On second thought...

[X] Spend one Willpower: Add this card to your Pneuma.
[X][ASCENT] Keep exploring.

I still don't love this little earworm, but I guess it's not that terrible, and the interactions that gained us our Supernal resources were pretty meaningful to us so maybe we should hang onto those resources until we come across something worthy of them. And when you think about it, having a card in our Pneuma that you don't care about might actually be useful, for situations like the Gallery of Hearts where we can risk/lose a card from the Pneuma in order to gain something.
[X] Spend one Willpower: Add this card to your Pneuma.
[X][ASCENT] Keep exploring.
[X] Spend one Willpower: Add this card to your Pneuma.
It may well not be mechanically optimal, but I like Ash becoming the sort of person who invites a living song into their life.

[X][ASCENT] Keep exploring.
Honestly I could tolerate either option here, but I stand by my position that Willpower is a precious resource to be spent carefully, and we've just begun to dream tonight - I think there's every chance we'll be able to spend an Aura somewhere further along the line, and if we can, then it's of equivalent value to the Supernal we traded out for it (albeit in a different suit). However, I'm gonna argue that because we have fewer Cups left in the deck, we should keep our Connection - we have fewer chances to pick up a Cups Aura going forward, which means we're less likely to get a substitute, and as our encounter with Idra demonstrated cards can demand Supernals/Auras not matching their own suit, so we can't necessarily expect our demand for Connection to be lower than for Force.

[X] Spend one of any Supernal resource: Gain this card as an Aura.
-[X] Supernal Force
and the interactions that gained us our Supernal resources were pretty meaningful to us so maybe we should hang onto those resources until we come across something worthy of them.
On this point in particular, I'd argue that the Supernals are more fungible, and the more precious representations of those significant events are the cards we've added to our Pneuma from them (which retain their individual identity).
Locking up.

I'm going to be very busy for the rest of the day role-playing a brachiosaurus, so earlier I looked at which way the wind was blowing votewise, had my wife draw the next card, and got to writing. That way you don't have to wait a whole extra day; I'll post it up soon, before I leave.
Scheduled vote count started by picklepikkl on Mar 30, 2024 at 11:52 AM, finished with 17 posts and 12 votes.
The Second Night -- Part Two
[*] Spend one Willpower: Add this card to your Pneuma.
[*][ASCENT] Keep exploring.


You decide that the effort it would take to drive the Tragoudion away is not worth the benefit, so you come to a halt. As it comes nearer, the music stops just being in your head and starts being something you can hear with your ears. You can't stop yourself from tapping your feet and nodding your head.

And then the living song comes closer still, and you are swept up in music.

You consider yourself an appreciator of music: you played violin in school, you patronize the Cleveland Orchestra, you regularly have something playing through your headphones when you travel. But you've never experienced anything like this, never been claimed by the sound in such an all-encompassing way.

What happened is something you have to reconstruct later from memories: at the time you were not in any state to notice things, any state to analyze your experiences, because you were too busy experiencing them. There was only the song and the dance the song demanded. But -- you think that you perceived the world the way the Tragoudion does, for a few moments. It hears a beat to the universe, behind everything and between every moment. The back beat. The heartbeat.

The Tragoudion's song isn't it. Not even close. As the bestiaries alluded to, there was no enlightenment to be found from surrendering to it, no cosmic understanding gained from the shift in perspective. It is wholly and utterly itself: it lifts its voice in song, and demands the dance, because all is music and music is its own justification.

Finally, the spell passes. The Tragoudion pulls back to a distance, and you return to yourself. There is more of you, once again. You remember who you are; you remember that you have thoughts and feelings beyond the joy of the moment; you remember what it is you want so much that you sought it outside the world you knew. You continue on your way.

In idle moments, though, you find your fingers tapping out a rhythm.


