Fantasy Colony Quest

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Fleeing from the Empire onto a new and alien world, how will your people fare?


One and Many

The Empire.

The pinnacle of civilization across the known world. Humanity across the lands unified into a singular structure. Taming the once-wild wilderness to the benefit of humans. Where mages and scholars have brought the art to it's furthest extent yet. Her markets filled with endless wealth. Their armies the grandest the world has ever known, drawn from ancient bloodlines. Graced to rule eternally by the Heavens as spoken by the holy ones.

The Empire.

Tyrannical, without the slightest breath of freedom. Chaotic and fracturing from deep within as faction vie for power. Verdant life turned to toxic uninhabitable wastelands. Magic itself has reached a dead-end, a local optima bound by society. Her natural resources tapped out and expended. Empty praise given to the ancient heritage and values of their warrior nobility. Even the Church has been corrupted by the cynical needs of the state.


Upon the brink of civil war and still blindly marching onward was the Empire. All this while the grandest project yet of the University was uncovered. An unearthed portal promising new lands upon a distant and alien world. Seven factions immediately saw what it represented. With the shadows of civil war looming, they took the opportunity for what it was. Escape from the fires of disaster... and possibility upon a new and untamed world. A place where the mistakes of the ancient regime would not be repeated. And perhaps in time.. undone.

Among those factions, you were:

[] The Utopians

Like a cancer, the Empire spread across the known world. Where it touched, liberty died. As her peoples learned so painfully, the gradual constriction over the free flow of information inevitably let to increasingly unchecked tyranny. This we now know, and this mistake we shall not repeat upon this new world..

+ Talents (Idealistic attitude towards population)

[] The Hive

Chaotic and fracturing, the Empire demonstrated the true value of order through it's absence. Fragmented and fractious, a divided population can be barely considered alive. Let alone sentient. If life has any meaning, it is only as part of a greater whole. It is the duty of those aware to this fact to step forward, and guide the masses out from their cloistered illusions..

+ Growth (Planned growth)
+ Industry (Mass manufacturing)
-- Economy (Crushing tyranny)

[] The Druids

Despoiling and plundering, the ancient groves, great forests and verdant mangroves all died where the Empire held sway. In due time, we learnt the true cost of our shortsighted actions, the scope of which is staggering and yet still unpaid. Here at the city center you can see the growing branches of the saplings we have brought here. They represent a promise, to ourselves and this world, to never repeat the tragedy of the old Empire.

+ Planet (Attuned to environment; Can capture mind worms)

[] The University

In the Empire, they said that our knowledge was at last complete, that under their auspices and resources have brought the Art at last to it's ultimate and final conclusion. They are so woefully incorrect. The truth is that it has stagnated, that advances infringe too much upon existing interests - None of that holds true here, on this new world. Possibilities alight simply upon stepping upon new soil..

++ Research (Brilliant researchers)
- Intrigue (Open Discourse)
- Malcontents (Lack of ethics)

[] The Traders

When the mines run empty, you prospect for new ores. When the market dries out, becomes saturated - you find new ones. And here - A new world, full of untapped resources! Need and greed has led us here, and the rewards of wealth undreamed of await for those but willing to grasp it.

+ Economy (Master Economists)
+ Commerce (Master Traders)
- Military Support (Focus on Luxury)

[] The Nobles

Once, we were glorious, truly glorious. We sang the song of blood as we clashed blades on distant lands and foreign oceans! Now those times are long past, us now 'antiquated', our ancient heritage and values given but mocking lip service in a world of lies and deceit. But here! Here on this new land there is the glory of old to be had once more..

++ Military Capability (Ancient Magical Artifacts, Military Traditions)
- Industry (Extravagant Weaponry)

[] The Believers

The old Empire grew corrupt and decadent, turning away from the true faith. As has happened countless times before, the heavens grew displeased and sent down their wrath to punish the wicked. Out of the Apocalypse of the old Empire, we the true faithful were guided to this promised land. Here, never will we turn away from on high again..

++ Military Support (Fanatical Populace)
+ Intrigue (Fanatical Population)
+ Offense (Fanatical)
-- Research (Closed-Minded)
- Planet (Planet is promised land)

[] The Planet

These new lifeforms upon your surface are curious. What do they offer? Are they threat? Are they opportunity?

+ Resources: Yes
+ Endless reserves of alien wildlife
- Alien way of thinking.
- Not actually an option.

Welcome to Fantasy Colony Quest. This quest is based heavily on Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, albeit, well, fantasy-fied.

This is my first quest so expect all sorts of issues. Feel free to ask me questions.
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mmm interesting. @Shard

1) Will all factions be present we're just choosing the one we want to start as?
2) What's the current goal of the quest? Is the empire a threat, or just background? End goal to go back and smack?
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mmm interesting. @Shard

1) Will all factions be present we're just choosing the one we want to start as?
2) What's the current goal of the quest? Is the empire a threat, or just background?
1) They will all be present! A big part of Alpha Centauri, after all, was the conflicting ideologies among the factions.
2) The goal of the quest is to make a new life on a new world. And yes, the Empire is a threat that will come up later in the quest. It's not like the portal to the new world can't be replicated..
[X] The Utopians

I always like playing as the good guys.
Hey now, lets not go making assumptions :D plenty of room to justify themselves into being the bad guys.

My current route of thinking is Druid, Utopian or Nobles.

