sound not guilty, though I don't think I succeeded.

"Oh, that makes sense. Will we be seeing you in class again soon?"

"Probably not. Sorry." He reaches out and put a firm hand on my shoulder.

"There is nothing to be sorry about. Don't rush your recovery." I am a bit surprised, but it is nice to know that no everyone here is completely apathetic, it almost makes me sorry for stealing from him. Almost, but not quite.

I just nod, and he pats my shoulder a few times before I let him slip past me into the classroom, as soon as the path is clear I all but dart into the hall and make my way to the nearest exit; this one just happens to be an emergency exit whose alarm hasn't worked since before my sister went to school here. Then I am home free, or base free in this case.

I have the acid, which is a plus, but there is no way that Mr. Moor doesn't know I was the one who took it. That means he will probably call the cops… Shit. The bus ride to my base is stressful, and I keep expecting the cops to stop it to escort me off. That doesn't happen, though, and I quickly make my way down alleyways and across streets to drop off the acid.

Does he check the room every day or only once a week? Does he check it during his break period? If that's the case, then the cops are probably on their way to my house now. I slip inside and do a basic check to see if anyone has been here since I was last night but don't see any overt signs, so I quickly take the acid out of my bag, and he'd right back for the bus stop. If the cops are going to my house, I then need to get my things and go, but I don't know for sure if they're on the way. Maybe he only checks at the end of the day? The bus ride home is just as uneventful as the all the others have been, the only noteworthy thing to happen is some kind old lady brushing a spider off my sleeve.

I arrive home to an empty driveway and no sirens within hearing range, but that doesn't ease my anxiety.

=={==========-- | --==========}==​
Longer chapter as a way of apology. Also, you got your first unfortunate roll in this chapter, that's life.

What do I do?
[X] Get out now, grab what I can and book it.
[X] Nothing, I am being paranoid. He'll probably think it was a Merchant wannabe who took it to make drugs or something.
[X] Write-In:
[X] Nothing, I am being paranoid. He'll probably think it was a Merchant wannabe who took it to make drugs or something.

There is no proof we took it, it's not at our house, they can search the house all they want and never find it. We just need to stick to our story.

'it's not here unless someone broke into my parents room from the outside. Yeah, I know it's a weird thing to say but you seem to be 100% sure it's here, and that's the only way it'd be here. Have you seen everything, so I can get back to going through my sister's things to decide what I want to use to remember her, or do you want to keep stomping your boots all over my late parents house? I'm going to have to clean that, you know. No one else is left.' then start crying.

Thoughts anyone?
[X] Nothing, I am being paranoid. He'll probably think it was a Merchant wannabe who took it to make drugs or something.
[X] Nothing, I am being paranoid. He'll probably think it was a Merchant wannabe who took it to make drugs or something.

We have alibi we just need to stick to it and we will be fine, of course this is if we we where being fallowed. Shit now I am paranoid !
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Chapter 8
What do I do?
[X] Nothing, I am being paranoid. He'll probably think it was a Merchant wannabe who took it to make drugs or something. (4 Votes)

=={==========-- | --==========}==​

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011
11:50 AM

I pace across the living room floor.

The meeting with Ms. Wolfe had come and gone without any issue. My attention primarily focused on the door helped the meeting pass quicker, and she seemed to be a bit busy anyway, though I did tell her I would need to think about the choices for a bit longer. Throughout, there hadn't even been a siren in the distance, something actually rather uncommon for the Bay. So either Mr. Moor is going to check at the end of the day or at the end of the week, also known as tomorrow.

Or the police are not going to show up here at all.

While I was sitting at the table with Ms. Wolfe, I had thought about it a bit more, and now I'm not as sure that he will immediately connect it with me. If he had checked right away, sure, but that clearly didn't happen. I only have him in seventh period, and I've never made trouble before, unlike a number of my classmates. More than likely he'll think it is one of the troublemakers or kids wearing gang colors to school, if I weren't responsible I would guess a Merchant because I'm sure that acid can be used to make some kind of drug. I find myself relaxing a bit and lose the need to pace, I'm not out of the woods yet of course, but I'll be gone soon anyway so it doesn't really matter.

Letting out a huff of air and grab my notebook and look at the instructions again. I will need to let it set for a week and stir it every day with a glass or metal rod while in a glass container. A mixing bowl should work, and a quick check shows that we have a few in the cupboard, I am unable to find any glass or metal rods though. I'll need to go to the store. Actually, I'll need to go to the store anyway to buy hydrogen peroxide and methanol.

I open up the rainy day fund to find a whole forty dollars, which should be enough? I've never bought either of the items, but I can't imagine they're more than twenty apiece. Even if they are, I can just steal them. I already am a criminal, so what does more crime matter? I don't feel any different, though I've never given it much thought to what a criminal would feel like.

No time like the present, right? I stuff the money in my pocket and put on my jacket, I also grab my backpack, so I don't have to carry the items, and it works as an easy place to hide something if I need to steal. Heading out to a hardware store first for some methanol, since that one will be harder to find on account of not knowing what it looks like. My brief bit of research did point me toward 'wood alcohol' which an employee should be able to help me find.

Ultimately, the process is painless, up until I looked at the price tag. The smallest bottle, costing almost thirty-five dollars. I buy it, because I can, but I will have to steal the hydrogen peroxide, a fact that doesn't bother me as much as I think it should.

I get off the bus near my house and head to a small family owned pharmacy that we use since it is so close to the house. There is no one inside other than a sleepy looking young man behind the counter on account of it being the middle of the day. I find what I am looking for without any issue. Unfortunately, before I can put it into my backpack, the Bay decides to remind me why it's the Bay as I head the door open and a scratchy reedy voice call out.

"You know the drill, dude, open the register."

I peek out from behind the shelf and see two men pointing guns at the cashier that only looks slightly more awake than he did when I came in. One is rail thin and shifting from side to side, and the other one is large and sweaty with a duffle bag clutched in his offhand. The thin one makes a gesturing motion with his head into the store, and the fat one looks at him confused.

"Pills dumbass?" The same ugly voice says, and his companion's eyes light up.

"Ah, uh. Yeah, right." His voice is almost worse on the ears, sounding… wet.

The thin returns his attention to the cashier and makes a motion with his gun, which spurs the employee to start putting money on the counter. The one with a duffle bag shoves his gun in the waistband of his gym shorts and starts making his way in my direction.

I feel my heart start to race and a coiling anticipation in my gut alongside my power, both wanting.

=={==========-- | --==========}==​

What do I do?
[X] Hide, I'm not ready.
[X] Use my jacket as a mask and attack.
-[X] Try to kill them. My power has something to do with killing, right? What better chance to test it than now?
-[X] Try to spare them. I don't need the attention that would bring.
[X] Write-In
[X] Try to kill them. My power has something to do with killing, right? What better chance to test it than now?

Now while they're distracted, distracted besides it will be a good test of our combat competence and abilities. How do we go about this? It's simple sneak up on them
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by ecoolasice on Apr 7, 2024 at 1:54 AM, finished with 4 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Hide, I'm not ready.
    [X] Try to kill them. My power has something to do with killing, right? What better chance to test it than now?

Ah, a tie. I'm going to extend this by another hour to hopefully get a tiebreaker vote.
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