Far above you, the soaring wings of the omen vulture. Far behind you, the lilting strains of the Tragoudion. Back at home while your body sleeps, presumably doing secret cat things, Hana. At this rate, you are worried about developing a reputation as some sort of occultist who keeps tiny pets.

You crest the top of a hill, and on the way down you spot a house, sitting by itself in an open field, and outside it is the figure of a person. You angle your steps accordingly; your encounters with Idra and Aiglan had been beneficial to your Ascent, and you are hopeful about the prospect of dealings with more occultists.

It becomes lighter as you draw closer, and then more intense; though there's no sun in the sky of the dreaming-realm, the light beats down on you with the force of a sunny day in highest summer. You draw close enough to make out the figure as a woman, and then closer still to see that the radiance of her features is quite literal, and you know then that you are dealing with no human, but one of the native beings of this realm. She stands there as you approach, facing you, and when you reach a comfortable speaking distance you stop and give her a polite nod.

"Greetings, Aspirant," she says. "I have been expecting you. Come inside, and I shall divine your fate." She turns and walks into her house, and you have read enough lore that you know better than to not follow her. The Oracles of the dreaming-realm use their own peculiar methods to peer into the futures of those Aspirants whose paths cross theirs; this, then, must be the Fotian Oracle. It is not required to stay to hear their prophecies in detail, but not cooperating with their desire to study your destiny at all is recommended against in the strongest terms. Bad things happen to those who entirely spurn the readers of fate. So you quicken your stride to catch up with her, and stop with her in front of the fireplace, which is built up and burning brightly despite the heat of the surroundings.

"Hold," she says, taking a small knife from the mantel and approaching you. You remind yourself that they are not known to actually hurt anyone themselves and remain still as you are told; she reaches out and takes a lock of your hair. With a smooth motion you barely feel, the Fotian Oracle cuts it away (that knife must be very sharp, if such things matter at all here), throws it into the hearth, and then gazes at the fire.

Little figures appear and disappear in the flames, dancing and spinning. You can't really make anything out, but -- somehow, it all seems terribly profound, terribly real.

"Many fates stretch out before you," says the Oracle. "One, in particular, I can see with burning clarity. A destiny of grand ambitions, of power wielded to the utmost. It is so unlike what I see when I look upon you as mortals do."

Your stomach roils in a mix of dread and excitement. Could it be possible? Despite all you've been through, could you still take up a destiny like that?

Would it still be you?

[] Take a breath, and move on: Gain this card as an Aura.
[] Spend 1 Willpower: Add this card to your Pneuma. You may, if you choose, immediately abandon your Aspiration and gain a new one associated with the Ace of Swords. If you do, gain one Supernal Force.
-[] No change to Aspiration
-[] Write-in a new Aspiration, which must begin with "I aspire to" and align with Swords.

[][ASCENT] Keep exploring.
[][ASCENT] Wake up, ending the Night.

Decks and Resources: Character Sheet
Night-specific information: 2/max 6 Explorations
  • Just to clarify the options here, because there was some confusion last time: Not listening to her prophecies gets you a Swords Aura, listening but choosing not to change Aspiration costs a Willpower and gains a card in your Pneuma (as you hear her prophecy but don't choose to accept it), and listening and changing your Aspiration costs a Willpower and gains both the card in your Pneuma and a Supernal Force.
  • For reference, here's the rundown of Swords Aspirations from the first post along with examples: You wish to acquire power in order to achieve something: become wealthy, become famous, destroy an enemy, attain a position, be the very best like no one ever was, create something believed impossible, or something else in that vein.
  • I will remind players that I will veto "I wanna be the very best like no one ever was"; the sentiment is fine, the specific phrasing is not. Yes, I know it was one of the examples, but that was before you named yourself Ash or started collecting magical critters.
[X] Take a breath, and move on: Gain this card as an Aura.
[X][ASCENT] Keep exploring.