My fear is being pidgeon holed too much into a particular archetype and want to try and ameliorate that so we don't end up stuck. Also don't want to piss off the planet too much if this one is more active than the previous one.

1) They will all be present! A big part of Alpha Centauri, after all, was the conflicting ideologies among the factions.
2) The goal of the quest is to make a new life on a new world. And yes, the Empire is a threat that will come up later in the quest. It's not like the portal to the new world can't be replicated..
Cheers. Never played it, my understanding of it is that its the far superior original to Civilisation beyond earth (which I have played.)

More questions

1) What sorta aesthetic we looking at? Modern magi-tech, medieval fantasy, steam punk? Sure different factions, but rule of thumb?
2) Similarly races and gods? We looking at humans, rat people, gods real or what we make of em etc?
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[X] The University
1) What sorta aesthetic we looking at? Modern magi-tech, medieval fantasy, steam punk? Sure different factions, but rule of thumb?
2) Similarly races and gods? We looking at humans, rat people, gods real or what we make of em etc?

1) Lemme see...

Utopians: Mix.
Hive: Mass production no jutsu, Steampunk. The Hive has the worst access to magic among the factions.
Druids: Medieval Fantasy, but replace knights with bears, wolves, native mind worms, etc.
University, Traders: Magitech
Nobles, Believers: Medieval Fantasy

Old Empire: Mix


Race: The Empire is mostly human dominated, but there are presumably all kinds of races across the land.

Religion: Gods run on belief, and The Empire has/had a whole lot of deified God-Emperors/God-Kings. Combined with conflicting ideologies between Emperors/Kings & Personal conflicts & Assassinations... The Empire is a very not stable place. Think religious warfare + civil ears whenever an Emperor croaks. Part of why you all are escaping to here.

Basically the divine pantheon of The Empire is massive mess.
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1) Lemme see...

Utopians: Mix.
Hive: Mass production no jutsu, Steampunk. The Hive has the worst access to magic among the factions.
Druids: Medieval Fantasy, but replace knights with bears, wolves, native mind worms, etc.
University, Traders: Magitech
Nobles, Believers: Medieval Fantasy

Old Empire: Mix


Race: The Empire is mostly human dominated, but there are presumably all kinds of races across the land.

Religion: Gods run on belief, and The Empire has/had a whole lot of deified God-Emperors/God-Kings. Combined with conflicting ideologies between Emperors/Kings & Personal conflicts & Assassinations... The Empire is a very not stable place. Think religious warfare + civil ears whenever an Emperor croaks. Part of why you all are escaping to here.

Basically the divine pantheon of The Empire is massive mess.

[X] The Utopians
[X] The Druids
[X] The Nobles

These are most interesting to me.
[X] The Druids
Mind worms seem like they might be interesting.

[X] The University
I'm not sure how I would do that (mix of factions), but if the voterbase decided to do a write in, like so:

[] Write in: The Traders and The University

I'd go figure something out.
Ah then it's probably a bit late since people tend to only vote once.... but I'll change my vote to that then.

[X] Write in: The Traders and The University
Adhoc vote count started by Shard on Mar 20, 2024 at 8:55 AM, finished with 17 posts and 10 votes.

Vote closed. Looks like we will be playing the University. Interesting result.
Prologue, Part 2
Prologue, Part 2

As you stepped onto the reddish-brown soil of the new planet, your new home, you contemplated your choices that have led you and your students here. You were:

[] Archmage Adgreck Berylrock

Among the Dwarven clans, the Berylrock clan was one with a long tradition of mages. You, however, were not content with simply learning the old arts, but rather with advancing them. That fervor led you to a mastery that marked you as an Archmage among your peers, then finally to the Interstellar Portal Project. You see the project and colony as ultimately subservient to the task of furthering the cause of knowledge, and have organized the University's expedition accordingly. The Empire, as well as your competitors need to be quickly outpaced. You are no stranger to the value of time, nor the value of power. History has thought your people bitterly the value of both.

+ Major head-start over the other factions.
- Relations with the other factions.

[] Professor Luthais Qinlana

Hailing from the Elven Protectorate, you worked your way through the ranks of the University until your reached it's peaks. You are no stranger to politicking, nor the importance of relationships. Working with your peers among the other factions, you have seen the value of their different perspectives towards the cause of furthering knowledge. As such, you have organized the University's expedition accordingly. Like it as not, you will have to live with the other factions and their conflicting ideals, and a good working relationship now will pay great dividends in the future. Or at least, will avoid great costs in the future. You are no stranger to the dangers of feuds.

+ Relations with other factions.

[] Consul Alex Tassilis

When the Portal Project first began with it's eclectic backers, you were concerned at it's fractiousness. Everyone cooperated only because they hated the Empire more than each other. But as time went on, you saw the value of their unity. So it was when the Project neared it's completion and everyone seemed ready to split apart in relief, you and your compatriots in the other factions brought them back together. You worked to create a single colony on the new planet, where your different strengths would add to one another. Hopefully, anyway. There were great ideological rifts between the University and the others, but it was not something that couldn't be overcome.

+/- Completely different playstyle. You are instead a single faction among seven in a single colony.


What name did the colonists give to the new world?

[] Write in: Planet Name
Time to become a global pariah state!

[X] Archmage Adgreck Berylrock
This one is also interesting.

[X] Consul Alex Tassilis
[X] Consul Alex Tassilis

More politics = fun.