This one's an easy choice as far as I'm concerned. I don't want to change our Aspiration, and I certainly don't want to change it to Swords. I know the winning plan in the first night was called "repeating our mistakes" but I don't think any of us was quite that literal.
That leaves us the option of adding this card to our Pneuma without changing our Aspiration, which means spending Willpower to hear a propechy that I don't want to come true. Sounds like a terrible deal.

So yeah, get that Aura. I don't think we're very likely to actually get a chance to use it, but it's better than the alternative.
[X] Take a breath, and move on: Gain this card as an Aura.
[X][ASCENT] Keep exploring.

I think it's better for Ash to still want a future away from the grind.
[X] Take a breath, and move on: Gain this card as an Aura.
[X][ASCENT] Keep exploring.

Yeah, I'm good with the current aspiration. I don't really see Ash as looking for Swords-type achievements right now.
[X] Take a breath, and move on: Gain this card as an Aura.
[X][ASCENT] Keep exploring.
I didn't think we should change our aspiration during the last day, and I don't think we should do it now. I like picking the card up in our Pneuma, though, in a "I considered it, and made the conscious choice to re-affirm my rejection of that kind of lifestyle"

[X] Spend 1 Willpower: Add this card to your Pneuma. You may, if you choose, immediately abandon your Aspiration and gain a new one associated with the Ace of Swords. If you do, gain one Supernal Force.
-[X] No change to Aspiration
I don't often endorse evil plans, but something about this inspired me.

Although an impartial observer would not see any details in the oracular fire; in the flames, Ash sees a vision that fills him with longing. Ash, surrounded by advisors, councilors, a hundred and one loyal guards, and a unique dream spirit servant for every day of the dream year. Even in this vision of mighty paradise, Ash had no partner. No friends. Ash knew in their heart that Ash would never have friends or a lover to fill the aching hole in their heart. But Ash could have this instead. Power and dominion, and safety all could be claimed on the Ascent.
[X] Spend 1 Willpower: Add this card to your Pneuma. You may, if you choose, immediately abandon your Aspiration and gain a new one associated with the Ace of Swords. If you do, gain one Supernal Force.
-[X] I aspire to conquer the dreaming-realm

Good-intentioned alternate:
Ash hated what had happened to them. What Ash had done to themself. Just as the flames burned the wood to ash so they could dance, so too had they burned themselves out. The Fotian Oracle threw kindling on the fire. It too burst into flame. The fire dancing and flickering on it briefly, before it too was consumed. Leaving only Ash behind. The Fotian Oracle threw more kindling on the fire.

In that moment, as he saw the Oracle so casually tossing kindling into the ever-hungry fire, Ash realized the truth. Or rather, a truth. Ash hadn't just burned themself out. Ash had been burned out. Expended by another, just like this kindling had been, and to as a brief a benefit. A piece of the flame Ash had thought lost, burned in their heart once again. This had to stop. Ash would not allow anyone else to be burned up as they had been. Ash would Ascend. Ash would claim power for themself, and with that power Ash would return to the waking world to replace the head of the company that burned him up. That had spent his life for the next quarter's oh-so-brief profits. He would stop the burning and bring a kinder, gentler, purer light into the world he'd thought he'd intended to leave behind.
[] Spend 1 Willpower: Add this card to your Pneuma. You may, if you choose, immediately abandon your Aspiration and gain a new one associated with the Ace of Swords. If you do, gain one Supernal Force.
-[] I aspire to stop the burning

[X][ASCENT] Keep exploring.
[X] Spend 1 Willpower: Add this card to your Pneuma. You may, if you choose, immediately abandon your Aspiration and gain a new one associated with the Ace of Swords. If you do, gain one Supernal Force.
-[X] No change to Aspiration
[X][ASCENT] Keep exploring.
[X] Take a breath, and move on: Gain this card as an Aura.

What happened to just adding a card in the Pneuma not being worth a Willpower unless we actually come across a Pneuma removing effect later on? (We already have a 3 of Swords in there, so...)
[X] Take a breath, and move on: Gain this card as an Aura.
What happened to just adding a card in the Pneuma not being worth a Willpower unless we actually come across a Pneuma removing effect later on? (We already have a 3 of Swords in there, so...)
Wouldn't quite agree with this - adding a card to the Pneuma is, as far as we've seen, roughly the "base rate" for Willpower expenditures. As such I'd consider it acceptable for things we're particularly interested in integrating into ourselves, especially if the alternative isn't just a clean free Aura (see e.g. having to spend a Supernal to get rid of the Tragoudion). That said, I don't think we really need to integrate the rejection of this prophecy, and we are once again early enough in tonight's dreaming that an Aura seems eminently usable.

I am curious what the 7 of Wands would have to offer us, though, since our Aspiration is already aligned there. Would be nice to run into it sometime soon (hint, hint, deck).
Omake -- Totally Untutored Mechanics
Happy April Fools, everyone. In honor of the holiday, I hereby present the screen you would have gotten if you had chosen to be totally untutored in the first vote.


I Walk In Dreams is divided into two phases: Days and Nights. Each Night directly follows a Day, but the next Day might not directly follow the Night -- there might be a gap of several days, or even several weeks, between Days, depending on the circumstances of your mundane life and the room it leaves you to go questing in dreams.

Days do not have specific mechanics associated with them: there may be votes involved, or there may not, but there is no mechanical system attached to how you live your mundane life.

Each Night will contain at least one Exploration. Explorations result in ?????? ????????? ?? ???, ?? ??????? ??????, ?? ??????? ??????, ????? ??? ??????. The Night automatically ends once ??? ???? ???????? ??? ?????, but an effect may also cause the Night to end early. Many Explorations will result in you needing to make a decision about how to engage with what you have found.

??? ?????

The mechanics of I Walk In Dreams are ?????????? ???? ?? ??? ?????. ???? ?? ????????? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ?????? ??-????????; ????? ??? ????????? ???????? ????? ??? ???? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ????????? ??? ?????? ????? ?????. ???? ???? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ????? ????? ????. ??? ?????-?????-????? ????? ??? ?????????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?????, ?? ????? ??? ?????????? ??????.

???? ??? ??? ?????????? ??????? ????? ?? ????? ?????. ???? ??? ?? ???????? ???? ?? the potential to have an Aspiration ?????????? ???? ???? ????.
?????? ????? ??? ??? "????????" ?? "????????" ?? ??? ?????? -- locations of particular interest, or dream-beings you find.
????? ????? ??? fellow occultists ???? ??? ???? ????? ???? ???.
?????? ??? ??? ????????? ??? ???? ???????? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ??????: ????? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??????? ???, ???????? ???? ??????? ?????-???????? ???????? ??????? ?????????????, ??? ??? ???????? ??????????? ??? ????????? ???? ????? ??? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ??????.

?? ??? ?????, ??? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ??????, ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?????.

Your ?????? contains your triumphs, your capacities, and your internal reservoirs of power -- everything that you have achieved, and acquired, through brave and capable dreaming. At the start of the quest, it contains:
  • ? ??? ????, ???????????? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ??????????? ?? ? ???????? ?????????
  • ??? ??? ?? ???? ????, ???????????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????? ??????????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ????????
??? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ? ???? ?? ??? ???????????? ?????: each Exploration consists of one ?????????? ???? ???? ??? ????. ???? ????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?? ????? ???????????. ????? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?? ???? ????, representing your climb ???? ???? ???????? ??????? ?? ??? ????????-?????. You will be told when ????? ??? ?????. ?? ??? ????? ?? ??? ?????, ?? ????????:
  • ??? ???, ?????, ????, ????, ??? ??? ?? ???? ????
  • ??? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ????
The Lost are aspects of the dream that you have expended, rejected, used up, or passed over in some way. ?? ? ???? ???? ???? ????, ?? ???? ???????? ???'? ?????? ????. At the start of the quest, nothing has been Lost.

The Unseen are the aspects of the Ascent that are, at present, beyond your reach or perception. ??? ????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ????????? ????? ??????.


Your character sheet, at such point as it exists, will possess the following mechanically-relevant information:
  • Your Aspiration
  • Your ??????
  • Your ?????????, which begins at twenty.
  • Any other resources you acquire.

Further notes on Exploration

Commonly, Explorations will involve some variation on a choice between:
  • Engaging actively with the person or place or thing that you have stumbled across and accepting it into yourself as a meaningful part of your spiritual journey. This will usually ???? ? ?????????, ??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ???????????? ?????? ????. Narratively, this will shape you and your quest.
  • Allowing the dreaming-event to pass you by, granting you some small measure of its power without otherwise affecting your Ascent. If you do this, you will usually ???? ?? ?? ?? ????, ???????????? ? ????????? ????????? ????????.
In the interests of, as much as possible, not bogging this quest down with many small votes, at the end of every Day you will be able to vote ?? ? ???????? ??? ??? ?????? ?????. ???? ???? ?? ? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?????: ??? ???? ??? ???? ?? ????? (?? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ????????????; ???????????? ???? "????? ??'?? ????? ???? ?????????" ??? ???????) ??? ??? ???????????? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ????????-????? (?? ??? ?????, ??? ???? ?????? ???? ?? "?????? ???? ?????????? ???????????????" -- ???? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ????????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ???????? ?? ??? ?????). ???-??????????????? ??????? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ? ????, ?'? ??? ????? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????. However, since you have elected to go in blind, the end-of-Day votes will attempt to capture this information metaphorically, at least until you figure out what's going on.

You may only hold three ????? at a time; ?? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ? ??????, ??? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ??????? ????. ???? ??? ???? ??, ??? ????? ?????? ????: ?? ????? ????????? ?? ??? ????????? ???? ??? ????????-?????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???????. ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????, ??? ???? ??? ????? ?? ? ????? ???? ??? ????-???????????? ?????????; ? ????? ???? ?? "????". ???????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??????, ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?????, ???????? ?????????? ??? ?????????, ??? ???????? ?????????? ??? ????.

Further notes on Aspirations

At the end of each Day after the first, you may change your Aspiration, if you believe it psychologically or narratively warranted. (There will be a cooldown on this.) However: your Aspiration must always ?? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ????????. ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ???, ??? ??? ??????, ??? ??? ??? ??????? ?? ??????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?? ????? ??? ????????? -- ?? ???? ???'? ?? ???.

If you ever ???? ??? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ?? ???????, there will be a vote to change your Aspiration immediately to one that you can support.

Continuing & Ending

????????? is ??? ???????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ?? ??? ????????. ?? ?????'? ????????????? ????????? ?? ??? ???, ??? ??? ???'? ???? ???? ????????????? ?? ??????? ????; ?? ???????, ??? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ????????? ????? ?? ???????????? ???? ??????? ?? ???????? ???? ??? ??????.

???? ????????-?????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?? ? ?????? ?? ???? ?????????? ???? -- ? ???????? ??????, ? ????????? ??????, ?? ????????? ????????. ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ? "????" ??????: ????? ???? ?????? ?? ? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ??.

?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ? ???????? ????? ??? ???? ?? ???? ? ????, ??? ??????
  • ??? ?????? ?? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ?????; ??
  • ??? ???? ?? ?????????
-- ??? ????? ???? ?? ? ??????? ??????.

????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ? ??????, there will be an epilogue update, and then the quest will be over.


???? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ??? ?????-?????. ?????? ???? ????????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??? ???????? ??????????. ???'? ??? ??? ?? ?????????. ???'? ???? ??? ???? ????. Become more, or at the very least different, than you were. Reach the highest heights, or fail to do so, or turn aside to something else you discover you want more.